-- | Some auxilary functions used internally

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor #-}
module Math.Algebra.Polynomial.Misc where


import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Array

-- Semigroup became a superclass of Monoid
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)     
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup

import Control.Monad

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map ; import Data.Map (Map)


-- * Pairs

data Pair a 
  = Pair a a 
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor)


equating :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Bool
equating f x y = (f x == f y)

-- * Lists

unique :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
unique = map head . group . sort

-- | Synonym for histogram
count :: Ord b => [b] -> Map b Integer
count = histogram

histogram :: Ord b => [b] -> Map b Integer
histogram xs = foldl' f Map.empty xs where
  f old x = Map.insertWith (+) x 1 old

{-# SPECIALIZE sum' :: [Int]     -> Int     #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE sum' :: [Integer] -> Integer #-}
sum' :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum' = foldl' (+) 0

longZipWith :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
longZipWith f g h = go where
  go (x:xs) (y:ys) = h x y : go xs ys
  go xs     []     = map f xs
  go []     ys     = map g ys

longReplaceListElem :: a -> Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
longReplaceListElem x0 j y xs = go j xs  where
  go  0 (x:xs) = y  : xs
  go !i (x:xs) = x  : go (i-1) xs
  go  0 []     = y  : []
  go !i []     = x0 : go (i-1) []

-- * Maps

deleteLookup :: Ord a => a -> Map a b -> (Maybe b, Map a b)
deleteLookup k table = (Map.lookup k table, Map.delete k table)

unsafeDeleteLookup :: Ord a => a -> Map a b -> (b, Map a b)
unsafeDeleteLookup k table = (fromJust (Map.lookup k table), Map.delete k table) where
  fromJust mb = case mb of
    Just y  -> y
    Nothing -> error "unsafeDeleteLookup: key not found"

-- | Example usage: @insertMap (:[]) (:) ...@
insertMap :: Ord k => (b -> a) -> (b -> a -> a) -> k -> b -> Map k a -> Map k a
insertMap f g k y = Map.alter h k where
  h mb = case mb of
    Nothing -> Just (f y)
    Just x  -> Just (g y x)

-- | Example usage: @buildMap (:[]) (:) ...@
buildMap :: Ord k => (b -> a) -> (b -> a -> a) -> [(k,b)] -> Map k a
buildMap f g xs = foldl' worker Map.empty xs where
  worker !old (k,y) = Map.alter h k old where
    h mb = case mb of
      Nothing -> Just (f y)
      Just x  -> Just (g y x)

-- * Signs

data Sign
  = Plus                            -- hmm, this way @Plus < Minus@, not sure about that
  | Minus
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

oppositeSign :: Sign -> Sign
oppositeSign s = case s of
  Plus  -> Minus
  Minus -> Plus

mulSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
mulSign s1 s2 = case s1 of
  Plus  -> s2
  Minus -> oppositeSign s2

productOfSigns :: [Sign] -> Sign
productOfSigns = go Plus where
  go !acc []     = acc
  go !acc (x:xs) = case x of
    Plus  -> go acc xs
    Minus -> go (oppositeSign acc) xs

-- | Negate the second argument if the first is odd
negateIfOdd :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b -> b
negateIfOdd k y = if even k then y else negate y


-- Semigroup became a superclass of Monoid
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)        

instance Semigroup Sign where
  (<>)    = mulSign
  sconcat = foldl1 mulSign

instance Monoid Sign where
  mempty  = Plus
  mconcat = productOfSigns


instance Monoid Sign where
  mempty  = Plus
  mappend = mulSign
  mconcat = productOfSigns



{-# SPECIALIZE signValue :: Sign -> Int     #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE signValue :: Sign -> Integer #-}

-- | @+1@ or @-1@
signValue :: Num a => Sign -> a
signValue s = case s of
  Plus  ->  1
  Minus -> -1

{-# SPECIALIZE signed :: Sign -> Int     -> Int     #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE signed :: Sign -> Integer -> Integer #-}

-- | Negate the second argument if the first is 'Minus'
signed :: Num a => Sign -> a -> a
signed s y = case s of
  Plus  -> y
  Minus -> negate y

class IsSigned a where
  signOf :: a -> Maybe Sign

signOfNum :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> Maybe Sign
signOfNum x = case compare x 0 of
  LT -> Just Minus
  GT -> Just Plus
  EQ -> Nothing

instance IsSigned Int      where signOf = signOfNum
instance IsSigned Integer  where signOf = signOfNum
instance IsSigned Rational where signOf = signOfNum

-- * Numbers

fromRat :: Rational -> Integer
fromRat r = case denominator r of
  1 -> numerator r
  _ -> error "fromRat: not an integer"

safeDiv :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
safeDiv a b = case divMod a b of
  (q,0) -> q
  (q,r) -> error $ "saveDiv: " ++ show a ++ " = " ++ show b ++ " * " ++ show q ++ " + " ++ show r

-- * Basic number theory

-- | A000142.
factorial :: Integral a => a -> Integer
factorial n
  | n <  0    = error "factorial: input should be nonnegative"
  | n == 0    = 1
  | otherwise = product [1..fromIntegral n]

