{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.Portray
( Atom, Name, Opaque, Apply, Binop, Tuple, List
, LambdaCase, Record, TyApp, TySig
, Quot, Unlines, Nest
, ..
, FactorPortrayal(..)
, Assoc(..), Infixity(..), infix_, infixl_, infixr_
, PortrayalF(..)
, Portray(..)
, ShowAtom(..)
, GPortray(..), GPortrayProduct(..)
, showAtom, strAtom, strQuot, strBinop
, Fix(..), cata, portrayCallStack, portrayType
) where
import Data.Coerce (Coercible, coerce)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(..))
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Ratio (Ratio, numerator, denominator)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion(..))
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Exts (IsList, proxy#)
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts
import GHC.Generics
( (:*:)(..), (:+:)(..)
, Generic(..), Rep
, U1(..), K1(..), M1(..), V1
, Meta(..), D1, C1, S1
, Constructor, conName, conFixity
, Selector, selName
, Fixity(..), Associativity(..)
import GHC.Stack (CallStack, SrcLoc, getCallStack, prettySrcLoc)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal')
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Type.Reflection
( TyCon, TypeRep, SomeTypeRep(..)
, pattern App, pattern Con', pattern Fun
, tyConName, typeRep
import Data.Wrapped (Wrapped(..))
data Assoc = AssocL | AssocR | AssocNope
deriving (ReadPrec [Assoc]
ReadPrec Assoc
Int -> ReadS Assoc
ReadS [Assoc]
(Int -> ReadS Assoc)
-> ReadS [Assoc]
-> ReadPrec Assoc
-> ReadPrec [Assoc]
-> Read Assoc
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Assoc]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [Assoc]
readPrec :: ReadPrec Assoc
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec Assoc
readList :: ReadS [Assoc]
$creadList :: ReadS [Assoc]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Assoc
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Assoc
Read, Int -> Assoc -> ShowS
[Assoc] -> ShowS
Assoc -> String
(Int -> Assoc -> ShowS)
-> (Assoc -> String) -> ([Assoc] -> ShowS) -> Show Assoc
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [Assoc] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [Assoc] -> ShowS
show :: Assoc -> String
$cshow :: Assoc -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> Assoc -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Assoc -> ShowS
Show, Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
(Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool) -> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool) -> Eq Assoc
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
$c/= :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
== :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
$c== :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
Eq, Eq Assoc
Eq Assoc
-> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Ordering)
-> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool)
-> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool)
-> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool)
-> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool)
-> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Assoc)
-> (Assoc -> Assoc -> Assoc)
-> Ord Assoc
Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
Assoc -> Assoc -> Ordering
Assoc -> Assoc -> Assoc
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Assoc
$cmin :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Assoc
max :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Assoc
$cmax :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Assoc
>= :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
$c>= :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
> :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
$c> :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
<= :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
$c<= :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
< :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
$c< :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Bool
compare :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Ordering
$ccompare :: Assoc -> Assoc -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq Assoc
Ord, (forall x. Assoc -> Rep Assoc x)
-> (forall x. Rep Assoc x -> Assoc) -> Generic Assoc
forall x. Rep Assoc x -> Assoc
forall x. Assoc -> Rep Assoc x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep Assoc x -> Assoc
$cfrom :: forall x. Assoc -> Rep Assoc x
deriving Assoc -> Portrayal
(Assoc -> Portrayal) -> Portray Assoc
forall a. (a -> Portrayal) -> Portray a
portray :: Assoc -> Portrayal
$cportray :: Assoc -> Portrayal
Portray via Wrapped Generic Assoc
data Infixity = Infixity !Assoc !Rational
deriving (ReadPrec [Infixity]
ReadPrec Infixity
Int -> ReadS Infixity
ReadS [Infixity]
(Int -> ReadS Infixity)
-> ReadS [Infixity]
-> ReadPrec Infixity
-> ReadPrec [Infixity]
-> Read Infixity
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Infixity]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [Infixity]
readPrec :: ReadPrec Infixity
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec Infixity
readList :: ReadS [Infixity]
$creadList :: ReadS [Infixity]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Infixity
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Infixity
Read, Int -> Infixity -> ShowS
[Infixity] -> ShowS
Infixity -> String
(Int -> Infixity -> ShowS)
-> (Infixity -> String) -> ([Infixity] -> ShowS) -> Show Infixity
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [Infixity] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [Infixity] -> ShowS
show :: Infixity -> String
$cshow :: Infixity -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> Infixity -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Infixity -> ShowS
Show, Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
(Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool)
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool) -> Eq Infixity
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
$c/= :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
== :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
$c== :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
Eq, Eq Infixity
Eq Infixity
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Ordering)
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool)
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool)
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool)
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool)
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Infixity)
-> (Infixity -> Infixity -> Infixity)
-> Ord Infixity
Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
Infixity -> Infixity -> Ordering
Infixity -> Infixity -> Infixity
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Infixity
$cmin :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Infixity
max :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Infixity
$cmax :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Infixity
