{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | A pedestrian implementation of a directed acyclic graph. Sharing is
-- explicitely represented by using node-level and edge-level identifiers. The
-- module may be convenient to use if your data structure doesn't change often.

module Data.DAG
-- * Types
, NodeID (..)
, EdgeID (..)
, Edge (..)

-- * Primitive Operations
, begsWith
, endsWith
, ingoingEdges
, outgoingEdges
, maybeNodeLabel
, nodeLabel
, maybeEdgeLabel
, edgeLabel

-- * Intermediate Operations
, prevEdges
, isInitialEdge
-- , isInitialNode
, nextEdges
, isFinalEdge

, minEdge
, maxEdge

, mapN
, mapE
, zipE
, zipE'

-- * Advanced Operations
, dagNodes
, dagEdges

-- * Conversion
, fromList
, fromList'
, fromEdgesUnsafe
-- -- ** Provisional
-- , toListProv

-- * Splitting
, splitTmp

-- * Filtering
, filterDAG

-- * Check
, isOK
, isDAG

-- * Topological sorting
, topoSort
) where

import           Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import           Control.Arrow (first)
import           Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.List as L
import           Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Array as A
-- import qualified Data.Vector as V

import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

import Data.Binary (Binary, get, put) --, putWord8, getWord8)
-- import Data.Vector.Binary ()
-- import qualified Data.Binary as B

-- Types

-- | A directed acyclic graph (DAG) with nodes of type `a` and
-- edges of type `b`.
data DAG a b = DAG
  { nodeMap :: M.Map NodeID (Node a)
  , edgeMap :: M.Map EdgeID (Edge b)
  } deriving (Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)

-- The instance below is needed for Concraft.  Something has to be done with
-- it.
instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (DAG a b) where
  put = undefined
  get = undefined

-- | Node ID.
newtype NodeID = NodeID {unNodeID :: Int}
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Node of the DAG.
data Node a = Node
  { ingoSet :: S.Set EdgeID
  , outgoSet :: S.Set EdgeID
  , ndLabel :: a }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | ID of an edge. The following properties must be satisfied by `EdgeID`:
--   * The ordering of edge IDs (`Ord` instance) is consistent with the
--     topological ordering of the edges. (TODO 26/02/2018: be more specific
--     about what consistency means in this context)
--   * The smallest `EdgeID` of a given DAG, `minEdge`, is equal
--     to `0` (`EdgeID 0`).
-- Additional important property, which guarantees that inference computations
-- over the DAG, based on dynamic programming, are efficient:
--   * Let `e` be the greatest `EdgeID` in the DAG. Then, the set of `EdgeID`s
--     in the DAG is equal to {0 .. e}.
-- However, this last property is not required for the correcntess of the
-- inference computations, it only improves their memory complexity.
-- TODO (13/11/2017): It seems that the following is not required:
--   * The smallest `EdgeID` of a given DAG, `minEdge`, is equal
--     to `0` (`EdgeID 0`).
--   Verify that (see also `splitTmp`, whose second element does not satisfy the
--   above description)!
-- TODO (26/02/2018): Perhaps we should also assume that node IDs are sorted
-- topologically? (see `splitTmp`).
newtype EdgeID = EdgeID {unEdgeID :: Int}
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Num, A.Ix)

-- | Edge of the DAG.
data Edge a = Edge
  { tailNode :: NodeID
  , headNode :: NodeID
  , edLabel  :: a }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)

-- Primitive Operations

-- | Return the edge for the given edge ID.
edgeOn :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> Edge b
edgeOn i DAG{..} = case M.lookup i edgeMap of
  Nothing -> error "edgeWith: incorrent edge ID"
  Just edge -> edge

-- | Return the tail node of the given edge.
begsWith :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> NodeID
begsWith i DAG{..} = case M.lookup i edgeMap of
  Nothing -> error "begsWith: incorrent edge ID"
  Just Edge{..} -> tailNode

-- | Return the head node of the given edge.
endsWith :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> NodeID
endsWith i DAG{..} = case M.lookup i edgeMap of
  Nothing -> error "endsWith: incorrent edge ID"
  Just Edge{..} -> headNode

