{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}

module Polysemy.Internal.Combinators
  ( -- * First order
  , intercept
  , reinterpret
  , reinterpret2
  , reinterpret3
    -- * Higher order
  , interpretH
  , interceptH
  , reinterpretH
  , reinterpret2H
  , reinterpret3H
    -- * Statefulness
  , stateful
  , lazilyStateful
  ) where

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as LS
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
import           Data.Typeable
import           Polysemy.Internal
import           Polysemy.Internal.CustomErrors
import           Polysemy.Internal.Effect
import           Polysemy.Internal.Tactics
import           Polysemy.Internal.Union

-- | A lazier version of 'Data.Tuple.swap'.
swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap ~(a, b) = (b, a)

-- | The simplest way to produce an effect handler. Interprets an effect 'e' by
-- transforming it into other effects inside of 'r'.
    :: FirstOrder e "interpret"
    => ( x m. e m x -> Semantic r x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to other effects
       -- already in 'Semantic'.
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r a
-- TODO(sandy): could probably give a `coerce` impl for `runTactics` here
interpret f = interpretH $ \(e :: e m x) -> liftT @m $ f e

-- | Like 'interpret', but for higher-order effects (ie. those which make use of
-- the 'm' parameter.)
-- See the notes on 'Tactical' for how to use this function.
    :: ( x m . e m x -> Tactical e m r x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to other effects
       -- already in 'Semantic'.
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r a
interpretH f (Semantic m) = m $ \u ->
  case decomp u of
    Left  x -> liftSemantic $ hoist (interpretH_b f) x
    Right (Yo e s d y) -> do
      a <- runTactics s (raise . interpretH_b f . d) (f e)
      pure $ y a
{-# INLINE interpretH #-}

-- | A highly-performant combinator for interpreting an effect statefully. See
-- 'stateful' for a more user-friendly variety of this function.
    :: Typeable s
    => ( x m. e m x -> S.StateT s (Semantic r) x)
    -> s
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r (s, a)
interpretInStateT f s (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k ->
  fmap swap $ flip S.runStateT s $ m $ \u ->
    case decomp u of
        Left x -> S.StateT $ \s' ->
          k . fmap swap
            . weave (s', ()) (uncurry $ interpretInStateT_b f)
            $ x
        Right (Yo e z _ y) ->
          fmap (y . (<$ z)) $ S.mapStateT (usingSemantic k) $ f e
{-# INLINE interpretInStateT #-}

-- | A highly-performant combinator for interpreting an effect statefully. See
-- 'stateful' for a more user-friendly variety of this function.
    :: Typeable s
    => ( x m. e m x -> LS.StateT s (Semantic r) x)
    -> s
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r (s, a)
interpretInLazyStateT f s (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k ->
  fmap swap $ flip LS.runStateT s $ m $ \u ->
    case decomp u of
        Left x -> LS.StateT $ \s' ->
          k . fmap swap
            . weave (s', ()) (uncurry $ interpretInLazyStateT_b f)
            $ x
        Right (Yo e z _ y) ->
          fmap (y . (<$ z)) $ LS.mapStateT (usingSemantic k) $ f e
{-# INLINE interpretInLazyStateT #-}

-- | Like 'interpret', but with access to an intermediate state @s@.
    :: Typeable s
    => ( x m. e m x -> s -> Semantic r (s, x))
    -> s
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r (s, a)
stateful f = interpretInStateT $ \e -> S.StateT $ fmap swap . f e
{-# INLINE[3] stateful #-}

-- | Like 'interpret', but with access to an intermediate state @s@.
    :: Typeable s
    => ( x m. e m x -> s -> Semantic r (s, x))
    -> s
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r (s, a)
lazilyStateful f = interpretInLazyStateT $ \e -> LS.StateT $ fmap swap . f e
{-# INLINE[3] lazilyStateful #-}

-- | Like 'reinterpret', but for higher-order effects.
-- See the notes on 'Tactical' for how to use this function.
    :: ( m x. e1 m x -> Tactical e1 m (e2 ': r) x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to the new effect.
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': r) a
reinterpretH f (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k -> m $ \u ->
  case decompCoerce u of
    Left x  -> k $ hoist (reinterpretH_b f) $ x
    Right (Yo e s d y) -> do
      a <- usingSemantic k $ runTactics s (raise . reinterpretH_b f . d) $ f e
      pure $ y a
{-# INLINE[3] reinterpretH #-}
-- TODO(sandy): Make this fuse in with 'stateful' directly.

-- | Like 'interpret', but instead of removing the effect @e@, reencodes it in
-- some new effect @f@. This function will fuse when followed by
-- 'Polysemy.State.runState', meaning it's free to 'reinterpret' in terms of
-- the 'Polysemy.State.State' effect and immediately run it.
    :: FirstOrder e1 "reinterpret"
    => ( m x. e1 m x -> Semantic (e2 ': r) x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to the new effect.
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': r) a
reinterpret f = reinterpretH $ \(e :: e m x) -> liftT @m $ f e
{-# INLINE[3] reinterpret #-}
-- TODO(sandy): Make this fuse in with 'stateful' directly.

