{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | This module provides efficient pagination over your database queries.
-- No @OFFSET@ here - we use ranges to do this right!
-- The ideal "range" column for a datatype has a few properties:
-- 1. It should have an index. An index on the column will dramatically
--   improve performance on pagination.
-- 2. It should be monotonic - that is, we shouldn't be able to insert new
--   data into the middle of a range. An example would be a @created_at@
--   timestamp field, or a auto-incrementing primary key.
-- This module offers two ways to page through a database. You can use the
-- 'streamingEntities' to get a 'ConduitT' of @'Entity' record@ values
-- streaming out. Or, if you'd like finer control, you can use 'getPage'
-- to get the first page of data, and then 'nextPage' to get the next
-- possible page of data.
module Database.Persist.Pagination
    ( module Database.Persist.Pagination
    , module Types
    ) where

import           Conduit
import qualified Control.Foldl                     as Foldl
import           Control.Monad.Reader              (ReaderT)
import           Data.Foldable                     (for_, toList)
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Database.Persist.Class
import           Database.Persist.Sql
import           Lens.Micro

import           Database.Persist.Pagination.Types as Types

-- | Stream entities out of the database, only pulling a limited amount
-- into memory at a time.
-- You should use this instead of 'selectSource' because 'selectSource'
-- doesn't really work. It doesn't work at all in MySQL, and it's somewhat
-- sketchy with PostgreSQL and SQLite. This function is guaranteed to use
-- only as much memory as a single page, and if  you tune the page size
-- right, you'll get efficient queries from the database.
-- There's an open issue for 'selectSource' not working:
-- <https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/657 GitHub Issue>.
-- @since
    :: forall record backend typ m a.
    ( PersistRecordBackend record backend
    , PersistQueryRead backend
    , Ord typ
    , PersistField typ
    , MonadIO m
    => [Filter record]
    -- ^ The filters to apply.
    -> EntityField record typ
    -- ^ The field to sort on. This field should have an index on it, and
    -- ideally, the field should be monotonic - that is, you can only
    -- insert values at either extreme end of the range. A @created_at@
    -- timestamp or autoincremented ID work great for this. Non-monotonic
    -- keys can work too, but you may miss records that are inserted during
    -- a traversal.
    -> PageSize
    -- ^ How many records in a page
    -> SortOrder
    -- ^ Ascending or descending
    -> DesiredRange typ
    -- ^ The desired range. Provide @'Range' Nothing Nothing@ if you want
    -- everything in the database.
    -> ConduitT a (Entity record) (ReaderT backend m) ()
streamEntities filters field pageSize sortOrder range = do
    mpage <- lift (getPage filters field pageSize sortOrder range)
    for_ mpage loop
    loop page = do
        yieldMany (pageRecords page)
        mpage <- lift (nextPage page)
        for_ mpage loop

-- | Convert a @'DesiredRange' typ@ into a list of 'Filter's for the query.
-- The 'DesiredRange' is treated as an exclusive range.
-- @since
    :: PersistField typ
    => Range (Maybe typ)
    -> EntityField record typ
    -> [Filter record]
rangeToFilters range field =
    fmap (field >.) (toList (rangeMin range))
    fmap (field <.) (toList (rangeMax range))