-- | The list of outgoint edges from the given node, in ascending order.
ingoingEdges :: NodeID -> DAG a b -> [EdgeID]
ingoingEdges i DAG{..} = case M.lookup i nodeMap of
  Nothing -> error "ingoingEdges: incorrect ID"
  Just Node{..} -> S.toAscList ingoSet

-- | The list of outgoint edges from the given node, in ascending order.
outgoingEdges :: NodeID -> DAG a b -> [EdgeID]
outgoingEdges i DAG{..} = case M.lookup i nodeMap of
  Nothing -> error "outgoingEdges: incorrect ID"
  Just Node{..} -> S.toAscList outgoSet

-- | The label assigned to the given node. Return `Nothing` if the node ID is
-- out of bounds.
maybeNodeLabel :: NodeID -> DAG a b -> Maybe a
maybeNodeLabel i DAG{..} = ndLabel <$> M.lookup i nodeMap

-- | The label assigned to the given node.
nodeLabel :: NodeID -> DAG a b -> a
nodeLabel i DAG{..} = case M.lookup i nodeMap of
  Nothing -> error "nodeLabel: incorrect ID"
  Just Node{..} -> ndLabel

-- | The label assigned to the given edge. Return `Nothing` if the edge ID is
-- out of bounds.
maybeEdgeLabel :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> Maybe b
maybeEdgeLabel i DAG{..} = edLabel <$> M.lookup i edgeMap

-- | The label assigned to the given node.
edgeLabel :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> b
edgeLabel i DAG{..} = case M.lookup i edgeMap of
  Nothing -> error "edgeLabel: incorrent ID"
  Just Edge{..} -> edLabel

-- | The greatest `EdgeID` in the DAG.
minEdge :: DAG a b -> EdgeID
minEdge = fst . M.findMin . edgeMap

-- | The greatest `EdgeID` in the DAG.
maxEdge :: DAG a b -> EdgeID
maxEdge = fst . M.findMax . edgeMap

-- Not-so-primitive ops, but still looking at the implementation

-- | The list of DAG nodes in ascending order.
dagNodes :: DAG a b -> [NodeID]
dagNodes = M.keys . nodeMap

-- | Map function over node labels.
mapN :: (a -> b) -> DAG a c -> DAG b c
mapN f dag =
  dag {nodeMap = nodeMap'}
    nodeMap' = M.fromList
      [ (nodeID, node {ndLabel = newLabel})
      | (nodeID, node) <- M.toList (nodeMap dag)
      , let newLabel = f (ndLabel node) ]

-- | The list of DAG edges in ascending order.
dagEdges :: DAG a b -> [EdgeID]
dagEdges = M.keys . edgeMap

-- | Similar to `fmap` but the mapping function has access to IDs of the
-- individual edges.
mapE :: (EdgeID -> b -> c) -> DAG a b -> DAG a c
mapE f dag =
  dag {edgeMap = edgeMap'}
    edgeMap' = M.fromList
      [ (edgeID, edge {edLabel = newLabel})
      | (edgeID, edge) <- M.toList (edgeMap dag)
      , let newLabel = f edgeID (edLabel edge) ]

-- | Zip labels assigned to the same edges in the two input DAGs. Node labels
-- from the first DAG are preserved. The function fails if the input DAGs
-- contain different sets of edge IDs or node IDs.
zipE :: DAG a b -> DAG x c -> DAG a (b, c)
zipE dagL dagR
  | M.keysSet (nodeMap dagL) /= M.keysSet (nodeMap dagR) =
      error "zipE: different sets of node IDs"
  | M.keysSet (edgeMap dagL) /= M.keysSet (edgeMap dagR) =
      error "zipE: different sets of edge IDs"
  | otherwise = DAG
      { nodeMap = newNodeMap
      , edgeMap = newEdgeMap }
    newNodeMap = nodeMap dagL
    newEdgeMap = M.fromList
      [ (edgeID, newEdge)
      | edgeID <- M.keys (edgeMap dagL)
      , let newEdge = mergeEdges
              (edgeMap dagL M.! edgeID)
              (edgeMap dagR M.! edgeID) ]
    mergeEdges e1 e2
      | tailNode e1 /= tailNode e2 =
          error "zipE.mergEdges: different tail nodes"
      | headNode e1 /= headNode e2 =
          error "zipE.mergEdges: different head nodes"
      | otherwise =
          let newLabel = (edLabel e1, edLabel e2)
          in  e1 {edLabel = newLabel}

