plist-0.0.1: Generate and parse Mac OX property list formatSource codeContentsIndex
Library for generation and parsing Mac OS X plist format
data PlObject
= PlString String
| PlBool Bool
| PlInteger Int
| PlReal Double
| PlArray [PlObject]
| PlDict [(String, PlObject)]
| PlData [Word8]
| PlDate String
writePlistToFile :: String -> PlObject -> IO ()
readPlistFromFile :: String -> IO PlObject
objectToPlist :: ArrowDTD a => a PlObject XmlTree
plistToObject :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree PlObject
objectToXml :: ArrowXml a => PlObject -> a b XmlTree
xmlToObject :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree PlObject
data PlObject Source
Data type that represents plist object
PlString Stringstring
PlBool Boolbool
PlInteger Intinteger
PlReal Doublereal
PlArray [PlObject]array
PlDict [(String, PlObject)]dictionary
PlData [Word8]raw data
PlDate Stringdate (ISO 8601, but currently it is not validated)
show/hide Instances
writePlistToFile :: String -> PlObject -> IO ()Source
Write PlObject to file
readPlistFromFile :: String -> IO PlObjectSource
Read PlObject from file.
objectToPlist :: ArrowDTD a => a PlObject XmlTreeSource
Arrow to convert PlObject to plist with root element and DTD declaration.
plistToObject :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree PlObjectSource
Arrow that converts xml tree to PlObject. Tree should contain at list one "plist" element.
objectToXml :: ArrowXml a => PlObject -> a b XmlTreeSource
Arrow to convert PlObject to xml. It produces XmlTree without root element.
xmlToObject :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree PlObjectSource
Arrow that converts xml element to PlObject. Element should be "string", "array", "dict", etc.
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2