{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Network.Xmpp.Stream where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import           Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as ExL
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8
import           Data.Char (isSpace)
import           Data.Conduit hiding (connect)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Internal as DCI
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import           Data.IP
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as Text
import           Data.Void (Void)
import           Data.Word (Word16)
import           Data.XML.Pickle
import           Data.XML.Types
import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as GIE
import           Network.Socket hiding (Stream,connect)
import           Network.DNS hiding (encode, lookup)
import qualified Network.Socket as S
import           Network.Socket (AddrInfo)
import           Network.Xmpp.Marshal
import           Network.Xmpp.Types
import           System.IO
-- import           System.IO.Error (tryIOError) <- Only available in base >=4.4
import           System.Log.Logger
import           System.Random (randomRIO)
import           Text.XML.Stream.Parse as XP
import           Lens.Family2 (over)

import           Network.Xmpp.Utilities
import qualified Network.Xmpp.Lens as L

-- "readMaybe" definition, as readMaybe is not introduced in the `base' package
-- until version 4.6.
readMaybe_ :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe_ string = case reads string of
                        [(a, "")] -> Just a
                        _ -> Nothing

-- import Text.XML.Stream.Elements

mbl :: Maybe [a] -> [a]
mbl (Just l) = l
mbl Nothing = []

lmb :: [t] -> Maybe [t]
lmb [] = Nothing
lmb x = Just x

-- Unpickles and returns a stream element.
streamUnpickleElem :: PU [Node] a
                   -> Element
                   -> StreamSink a
streamUnpickleElem p x = do
    case unpickleElem p x of
        Left l -> do
            liftIO $ warningM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "streamUnpickleElem: Unpickle error: " ++ ppUnpickleError l
            throwError $ XmppOtherFailure
        Right r -> return r

-- This is the conduit sink that handles the stream XML events. We extend it
-- with ExceptT capabilities.
type StreamSink a = ConduitM Event Void (ExceptT XmppFailure IO) a

-- Discards all events before the first EventBeginElement.
throwOutJunk :: Monad m => ConduitM Event a m ()
throwOutJunk = do
    next <- CL.peek
    case next of
        Nothing -> return () -- This will only happen if the stream is closed.
        Just (EventBeginElement _ _) -> return ()
        _ -> CL.drop 1 >> throwOutJunk

-- Returns an (empty) Element from a stream of XML events.
openElementFromEvents :: StreamSink Element
openElementFromEvents = do
    hd <- await
    case hd of
        Just (EventBeginElement name attrs) -> return $ Element name attrs []
        _ -> do
            liftIO $ warningM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "openElementFromEvents: Stream ended."
            throwError XmppOtherFailure

-- Sends the initial stream:stream element and pulls the server features. If the
-- server responds in a way that is invalid, an appropriate stream error will be
-- generated, the connection to the server will be closed, and a XmppFailure
-- will be produced.
startStream :: StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure ())
startStream = runExceptT $ do
    lift $ lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Starting stream..."
    st <- lift $ get
    -- Set the `from' (which is also the expected to) attribute depending on the
    -- state of the stream.
    let expectedTo = case ( streamConnectionState st
                          , toJid $ streamConfiguration st) of
          (Plain    , (Just (j, True)))  -> Just j
          (Plain    , _               )  -> Nothing
          (Secured  , (Just (j, _   )))  -> Just j
          (Secured  , Nothing         )  -> Nothing
          (Closed   , _               )  -> Nothing
          (Finished , _               )  -> Nothing
    case streamAddress st of
        Nothing -> do
            lift $ lift $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Server sent no hostname."
            throwError XmppOtherFailure
        Just address -> do
            ExceptT $ pushXmlDecl
            ExceptT . pushOpenElement . streamNSHack $
                pickleElem xpStream ( "1.0"
                                    , expectedTo
                                    , Just (Jid Nothing (Nonempty address) Nothing)
                                    , Nothing
                                    , preferredLang $ streamConfiguration st
    response <- ExceptT $ runEventsSink $ streamS expectedTo
    case response of
      Right (ver, from, to, sid, lt, features)
        | versionFromText ver == Nothing -> closeStreamWithError
                                            StreamUnsupportedVersion Nothing
                                            "Unspecified version"
        | let v = versionFromText ver
          in isJust v && majorVersion (fromJust v) >= 2 ->
            closeStreamWithError StreamUnsupportedVersion Nothing
              "Non-1.x version"
    -- HACK: We ignore MUST-strength requirement (section 4.7.4. of RFC
    -- 6120) for the sake of compatibility with jabber.org
        --  | lt == Nothing ->
        --     closeStreamWithError StreamInvalidXml Nothing
        --         "Stream has no language tag"