-- | A version of `zipE` which does not require that the sets of edges/nodes be
-- the same. It does not preserve the node labels, though (it could be probably
-- easily modified so as to account for them, though).
zipE' :: DAG x a -> DAG y b -> DAG () (Maybe a, Maybe b)
zipE' dagL dagR
--   | M.keysSet (nodeMap dagL) /= M.keysSet (nodeMap dagR) =
--       error "zipE': different sets of node IDs"
--   | otherwise = fromEdgesUnsafe newEdgeList
  = fromEdgesUnsafe newEdgeList

    edgesIn dag = map (flip edgeOn dag) (dagEdges dag)

    reconcile (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 <|> x2, y1 <|> y2)
    newEdgeMap = M.fromListWith reconcile $
      [ ( (tailNode edge, headNode edge)
        , (Just (edLabel edge), Nothing) )
      | edge <- edgesIn dagL ] ++
      [ ( (tailNode edge, headNode edge)
        , (Nothing, Just (edLabel edge)) )
      | edge <- edgesIn dagR ]

    newEdgeList =
      [ Edge {tailNode = from, headNode = to, edLabel = label}
      | ((from, to), label) <- M.toList newEdgeMap ]

-- Intermediate Operations

-- | The list of the preceding edges of the given edge.
prevEdges :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> [EdgeID]
prevEdges edgeID dag =
  let tailNodeID = begsWith edgeID dag
  in  ingoingEdges tailNodeID dag

-- | Is the given edge initial?
isInitialEdge :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> Bool
isInitialEdge edgeID = null . prevEdges edgeID

-- -- | Is the given node initial?
-- isInitialNode :: NodeID -> DAG a b -> Bool
-- isInitialNode nodeID = null . ingoingEdges nodeID

-- | The list of the succeding edges of the given edge.
nextEdges :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> [EdgeID]
nextEdges edgeID dag =
  let headNodeID = endsWith edgeID dag
  in  outgoingEdges headNodeID dag

-- | Is the given edge initial?
isFinalEdge :: EdgeID -> DAG a b -> Bool
isFinalEdge edgeID = null . nextEdges edgeID

-- Conversion: List

-- | Convert a sequence of (node label, edge label) pairs to a trivial DAG.
-- The first argument is the first node label.
_fromList :: a -> [(a, b)] -> DAG a b
_fromList nodeLabel0 xs = DAG
  { nodeMap = newNodeMap -- M.unions [begNodeMap, middleNodeMap, endNodeMap]
  , edgeMap = newEdgeMap }

    newNodeMap = M.fromList $ do
      let nodeLabels = nodeLabel0 : map fst xs
          xsLength = length xs
      (i, y) <- zip [0 .. length xs] nodeLabels
      let node = Node
            { ingoSet  =
                if i > 0
                then S.singleton $ EdgeID (i-1)
                else S.empty
            , outgoSet =
                if i < xsLength
                then S.singleton $ EdgeID i
                else S.empty
            , ndLabel = y }
      return (NodeID i, node)

    newEdgeMap = M.fromList $ do
      (i, x) <- zip [0..] (map snd xs)
      let edge = Edge
            { tailNode = NodeID i
            , headNode = NodeID (i+1)
            , edLabel  = x }
      return (EdgeID i, edge)

-- | Convert a sequence of items to a trivial DAG. Afterwards, check if the
-- resulting DAG is well-structured and throw error if not.
fromList :: [a] -> DAG () a
fromList xs =
  if isOK dag
  then dag
  else error "fromList: resulting DAG not `isOK`"
    dag = _fromList () $ zip (repeat ()) xs

-- | Convert a sequence of items to a trivial DAG. Afterwards, check if the
-- resulting DAG is well-structured and throw error if not.
fromList' :: a -> [(a, b)] -> DAG a b
fromList' x xs =
  if isOK dag
  then dag
  else error "fromList': resulting DAG not `isOK`"
    dag = _fromList x xs

