{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Pantry.Hackage
  ( updateHackageIndex
  , forceUpdateHackageIndex
  , DidUpdateOccur (..)
  , RequireHackageIndex (..)
  , hackageIndexTarballL
  , getHackageTarball
  , getHackageTarballKey
  , getHackageCabalFile
  , getHackagePackageVersions
  , getHackagePackageVersionRevisions
  , getHackageTypoCorrections
  , UsePreferredVersions (..)
  , HackageTarballResult(..)
  ) where

import RIO
import RIO.Process
import Data.Aeson
import Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Tar
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import qualified RIO.Map as Map
import Data.Text.Unsafe (unsafeTail)
import qualified RIO.ByteString as B
import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Pantry.Archive
import Pantry.Types hiding (FileType (..))
import Pantry.Storage hiding (TreeEntry, PackageName, Version)
import Pantry.Tree
import qualified Pantry.SHA256 as SHA256
import Network.URI (parseURI)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Path ((</>), Path, Abs, Rel, Dir, File, toFilePath, parseRelDir, parseRelFile)
import qualified Distribution.Text
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal
import System.IO (SeekMode (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Text.Metrics (damerauLevenshtein)
import Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Types.Version (versionNumbers)
import Distribution.Types.VersionRange (withinRange)

import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Cache as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Remote as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.HttpLib.HttpClient as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Path as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Pretty as HS

hackageRelDir :: Path Rel Dir
hackageRelDir = either impureThrow id $ parseRelDir "hackage"

hackageDirL :: HasPantryConfig env => SimpleGetter env (Path Abs Dir)
hackageDirL = pantryConfigL.to ((</> hackageRelDir) . pcRootDir)

indexRelFile :: Path Rel File
indexRelFile = either impureThrow id $ parseRelFile "00-index.tar"

-- | Where does pantry download its 01-index.tar file from Hackage?
-- @since
hackageIndexTarballL :: HasPantryConfig env => SimpleGetter env (Path Abs File)
hackageIndexTarballL = hackageDirL.to (</> indexRelFile)

-- | Did an update occur when running 'updateHackageIndex'?
-- @since
data DidUpdateOccur = UpdateOccurred | NoUpdateOccurred

-- | Information returned by `getHackageTarball`
-- @since
data HackageTarballResult = HackageTarballResult
  { htrPackage :: !Package
  -- ^ Package that was loaded from Hackage tarball
  , htrFreshPackageInfo :: !(Maybe (GenericPackageDescription, TreeId))
  -- ^ This information is only available whenever package was just loaded into pantry.

-- | Download the most recent 01-index.tar file from Hackage and
-- update the database tables.
-- This function will only perform an update once per 'PantryConfig'
-- for user sanity. See the return value to find out if it happened.
-- @since
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => Maybe Utf8Builder -- ^ reason for updating, if any
  -> RIO env DidUpdateOccur
updateHackageIndex = updateHackageIndexInternal False

-- | Same as `updateHackageIndex`, but force the database update even if hackage
-- security tells that there is no change.  This can be useful in order to make
-- sure the database is in sync with the locally downloaded tarball
-- @since
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => Maybe Utf8Builder
  -> RIO env DidUpdateOccur
forceUpdateHackageIndex = updateHackageIndexInternal True

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => Bool -- ^ Force the database update.
  -> Maybe Utf8Builder -- ^ reason for updating, if any
  -> RIO env DidUpdateOccur
updateHackageIndexInternal forceUpdate mreason = do
  storage <- view $ pantryConfigL.to pcStorage
  gateUpdate $ withWriteLock_ storage $ do
    for_ mreason logInfo
    pc <- view pantryConfigL
    let HackageSecurityConfig keyIds threshold url ignoreExpiry = pcHackageSecurity pc
    root <- view hackageDirL
    tarball <- view hackageIndexTarballL
    baseURI <-
        case parseURI $ T.unpack url of
            Nothing -> throwString $ "Invalid Hackage Security base URL: " ++ T.unpack url
            Just x -> return x
    run <- askRunInIO
    let logTUF = run . logInfo . fromString . HS.pretty
        withRepo = HS.withRepository
                { HS.cacheRoot = HS.fromAbsoluteFilePath $ toFilePath root
                , HS.cacheLayout = HS.cabalCacheLayout
    didUpdate <- liftIO $ withRepo $ \repo -> HS.uncheckClientErrors $ do
        needBootstrap <- HS.requiresBootstrap repo
        when needBootstrap $ do
                (map (HS.KeyId . T.unpack) keyIds)
                (HS.KeyThreshold $ fromIntegral threshold)
        maybeNow <- if ignoreExpiry
                      then pure Nothing
                      else Just <$> getCurrentTime
        HS.checkForUpdates repo maybeNow