    -- If `from' is set, we verify that it's the correct one. TODO: Should we
    -- check against the realm instead?
        | isJust from && (from /= Just (Jid Nothing (Nonempty . fromJust $ streamAddress st) Nothing)) ->
            closeStreamWithError StreamInvalidFrom Nothing
                "Stream from is invalid"
        | to /= expectedTo ->
            closeStreamWithError StreamUndefinedCondition (Just $ Element "invalid-to" [] [])
                "Stream to invalid"-- TODO: Suitable?
        | otherwise -> do
            -- HACK: (ignore section 4.7.4. of RFC 6120), see above
            unless (isJust lt) $ liftIO $ warningM "Pontariusm.Xmpp"
                "Stream has no language tag"
            modify (\s -> s{ streamFeatures = features
                           , streamLang = lt
                           , streamId = sid
                           , streamFrom = from
                         } )
            return ()
      -- Unpickling failed - we investigate the element.
      Left (Element name attrs _children)
        | (nameLocalName name /= "stream") ->
            closeStreamWithError StreamInvalidXml Nothing
               "Root element is not stream"
        | (nameNamespace name /= Just "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams") ->
            closeStreamWithError StreamInvalidNamespace Nothing
               "Wrong root element name space"
        | (isJust $ namePrefix name) && (fromJust (namePrefix name) /= "stream") ->
            closeStreamWithError StreamBadNamespacePrefix Nothing
                "Root name prefix set and not stream"
        | otherwise -> ExceptT $ checkchildren (flattenAttrs attrs)
    -- HACK: We include the default namespace to make isode's M-LINK server happy.
    streamNSHack e = e{elementAttributes = elementAttributes e
                                           ++ [( "xmlns"
                                               , [ContentText "jabber:client"])]}
    closeStreamWithError  :: StreamErrorCondition -> Maybe Element -> String
                          -> ExceptT XmppFailure (StateT StreamState IO) ()
    closeStreamWithError sec el msg = do
        void . lift . pushElement . pickleElem xpStreamError
            $ StreamErrorInfo sec Nothing el
        void . lift $ closeStreams'
        liftIO $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "closeStreamWithError: " ++ msg
        throwError XmppOtherFailure
    checkchildren children =
        let to'  = lookup "to"      children
            ver' = lookup "version" children
            xl   = lookup xmlLang   children
          in case () of () | Just Nothing == fmap jidFromText to' ->
                               runExceptT $ closeStreamWithError
                                   StreamBadNamespacePrefix Nothing
                                   "stream to not a valid JID"
                           | Nothing == ver' ->
                               runExceptT $ closeStreamWithError
                                   StreamUnsupportedVersion Nothing
                                   "stream no version"
                           | Just (Nothing :: Maybe LangTag) == (safeRead <$> xl) ->
                               runExceptT $ closeStreamWithError
                                   StreamInvalidXml Nothing
                                   "stream no language tag"
                           | otherwise ->
                               runExceptT $ closeStreamWithError
                                   StreamBadFormat Nothing
    safeRead x = case reads $ Text.unpack x of
        [] -> Nothing
        ((y,_):_) -> Just y

flattenAttrs :: [(Name, [Content])] -> [(Name, Text.Text)]
flattenAttrs attrs = Prelude.map (\(name, cont) ->
                             ( name
                             , Text.concat $ Prelude.map uncontentify cont)
    uncontentify (ContentText t) = t
    uncontentify _ = ""

-- Sets a new Event source using the raw source (of bytes)
-- and calls xmppStartStream.
restartStream :: StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure ())
restartStream = do
    liftIO $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Restarting stream..."
    raw <- gets streamHandle
    let newSource = sourceStreamHandle raw $= XP.parseBytes def
    buffered <- liftIO . bufferSrc $ newSource
    modify (\s -> s{streamEventSource = buffered })