>= :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
$c>= :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
> :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
$c> :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
<= :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
$c<= :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
< :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
$c< :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Bool
compare :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Ordering
$ccompare :: Infixity -> Infixity -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq Infixity
Ord, (forall x. Infixity -> Rep Infixity x)
-> (forall x. Rep Infixity x -> Infixity) -> Generic Infixity
forall x. Rep Infixity x -> Infixity
forall x. Infixity -> Rep Infixity x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep Infixity x -> Infixity
$cfrom :: forall x. Infixity -> Rep Infixity x
deriving Infixity -> Portrayal
(Infixity -> Portrayal) -> Portray Infixity
forall a. (a -> Portrayal) -> Portray a
portray :: Infixity -> Portrayal
$cportray :: Infixity -> Portrayal
Portray via Wrapped Generic Infixity
infix_ :: Rational -> Infixity
infix_ :: Rational -> Infixity
infix_ = Assoc -> Rational -> Infixity
Infixity Assoc
infixl_ :: Rational -> Infixity
infixl_ :: Rational -> Infixity
infixl_ = Assoc -> Rational -> Infixity
Infixity Assoc
infixr_ :: Rational -> Infixity
infixr_ :: Rational -> Infixity
infixr_ = Assoc -> Rational -> Infixity
Infixity Assoc
data PortrayalF a
= AtomF !Text
| ApplyF !a [a]
| BinopF !Text !Infixity !a !a
| TupleF [a]
| ListF [a]
| LambdaCaseF [(a, a)]
| RecordF !a [FactorPortrayal a]
| TyAppF !a !a
| TySigF !a !a
| QuotF !Text !a
| UnlinesF [a]
| NestF !Int !a
deriving (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
(PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool) -> Eq (PortrayalF a)
forall a. Eq a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
$c/= :: forall a. Eq a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
== :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
$c== :: forall a. Eq a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
Eq, Eq (PortrayalF a)
Eq (PortrayalF a)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Ordering)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a)
-> (PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a)
-> Ord (PortrayalF a)
PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Ordering
PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall a. Ord a => Eq (PortrayalF a)
forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a
min :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a
$cmin :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a
max :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a
$cmax :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a
>= :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
$c>= :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
> :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
$c> :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
<= :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
$c<= :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
< :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
$c< :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
compare :: PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF a -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall a. Ord a => Eq (PortrayalF a)
Ord, ReadPrec [PortrayalF a]
ReadPrec (PortrayalF a)
Int -> ReadS (PortrayalF a)
ReadS [PortrayalF a]
(Int -> ReadS (PortrayalF a))
-> ReadS [PortrayalF a]
-> ReadPrec (PortrayalF a)
-> ReadPrec [PortrayalF a]
-> Read (PortrayalF a)
forall a. Read a => ReadPrec [PortrayalF a]
forall a. Read a => ReadPrec (PortrayalF a)
forall a. Read a => Int -> ReadS (PortrayalF a)
forall a. Read a => ReadS [PortrayalF a]
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [PortrayalF a]
$creadListPrec :: forall a. Read a => ReadPrec [PortrayalF a]
readPrec :: ReadPrec (PortrayalF a)
$creadPrec :: forall a. Read a => ReadPrec (PortrayalF a)
readList :: ReadS [PortrayalF a]
$creadList :: forall a. Read a => ReadS [PortrayalF a]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (PortrayalF a)
$creadsPrec :: forall a. Read a => Int -> ReadS (PortrayalF a)
Read, Int -> PortrayalF a -> ShowS
[PortrayalF a] -> ShowS
PortrayalF a -> String
(Int -> PortrayalF a -> ShowS)
-> (PortrayalF a -> String)
-> ([PortrayalF a] -> ShowS)
-> Show (PortrayalF a)
forall a. Show a => Int -> PortrayalF a -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => [PortrayalF a] -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => PortrayalF a -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [PortrayalF a] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall a. Show a => [PortrayalF a] -> ShowS
show :: PortrayalF a -> String
$cshow :: forall a. Show a => PortrayalF a -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> PortrayalF a -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall a. Show a => Int -> PortrayalF a -> ShowS
Show, a -> PortrayalF b -> PortrayalF a
(a -> b) -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF b
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF b)
-> (forall a b. a -> PortrayalF b -> PortrayalF a)
-> Functor PortrayalF
forall a b. a -> PortrayalF b -> PortrayalF a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF b
forall (f :: * -> *).
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> (forall a b. a -> f b -> f a) -> Functor f
<$ :: a -> PortrayalF b -> PortrayalF a
$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> PortrayalF b -> PortrayalF a
fmap :: (a -> b) -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF b
$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> PortrayalF a -> PortrayalF b
Functor, PortrayalF a -> Bool
(a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
(forall m. Monoid m => PortrayalF m -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> PortrayalF a -> a)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> PortrayalF a -> a)
-> (forall a. PortrayalF a -> [a])
-> (forall a. PortrayalF a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. PortrayalF a -> Int)
-> (forall a. Eq a => a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> a)
-> (forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => PortrayalF a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => PortrayalF a -> a)
-> Foldable PortrayalF
forall a. Eq a => a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
forall a. Num a => PortrayalF a -> a
forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> a
forall m. Monoid m => PortrayalF m -> m
forall a. PortrayalF a -> Bool
forall a. PortrayalF a -> Int
forall a. PortrayalF a -> [a]
forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> PortrayalF a -> a
forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
forall (t :: * -> *).