-- Conversion: DAG

-- | Convert a sequence of labeled edges into a dag.
-- The function assumes that edges are given in topological order.
_fromEdgesUnsafe :: [Edge a] -> DAG () a
_fromEdgesUnsafe edges = DAG
  { nodeMap = newNodeMap
  , edgeMap = newEdgeMap }

    newEdgeMap = M.fromList $ do
      (i, edge) <- zip [0..] edges
      return (EdgeID i, edge)

    tailMap = M.fromListWith S.union $ do
      (i, edge) <- zip [0..] edges
      return (tailNode edge, S.singleton $ EdgeID i)

    headMap = M.fromListWith S.union $ do
      (i, edge) <- zip [0..] edges
      return (headNode edge, S.singleton $ EdgeID i)

    newNodeMap = M.fromList $ do
      nodeID <- S.toList $ S.union (M.keysSet headMap) (M.keysSet tailMap)
      let ingo = case M.lookup nodeID headMap of
            Nothing -> S.empty
            Just st -> st
          ougo = case M.lookup nodeID tailMap of
            Nothing -> S.empty
            Just st -> st
          node = Node
            { ingoSet = ingo
            , outgoSet = ougo
            , ndLabel = () }
      return (nodeID, node)

-- | Convert a sequence of labeled edges into a dag.
-- The function assumes that edges are given in topological order.
fromEdgesUnsafe :: [Edge a] -> DAG () a
fromEdgesUnsafe xs =
  if isOK dag
  then dag
  else error "fromEdgesUnsafe: resulting DAG not `isOK`"
    dag = _fromEdgesUnsafe xs

-- Splitting

-- | Try to split the DAG on the given node, so that all the fst element of the
-- result contains all nodes and edges from the given node is reachable, while
-- the snd element contains all nodes/edges reachable from this node.
-- NOTE: some edges can be discarded this way, it seems!
-- TODO: A provisional function which does not necessarily work correctly.
-- Now it assumes that node IDs are sorted topologically.
splitTmp :: NodeID -> DAG a b -> Maybe (DAG a b, DAG a b)
splitTmp splitNodeID dag
  | isOK dagLeft && isOK dagRight = Just (dagLeft, dagRight)
  | otherwise = Nothing

    dagLeft = DAG nodesLeft edgesLeft
    dagRight = DAG nodesRight edgesRight

    edgesLeft = M.fromList
      [ (edgeID, edge)
      | (edgeID, edge) <- M.toList (edgeMap dag)
      , endsWith edgeID dag <= splitNodeID
    nodesLeft = M.fromList
      [ (nodeID, trim node)
      | (nodeID, node) <- M.toList (nodeMap dag)
      , nodeID <= splitNodeID ]
      where trim = trimNode (M.keysSet edgesLeft)

    edgesRight = M.fromList
      [ (edgeID, edge)
      | (edgeID, edge) <- M.toList (edgeMap dag)
      , begsWith edgeID dag >= splitNodeID
    nodesRight = M.fromList
      [ (nodeID, trim node)
      | (nodeID, node) <- M.toList (nodeMap dag)
      , nodeID >= splitNodeID ]
      where trim = trimNode (M.keysSet edgesRight)

    trimNode edgeSet = trimIngo edgeSet . trimOutgo edgeSet
    trimIngo edgeSet node =
      node {ingoSet = ingoSet node `S.intersection` edgeSet}
    trimOutgo edgeSet node =
      node {outgoSet = outgoSet node `S.intersection` edgeSet}

-- Filtering

-- -- | Remove the nodes (and the corresponding edges) which are not in the given set.
-- filterDAG :: S.Set NodeID -> DAG a b -> DAG a b
-- filterDAG nodeSet DAG{..} =
--   DAG newNodeMap newEdgeMap
--   where
--     edgeSet = S.fromList
--       [ edgeID
--       | (edgeID, edge) <- M.toList edgeMap
--       , tailNode edge `S.member` nodeSet
--       , headNode edge `S.member` nodeSet ]
--     updNode nd = nd
--       { ingoSet = ingoSet nd `S.intersection` edgeSet
--       , outgoSet = outgoSet nd `S.intersection` edgeSet }
--     newNodeMap = M.fromList
--       [ (nodeID, updNode node)
--       | (nodeID, node) <- M.toList nodeMap
--       , nodeID `S.member` nodeSet ]
--     newEdgeMap = M.fromList
--       [ (edgeID, edge)
--       | (edgeID, edge) <- M.toList edgeMap
--       , tailNode edge `S.member` nodeSet
--       , headNode edge `S.member` nodeSet ]