-- Creates a conduit from a StreamHandle
sourceStreamHandleRaw :: (MonadIO m, MonadError XmppFailure m)
                      => StreamHandle -> ConduitM i ByteString m ()
sourceStreamHandleRaw s = forever . read $ streamReceive s
    read rd = do
        bs' <- liftIO (rd 4096)
        bs <- case bs' of
            Left e -> throwError e
            Right r -> return r
        yield bs

sourceStreamHandle :: (MonadIO m, MonadError XmppFailure m)
                      => StreamHandle -> ConduitM i ByteString m ()
sourceStreamHandle sh = sourceStreamHandleRaw sh $= logInput

logInput :: MonadIO m => ConduitM ByteString ByteString m ()
logInput = go Nothing
    go mbDec = do
        mbBs <- await
        case mbBs of
         Nothing -> return ()
         Just bs -> do
           let decode = case mbDec of
                         Nothing -> Text.streamDecodeUtf8With Text.lenientDecode
                         Just d -> d
               (Text.Some out leftover cont) = decode bs
               cont' = if BS.null leftover
                       then Nothing
                       else Just cont
           unless (Text.null out) $
               liftIO $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
                                $ "in: " ++ Text.unpack out
           yield bs
           go cont'

-- We buffer sources because we don't want to lose data when multiple
-- xml-entities are sent with the same packet and we don't want to eternally
-- block the StreamState while waiting for data to arrive
bufferSrc :: ConduitT () o (ExceptT XmppFailure IO) ()
          -> IO (ConduitM i o (ExceptT XmppFailure IO) ())
bufferSrc src = do
    ref <- newTMVarIO $ DCI.sealConduitT src
    let go = do
            dt <- liftIO $ Ex.bracketOnError
                      (atomically $ takeTMVar ref)
                      (\_ -> atomically . putTMVar ref $ zeroResumableSource)
                      (\s -> do
                            res <- runExceptT (s $$++ await)
                            case res of
                                Left e -> do
                                    atomically $ putTMVar ref zeroResumableSource
                                    return $ Left e
                                Right (s',b) -> do
                                    atomically $ putTMVar ref s'
                                    return $ Right b
            case dt of
                Left e -> throwError e
                Right Nothing -> return ()
                Right (Just d) -> yield d >> go
    return go
    zeroResumableSource = DCI.sealConduitT zeroSource

-- Reads the (partial) stream:stream and the server features from the stream.
-- Returns the (unvalidated) stream attributes, the unparsed element, or
-- throwError throws a `XmppOtherFailure' (if something other than an element
-- was encountered at first, or if something other than stream features was
-- encountered second).
-- TODO: from.
streamS :: Maybe Jid -> StreamSink (Either Element ( Text
                                                   , Maybe Jid
                                                   , Maybe Jid
                                                   , Maybe Text
                                                   , Maybe LangTag
                                                   , StreamFeatures ))
streamS _expectedTo = do -- TODO: check expectedTo
    streamHeader <- xmppStreamHeader
    case streamHeader of
      Right (version, from, to, sid, lTag) -> do
        features <- xmppStreamFeatures
        return $ Right (version, from, to, sid, lTag, features)
      Left el -> return $ Left el
    xmppStreamHeader :: StreamSink (Either Element (Text, Maybe Jid, Maybe Jid, Maybe Text.Text, Maybe LangTag))
    xmppStreamHeader = do
        -- Get the stream:stream element (or whatever it is) from the server,
        -- and validate what we get.
        el <- openElementFromEvents -- May throw `XmppOtherFailure' if an
                                    -- element is not received
        case unpickleElem xpStream el of
            Left _ -> return $ Left el
            Right r -> return $ Right r
    xmppStreamFeatures :: StreamSink StreamFeatures
    xmppStreamFeatures = do
        e <- elements =$ await
        case e of
            Nothing -> do
                lift $ lift $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "streamS: Stream ended."
                throwError XmppOtherFailure
            Just r -> streamUnpickleElem xpStreamFeatures r

-- | Connects to the XMPP server and opens the XMPP stream against the given
-- realm.
openStream :: HostName -> StreamConfiguration -> IO (Either XmppFailure (Stream))
openStream realm config = runExceptT $ do
    lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Opening stream..."
    stream' <- createStream realm config
    ExceptT . liftIO $ withStream startStream stream'
    return stream'

