parsley-core- A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell
Safe HaskellNone




data Parser a Source #

The opaque datatype that represents parsers.


data Reg (r :: Type) a Source #

This is an opaque representation of a parsing register. It cannot be manipulated as a user, and the type parameter r is used to ensure that it cannot leak out of the scope it has been created in. It is the abstracted representation of a runtime storage location.


class ParserOps rep where Source #

This typeclass is used to allow abstraction of the representation of user-level functions. See the instances for information on what these representations are. This may be required as a constraint on custom built combinators that make use of one of the minimal required methods of this class.



pure :: rep a -> Parser a Source #

Lift a value into the parser world without consuming input or having any other effect.


satisfy Source #


:: rep (Char -> Bool)

The predicate that a character must satisfy to be parsed

-> Parser Char

A parser that matches a single character matching the predicate

Attempts to read a single character matching the provided predicate. If it succeeds, the character will be returned and consumed, otherwise the parser will fail having consumed no input.


conditional Source #


:: [(rep (a -> Bool), Parser b)]

A list of predicates and their outcomes

-> Parser a

A parser whose result is used to choose an outcome

-> Parser b

A parser who will be executed if no predicates succeed

-> Parser b 

conditional fqs p def first parses p, then it will try each of the predicates in fqs in turn until one of them returns True. The corresponding parser for the first predicate that succeeded is then executes, or if none of the predicates succeeded then the def parser is executed.



Instances details
x ~ Defunc => ParserOps x Source #

This is used to allow defunctionalised versions of many standard Haskell functions to be used directly as an argument to relevant combinators.


Instance details

Defined in Parsley.Internal.Core.Primitives


pure :: x a -> Parser a Source #

satisfy :: x (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char Source #

conditional :: [(x (a -> Bool), Parser b)] -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b Source #

ParserOps WQ Source #

This is the default representation used for user-level functions and values: plain old code.


Instance details

Defined in Parsley.Internal.Core.Primitives


pure :: WQ a -> Parser a Source #

satisfy :: WQ (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char Source #

conditional :: [(WQ (a -> Bool), Parser b)] -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b Source #

(<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b infixl 4 Source #

Sequential application of one parser's result to another's. The parsers must both succeed, one after the other to combine their results. If either parser fails then the combinator will fail.


(<*) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a infixl 4 Source #

Sequence two parsers, keeping the result of the second and discarding the result of the first.


(*>) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b infixl 4 Source #

Sequence two parsers, keeping the result of the first and discarding the result of the second.


empty :: Parser a Source #

This combinator always fails.


(<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a infixr 3 Source #

This combinator implements branching within a parser. It is left-biased, so that if the first branch succeeds, the second will not be attempted. In accordance with parsec semantics, if the first branch failed having consumed input the second branch cannot be taken. (see try)


lookAhead :: Parser a -> Parser a Source #

This combinator will attempt to parse a given parser. If it succeeds, the result is returned without having consumed any input. If it fails, however, any consumed input remains consumed.


notFollowedBy :: Parser a -> Parser () Source #

This combinator will ensure that a given parser fails. If the parser does fail, a () is returned and no input is consumed. If the parser succeeded, then this combinator will fail, however it will not consume any input.


try :: Parser a -> Parser a Source #

This combinator allows a parser to backtrack on failure, which is to say that it will not have consumed any input if it were to fail. This is important since parsec semantics demand that the second branch of (<|>) can only be taken if the first did not consume input on failure.

Excessive use of try will reduce the efficiency of the parser and effect the generated error messages. It should only be used in one of two circumstances:

  • When two branches of a parser share a common leading prefix (in which case, it is often better to try and factor this out).
  • When a parser needs to be executed atomically (for example, tokens).


_conditional :: [(Defunc (a -> Bool), Parser b)] -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b Source #

branch Source #


:: Parser (Either a b)

The first parser to execute

-> Parser (a -> c)

The parser to execute if the first returned a Left

-> Parser (b -> c)

The parser to execute if the first returned a Right

-> Parser c 

One of the core Selective operations. The behaviour of branch p l r is to first to parse p, if it fails then the combinator fails. If p succeeded then if its result is a Left, then the parser l is executed and applied to the result of p, otherwise r is executed and applied to the right from a Right.

Crucially, only one of l or r will be executed on p's success.


chainPre :: Parser (a -> a) -> Parser a -> Parser a Source #

This combinator parses repeated applications of an operator to a single final operand. This is primarily used to parse prefix operators in expressions.


chainPost :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a) -> Parser a Source #

This combinator parses repeated applications of an operator to a single initial operand. This is primarily used to parse postfix operators in expressions.


newRegister Source #


:: Parser a

Parser with which to initialise the register

-> (forall r. Reg r a -> Parser b)

Used to generate the second parser to execute

-> Parser b 

Creates a new register initialised with the value obtained from parsing the first argument. This register is provided to the second argument, a function that generates a parser depending on operations derived from the register. This parser is then performed.

Note: The rank-2 type here serves a similar purpose to that in the ST monad. It prevents the register from leaking outside of the scope of the function, safely encapsulating the stateful effect of the register.


get :: Reg r a -> Parser a Source #

Fetches a value from a register and returns it as its result.


put :: Reg r a -> Parser a -> Parser () Source #

Puts the result of the given parser into the given register. The old value in the register will be lost.


debug Source #


:: String

The name that identifies the wrapped parser in the debug trace

-> Parser a

The parser to track during execution

-> Parser a 

This combinator can be used to debug parsers that have gone wrong. Simply wrap a parser with debug name and when that parser is executed it will print a debug trace on entry and exit along with the current context of the input.