-- | Like 'reinterpret2', but for higher-order effects.
-- See the notes on 'Tactical' for how to use this function.
    :: ( m x. e1 m x -> Tactical e1 m (e2 ': e3 ': r) x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to the new effects.
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': r) a
reinterpret2H f (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k -> m $ \u ->
  case decompCoerce u of
    Left x  -> k $ weaken $ hoist (reinterpret2H_b f) $ x
    Right (Yo e s d y) -> do
      a <- usingSemantic k $ runTactics s (raise . reinterpret2H_b f . d) $ f e
      pure $ y a
{-# INLINE[3] reinterpret2H #-}

-- | Like 'reinterpret', but introduces /two/ intermediary effects.
    :: FirstOrder e1 "reinterpret2"
    => ( m x. e1 m x -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': r) x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to the new effects.
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': r) a
reinterpret2 f = reinterpret2H $ \(e :: e m x) -> liftT @m $ f e
{-# INLINE[3] reinterpret2 #-}

-- | Like 'reinterpret3', but for higher-order effects.
-- See the notes on 'Tactical' for how to use this function.
    :: ( m x. e1 m x -> Tactical e1 m (e2 ': e3 ': e4 ': r) x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to the new effects.
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': e4 ': r) a
reinterpret3H f (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k -> m $ \u ->
  case decompCoerce u of
    Left x  -> k . weaken . weaken . hoist (reinterpret3H_b f) $ x
    Right (Yo e s d y) -> do
      a <- usingSemantic k $ runTactics s (raise . reinterpret3H_b f . d) $ f e
      pure $ y a
{-# INLINE[3] reinterpret3H #-}

-- | Like 'reinterpret', but introduces /three/ intermediary effects.
    :: FirstOrder e1 "reinterpret2"
    => ( m x. e1 m x -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': e4 ': r) x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to the new effects.
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': e4 ': r) a
reinterpret3 f = reinterpret3H $ \(e :: e m x) -> liftT @m $ f e
{-# INLINE[3] reinterpret3 #-}

-- | Like 'interpret', but instead of handling the effect, allows responding to
-- the effect while leaving it unhandled. This allows you, for example, to
-- intercept other effects and insert logic around them.
    :: ( Member e r
       , FirstOrder e "intercept"
    => ( x m. e m x -> Semantic r x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to other effects
       -- already in 'Semantic'.
    -> Semantic r a
       -- ^ Unlike 'interpret', 'intercept' does not consume any effects.
    -> Semantic r a
intercept f = interceptH $ \(e :: e m x) -> liftT @m $ f e
{-# INLINE intercept #-}

-- | Like 'interceptH', but for higher-order effects.
-- See the notes on 'Tactical' for how to use this function.
    :: Member e r
    => ( x m. e m x -> Tactical e m r x)
       -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to other effects
       -- already in 'Semantic'.
    -> Semantic r a
       -- ^ Unlike 'interpretH', 'interceptH' does not consume any effects.
    -> Semantic r a
interceptH f (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k -> m $ \u ->
  case prj u of
    Just (Yo e s d y) ->
      usingSemantic k $ fmap y $ runTactics s (raise . d) $ f e
    Nothing -> k u
{-# INLINE interceptH #-}

-- Loop breakers
    :: ( x m . e m x -> Tactical e m r x)
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r a
interpretH_b = interpretH
{-# NOINLINE interpretH_b #-}

    :: Typeable s
    => ( x m. e m x -> S.StateT s (Semantic r) x)
    -> s
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r (s, a)
interpretInStateT_b = interpretInStateT
{-# NOINLINE interpretInStateT_b #-}

    :: Typeable s
    => ( x m. e m x -> LS.StateT s (Semantic r) x)
    -> s
    -> Semantic (e ': r) a
    -> Semantic r (s, a)
interpretInLazyStateT_b = interpretInLazyStateT
{-# NOINLINE interpretInLazyStateT_b #-}

    :: ( m x. e1 m x -> Tactical e1 m (e2 ': r) x)
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': r) a
reinterpretH_b = reinterpretH
{-# NOINLINE reinterpretH_b #-}

    :: ( m x. e1 m x -> Tactical e1 m (e2 ': e3 ': r) x)
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': r) a
reinterpret2H_b = reinterpret2H
{-# NOINLINE reinterpret2H_b #-}

    :: ( m x. e1 m x -> Tactical e1 m (e2 ': e3 ': e4 ': r) x)
    -> Semantic (e1 ': r) a
    -> Semantic (e2 ': e3 ': e4 ': r) a
reinterpret3H_b = reinterpret3H
{-# NOINLINE reinterpret3H_b #-}