-- | Send \"</stream:stream>\" and wait for the server to finish processing and
-- to close the connection. Any remaining elements from the server are returned.
-- Surpresses 'StreamEndFailure' exceptions, but may throw a 'StreamCloseError'.
closeStreams :: Stream -> IO ()
closeStreams = withStream closeStreams'

closeStreams' :: StateT StreamState IO ()
closeStreams' = do
    lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Closing stream"
    send <- gets (streamSend . streamHandle)
    cc <- gets (streamClose . streamHandle)
    lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Sending closing tag"
    void . liftIO $ send "</stream:stream>"
    lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Waiting for stream to close"
    void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
        threadDelay 3000000 -- TODO: Configurable value
        void ((Ex.try cc) :: IO (Either Ex.SomeException ()))
        return ()
    put xmppNoStream{ streamConnectionState = Finished }
--     lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Collecting remaining elements"
--     es <- collectElems []
    -- lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Stream sucessfully closed"
    -- return es
  -- where
  --   -- Pulls elements from the stream until the stream ends, or an error is
  --   -- raised.
  --   collectElems :: [Element] -> StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure [Element])
  --   collectElems es = do
  --       result <- pullElement
  --       case result of
  --           Left StreamEndFailure -> return $ Right es
  --           Left e -> return $ Left $ StreamCloseError (es, e)
  --           Right e -> collectElems (e:es)

-- TODO: Can the TLS send/recv functions throw something other than an IO error?
debugOut :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> m ()
debugOut outData = liftIO $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
             ("Out: " ++ (Text.unpack . Text.decodeUtf8 $ outData))

wrapIOException :: MonadIO m =>
                -> IO a
                -> m (Either XmppFailure a)
wrapIOException tag action = do
    r <- liftIO $ tryIOError action
    case r of
        Right b -> return $ Right b
        Left e -> do
            liftIO $ warningM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ concat
                [ "wrapIOException ("
                , tag
                , ") : Exception wrapped: "
                , show e
            return $ Left $ XmppIOException e

pushElement :: Element -> StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure ())
pushElement x = do
    send <- gets (streamSend . streamHandle)
    let outData = renderElement $ nsHack x
    debugOut outData
    lift $ send outData

-- HACK: We remove the "jabber:client" namespace because it is set as
-- default in the stream. This is to make isode's M-LINK server happy and
-- should be removed once jabber.org accepts prefix-free canonicalization
nsHack :: Element -> Element
nsHack e@(Element{elementName = n})
    | nameNamespace n == Just "jabber:client" =
        e{ elementName = Name (nameLocalName n) Nothing Nothing
         , elementNodes = map mapNSHack $ elementNodes e
    | otherwise = e
    mapNSHack :: Node -> Node
    mapNSHack (NodeElement el) = NodeElement $ nsHack el
    mapNSHack nd = nd

-- | Encode and send stanza
pushStanza :: Stanza -> Stream -> IO (Either XmppFailure ())
pushStanza s = withStream' . pushElement $ pickleElem xpStanza s

-- XML documents and XMPP streams SHOULD be preceeded by an XML declaration.
-- UTF-8 is the only supported XMPP encoding. The standalone document
-- declaration (matching "SDDecl" in the XML standard) MUST NOT be included in
-- XMPP streams. RFC 6120 defines XMPP only in terms of XML 1.0.
pushXmlDecl :: StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure ())
pushXmlDecl = do
    con <- gets streamHandle
    lift $ streamSend con "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"

pushOpenElement :: Element -> StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure ())
pushOpenElement e = do
    send <- gets (streamSend . streamHandle)
    let outData = renderOpenElement e
    debugOut outData
    lift $ send outData

-- `Connect-and-resumes' the given sink to the stream source, and pulls a
-- `b' value.
runEventsSink :: ConduitT Event Void (ExceptT XmppFailure IO) b
              -> StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure b)
runEventsSink snk = do -- TODO: Wrap exceptions?
    src <- gets streamEventSource
    lift . runExceptT $ src $$ snk

pullElement :: StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure Element)
pullElement = do
    e <- runEventsSink (elements =$ await)
    case e of
        Left l -> do
            liftIO .  errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $
                  "Error while retrieving XML element: " ++ show l
            return $ Left l

        Right Nothing -> do
            liftIO $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "pullElement: Stream ended."
            return . Left $ XmppOtherFailure
        Right (Just r) -> return $ Right r

-- Pulls an element and unpickles it.
pullUnpickle :: PU [Node] a -> StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure a)
pullUnpickle p = do
    el <- pullElement
    case el of
        Left e -> return $ Left e
        Right elem' -> do
            let res = unpickleElem p elem'
            case res of
                Left e -> do
                    lift $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "pullUnpickle: Unpickle failed: " ++ (ppUnpickleError e)
                    return . Left $ XmppOtherFailure
                Right r -> return $ Right r