(forall m. Monoid m => t m -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a)
-> (forall a. t a -> [a])
-> (forall a. t a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. t a -> Int)
-> (forall a. Eq a => a -> t a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. Ord a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Ord a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => t a -> a)
-> Foldable t
product :: PortrayalF a -> a
$cproduct :: forall a. Num a => PortrayalF a -> a
sum :: PortrayalF a -> a
$csum :: forall a. Num a => PortrayalF a -> a
minimum :: PortrayalF a -> a
$cminimum :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> a
maximum :: PortrayalF a -> a
$cmaximum :: forall a. Ord a => PortrayalF a -> a
elem :: a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
$celem :: forall a. Eq a => a -> PortrayalF a -> Bool
length :: PortrayalF a -> Int
$clength :: forall a. PortrayalF a -> Int
null :: PortrayalF a -> Bool
$cnull :: forall a. PortrayalF a -> Bool
toList :: PortrayalF a -> [a]
$ctoList :: forall a. PortrayalF a -> [a]
foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> PortrayalF a -> a
$cfoldl1 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> PortrayalF a -> a
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> PortrayalF a -> a
$cfoldr1 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> PortrayalF a -> a
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
$cfoldl' :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
$cfoldl :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
$cfoldr' :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
$cfoldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PortrayalF a -> b
foldMap' :: (a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m
$cfoldMap' :: forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m
foldMap :: (a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m
$cfoldMap :: forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PortrayalF a -> m
fold :: PortrayalF m -> m
$cfold :: forall m. Monoid m => PortrayalF m -> m
Foldable, Functor PortrayalF
Foldable PortrayalF
Functor PortrayalF
-> Foldable PortrayalF
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> PortrayalF a -> f (PortrayalF b))
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
PortrayalF (f a) -> f (PortrayalF a))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> PortrayalF a -> m (PortrayalF b))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
PortrayalF (m a) -> m (PortrayalF a))
-> Traversable PortrayalF
(a -> f b) -> PortrayalF a -> f (PortrayalF b)
forall (t :: * -> *).
Functor t
-> Foldable t
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b))
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => t (m a) -> m (t a))
-> Traversable t
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
PortrayalF (m a) -> m (PortrayalF a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
PortrayalF (f a) -> f (PortrayalF a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> PortrayalF a -> m (PortrayalF b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> PortrayalF a -> f (PortrayalF b)
sequence :: PortrayalF (m a) -> m (PortrayalF a)
$csequence :: forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
PortrayalF (m a) -> m (PortrayalF a)
mapM :: (a -> m b) -> PortrayalF a -> m (PortrayalF b)
$cmapM :: forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> PortrayalF a -> m (PortrayalF b)
sequenceA :: PortrayalF (f a) -> f (PortrayalF a)
$csequenceA :: forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
PortrayalF (f a) -> f (PortrayalF a)
traverse :: (a -> f b) -> PortrayalF a -> f (PortrayalF b)
$ctraverse :: forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> PortrayalF a -> f (PortrayalF b)
$cp2Traversable :: Foldable PortrayalF
$cp1Traversable :: Functor PortrayalF
Traversable, (forall x. PortrayalF a -> Rep (PortrayalF a) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (PortrayalF a) x -> PortrayalF a)
-> Generic (PortrayalF a)
forall x. Rep (PortrayalF a) x -> PortrayalF a
forall x. PortrayalF a -> Rep (PortrayalF a) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall a x. Rep (PortrayalF a) x -> PortrayalF a
forall a x. PortrayalF a -> Rep (PortrayalF a) x
$cto :: forall a x. Rep (PortrayalF a) x -> PortrayalF a
$cfrom :: forall a x. PortrayalF a -> Rep (PortrayalF a) x
deriving PortrayalF a -> Portrayal
(PortrayalF a -> Portrayal) -> Portray (PortrayalF a)
forall a. Portray a => PortrayalF a -> Portrayal
forall a. (a -> Portrayal) -> Portray a
portray :: PortrayalF a -> Portrayal
$cportray :: forall a. Portray a => PortrayalF a -> Portrayal
Portray via Wrapped Generic (PortrayalF a)
instance IsString (PortrayalF a) where fromString :: String -> PortrayalF a
fromString = Text -> PortrayalF a
forall a. Text -> PortrayalF a
AtomF (Text -> PortrayalF a)
-> (String -> Text) -> String -> PortrayalF a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Text
data FactorPortrayal a = FactorPortrayal
{ FactorPortrayal a -> Text
_fpFieldName :: !Text
, FactorPortrayal a -> a
_fpPortrayal :: !a
deriving (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
(FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> Eq (FactorPortrayal a)
forall a. Eq a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$c/= :: forall a. Eq a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
== :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$c== :: forall a. Eq a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
Eq, Eq (FactorPortrayal a)
Eq (FactorPortrayal a)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Ordering)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a)
-> Ord (FactorPortrayal a)
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Ordering
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall a. Ord a => Eq (FactorPortrayal a)
forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
forall a.
Ord a =>
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Ordering
forall a.
Ord a =>
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a
min :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a
$cmin :: forall a.
Ord a =>
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a
max :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a
$cmax :: forall a.
Ord a =>
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a
>= :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$c>= :: forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
> :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$c> :: forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
<= :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$c<= :: forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
< :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$c< :: forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
compare :: FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall a.
