Module      :  Database.Persist.Migration.Internal
Maintainer  :  Brandon Chinn <brandonchinn178@gmail.com>
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  portable

Defines a migration framework for the persistent library.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}

module Database.Persist.Migration.Internal where

import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (mapReaderT)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Database.Persist.Migration.Utils.Data (hasDuplicateConstrs)
import Database.Persist.Migration.Utils.Plan (getPath)
import Database.Persist.Sql
    (PersistValue(..), Single(..), SqlPersistT, rawExecute, rawSql)
import Database.Persist.Types (SqlType(..))

{- Operation types -}

-- | The version of a database. An operation migrates from the given version to another version.
-- The version must be increasing, such that the lowest version is the first version and the highest
-- version is the most up-to-date version.
type Version = Int

-- | The path that an operation takes.
type OperationPath = (Version, Version)

-- | An infix constructor for 'OperationPath'.
(~>) :: Int -> Int -> OperationPath
(~>) = (,)

-- | An operation that can be migrated.
data Operation =
  forall op. Migrateable op =>
    { opPath :: OperationPath
    , opOp   :: op

deriving instance Show Operation

{- Migration types -}

-- | A migration is simply a list of operations.
type Migration = [Operation]

-- | The backend to migrate with.
data MigrateBackend = MigrateBackend
  { createTable :: Bool -> CreateTable -> SqlPersistT IO [Text]
      -- ^ create a table (True = IF NOT EXISTS)
  , dropTable   :: DropTable -> SqlPersistT IO [Text]
  , addColumn   :: AddColumn -> SqlPersistT IO [Text]
  , dropColumn  :: DropColumn -> SqlPersistT IO [Text]

-- | The type class for data types that can be migrated.
class Show op => Migrateable op where
  -- | Validate any checks for the given operation.
  validateOperation :: op -> Either String ()
  validateOperation _ = Right ()

  -- | Get the SQL queries to run the migration.
  getMigrationText :: MigrateBackend -> op -> SqlPersistT IO [Text]

-- | Get the current version of the database, or Nothing if none exists.
getCurrVersion :: MonadIO m => MigrateBackend -> SqlPersistT m (Maybe Version)
getCurrVersion backend = do
  -- create the persistent_migration table if it doesn't already exist
  mapReaderT liftIO (createTable backend True migrationSchema) >>= rawExecute'
  extractVersion <$> rawSql queryVersion []
    migrationSchema = CreateTable
      { ctName = "persistent_migration"
      , ctSchema =
          [ Column "id" SqlInt32 [NotNull, AutoIncrement]
          , Column "version" SqlInt32 [NotNull]
          , Column "label" SqlString []
          , Column "timestamp" SqlDayTime [NotNull]
      , ctConstraints =
          [ PrimaryKey ["id"]
    queryVersion = "SELECT version FROM persistent_migration ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"
    extractVersion = \case
      [] -> Nothing
      [Single v] -> Just v
      _ -> error "Invalid response from the database."

-- | Get the migration plan given the current state of the database.
getMigratePlan :: Migration -> Maybe Version -> Either (Version, Version) Migration
getMigratePlan migration mVersion = case getPath edges start end of
  Just path -> Right path
  Nothing -> Left (start, end)
    edges = map (\op@Operation{opPath} -> (opPath, op)) migration
    start = fromMaybe (getFirstVersion migration) mVersion
    end = getLatestVersion migration

-- | Get the first version in the given migration.
getFirstVersion :: Migration -> Version
getFirstVersion = minimum . map (fst . opPath)

-- | Get the most up-to-date version in the given migration.
getLatestVersion :: Migration -> Version
getLatestVersion = maximum . map (snd . opPath)

{- Migration plan and execution -}

-- | Settings to customize migration steps.
newtype MigrateSettings = MigrateSettings
  { versionToLabel :: Version -> Maybe String
      -- ^ A function to optionally label certain versions

-- | Default migration settings.
defaultSettings :: MigrateSettings
defaultSettings = MigrateSettings
  { versionToLabel = const Nothing

-- | Validate the given migration.
validateMigration :: Migration -> Either String ()
validateMigration migration = do
  unless (allIncreasing opVersions) $
    Left "Operation versions must be monotonically increasing"
  when (hasDuplicates opVersions) $
    Left "There may only be one operation per pair of versions"
    opVersions = map opPath migration
    allIncreasing = all (uncurry (<))
    hasDuplicates l = length (nub l) < length l

-- | Run the given migration. After successful completion, saves the migration to the database.
runMigration :: MonadIO m => MigrateBackend -> MigrateSettings -> Migration -> SqlPersistT m ()
runMigration backend settings@MigrateSettings{..} migration = do
  getMigration backend settings migration >>= rawExecute'
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  let version = getLatestVersion migration
  rawExecute "INSERT INTO persistent_migration(version, label, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
    [ PersistInt64 $ fromIntegral version
    , PersistText $ Text.pack $ fromMaybe (show version) $ versionToLabel version
    , PersistUTCTime now