-- | Pulls a stanza (or stream error) from the stream.
pullStanza :: Stream -> IO (Either XmppFailure Stanza)
pullStanza = withStream' $ do
    res <- pullUnpickle xpStreamStanza
    case res of
        Left e -> return $ Left e
        Right (Left e) -> return $ Left $ StreamErrorFailure e
        Right (Right r) -> return $ Right r

-- | Pulls a stanza, nonza or stream error from the stream.
pullXmppElement :: Stream -> IO (Either XmppFailure XmppElement)
pullXmppElement = withStream' $ do
    res <- pullUnpickle xpStreamElement
    case res of
        Left e -> return $ Left e
        Right (Left e) -> return $ Left $ StreamErrorFailure e
        Right (Right r) -> return $ Right r

-- Performs the given IO operation, catches any errors and re-throws everything
-- except 'ResourceVanished' and IllegalOperation, which it will return.
catchPush :: IO () -> IO (Either XmppFailure ())
catchPush p = ExL.catch
    (p >> return (Right ()))
    (\e -> case GIE.ioe_type e of
         GIE.ResourceVanished -> return . Left $ XmppIOException e
         GIE.IllegalOperation -> return . Left $ XmppIOException e
         _ -> ExL.throwIO e

zeroHandle :: StreamHandle
zeroHandle = StreamHandle { streamSend = \_ -> return (Left XmppNoStream)
                          , streamReceive = \_ -> do
                                 errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
                                        "xmppNoStream: Stream is closed."
                                 return $ Left XmppNoStream
                          , streamFlush = return ()
                          , streamClose = return ()

-- Stream state used when there is no connection.
xmppNoStream :: StreamState
xmppNoStream = StreamState {
      streamConnectionState = Closed
    , streamHandle = zeroHandle
    , streamEventSource = zeroSource
    , streamFeatures = mempty
    , streamAddress = Nothing
    , streamFrom = Nothing
    , streamId = Nothing
    , streamLang = Nothing
    , streamJid = Nothing
    , streamConfiguration = def

zeroSource :: ConduitT () a (ExceptT XmppFailure IO) ()
zeroSource = do
    liftIO $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "zeroSource"
    throwError XmppNoStream

handleToStreamHandle :: Handle -> StreamHandle
handleToStreamHandle h = StreamHandle { streamSend = \d ->
                                         wrapIOException "streamSend"
                                           $ BS.hPut h d
                                      , streamReceive = \n ->
                                         wrapIOException "streamReceive"
                                           $ BS.hGetSome h n
                                      , streamFlush = hFlush h
                                      , streamClose = hClose h

createStream :: HostName -> StreamConfiguration -> ExceptT XmppFailure IO (Stream)
createStream realm config = do
    result <- connect realm config
    case result of
        Just hand -> ExceptT $ do
            debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Acquired handle."
            debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Setting NoBuffering mode on handle."
            eSource <- liftIO . bufferSrc $
                         (sourceStreamHandle hand $= logConduit)
                           $= XP.parseBytes def
            let stream = StreamState
                  { streamConnectionState = Plain
                  , streamHandle = hand
                  , streamEventSource = eSource
                  , streamFeatures = mempty
                  , streamAddress = Just $ Text.pack realm
                  , streamFrom = Nothing
                  , streamId = Nothing
                  , streamLang = Nothing
                  , streamJid = Nothing
                  , streamConfiguration = maybeSetTlsHost realm config
            stream' <- mkStream stream
            return $ Right stream'
        Nothing -> do
            lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Did not acquire handle."
            throwError TcpConnectionFailure
    logConduit :: MonadIO m => ConduitT ByteString ByteString m ()
    logConduit = CL.mapM $ \d -> do
        liftIO . debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "In: " ++ (BSC8.unpack d) ++
        return d
    tlsIdentL = L.tlsParamsL . L.clientServerIdentificationL
    updateHost host ("", _) = (host, "")
    updateHost _ hst = hst
    maybeSetTlsHost host = over tlsIdentL (updateHost host)

