module Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Covariant (Covariant (..)) where

import Pandora.Core.Functor (type (:.), type (:=), type (<-|))
import Pandora.Core.Morphism (fix, (!), (%))
import Pandora.Pattern.Category ((.))

infixl 4 <$>, <$, $>

{- |
> When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies the two laws:
> * Identity morphism: comap identity ≡ identity
> * Interpreted of morphisms: comap (f . g) ≡ comap f . comap g

class Covariant (t :: * -> *) where
        {-# MINIMAL (<$>) #-}
        -- | Infix version of 'comap'
        (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b

        -- | Prefix version of '<$>'
        comap :: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
        comap f x = f <$> x
        -- | Replace all locations in the input with the same value
        (<$) :: a -> t b -> t a
        (<$) = comap . (!)
        -- | Flipped version of '<$'
        ($>) :: t a -> b -> t b
        ($>) = (%) (<$)
        -- | Discards the result of evaluation
        void :: t a -> t ()
        void x = () <$ x
        -- | Computing a value from a structure of values
        loeb :: t (a <-| t) -> t a
        loeb tt = fix (\f -> (\g -> g f) <$> tt)
        -- | Flipped infix version of 'comap'
        (<&>) :: t a -> (a -> b) -> t b
        x <&> f = f <$> x

        -- | Infix versions of `comap` with various nesting levels
        (<$$>) :: Covariant u => (a -> b) -> t :. u := a -> t :. u := b
        (<$$>) = (<$>) . (<$>)
        (<$$$>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v)
                => (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v := a -> t :. u :. v := b
        (<$$$>) = (<$>) . (<$>) . (<$>)
        (<$$$$>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v, Covariant w)
                => (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v :. w := a -> t :. u :. v :. w := b
        (<$$$$>) = (<$>) . (<$>) . (<$>) . (<$>)

        -- | Infix flipped versions of `comap` with various nesting levels
        (<&&>) :: Covariant u => t :. u := a -> (a -> b) -> t :. u := b
        x <&&> f = f <$$> x
        (<&&&>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v)
                => t :. u :. v := a -> (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v := b
        x <&&&> f = f <$$$> x
        (<&&&&>) :: (Covariant u, Covariant v, Covariant w)
                => t :. u :. v :. w := a -> (a -> b) -> t :. u :. v :. w := b
        x <&&&&> f = f <$$$$> x

instance Covariant ((->) a) where
        (<$>) = (.)