Ord a =>
FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall a. Ord a => Eq (FactorPortrayal a)
Ord, ReadPrec [FactorPortrayal a]
ReadPrec (FactorPortrayal a)
Int -> ReadS (FactorPortrayal a)
ReadS [FactorPortrayal a]
(Int -> ReadS (FactorPortrayal a))
-> ReadS [FactorPortrayal a]
-> ReadPrec (FactorPortrayal a)
-> ReadPrec [FactorPortrayal a]
-> Read (FactorPortrayal a)
forall a. Read a => ReadPrec [FactorPortrayal a]
forall a. Read a => ReadPrec (FactorPortrayal a)
forall a. Read a => Int -> ReadS (FactorPortrayal a)
forall a. Read a => ReadS [FactorPortrayal a]
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [FactorPortrayal a]
$creadListPrec :: forall a. Read a => ReadPrec [FactorPortrayal a]
readPrec :: ReadPrec (FactorPortrayal a)
$creadPrec :: forall a. Read a => ReadPrec (FactorPortrayal a)
readList :: ReadS [FactorPortrayal a]
$creadList :: forall a. Read a => ReadS [FactorPortrayal a]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (FactorPortrayal a)
$creadsPrec :: forall a. Read a => Int -> ReadS (FactorPortrayal a)
Read, Int -> FactorPortrayal a -> ShowS
[FactorPortrayal a] -> ShowS
FactorPortrayal a -> String
(Int -> FactorPortrayal a -> ShowS)
-> (FactorPortrayal a -> String)
-> ([FactorPortrayal a] -> ShowS)
-> Show (FactorPortrayal a)
forall a. Show a => Int -> FactorPortrayal a -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => [FactorPortrayal a] -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => FactorPortrayal a -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [FactorPortrayal a] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall a. Show a => [FactorPortrayal a] -> ShowS
show :: FactorPortrayal a -> String
$cshow :: forall a. Show a => FactorPortrayal a -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> FactorPortrayal a -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall a. Show a => Int -> FactorPortrayal a -> ShowS
Show, a -> FactorPortrayal b -> FactorPortrayal a
(a -> b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal b
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal b)
-> (forall a b. a -> FactorPortrayal b -> FactorPortrayal a)
-> Functor FactorPortrayal
forall a b. a -> FactorPortrayal b -> FactorPortrayal a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal b
forall (f :: * -> *).
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> (forall a b. a -> f b -> f a) -> Functor f
<$ :: a -> FactorPortrayal b -> FactorPortrayal a
$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> FactorPortrayal b -> FactorPortrayal a
fmap :: (a -> b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal b
$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> FactorPortrayal b
Functor, FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
(a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
(forall m. Monoid m => FactorPortrayal m -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FactorPortrayal a -> a)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FactorPortrayal a -> a)
-> (forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> [a])
-> (forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> Int)
-> (forall a. Eq a => a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> a)
-> (forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => FactorPortrayal a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => FactorPortrayal a -> a)
-> Foldable FactorPortrayal
forall a. Eq a => a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
forall a. Num a => FactorPortrayal a -> a
forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> a
forall m. Monoid m => FactorPortrayal m -> m
forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> Int
forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> [a]
forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FactorPortrayal a -> a
forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
forall (t :: * -> *).
(forall m. Monoid m => t m -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a)
-> (forall a. t a -> [a])
-> (forall a. t a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. t a -> Int)
-> (forall a. Eq a => a -> t a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. Ord a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Ord a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => t a -> a)
-> Foldable t
product :: FactorPortrayal a -> a
$cproduct :: forall a. Num a => FactorPortrayal a -> a
sum :: FactorPortrayal a -> a
$csum :: forall a. Num a => FactorPortrayal a -> a
minimum :: FactorPortrayal a -> a
$cminimum :: forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> a
maximum :: FactorPortrayal a -> a
$cmaximum :: forall a. Ord a => FactorPortrayal a -> a
elem :: a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$celem :: forall a. Eq a => a -> FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
length :: FactorPortrayal a -> Int
$clength :: forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> Int
null :: FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
$cnull :: forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> Bool
toList :: FactorPortrayal a -> [a]
$ctoList :: forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> [a]
foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> FactorPortrayal a -> a
$cfoldl1 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FactorPortrayal a -> a
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> FactorPortrayal a -> a
$cfoldr1 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FactorPortrayal a -> a
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
$cfoldl' :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
$cfoldl :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
$cfoldr' :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
$cfoldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> FactorPortrayal a -> b
foldMap' :: (a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m
$cfoldMap' :: forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m
foldMap :: (a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m
$cfoldMap :: forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m
fold :: FactorPortrayal m -> m
$cfold :: forall m. Monoid m => FactorPortrayal m -> m
Foldable, Functor FactorPortrayal
Foldable FactorPortrayal
Functor FactorPortrayal
-> Foldable FactorPortrayal
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> f (FactorPortrayal b))
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
FactorPortrayal (f a) -> f (FactorPortrayal a))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m (FactorPortrayal b))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
FactorPortrayal (m a) -> m (FactorPortrayal a))
-> Traversable FactorPortrayal
(a -> f b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> f (FactorPortrayal b)
forall (t :: * -> *).