-- | Get the first 'Page' according to the given criteria. This returns
-- a @'Maybe' 'Page'@, because there may not actually be any records that
-- correspond to the query you issue. You can call 'pageRecords' on the
-- result object to get the row of records for this page, and you can call
-- 'nextPage' with the 'Page' object to get the next page, if one exists.
-- This function gives you lower level control over pagination than the
-- 'streamEntities' function.
-- @since
    :: forall record backend typ m.
    ( PersistRecordBackend record backend
    , PersistQueryRead backend
    , Ord typ
    , PersistField typ
    , MonadIO m
    => [Filter record]
    -- ^ The filters to apply.
    -> EntityField record typ
    -- ^ The field to sort on. This field should have an index on it, and
    -- ideally, the field should be monotonic - that is, you can only
    -- insert values at either extreme end of the range. A @created_at@
    -- timestamp or autogenerated ID work great for this. Non-monotonic
    -- keys can work too, but you may miss records that are inserted during
    -- a traversal.
    -> PageSize
    -- ^ How many records in a page
    -> SortOrder
    -- ^ Ascending or descending
    -> DesiredRange typ
    -- ^ The desired range. Provide @'Range' Nothing Nothing@ if you want
    -- everything in the database.
    -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Page record typ))
getPage filts field pageSize sortOrder desiredRange = do
    erecs <- selectList filters selectOpts
    case erecs of
        [] ->
            pure Nothing
        rec:recs ->
            pure (Just (mkPage rec recs))
    selectOpts =
        LimitTo (unPageSize pageSize) : case sortOrder of
            Ascend  -> [Asc field]
            Descend -> [Desc field]
    filters =
        filts <> rangeToFilters desiredRange field
    mkPage rec recs = flip Foldl.fold (rec:recs) $ do
        let recs' = rec : recs
            rangeDefault = initRange rec
        maxRange <- Foldl.premap (Just . Max . (^. fieldLens field)) Foldl.mconcat
        minRange <- Foldl.premap (Just . Min . (^. fieldLens field)) Foldl.mconcat
        len <- Foldl.length
        pure Page
            { pageRecords = recs'
            , pageRange = fromMaybe rangeDefault $
                Range <$> fmap getMin minRange <*> fmap getMax maxRange
            , pageDesiredRange = desiredRange
            , pageField = field
            , pageFilters = filts
            , pageSize = pageSize
            , pageRecordCount = len
            , pageSortOrder = sortOrder
    initRange :: Entity record -> Range typ
    initRange rec =
            { rangeMin = rec ^. fieldLens field
            , rangeMax = rec ^. fieldLens field

-- | Retrieve the next 'Page' of data, if possible.
-- @since
    ( PersistRecordBackend record backend
    , PersistQueryRead backend
    , Ord typ
    , PersistField typ
    , MonadIO m
    => Page record typ -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Page record typ))
nextPage Page{..}
    | pageRecordCount < unPageSize pageSize =
        pure Nothing
    | otherwise =
            (bumpPageRange pageSortOrder pageDesiredRange pageRange)

-- | A @'Page' record typ@ describes a list of records and enough
-- information necessary to acquire the next page of records, if possible.
-- @since
data Page record typ
    = Page
    { pageRecords      :: [Entity record]
    -- ^ The collection of records.
    -- @since
    , pageRecordCount  :: Int
    -- ^ The count of records in the collection. If this number is less
    -- than the 'pageSize' field, then a call to 'nextPage' will result in
    -- 'Nothing'.
    -- @since
    , pageRange        :: Range typ
    -- ^ The minimum and maximum value of @typ@ in the list.
    -- @since
    , pageDesiredRange :: DesiredRange typ
    -- ^ The desired range in the next page of values. When the
    -- 'pageSortOrder' is 'Ascending', then the 'rangeMin' value will
    -- increase with each page until the set of data is complete. Likewise,
    -- when the 'pageSortOrder' is 'Descending', then the 'rangeMax' will
    -- decrease until the final page is reached.
    -- @since
    , pageField        :: EntityField record typ
    -- ^ The field to sort on. This field should have an index on it, and
    -- ideally, the field should be monotonic - that is, you can only
    -- insert values at either extreme end of the range. A @created_at@
    -- timestamp or autogenerated ID work great for this. Non-monotonic
    -- keys can work too, but you may miss records that are inserted during
    -- a traversal.
    -- @since
    , pageFilters      :: [Filter record]
    -- ^ The extra filters that are placed on the query.
    -- @since
    , pageSize         :: PageSize
    -- ^ The desired size of the 'Page' for successive results.
    , pageSortOrder    :: SortOrder
    -- ^ Whether to sort on the 'pageField' in 'Ascending' or 'Descending'
    -- order. The choice you make here determines how the
    -- 'pageDesiredRange' changes with each page.
    -- @since