-- Connects using the specified method. Returns the Handle acquired, if any.
connect :: HostName -> StreamConfiguration -> ExceptT XmppFailure IO
           (Maybe StreamHandle)
connect realm config = do
    case connectionDetails config of
        UseHost host port -> lift $ do
            debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Connecting to configured address."
            h <- resolveAndConnectTcp host port
            case h of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just h' -> do
                    liftIO $ hSetBuffering h' NoBuffering
                    return . Just $ handleToStreamHandle h'
        UseSrv host -> do
            h <- connectSrv (resolvConf config) host
            case h of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just h' -> do
                    liftIO $ hSetBuffering h' NoBuffering
                    return . Just $ handleToStreamHandle h'
        UseRealm -> do
            h <- connectSrv (resolvConf config) realm
            case h of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just h' -> do
                    liftIO $ hSetBuffering h' NoBuffering
                    return . Just $ handleToStreamHandle h'
        UseConnection mkC -> Just <$> mkC

connectSrv :: ResolvConf -> String -> ExceptT XmppFailure IO (Maybe Handle)
connectSrv config host = do
    case checkHostName (Text.pack host) of
        Just host' -> do
            resolvSeed <- lift $ makeResolvSeed config
            lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Performing SRV lookup..."
            srvRecords <- srvLookup host' resolvSeed
            case srvRecords of
                Nothing -> do
                    lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
                        "No SRV records, using fallback process."
                    lift $ resolveAndConnectTcp host 5222
                Just [(".", _)] -> do
                    liftIO $ infoM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
                                "SRV lookup returned \".\"; service not available"
                    throwError TcpConnectionFailure
                Just srvRecords' -> do
                    lift $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
                        "SRV records found, looking up host."
                    lift $ resolvSrvsAndConnectTcp
                           ( for srvRecords' $
                              \(domain, port) -> ( BSC8.unpack domain
                                                 , fromIntegral port))
        Nothing -> do
                lift $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
                    "The hostname could not be validated."
                throwError XmppIllegalTcpDetails
  where for = flip fmap

connectHandle :: AddrInfo -> IO Handle
connectHandle addrInfo = do
    s <- S.socket (S.addrFamily addrInfo) S.Stream S.defaultProtocol
    S.connect s (S.addrAddress addrInfo)
    S.socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode

-- Connects to a list of addresses and ports. Surpresses any exceptions from
-- connectTcp.
connectTcp :: [AddrInfo] -> IO (Maybe Handle)
connectTcp [] = return Nothing
connectTcp (addrInfo:remainder) = do
    let addr = (show $ S.addrAddress addrInfo)
    result <- Ex.try $ (do
        debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "Connecting to " ++ addr
        connectHandle addrInfo) :: IO (Either Ex.IOException Handle)
    case result of
        Right handle -> do
            debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "Successfully connected to " ++ addr
            return $ Just handle
        Left _ -> do
            debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $
                "Connection to " ++ addr ++ " could not be established."
            connectTcp remainder

#if MIN_VERSION_dns(1, 0, 0)
fixDnsResult :: Either e a -> Maybe a
fixDnsResult = either (const Nothing) Just
fixDnsResult :: Maybe a -> Maybe a
fixDnsResult = id

-- Makes an AAAA query to acquire a IPs, and tries to connect to all of them. If
-- a handle can not be acquired this way, an analogous A query is performed.
-- Surpresses all IO exceptions.
resolveAndConnectTcp :: HostName -> PortNumber -> IO (Maybe Handle)
resolveAndConnectTcp hostName port = do
    ais <- S.getAddrInfo Nothing (Just hostName) Nothing
    connectTcp $ setPort <$> ais
    setPort ai = ai {S.addrAddress = setAddressPort port (S.addrAddress ai)}
    setAddressPort port (S.SockAddrInet _ addr) = S.SockAddrInet port addr
    setAddressPort port (S.SockAddrInet6 _ flow addr scope) =
        S.SockAddrInet6 port flow addr scope
    setAddressPort _ addr = addr

-- Tries `resolvAndConnectTcp' for every SRV record, stopping if a handle is
-- acquired.
resolvSrvsAndConnectTcp :: [(HostName, PortNumber)] -> IO (Maybe Handle)
resolvSrvsAndConnectTcp [] = return Nothing
resolvSrvsAndConnectTcp ((domain, port):remaining) = do
    result <- resolveAndConnectTcp domain port
    case result of
        Just handle -> return $ Just handle
        Nothing -> resolvSrvsAndConnectTcp remaining