    case didUpdate of
      _ | forceUpdate -> do
            logInfo "Forced package update is initialized"
            updateCache tarball
      HS.NoUpdates -> do
        x <- needsCacheUpdate tarball
        if x
          then do
            logInfo "No package index update available, but didn't update cache last time, running now"
            updateCache tarball
          else logInfo "No package index update available and cache up to date"
      HS.HasUpdates -> do
        logInfo "Updated package index downloaded"
        updateCache tarball
    logStickyDone "Package index cache populated"
    -- The size of the new index tarball, ignoring the required
    -- (by the tar spec) 1024 null bytes at the end, which will be
    -- mutated in the future by other updates.
    getTarballSize :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m Word
    getTarballSize h = (fromIntegral . max 0 . subtract 1024) <$> hFileSize h

    -- Check if the size of the tarball on the disk matches the value
    -- in CacheUpdate. If not, we need to perform a cache update, even
    -- if we didn't download any new information. This can be caused
    -- by canceling an updateCache call.
    needsCacheUpdate tarball = do
      mres <- withStorage loadLatestCacheUpdate
      case mres of
        Nothing -> pure True
        Just (FileSize cachedSize, _sha256) -> do
          actualSize <- withBinaryFile (toFilePath tarball) ReadMode getTarballSize
          pure $ cachedSize /= actualSize

    -- This is the one action in the Pantry codebase known to hold a
    -- write lock on the database for an extended period of time. To
    -- avoid failures due to SQLite locks failing, we take our own
    -- lock outside of SQLite for this action.
    -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4471
    updateCache tarball = withStorage $ do
      -- Alright, here's the story. In theory, we only ever append to
      -- a tarball. Therefore, we can store the last place we
      -- populated our cache from, and fast forward to that point. But
      -- there are two issues with that:
      -- 1. Hackage may rebase, in which case we need to recalculate
      -- everything from the beginning. Unfortunately,
      -- hackage-security doesn't let us know when that happens.
      -- 2. Some paranoia about files on the filesystem getting
      -- modified out from under us.
      -- Therefore, we store both the last read-to index, _and_ the
      -- SHA256 of all of the contents until that point. When updating
      -- the cache, we calculate the new SHA256 of the whole file, and
      -- the SHA256 of the previous read-to point. If the old hashes
      -- match, we can do an efficient fast forward. Otherwise, we
      -- clear the old cache and repopulate.
      minfo <- loadLatestCacheUpdate
      (offset, newHash, newSize) <- lift $ withBinaryFile (toFilePath tarball) ReadMode $ \h -> do
        logInfo "Calculating hashes to check for hackage-security rebases or filesystem changes"

        newSize <- getTarballSize h
        let sinkSHA256 len = takeCE (fromIntegral len) .| SHA256.sinkHash

        case minfo of
          Nothing -> do
            logInfo "No old cache found, populating cache from scratch"
            newHash <- runConduit $ sourceHandle h .| sinkSHA256 newSize
            pure (0, newHash, newSize)
          Just (FileSize oldSize, oldHash) -> do
            -- oldSize and oldHash come from the database, and tell
            -- us what we cached already. Compare against
            -- oldHashCheck, which assuming the tarball has not been
            -- rebased will be the same as oldHash. At the same
            -- time, calculate newHash, which is the hash of the new
            -- content as well.
            (oldHashCheck, newHash) <- runConduit $ sourceHandle h .| getZipSink ((,)
              <$> ZipSink (sinkSHA256 oldSize)
              <*> ZipSink (sinkSHA256 newSize)
            offset <-
              if oldHash == oldHashCheck
                then oldSize <$ logInfo "Updating preexisting cache, should be quick"
                else 0 <$ do
                  logWarn $ mconcat [
                    "Package index change detected, that's pretty unusual: "
                    , "\n    Old size: " <> display oldSize
                    , "\n    Old hash (orig) : " <> display oldHash
                    , "\n    New hash (check): " <> display oldHashCheck
                    , "\n    Forcing a recache"
            pure (offset, newHash, newSize)

      lift $ logInfo $ "Populating cache from file size " <> display newSize <> ", hash " <> display newHash
      when (offset == 0) clearHackageRevisions
      populateCache tarball (fromIntegral offset) `onException`
        lift (logStickyDone "Failed populating package index cache")
      storeCacheUpdate (FileSize newSize) newHash
    gateUpdate inner = do
      pc <- view pantryConfigL
      join $ modifyMVar (pcUpdateRef pc) $ \toUpdate -> pure $
        if toUpdate
          then (False, UpdateOccurred <$ inner)
          else (False, pure NoUpdateOccurred)