-- | Get the SQL queries for the given migration.
getMigration :: MonadIO m => MigrateBackend -> MigrateSettings -> Migration -> SqlPersistT m [Text]
getMigration backend _ migration = do
  either fail return $ validateMigration migration
  either fail return $ mapM_ (\Operation{opOp} -> validateOperation opOp) migration
  currVersion <- getCurrVersion backend
  migratePlan <- either badPath return $ getMigratePlan migration currVersion
  concatMapM getMigrationText' migratePlan
    badPath (start, end) = fail $ "Could not find path: " ++ show start ++ " ~> " ++ show end
    -- Utilities
    concatMapM f = fmap concat . mapM f
    -- Operation helpers
    getMigrationText' Operation{opOp} = mapReaderT liftIO $ getMigrationText backend opOp

-- | Execute the given SQL strings.
rawExecute' :: MonadIO m => [Text] -> SqlPersistT m ()
rawExecute' = mapM_ $ \s -> rawExecute s []

{- Core Operations -}

-- | An operation to create a table according to the specified schema.
data CreateTable = CreateTable
  { ctName        :: Text
  , ctSchema      :: [Column]
  , ctConstraints :: [TableConstraint]
  } deriving (Show)

instance Migrateable CreateTable where
  validateOperation ct@CreateTable{..} = do
    mapM_ validateColumn ctSchema
    when (hasDuplicateConstrs ctConstraints) $
      Left $ "Duplicate table constraints detected: " ++ show ct

    let constraintCols = concatMap getConstraintColumns ctConstraints
        schemaCols = map colName ctSchema
    when (any (`notElem` schemaCols) constraintCols) $
      Left $ "Table constraint references non-existent column: " ++ show ct

  getMigrationText backend = createTable backend False

-- | An operation to drop the given table.
newtype DropTable = DropTable
  { dtName :: Text
  deriving (Show)

instance Migrateable DropTable where
  getMigrationText = dropTable

-- | An operation to add the given column to an existing table.
data AddColumn = AddColumn
  { acTable   :: Text
  , acColumn  :: Column
  , acDefault :: Maybe Text
    -- ^ The default for existing rows; required if the column is non-nullable
  } deriving (Show)

instance Migrateable AddColumn where
  validateOperation ac@AddColumn{..} = do
    validateColumn acColumn
    when (NotNull `elem` colProps acColumn && isNothing acDefault) $
      Left $ "Adding a non-nullable column requires a default: " ++ show ac

  getMigrationText = addColumn

-- | An operation to drop the given column to an existing table.
newtype DropColumn = DropColumn
  { dcColumn :: ColumnIdentifier
  } deriving (Show)

instance Migrateable DropColumn where
  getMigrationText = dropColumn

-- | A custom operation that can be defined manually.
-- RawOperations should primarily use 'rawSql' and 'rawExecute' from the persistent library. If the
-- operation depends on the backend being run, query 'connRDBMS' from the 'SqlBackend':
-- @
-- asks connRDBMS >>= \case
--   "sqlite" -> ...
--   _ -> return ()
-- @
data RawOperation = RawOperation
  { message :: Text
  , rawOp   :: SqlPersistT IO [Text]

instance Show RawOperation where
  show RawOperation{message} = "RawOperation: " ++ Text.unpack message

instance Migrateable RawOperation where
  getMigrationText _ RawOperation{rawOp} = rawOp

-- | A noop operation.
data NoOp = NoOp
  deriving (Show)

instance Migrateable NoOp where
  getMigrationText _ _ = return []

{- Auxiliary types -}

-- | A column identifier, table.column
type ColumnIdentifier = (Text, Text)

-- | Make a ColumnIdentifier displayable.
dotted :: ColumnIdentifier -> Text
dotted (tab, col) = tab <> "." <> col

-- | The definition for a Column in a SQL database.
data Column = Column
  { colName  :: Text
  , colType  :: SqlType
  , colProps :: [ColumnProp]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Validate a Column.
validateColumn :: Column -> Either String ()
validateColumn col@Column{..} = when (hasDuplicateConstrs colProps) $
  Left $ "Duplicate column properties detected: " ++ show col

-- | A property for a 'Column'.
data ColumnProp
  = NotNull -- ^ Makes a column non-nullable (defaults to nullable)
  | References ColumnIdentifier -- ^ Mark this column as a foreign key to the given column
  | AutoIncrement -- ^ Makes a column auto-incrementing
  deriving (Show,Eq,Data)

-- | Table constraints in a CREATE query.
data TableConstraint
  = PrimaryKey [Text] -- ^ PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2, ...)
  | Unique Text [Text] -- ^ CONSTRAINT name UNIQUE (col1, col2, ...)
  deriving (Show,Data)

-- | Get the columns defined in the given TableConstraint.
getConstraintColumns :: TableConstraint -> [Text]
getConstraintColumns = \case
  PrimaryKey cols -> cols
  Unique _ cols -> cols