-- The DNS functions may make error calls. This function catches any such
-- exceptions and rethrows them as IOExceptions.
rethrowErrorCall :: IO a -> IO a
rethrowErrorCall action = do
    result <- Ex.try action
    case result of
        Right result' -> return result'
        Left (Ex.ErrorCall e) -> Ex.ioError $ userError
                                 $ "rethrowErrorCall: " ++ e

-- Provides a list of A(AAA) names and port numbers upon a successful
-- DNS-SRV request, or `Nothing' if the DNS-SRV request failed.
srvLookup :: Text -> ResolvSeed -> ExceptT XmppFailure IO (Maybe [(Domain, Word16)])
srvLookup realm resolvSeed = ExceptT $ do
    result <- Ex.try $ rethrowErrorCall $ withResolver resolvSeed
              $ \resolver -> do
        srvResult <- lookupSRV resolver $ BSC8.pack $ "_xmpp-client._tcp." ++ (Text.unpack realm) ++ "."
        case fixDnsResult srvResult of
            Just [] -> do
                debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "No SRV result returned."
                return Nothing
            Just [(_, _, _, ".")] -> do
                debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "\".\" SRV result returned."
                return $ Just []
            Just srvResult' -> do
                debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "SRV result: " ++ (show srvResult')
                -- Get [(Domain, PortNumber)] of SRV request, if any.
                orderedSrvResult <- orderSrvResult srvResult'
                return $ Just $ Prelude.map (\(_, _, port, domain) -> (domain, port)) orderedSrvResult
            -- The service is not available at this domain.
            -- Sorts the records based on the priority value.
            Nothing -> do
                debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "No SRV result returned."
                return Nothing
    case result of
        Right result' -> return $ Right result'
        Left e -> return $ Left $ XmppIOException e
    -- This function orders the SRV result in accordance with RFC
    -- 2782. It sorts the SRV results in order of priority, and then
    -- uses a random process to order the records with the same
    -- priority based on their weight.
    orderSrvResult :: [(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)] -> IO [(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)]
    orderSrvResult srvResult = do
        -- Order the result set by priority.
        let srvResult' = sortBy (comparing (\(priority, _, _, _) -> priority)) srvResult
        -- Group elements in sublists based on their priority. The
        -- type is `[[(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)]]'.
        let srvResult'' = Data.List.groupBy (\(priority, _, _, _) (priority', _, _, _) -> priority == priority') srvResult' :: [[(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)]]
        -- For each sublist, put records with a weight of zero first.
        let srvResult''' = Data.List.map (\sublist -> let (a, b) = partition (\(_, weight, _, _) -> weight == 0) sublist in Data.List.concat [a, b]) srvResult''
        -- Order each sublist.
        srvResult'''' <- mapM orderSublist srvResult'''
        -- Concatinated the results.
        return $ Data.List.concat srvResult''''
        orderSublist :: [(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)] -> IO [(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)]
        orderSublist [] = return []
        orderSublist sublist = do
            -- Compute the running sum, as well as the total sum of
            -- the sublist. Add the running sum to the SRV tuples.
            let (total, sublist') = Data.List.mapAccumL (\total' (priority, weight, port, domain) -> (total' + weight, (priority, weight, port, domain, total' + weight))) 0 sublist
            -- Choose a random number between 0 and the total sum
            -- (inclusive).
            randomNumber <- randomRIO (0, total)
            -- Select the first record with its running sum greater
            -- than or equal to the random number.
            let (beginning, ((priority, weight, port, domain, _):end)) = Data.List.break (\(_, _, _, _, running) -> randomNumber <= running) sublist'
            -- Remove the running total number from the remaining
            -- elements.
            let sublist'' = Data.List.map (\(priority', weight', port', domain', _) -> (priority', weight', port', domain')) (Data.List.concat [beginning, end])
            -- Repeat the ordering procedure on the remaining
            -- elements.
            rest <- orderSublist sublist''
            return $ ((priority, weight, port, domain):rest)

-- | Close the connection and updates the XmppConMonad Stream state. Does
-- not send the stream end tag.
killStream :: Stream -> IO (Either XmppFailure ())
killStream = withStream $ do
    cc <- gets (streamClose . streamHandle)
    err <- wrapIOException "killStream" cc
    -- (ExL.try cc :: IO (Either ExL.SomeException ()))
    put xmppNoStream{ streamConnectionState = Finished }
    return err