Functor t
-> Foldable t
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b))
-> (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b))
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => t (m a) -> m (t a))
-> Traversable t
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
FactorPortrayal (m a) -> m (FactorPortrayal a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
FactorPortrayal (f a) -> f (FactorPortrayal a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m (FactorPortrayal b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> f (FactorPortrayal b)
sequence :: FactorPortrayal (m a) -> m (FactorPortrayal a)
$csequence :: forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
FactorPortrayal (m a) -> m (FactorPortrayal a)
mapM :: (a -> m b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m (FactorPortrayal b)
$cmapM :: forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> m (FactorPortrayal b)
sequenceA :: FactorPortrayal (f a) -> f (FactorPortrayal a)
$csequenceA :: forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
FactorPortrayal (f a) -> f (FactorPortrayal a)
traverse :: (a -> f b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> f (FactorPortrayal b)
$ctraverse :: forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> FactorPortrayal a -> f (FactorPortrayal b)
$cp2Traversable :: Foldable FactorPortrayal
$cp1Traversable :: Functor FactorPortrayal
Traversable, (forall x. FactorPortrayal a -> Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x -> FactorPortrayal a)
-> Generic (FactorPortrayal a)
forall x. Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x -> FactorPortrayal a
forall x. FactorPortrayal a -> Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall a x. Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x -> FactorPortrayal a
forall a x. FactorPortrayal a -> Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x
$cto :: forall a x. Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x -> FactorPortrayal a
$cfrom :: forall a x. FactorPortrayal a -> Rep (FactorPortrayal a) x
deriving FactorPortrayal a -> Portrayal
(FactorPortrayal a -> Portrayal) -> Portray (FactorPortrayal a)
forall a. Portray a => FactorPortrayal a -> Portrayal
forall a. (a -> Portrayal) -> Portray a
portray :: FactorPortrayal a -> Portrayal
$cportray :: forall a. Portray a => FactorPortrayal a -> Portrayal
Portray via Wrapped Generic (FactorPortrayal a)
newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
deriving (forall x. Fix f -> Rep (Fix f) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (Fix f) x -> Fix f) -> Generic (Fix f)
forall x. Rep (Fix f) x -> Fix f
forall x. Fix f -> Rep (Fix f) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (f :: * -> *) x. Rep (Fix f) x -> Fix f
forall (f :: * -> *) x. Fix f -> Rep (Fix f) x
$cto :: forall (f :: * -> *) x. Rep (Fix f) x -> Fix f
$cfrom :: forall (f :: * -> *) x. Fix f -> Rep (Fix f) x
deriving newtype
instance (forall a. Portray a => Portray (f a)) => Portray (Fix f)
deriving stock
instance (forall a. Read a => Read (f a)) => Read (Fix f)
deriving stock
instance (forall a. Show a => Show (f a)) => Show (Fix f)
deriving stock
instance (forall a. Eq a => Eq (f a)) => Eq (Fix f)
newtype Portrayal = Portrayal { Portrayal -> Fix PortrayalF
unPortrayal :: Fix PortrayalF }
deriving stock (Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Bool
(Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Bool)
-> (Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Bool) -> Eq Portrayal
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Bool
$c/= :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Bool
== :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Bool
$c== :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. Portrayal -> Rep Portrayal x)
-> (forall x. Rep Portrayal x -> Portrayal) -> Generic Portrayal
forall x. Rep Portrayal x -> Portrayal
forall x. Portrayal -> Rep Portrayal x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep Portrayal x -> Portrayal
$cfrom :: forall x. Portrayal -> Rep Portrayal x
deriving newtype (Portrayal -> Portrayal
(Portrayal -> Portrayal) -> Portray Portrayal
forall a. (a -> Portrayal) -> Portray a
portray :: Portrayal -> Portrayal
$cportray :: Portrayal -> Portrayal
Portray, Int -> Portrayal -> ShowS
[Portrayal] -> ShowS
Portrayal -> String
(Int -> Portrayal -> ShowS)
-> (Portrayal -> String)
-> ([Portrayal] -> ShowS)
-> Show Portrayal
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [Portrayal] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [Portrayal] -> ShowS
show :: Portrayal -> String
$cshow :: Portrayal -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> Portrayal -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Portrayal -> ShowS
Show, ReadPrec [Portrayal]
ReadPrec Portrayal
Int -> ReadS Portrayal
ReadS [Portrayal]
(Int -> ReadS Portrayal)
-> ReadS [Portrayal]
-> ReadPrec Portrayal
-> ReadPrec [Portrayal]
-> Read Portrayal
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Portrayal]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [Portrayal]
readPrec :: ReadPrec Portrayal
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec Portrayal
readList :: ReadS [Portrayal]
$creadList :: ReadS [Portrayal]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Portrayal
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Portrayal
instance IsString Portrayal where fromString :: String -> Portrayal
fromString = Text -> Portrayal
Atom (Text -> Portrayal) -> (String -> Text) -> String -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Text
Atom, Apply, Binop, Tuple, List, LambdaCase,
Record, TyApp, TySig, Quot, Unlines, Nest
pattern Coerced :: Coercible a b => a -> b
pattern $bCoerced :: a -> b
$mCoerced :: forall r a b. Coercible a b => b -> (a -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Coerced x <- (coerce -> x)
Coerced a
x = a -> b
coerce a
pattern Atom :: Text -> Portrayal
pattern $bAtom :: Text -> Portrayal
$mAtom :: forall r. Portrayal -> (Text -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Atom txt = Portrayal (Fix (AtomF txt))
pattern Name :: Text -> Portrayal
pattern $bName :: Text -> Portrayal
$mName :: forall r. Portrayal -> (Text -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Name txt = Atom txt
pattern Opaque :: Text -> Portrayal
pattern $bOpaque :: Text -> Portrayal
$mOpaque :: forall r. Portrayal -> (Text -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Opaque txt = Atom txt
pattern Apply :: Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
pattern $bApply :: Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
$mApply :: forall r.
Portrayal -> (Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Apply f xs = Portrayal (Fix (ApplyF (Coerced f) (Coerced xs)))
pattern Binop :: Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
pattern $bBinop :: Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
$mBinop :: forall r.
-> (Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> r)
-> (Void# -> r)
-> r
Binop nm inf x y =
Portrayal (Fix (BinopF nm inf (Coerced x) (Coerced y)))
pattern List :: [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
pattern $bList :: [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
$mList :: forall r. Portrayal -> ([Portrayal] -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
List xs = Portrayal (Fix (ListF (Coerced xs)))
pattern Tuple :: [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
pattern $bTuple :: [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
$mTuple :: forall r. Portrayal -> ([Portrayal] -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Tuple xs = Portrayal (Fix (TupleF (Coerced xs)))
pattern LambdaCase :: [(Portrayal, Portrayal)] -> Portrayal
pattern $bLambdaCase :: [(Portrayal, Portrayal)] -> Portrayal
$mLambdaCase :: forall r.