-- | Populate the SQLite tables with Hackage index information.
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => Path Abs File -- ^ tarball
  -> Integer -- ^ where to start processing from
  -> ReaderT SqlBackend (RIO env) ()
populateCache fp offset = withBinaryFile (toFilePath fp) ReadMode $ \h -> do
  lift $ logInfo "Populating package index cache ..."
  counter <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
  hSeek h AbsoluteSeek offset
  runConduit $ sourceHandle h .| untar (perFile counter)

    perFile counter fi
      | FTNormal <- fileType fi
      , Right path <- decodeUtf8' $ filePath fi
      , Just (name, version, filename) <- parseNameVersionSuffix path =
            | filename == "package.json" ->
                sinkLazy >>= lift . addJSON name version
            | filename == unSafeFilePath (cabalFileName name) -> do
                (BL.toStrict <$> sinkLazy) >>= lift . addCabal name version

                count <- readIORef counter
                let count' = count + 1
                writeIORef counter count'
                when (count' `mod` 400 == 0) $
                  lift $ lift $
                  logSticky $ "Processed " <> display count' <> " cabal files"
            | otherwise -> pure ()
      | FTNormal <- fileType fi
      , Right path <- decodeUtf8' $ filePath fi
      , (nameT, "/preferred-versions") <- T.break (== '/') path
      , Just name <- parsePackageName $ T.unpack nameT = do
          lbs <- sinkLazy
          case decodeUtf8' $ BL.toStrict lbs of
            Left _ -> pure () -- maybe warning
            Right p -> lift $ storePreferredVersion name p
      | otherwise = pure ()

    addJSON name version lbs =
      case eitherDecode' lbs of
        Left e -> lift $ logError $
          "Error processing Hackage security metadata for " <>
          fromString (Distribution.Text.display name) <> "-" <>
          fromString (Distribution.Text.display version) <> ": " <>
          fromString e
        Right (PackageDownload sha size) ->
          storeHackageTarballInfo name version sha $ FileSize size

    addCabal name version bs = do
      (blobTableId, _blobKey) <- storeBlob bs

      storeHackageRevision name version blobTableId

    breakSlash x
        | T.null z = Nothing
        | otherwise = Just (y, unsafeTail z)
        (y, z) = T.break (== '/') x

    parseNameVersionSuffix t1 = do
        (name, t2) <- breakSlash t1
        (version, filename) <- breakSlash t2

        name' <- Distribution.Text.simpleParse $ T.unpack name
        version' <- Distribution.Text.simpleParse $ T.unpack version

        Just (name', version', filename)

-- | Package download info from Hackage
data PackageDownload = PackageDownload !SHA256 !Word
instance FromJSON PackageDownload where
    parseJSON = withObject "PackageDownload" $ \o1 -> do
        o2 <- o1 .: "signed"
        Object o3 <- o2 .: "targets"
        Object o4:_ <- return $ toList o3
        len <- o4 .: "length"
        hashes <- o4 .: "hashes"
        sha256' <- hashes .: "sha256"
        sha256 <-
          case SHA256.fromHexText sha256' of
            Left e -> fail $ "Invalid sha256: " ++ show e
            Right x -> return x
        return $ PackageDownload sha256 len

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => PackageIdentifierRevision
  -> RIO env ByteString
getHackageCabalFile pir@(PackageIdentifierRevision _ _ cfi) = do
  bid <- resolveCabalFileInfo pir
  bs <- withStorage $ loadBlobById bid
  case cfi of
    CFIHash sha msize -> do
      let sizeMismatch =
            case msize of
              Nothing -> False
              Just size -> FileSize (fromIntegral (B.length bs)) /= size
          shaMismatch = sha /= SHA256.hashBytes bs
      when (sizeMismatch || shaMismatch)
        $ error $ "getHackageCabalFile: size or SHA mismatch for " ++ show (pir, bs)
    _ -> pure ()
  pure bs