-- | Remove the edges (and the corresponding nodes) which are not in the given set.
filterDAG :: S.Set EdgeID -> DAG a b -> DAG a b
filterDAG edgeSet DAG{..} =
  DAG newNodeMap newEdgeMap
    newEdgeMap = M.fromList $ do
      (edgeID, edge) <- M.toList edgeMap
      guard $ edgeID `S.member` edgeSet
      return (edgeID, edge)
    newNodeMap = M.fromList $ do
      (nodeID, node) <- M.toList nodeMap
      Just newNode <- return $ updNode node
      return (nodeID, newNode)
    updNode nd
      -- removing disconnected nodes
      | S.null newIngoSet && S.null newOutgoSet = Nothing
      | otherwise = Just $ nd
        { ingoSet = newIngoSet
        , outgoSet = newOutgoSet }
        newIngoSet = ingoSet nd `S.intersection` edgeSet
        newOutgoSet = outgoSet nd `S.intersection` edgeSet

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Provisional
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- | Convert the DAG to a list, provided that it was constructed from a list,
-- -- which is not checked.
-- toListProv :: DAG () a -> [a]
-- toListProv DAG{..} =
--   [ edLabel edge
--   | (_edgeID, edge) <- M.toAscList edgeMap ]

-- Check

-- | Check if the DAG is well-structured (see also `isDAG`).
isOK :: DAG a b -> Bool
isOK DAG{..} =
  nodeMapOK && edgeMapOK
    nodeMapOK = and
      [ M.member edgeID edgeMap
      | (_nodeID, Node{..}) <- M.toList nodeMap
      , edgeID <- S.toList (S.union ingoSet outgoSet) ]
    edgeMapOK = and
      [ M.member nodeID nodeMap
      | (_edgeID, Edge{..}) <- M.toList edgeMap
      , nodeID <- [tailNode, headNode] ]

-- | Check if the DAG is actually acyclic.
isDAG :: DAG a b -> Bool
isDAG = isJust . topoSort

-- Topological sorting

-- | Retrieve the list of nodes sorted topologically. Returns `Nothing` if the
-- graph has cycles.
topoSort :: DAG a b -> Maybe [NodeID]
topoSort dag0 =
  go dag0 $ S.fromList
    [ nodeID | nodeID <- dagNodes dag0
    , null $ ingoingEdges nodeID dag0 ]
    -- `noIncoming` is the set of nodes with no incoming edges.
    go dag noIncoming =
      case S.minView noIncoming of
        Just (nodeID, rest) ->
          let (dag', noIncoming') = removeNode nodeID dag
          in  (nodeID:) <$> go dag' (S.union rest noIncoming')
        Nothing ->
          if null dag
          then Just []
          else Nothing

-- | Remove the node from the graph, together with all the outgoing edges, and
-- return the set of nodes in the resulting DAG which have no incoming edges.
removeNode :: NodeID -> DAG a b -> (DAG a b, S.Set NodeID)
removeNode nodeID dag0 =
  first doRemoveNode $ L.foldl' f (dag0, S.empty) (outgoingEdges nodeID dag0)
    doRemoveNode dag = dag
      { nodeMap = M.delete nodeID (nodeMap dag) }
    f (dag, nodeSet) edgeID =
        nextID = endsWith edgeID dag
        dag' = dag
          { edgeMap = M.delete edgeID (edgeMap dag)
          , nodeMap =
              let adj node =
                    node {ingoSet = S.delete edgeID (ingoSet node)}
              in  M.adjust adj nextID (nodeMap dag)
        if null $ ingoingEdges nextID dag'
        then (dag', S.insert nextID nodeSet)
        else (dag', nodeSet)