Portrayal -> ([(Portrayal, Portrayal)] -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
LambdaCase xs = Portrayal (Fix (LambdaCaseF (Coerced xs)))
pattern Record :: Portrayal -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> Portrayal
pattern $bRecord :: Portrayal -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> Portrayal
$mRecord :: forall r.
-> (Portrayal -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> r)
-> (Void# -> r)
-> r
Record x xs = Portrayal (Fix (RecordF (Coerced x) (Coerced xs)))
pattern TyApp :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
pattern $bTyApp :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
$mTyApp :: forall r.
Portrayal -> (Portrayal -> Portrayal -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
TyApp x t = Portrayal (Fix (TyAppF (Coerced x) (Coerced t)))
pattern TySig :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
pattern $bTySig :: Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
$mTySig :: forall r.
Portrayal -> (Portrayal -> Portrayal -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
TySig x t = Portrayal (Fix (TySigF (Coerced x) (Coerced t)))
pattern Quot :: Text -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
pattern $bQuot :: Text -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
$mQuot :: forall r.
Portrayal -> (Text -> Portrayal -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Quot t x = Portrayal (Fix (QuotF t (Coerced x)))
pattern Unlines :: [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
pattern $bUnlines :: [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
$mUnlines :: forall r. Portrayal -> ([Portrayal] -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Unlines xs = Portrayal (Fix (UnlinesF (Coerced xs)))
pattern Nest :: Int -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
pattern $bNest :: Int -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
$mNest :: forall r. Portrayal -> (Int -> Portrayal -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Nest n x = Portrayal (Fix (NestF n (Coerced x)))
class Portray a where
portray :: a -> Portrayal
showAtom :: Show a => a -> Portrayal
showAtom :: a -> Portrayal
showAtom = String -> Portrayal
strAtom (String -> Portrayal) -> (a -> String) -> a -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
strAtom :: String -> Portrayal
strAtom :: String -> Portrayal
strAtom = Text -> Portrayal
Atom (Text -> Portrayal) -> (String -> Text) -> String -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Text
strQuot :: String -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
strQuot :: String -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
strQuot = Text -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
Quot (Text -> Portrayal -> Portrayal)
-> (String -> Text) -> String -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Text
strBinop :: String -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
strBinop :: String -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
strBinop = Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
Binop (Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal)
-> (String -> Text)
-> String
-> Infixity
-> Portrayal
-> Portrayal
-> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Text
class GPortrayProduct f where
:: f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
instance GPortrayProduct U1 where
gportrayProduct :: U1 a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
gportrayProduct U1 a
U1 = [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
forall a. a -> a
instance (Selector s, Portray a) => GPortrayProduct (S1 s (K1 i a)) where
gportrayProduct :: S1 s (K1 i a) a
-> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
gportrayProduct (M1 (K1 a
x)) =
(Text -> Portrayal -> FactorPortrayal Portrayal
forall a. Text -> a -> FactorPortrayal a
FactorPortrayal (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> String -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Any s Any Any -> String
forall k (s :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
(f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Selector s =>
t s f a -> String
selName @s Any s Any Any
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined) (a -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
portray a
x) FactorPortrayal Portrayal
-> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
instance (GPortrayProduct f, GPortrayProduct g)
=> GPortrayProduct (f :*: g) where
gportrayProduct :: (:*:) f g a
-> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
gportrayProduct (f a
f :*: g a
g) = f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k).
GPortrayProduct f =>
f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
gportrayProduct f a
f ([FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal])
-> ([FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal])
-> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
-> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. g a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k).
GPortrayProduct f =>
f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
gportrayProduct g a
class GPortray f where
gportray :: f a -> Portrayal
instance GPortray f => GPortray (D1 d f) where
gportray :: D1 d f a -> Portrayal
gportray (M1 f a
x) = f a -> Portrayal
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). GPortray f => f a -> Portrayal
gportray f a
instance GPortray V1 where
gportray :: V1 a -> Portrayal
gportray V1 a
x = case V1 a
x of {}
instance (GPortray f, GPortray g) => GPortray (f :+: g) where
gportray :: (:+:) f g a -> Portrayal
gportray (L1 f a
f) = f a -> Portrayal
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). GPortray f => f a -> Portrayal
gportray f a
gportray (R1 g a
g) = g a -> Portrayal
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). GPortray f => f a -> Portrayal
gportray g a
formatPrefixCon :: String -> String
formatPrefixCon :: ShowS
formatPrefixCon (Char
':' : String
rest) = String
"(:" String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
rest String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
formatPrefixCon String
con = String
formatInfixCon :: String -> String
formatInfixCon :: ShowS
formatInfixCon (Char
':' : String
rest) = Char
':' Char -> ShowS
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: String
formatInfixCon String
con = Char
'`' Char -> ShowS
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: String
con String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
toAssoc :: Associativity -> Assoc
toAssoc :: Associativity -> Assoc
toAssoc = \case
LeftAssociative -> Assoc
RightAssociative -> Assoc
NotAssociative -> Assoc
instance (KnownSymbol n, GPortrayProduct f)
=> GPortray (C1 ('MetaCons n fx 'True) f) where
gportray :: C1 ('MetaCons n fx 'True) f a -> Portrayal
gportray (M1 f a
x) = Portrayal -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> Portrayal
(String -> Portrayal
strAtom (ShowS
formatPrefixCon ShowS -> ShowS
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Proxy# n -> String
forall (n :: Symbol). KnownSymbol n => Proxy# n -> String
symbolVal' @n Proxy# n
forall k (a :: k). Proxy# a
(f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k).