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => PackageIdentifierRevision
  -> RIO env BlobId
resolveCabalFileInfo pir@(PackageIdentifierRevision name ver cfi) = do
  mres <- inner
  case mres of
    Just res -> pure res
    Nothing -> do
      updated <- updateHackageIndex $ Just $ "Cabal file info not found for " <> display pir <> ", updating"
      mres' <-
        case updated of
          UpdateOccurred -> inner
          NoUpdateOccurred -> pure Nothing
      case mres' of
        Nothing -> fuzzyLookupCandidates name ver >>= throwIO . UnknownHackagePackage pir
        Just res -> pure res
    inner =
      case cfi of
        CFIHash sha _msize -> withStorage $ loadBlobBySHA sha
        CFIRevision rev -> (fmap fst . Map.lookup rev) <$> withStorage (loadHackagePackageVersion name ver)
        CFILatest -> (fmap (fst . fst) . Map.maxView) <$> withStorage (loadHackagePackageVersion name ver)

-- | Given package identifier and package caches, return list of packages
-- with the same name and the same two first version number components found
-- in the caches.
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => PackageName
  -> Version
  -> RIO env FuzzyResults
fuzzyLookupCandidates name ver0 = do
  m <- getHackagePackageVersions YesRequireHackageIndex UsePreferredVersions name
  if Map.null m
    then FRNameNotFound <$> getHackageTypoCorrections name
      case Map.lookup ver0 m of
        Nothing -> do
          let withVers vers = pure $ FRVersionNotFound $ flip NE.map vers $ \(ver, revs) ->
                case Map.maxView revs of
                  Nothing -> error "fuzzyLookupCandidates: no revisions"
                  Just (BlobKey sha size, _) -> PackageIdentifierRevision name ver (CFIHash sha (Just size))
          case NE.nonEmpty $ filter (sameMajor . fst) $ Map.toList m of
            Just vers -> withVers vers
            Nothing ->
              case NE.nonEmpty $ Map.toList m of
                Nothing -> error "fuzzyLookupCandidates: no versions"
                Just vers -> withVers vers
        Just revisions ->
          let pirs = map
                (\(BlobKey sha size) -> PackageIdentifierRevision name ver0 (CFIHash sha (Just size)))
                (Map.elems revisions)
           in case NE.nonEmpty pirs of
                Nothing -> error "fuzzyLookupCandidates: no revisions"
                Just pirs' -> pure $ FRRevisionNotFound pirs'
    sameMajor v = toMajorVersion v == toMajorVersion ver0

toMajorVersion :: Version -> [Int]
toMajorVersion v =
  case versionNumbers v of
    []    -> [0, 0]
    [a]   -> [a, 0]
    a:b:_ -> [a, b]

-- | Try to come up with typo corrections for given package identifier
-- using Hackage package names. This can provide more user-friendly
-- information in error messages.
-- @since
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => PackageName
  -> RIO env [PackageName]
getHackageTypoCorrections name1 =
    withStorage $ sinkHackagePackageNames
      (\name2 -> name1 `distance` name2 < 4)
      (takeC 10 .| sinkList)
      distance = damerauLevenshtein `on` (T.pack . packageNameString)

-- | Should we pay attention to Hackage's preferred versions?
-- @since
data UsePreferredVersions = UsePreferredVersions | IgnorePreferredVersions
  deriving Show

-- | Require that the Hackage index is populated.
-- @since
data RequireHackageIndex
  = YesRequireHackageIndex
    -- ^ If there is nothing in the Hackage index, then perform an update
  | NoRequireHackageIndex
    -- ^ Do not perform an update
  deriving Show

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => RequireHackageIndex
  -> RIO env ()
initializeIndex NoRequireHackageIndex = pure ()
initializeIndex YesRequireHackageIndex = do
  cabalCount <- withStorage countHackageCabals
  when (cabalCount == 0) $ void $
    updateHackageIndex $ Just $ "No information from Hackage index, updating"

-- | Returns the versions of the package available on Hackage.
-- @since
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => RequireHackageIndex
  -> UsePreferredVersions
  -> PackageName -- ^ package name
  -> RIO env (Map Version (Map Revision BlobKey))
getHackagePackageVersions req usePreferred name = do
  initializeIndex req
  withStorage $ do
    mpreferred <-
      case usePreferred of
        UsePreferredVersions -> loadPreferredVersion name
        IgnorePreferredVersions -> pure Nothing
    let predicate :: Version -> Map Revision BlobKey -> Bool
        predicate = fromMaybe (\_ _ -> True) $ do
          preferredT1 <- mpreferred
          preferredT2 <- T.stripPrefix (T.pack $ packageNameString name) preferredT1
          vr <- Distribution.Text.simpleParse $ T.unpack preferredT2
          Just $ \v _ -> withinRange v vr
    Map.filterWithKey predicate <$> loadHackagePackageVersions name