-- Sends an IQ request and waits for the response. If the response ID does not
-- match the outgoing ID, an error is thrown.
pushIQ :: Text
       -> Maybe Jid
       -> IQRequestType
       -> Maybe LangTag
       -> Element
       -> Stream
       -> IO (Either XmppFailure (Either IQError IQResult))
pushIQ iqID to tp lang body stream = runExceptT $ do
    ExceptT $ pushStanza
        (IQRequestS $ IQRequest iqID Nothing to lang tp body []) stream
    res <- lift $ pullStanza stream
    case res of
        Left e -> throwError e
        Right (IQErrorS e) -> return $ Left e
        Right (IQResultS r) -> do
                (iqID == iqResultID r) $ liftIO $ do
                    liftIO $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "pushIQ: ID mismatch (" ++ (show iqID) ++ " /= " ++ (show $ iqResultID r) ++ ")."
                    liftIO $ ExL.throwIO XmppOtherFailure
                -- TODO: Log: ("In sendIQ' IDs don't match: " ++ show iqID ++
                -- " /= " ++ show (iqResultID r) ++ " .")
            return $ Right r
        _ -> do
                 liftIO $ errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "pushIQ: Unexpected stanza type."
                 throwError XmppOtherFailure

debugConduit :: (Show o, MonadIO m) => ConduitM o o m b
debugConduit = forever $ do
    s' <- await
    case s' of
        Just s ->  do
            liftIO $ debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "debugConduit: In: " ++ (show s)
            yield s
        Nothing -> return ()

elements :: MonadError XmppFailure m => ConduitT Event Element m ()
elements = do
        x <- await
        case x of
            Just (EventBeginElement n as) -> do
                                                 goE n as >>= yield
            -- This might be an XML error if the end element tag is not
            -- "</stream>". TODO: We might want to check this at a later time
            Just EventEndElement{} -> throwError StreamEndFailure
            -- This happens when the connection to the server is closed without
            -- the stream being properly terminated
            Just EventEndDocument -> throwError StreamEndFailure
            Just (EventContent (ContentText ct)) | Text.all isSpace ct ->
            Nothing -> return ()
            _ -> throwError $ XmppInvalidXml $ "not an element: " ++ show x
    many' f =
        go id
        go front = do
            x <- f
            case x of
                Left l -> return $ (l, front [])
                Right r -> go (front . (:) r)
    goE n as = do
        (y, ns) <- many' goN
        if y == Just (EventEndElement n)
            then return $ Element n (map (id >< compressContents) as)
                                    (compressNodes ns)
            else throwError . XmppInvalidXml $ "Missing close tag: " ++ show n
    goN = do
        x <- await
        case x of
            Just (EventBeginElement n as) -> (Right . NodeElement) <$> goE n as
            Just (EventInstruction i) -> return $ Right $ NodeInstruction i
            Just (EventContent c) -> return $ Right $ NodeContent c
            Just (EventComment t) -> return $ Right $ NodeComment t
            Just (EventCDATA t) -> return $ Right $ NodeContent $ ContentText t
            _ -> return $ Left x

    compressNodes :: [Node] -> [Node]
    compressNodes [] = []
    compressNodes [x] = [x]
    compressNodes (NodeContent (ContentText x) : NodeContent (ContentText y) : z) =
        compressNodes $ NodeContent (ContentText $ x `Text.append` y) : z
    compressNodes (x:xs) = x : compressNodes xs

    compressContents :: [Content] -> [Content]
    compressContents cs = [ContentText $ Text.concat (map unwrap cs)]
        where unwrap (ContentText t) = t
              unwrap (ContentEntity t) = t

    (><) f g (x, y) = (f x, g y)

withStream :: StateT StreamState IO a -> Stream -> IO a
withStream action (Stream stream) = Ex.bracketOnError
                                         (atomically $ takeTMVar stream )
                                         (atomically . putTMVar stream)
                                         (\s -> do
                                               (r, s') <- runStateT action s
                                               atomically $ putTMVar stream s'
                                               return r

-- nonblocking version. Changes to the connection are ignored!
withStream' :: StateT StreamState IO a -> Stream -> IO a
withStream' action (Stream stream) = do
    stream_ <- atomically $ readTMVar stream
    (r, _) <- runStateT action stream_
    return r

mkStream :: StreamState -> IO Stream
mkStream con = Stream `fmap` atomically (newTMVar con)

-- "Borrowed" from base-4.4 for compatibility with GHC 7.0.1.
tryIOError :: IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
tryIOError f = Ex.catch (Right <$> f) (return . Left)