GPortrayProduct f =>
f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
gportrayProduct f a
x [])
instance (Constructor ('MetaCons n fx 'False), GPortrayProduct f)
=> GPortray (C1 ('MetaCons n fx 'False) f) where
gportray :: C1 ('MetaCons n fx 'False) f a -> Portrayal
gportray (M1 f a
x0) =
case (String
nm, Any ('MetaCons n fx 'False) Any Any -> Fixity
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
(f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> Fixity
conFixity @('MetaCons n fx 'False) Any ('MetaCons n fx 'False) Any Any
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined, [Portrayal]
args) of
'(' : Char
',' : String
_, Fixity
_, [Portrayal]
_) -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
Tuple [Portrayal]
_, Infix Associativity
lr Int
p, [Portrayal
x, Portrayal
y]) -> Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
(String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> String -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShowS
formatInfixCon String
(Assoc -> Rational -> Infixity
Infixity (Associativity -> Assoc
toAssoc Associativity
lr) (Int -> Rational
forall a. Real a => a -> Rational
toRational Int
_, Fixity
_, []) -> String -> Portrayal
strAtom (ShowS
formatPrefixCon String
(String, Fixity, [Portrayal])
_ -> Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
Apply (String -> Portrayal
strAtom (ShowS
formatPrefixCon String
nm)) [Portrayal]
args :: [Portrayal]
args = FactorPortrayal Portrayal -> Portrayal
forall a. FactorPortrayal a -> a
_fpPortrayal (FactorPortrayal Portrayal -> Portrayal)
-> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [Portrayal]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k).
GPortrayProduct f =>
f a -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal] -> [FactorPortrayal Portrayal]
gportrayProduct f a
x0 []
nm :: String
nm = Any ('MetaCons n fx 'False) Any Any -> String
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
(f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> String
conName @('MetaCons n fx 'False) Any ('MetaCons n fx 'False) Any Any
forall a. HasCallStack => a
instance (Generic a, GPortray (Rep a)) => Portray (Wrapped Generic a) where
portray :: Wrapped Generic a -> Portrayal
portray (Wrapped a
x) = Rep a Any -> Portrayal
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). GPortray f => f a -> Portrayal
gportray (a -> Rep a Any
forall a x. Generic a => a -> Rep a x
from a
newtype ShowAtom a = ShowAtom { ShowAtom a -> a
unShowAtom :: a }
instance Show a => Portray (ShowAtom a) where
portray :: ShowAtom a -> Portrayal
portray = a -> Portrayal
forall a. Show a => a -> Portrayal
showAtom (a -> Portrayal) -> (ShowAtom a -> a) -> ShowAtom a -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowAtom a -> a
forall a. ShowAtom a -> a
deriving via ShowAtom Int instance Portray Int
deriving via ShowAtom Int8 instance Portray Int8
deriving via ShowAtom Int16 instance Portray Int16
deriving via ShowAtom Int32 instance Portray Int32
deriving via ShowAtom Int64 instance Portray Int64
deriving via ShowAtom Integer instance Portray Integer
deriving via ShowAtom Word instance Portray Word
deriving via ShowAtom Word8 instance Portray Word8
deriving via ShowAtom Word16 instance Portray Word16
deriving via ShowAtom Word32 instance Portray Word32
deriving via ShowAtom Word64 instance Portray Word64
deriving via ShowAtom Natural instance Portray Natural
deriving via ShowAtom Float instance Portray Float
deriving via ShowAtom Double instance Portray Double
deriving via ShowAtom Char instance Portray Char
deriving via ShowAtom Text instance Portray Text
deriving via ShowAtom Bool instance Portray Bool
deriving via ShowAtom () instance Portray ()
instance Portray a => Portray (Ratio a) where
portray :: Ratio a -> Portrayal
portray Ratio a
x = Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
Binop Text
"%" (Rational -> Infixity
infixl_ Rational
(a -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
portray (a -> Portrayal) -> a -> Portrayal
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Ratio a -> a
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Ratio a
(a -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
portray (a -> Portrayal) -> a -> Portrayal
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Ratio a -> a
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Ratio a
deriving via Wrapped Generic (a, b)
instance (Portray a, Portray b) => Portray (a, b)
deriving via Wrapped Generic (a, b, c)
instance (Portray a, Portray b, Portray c) => Portray (a, b, c)
deriving via Wrapped Generic (a, b, c, d)
instance (Portray a, Portray b, Portray c, Portray d) => Portray (a, b, c, d)
deriving via Wrapped Generic (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (Portray a, Portray b, Portray c, Portray d, Portray e) => Portray (a, b, c, d, e)
deriving via Wrapped Generic (Maybe a)
instance Portray a => Portray (Maybe a)
deriving via Wrapped Generic (Either a b)
instance (Portray a, Portray b) => Portray (Either a b)
deriving via Wrapped Generic Void instance Portray Void
instance Portray a => Portray (Identity a) where
portray :: Identity a -> Portrayal
portray (Identity a
x) = Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
Apply Portrayal
"Identity" [a -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
portray a
instance Portray a => Portray (Const a b) where
portray :: Const a b -> Portrayal
portray (Const a
x) = Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
Apply Portrayal
"Const" [a -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
portray a
instance Portray a => Portray [a] where
portray :: [a] -> Portrayal
portray = [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
List ([Portrayal] -> Portrayal)
-> ([a] -> [Portrayal]) -> [a] -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (a -> Portrayal) -> [a] -> [Portrayal]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map a -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
deriving via Wrapped Generic (Proxy a) instance Portray (Proxy a)