-- | Returns the versions of the package available on Hackage.
-- @since
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => RequireHackageIndex
  -> PackageName -- ^ package name
  -> Version -- ^ package version
  -> RIO env (Map Revision BlobKey)
getHackagePackageVersionRevisions req name version = do
  initializeIndex req
  withStorage $
    Map.map snd <$> loadHackagePackageVersion name version

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => RawPackageLocationImmutable
  -> PackageName
  -> Version
  -> BlobId -- ^ cabal file contents
  -> RIO env HackageTarballResult
  -> RIO env HackageTarballResult
withCachedTree rpli name ver bid inner = do
  mres <- withStorage $ loadHackageTree rpli name ver bid
  case mres of
    Just package -> pure $ HackageTarballResult package Nothing
    Nothing -> do
      htr <- inner
      withStorage $
        storeHackageTree name ver bid $ packageTreeKey $ htrPackage htr
      pure htr

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => PackageIdentifierRevision
  -> RIO env TreeKey
getHackageTarballKey pir@(PackageIdentifierRevision name ver (CFIHash sha _msize)) = do
  mres <- withStorage $ loadHackageTreeKey name ver sha
  case mres of
    Nothing -> packageTreeKey . htrPackage <$> getHackageTarball pir Nothing
    Just key -> pure key
getHackageTarballKey pir = packageTreeKey . htrPackage <$> getHackageTarball pir Nothing

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => PackageIdentifierRevision
  -> Maybe TreeKey
  -> RIO env HackageTarballResult
getHackageTarball pir mtreeKey = do
  let PackageIdentifierRevision name ver _cfi = pir
  cabalFile <- resolveCabalFileInfo pir
  let rpli = RPLIHackage pir mtreeKey
  withCachedTree rpli name ver cabalFile $ do
    cabalFileKey <- withStorage $ getBlobKey cabalFile
    mpair <- withStorage $ loadHackageTarballInfo name ver
    (sha, size) <-
      case mpair of
        Just pair -> pure pair
        Nothing -> do
          let exc = NoHackageCryptographicHash $ PackageIdentifier name ver
          updated <- updateHackageIndex $ Just $ display exc <> ", updating"
          mpair2 <-
            case updated of
              UpdateOccurred -> withStorage $ loadHackageTarballInfo name ver
              NoUpdateOccurred -> pure Nothing
          case mpair2 of
            Nothing -> throwIO exc
            Just pair2 -> pure pair2
    pc <- view pantryConfigL
    let urlPrefix = hscDownloadPrefix $ pcHackageSecurity pc
        url =
            [ urlPrefix
            , "package/"
            , T.pack $ Distribution.Text.display name
            , "-"
            , T.pack $ Distribution.Text.display ver
            , ".tar.gz"
    package <-
          { raLocation = ALUrl url
          , raHash = Just sha
          , raSize = Just size
          , raSubdir = T.empty -- no subdirs on Hackage
          { rpmName = Just name
          , rpmVersion = Just ver
          , rpmTreeKey = Nothing -- with a revision cabal file will differ giving a different tree
    case packageTree package of
      TreeMap m -> do
        let ft =
              case packageCabalEntry package of
                PCCabalFile (TreeEntry _ ft') -> ft'
                _ -> error "Impossible: Hackage does not support hpack"
            cabalEntry = TreeEntry cabalFileKey ft
            tree' = TreeMap $ Map.insert (cabalFileName name) cabalEntry m
            ident = PackageIdentifier name ver
        cabalBS <-
          withStorage $ do
            let BlobKey sha' _ = cabalFileKey
            mcabalBS <- loadBlobBySHA sha'
            case mcabalBS of
              Nothing ->
                error $
                "Invariant violated, cabal file key: " ++ show cabalFileKey
              Just bid -> loadBlobById bid
        (_warnings, gpd) <- rawParseGPD (Left rpli) cabalBS
        let gpdIdent = Cabal.package $ Cabal.packageDescription gpd
        when (ident /= gpdIdent) $
          throwIO $
            Mismatch {mismatchExpected = ident, mismatchActual = gpdIdent}
        (tid, treeKey') <-
          withStorage $
          storeTree rpli ident tree' (BFCabal (cabalFileName name) cabalEntry)
            { htrPackage =
                  { packageTreeKey = treeKey'
                  , packageTree = tree'
                  , packageIdent = ident
                  , packageCabalEntry = PCCabalFile cabalEntry
            , htrFreshPackageInfo = Just (gpd, tid)