Module      : Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.State
Description : Partially static components of a parser
License     : BSD-3-Clause
Maintainer  : Jamie Willis
Stability   : experimental

This module contains the runtime state of a parser, which is
is partially static, since there are many refinements that can be
used to improve it but ultimately, most of this exists at runtime
in some form or another.

module Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.State (
    Γ(..), OpStack(..),
  ) where

import Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Defunc        (Defunc)
import Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.Input   (Input)
import Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.Statics (StaCont, AugmentedStaHandler)
import Parsley.Internal.Common.Vec                    (Vec)

The stack that represents the applicative arguments to a parser.
These values, when converted to @Code@ will appear in the generated
code, but can be manipulated and combined using this stack, which will
not appear in the generated code.

data OpStack xs where
  -- | The empty stack, with no operands available.
  Empty :: OpStack '[]
  -- | A pushed item on the stack, which takes the form of a defunctionalised value.
  Op :: Defunc x -> OpStack xs -> OpStack (x ': xs)

A record that bundles together all of the runtime components
of a parser in their variously statically augmented forms.

data Γ s o xs n r a = Γ { Γ s o xs n r a -> OpStack xs
operands :: OpStack xs                        -- ^ The current values available for applicative application.
                        , Γ s o xs n r a -> StaCont s o a r
retCont  :: StaCont s o a r                   -- ^ The current return continuation when this parser is finished.
                        , Γ s o xs n r a -> Input o
input    :: Input o                           -- ^ The current offset into the input of the parser.
                        , Γ s o xs n r a -> Vec n (AugmentedStaHandler s o a)
handlers :: Vec n (AugmentedStaHandler s o a) -- ^ The failure handlers that are used to process failure during a parser.