instance Portray TyCon where
portray :: TyCon -> Portrayal
portray = String -> Portrayal
strAtom (String -> Portrayal) -> (TyCon -> String) -> TyCon -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowS
formatPrefixCon ShowS -> (TyCon -> String) -> TyCon -> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TyCon -> String
portraySomeType :: SomeTypeRep -> Portrayal
portraySomeType :: SomeTypeRep -> Portrayal
portraySomeType (SomeTypeRep TypeRep a
ty) = TypeRep a -> Portrayal
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType TypeRep a
portrayType :: TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType :: TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType = \case
TypeRep a
| TypeRep a -> SomeTypeRep
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> SomeTypeRep
SomeTypeRep TypeRep a
special SomeTypeRep -> SomeTypeRep -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TypeRep * -> SomeTypeRep
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> SomeTypeRep
SomeTypeRep (Typeable * => TypeRep *
forall k (a :: k). Typeable a => TypeRep a
typeRep @Type) -> Portrayal
Fun TypeRep arg
a TypeRep res
b -> Text -> Infixity -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
Binop (String -> Text
T.pack String
"->") (Rational -> Infixity
infixr_ (-Rational
1)) (TypeRep arg -> Portrayal
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType TypeRep arg
a) (TypeRep res -> Portrayal
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType TypeRep res
App TypeRep a
f TypeRep b
x -> Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
Apply (TypeRep a -> Portrayal
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType TypeRep a
f) [TypeRep b -> Portrayal
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType TypeRep b
Con' TyCon
con [SomeTypeRep]
tys -> (Portrayal -> SomeTypeRep -> Portrayal)
-> Portrayal -> [SomeTypeRep] -> Portrayal
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl (\Portrayal
x -> Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
TyApp Portrayal
x (Portrayal -> Portrayal)
-> (SomeTypeRep -> Portrayal) -> SomeTypeRep -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SomeTypeRep -> Portrayal
portraySomeType) (TyCon -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
portray TyCon
con) [SomeTypeRep]
instance Portray (TypeRep a) where
portray :: TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portray = Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
TyApp Portrayal
"typeRep" (Portrayal -> Portrayal)
-> (TypeRep a -> Portrayal) -> TypeRep a -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TypeRep a -> Portrayal
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Portrayal
instance Portray SomeTypeRep where
portray :: SomeTypeRep -> Portrayal
portray (SomeTypeRep TypeRep a
ty) = Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
(Portrayal -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
TyApp Portrayal
"SomeTypeRep" (TypeRep a -> Portrayal
forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Portrayal
portrayType TypeRep a
instance Portray (a :~: b) where portray :: (a :~: b) -> Portrayal
portray a :~: b
Refl = Portrayal
instance Portray (Coercion a b) where portray :: Coercion a b -> Portrayal
portray Coercion a b
Coercion = Portrayal
instance (IsList a, Portray (Exts.Item a))
=> Portray (Wrapped IsList a) where
portray :: Wrapped IsList a -> Portrayal
portray = Portrayal -> [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
Apply Portrayal
"fromList" ([Portrayal] -> Portrayal)
-> (Wrapped IsList a -> [Portrayal])
-> Wrapped IsList a
-> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Portrayal -> [Portrayal]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Portrayal -> [Portrayal])
-> (Wrapped IsList a -> Portrayal)
-> Wrapped IsList a
-> [Portrayal]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [Item a] -> Portrayal
forall a. Portray a => a -> Portrayal
portray ([Item a] -> Portrayal)
-> (Wrapped IsList a -> [Item a]) -> Wrapped IsList a -> Portrayal
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Wrapped IsList a -> [Item a]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
deriving via Wrapped IsList (IntMap a)
instance Portray a => Portray (IntMap a)
deriving via Wrapped IsList (Map k a)
instance (Ord k, Portray k, Portray a) => Portray (Map k a)
deriving via Wrapped IsList (Set a)
instance (Ord a, Portray a) => Portray (Set a)
deriving via Wrapped IsList (Seq a)
instance Portray a => Portray (Seq a)
deriving via Wrapped IsList (NonEmpty a)
instance Portray a => Portray (NonEmpty a)
portrayCallStack :: [(String, SrcLoc)] -> Portrayal
portrayCallStack :: [(String, SrcLoc)] -> Portrayal
portrayCallStack [(String, SrcLoc)]
xs = [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
[ Portrayal
, Int -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
Nest Int
2 (Portrayal -> Portrayal) -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Portrayal] -> Portrayal
[ String -> Portrayal
strAtom (String
func String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
", called at " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ SrcLoc -> String
prettySrcLoc SrcLoc
| (String
func, SrcLoc
loc) <- [(String, SrcLoc)]
instance Portray CallStack where
portray :: CallStack -> Portrayal
portray CallStack
cs = case CallStack -> [(String, SrcLoc)]
getCallStack CallStack
cs of
[] -> Portrayal
[(String, SrcLoc)]
xs -> String -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
strQuot String
"callStack" (Portrayal -> Portrayal) -> Portrayal -> Portrayal
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(String, SrcLoc)] -> Portrayal
portrayCallStack [(String, SrcLoc)]
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata :: (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata f a -> a
f = Fix f -> a
go :: Fix f -> a
go (Fix f (Fix f)
fa) = f a -> a
f (f a -> a) -> f a -> a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Fix f -> a
go (Fix f -> a) -> f (Fix f) -> f a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> f (Fix f)