-- | A007318. Note: This is zero for @n<0@ or @k<0@; see also 'signedBinomial' below.
binomial :: Integral a => a -> a -> Integer
binomial n k
  | k > n = 0
  | k < 0 = 0
  | k > (n `div` 2) = binomial n (n-k)
  | otherwise = (product [n'-k'+1 .. n']) `div` (product [1..k'])
    k' = fromIntegral k
    n' = fromIntegral n

moebiusMu :: Num c => Int -> c
moebiusMu n
  | any (>1) expos       =  0
  | even (length primes) =  1
  | otherwise            = -1
    factors = groupIntegerFactors $ integerFactorsTrialDivision (fromIntegral n)
    (primes,expos) = unzip factors

divisors :: Int -> [Int]
divisors n = [ f tup | tup <- tuples' expos ] where
  grps = groupIntegerFactors $ integerFactorsTrialDivision $ fromIntegral n
  (primes,expos) = unzip grps
  int_ps = map fromInteger primes :: [Int]
  f es = foldl' (*) 1 $ zipWith (^) int_ps es

-- | Square-free divisors together with their Mobius mu value
squareFreeDivisors :: Int -> [(Int,Sign)]
squareFreeDivisors n = map f (sublists int_ps) where
  grps = groupIntegerFactors $ integerFactorsTrialDivision $ fromIntegral n
  primes = map fst grps
  int_ps = map fromInteger primes :: [Int]
  f ps = ( foldl' (*) 1 ps , if even (length ps) then Plus else Minus)

-- | List of primes, using tree merge with wheel. Code by Will Ness.
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2:3:5:7: gaps 11 wheel (fold3t $ roll 11 wheel primes') where

  primes' = 11: gaps 13 (tail wheel) (fold3t $ roll 11 wheel primes')
  fold3t ((x:xs): ~(ys:zs:t))
    = x : union xs (union ys zs) `union` fold3t (pairs t)
  pairs ((x:xs):ys:t) = (x : union xs ys) : pairs t
  wheel = 2:4:2:4:6:2:6:4:2:4:6:6:2:6:4:2:6:4:6:8:4:2:4:2:
  gaps k ws@(w:t) cs@(~(c:u))
    | k==c  = gaps (k+w) t u
    | True  = k : gaps (k+w) t cs
  roll k ws@(w:t) ps@(~(p:u))
    | k==p  = scanl (\c d->c+p*d) (p*p) ws : roll (k+w) t u
    | True  = roll (k+w) t ps

  minus xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) = case compare x y of
    LT -> x : minus xs  yys
    EQ ->     minus xs  ys
    GT ->     minus xxs ys
  minus xs [] = xs
  minus [] _  = []

  union xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) = case compare x y of
    LT -> x : union xs  yys
    EQ -> x : union xs  ys
    GT -> y : union xxs ys
  union xs [] = xs
  union [] ys =ys

-- Prime factorization

-- | Groups integer factors. Example: from [2,2,2,3,3,5] we produce [(2,3),(3,2),(5,1)]  
groupIntegerFactors :: [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)]
groupIntegerFactors = map f . group . sort where
  f xs = (head xs, length xs)

-- | The naive trial division algorithm.
integerFactorsTrialDivision :: Integer -> [Integer]
integerFactorsTrialDivision n
  | n<1 = error "integerFactorsTrialDivision: n should be at least 1"
  | otherwise = go primes n
    go _  1 = []
    go rs k = sub ps k where
      sub [] k = [k]
      sub qqs@(q:qs) k = case mod k q of
        0 -> q : go qqs (div k q)
        _ -> sub qs k
      ps = takeWhile (\p -> p*p <= k) rs

-- * Basic combinatorics

tuples' :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
tuples' [] = [[]]
tuples' (s:ss) = [ x:xs | x <- [0..s] , xs <- tuples' ss ]

-- | All sublists of a list.
sublists :: [a] -> [[a]]
sublists [] = [[]]
sublists (x:xs) = sublists xs ++ map (x:) (sublists xs)

-- * Integer-indexed cache

intCache :: ((Int -> a) -> (Int -> a)) -> (Int -> a)
intCache compute = cached where
  cached n = lkpITable n table
  table    = mkITable (map (compute cached) [0..])

newtype ITable a = ITable [Array Int a]

mkITable :: [a] -> ITable a
mkITable = ITable . go 1 where
  go !siz list = arr : go (2*siz) rest where
    (this,rest) = splitAt siz list
    arr = listArray (0,siz-1) this

lkpITable :: Int -> ITable a -> a
lkpITable idx (ITable list) = go 1 idx list where
  go !siz !idx (this:rest) = if idx < siz
    then (this ! idx)
    else go (2*siz) (idx-siz) rest

-- * Stirling numbers

-- | Rows of (signed) Stirling numbers of the first kind. OEIS:A008275.
-- Coefficients of the polinomial @(x-1)*(x-2)*...*(x-n+1)@.
-- This function uses the recursion formula.
signedStirling1stArray :: Integral a => a -> Array Int Integer
signedStirling1stArray n
  | n <  1    = error "stirling1stArray: n should be at least 1"
  | n == 1    = listArray (1,1 ) [1]
  | otherwise = listArray (1,n') [ lkp (k-1) - fromIntegral (n-1) * lkp k | k<-[1..n'] ]
    prev = signedStirling1stArray (n-1)
    n' = fromIntegral n :: Int
    lkp j | j <  1    = 0
          | j >= n'   = 0
          | otherwise = prev ! j

-- | Stirling numbers of the second kind. OEIS:A008277.
-- This function uses an explicit formula.
-- Argument order: @stirling2nd n k@
stirling2nd :: Integral a => a -> a -> Integer
stirling2nd n k
  | k==0 && n==0 = 1
  | k < 1        = 0
  | k > n        = 0
  | otherwise = sum xs `div` factorial k where
      xs = [ negateIfOdd (k-i) $ binomial k i * (fromIntegral i)^n | i<-[0..k] ]
