module PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding.Builders

import PostgreSQL.Binary.Prelude hiding (bool)
import ByteString.StrictBuilder
import qualified Data.Vector as A
import qualified Data.Scientific as D
import qualified Data.UUID as E
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as N
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as J
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as K
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as F
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Q
import qualified Data.Aeson as R
import qualified Network.IP.Addr as G
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Prelude as B
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Numeric as C
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Inet as H
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.BuilderPrim as I
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Time as O
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Interval as P

-- * Helpers

{-# NOINLINE null4 #-}
null4 :: Builder
null4 =
  int4_int (-1)

{-# INLINE sized #-}
sized :: Builder -> Builder
sized payload =
  int4_int (builderLength payload) <>

{-# INLINE sizedMaybe #-}
sizedMaybe :: (element -> Builder) -> Maybe element -> Builder
sizedMaybe elementBuilder =
  B.maybe null4 (sized . elementBuilder)

{-# NOINLINE true1 #-}
true1 :: Builder
true1 =
  word8 1

{-# NOINLINE false1 #-}
false1 :: Builder
false1 =
  word8 0

{-# NOINLINE true4 #-}
true4 :: Builder
true4 =
  int4_word32 1

{-# NOINLINE false4 #-}
false4 :: Builder
false4 =
  int4_word32 0

-- * Primitives

{-# INLINE bool #-}
bool :: Bool -> Builder
bool =
  B.bool false1 true1

{-# INLINE int2_int16 #-}
int2_int16 :: Int16 -> Builder
int2_int16 =

{-# INLINE int2_word16 #-}
int2_word16 :: Word16 -> Builder
int2_word16 =

{-# INLINE int4_int32 #-}
int4_int32 :: Int32 -> Builder
int4_int32 =

{-# INLINE int4_word32 #-}
int4_word32 :: Word32 -> Builder
int4_word32 =

{-# INLINE int4_int #-}
int4_int :: Int -> Builder
int4_int =
  int4_int32 . fromIntegral

{-# INLINE int8_int64 #-}
int8_int64 :: Int64 -> Builder
int8_int64 =

{-# INLINE int8_word64 #-}
int8_word64 :: Word64 -> Builder
int8_word64 =

{-# INLINE float4 #-}
float4 :: Float -> Builder
float4 =
  int4_int32 . unsafeCoerce

{-# INLINE float8 #-}
float8 :: Double -> Builder
float8 =
  int8_int64 . unsafeCoerce

{-# INLINABLE numeric #-}
numeric :: Scientific -> Builder
numeric x =
  word16BE (fromIntegral componentsAmount) <>
  word16BE (fromIntegral pointIndex) <>
  signCode <>
  word16BE (fromIntegral trimmedExponent) <>
  foldMap word16BE components
    componentsAmount =
      length components
    coefficient =
      D.coefficient x
    exponent =
      D.base10Exponent x
    components =
      C.extractComponents tunedCoefficient
    pointIndex =
      componentsAmount + (tunedExponent `div` 4) - 1
    (tunedCoefficient, tunedExponent) =
      case mod exponent 4 of
        0 -> (coefficient, exponent)
        x -> (coefficient * 10 ^ x, exponent - x)
    trimmedExponent =
      if tunedExponent >= 0
        then 0
        else negate tunedExponent
    signCode =
      if coefficient < 0
        then numericNegSignCode
        else numericPosSignCode

{-# NOINLINE numericNegSignCode #-}
numericNegSignCode :: Builder
numericNegSignCode =
  int2_word16 C.negSignCode

{-# NOINLINE numericPosSignCode #-}
numericPosSignCode :: Builder
numericPosSignCode =
  int2_word16 C.posSignCode

{-# INLINE uuid #-}
uuid :: UUID -> Builder
uuid uuid =
  case E.toWords uuid of
    (w1, w2, w3, w4) -> int4_word32 w1 <> int4_word32 w2 <> int4_word32 w3 <> int4_word32 w4

{-# INLINABLE ip4 #-}
ip4 :: G.IP4 -> Builder
ip4 x =
  case G.ip4ToOctets x of
    (w1, w2, w3, w4) -> word8 w1 <> word8 w2 <> word8 w3 <> word8 w4

{-# INLINABLE ip6 #-}
ip6 :: G.IP6 -> Builder
ip6 x =
  case G.ip6ToWords x of
    (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8) ->
      int2_word16 w1 <> int2_word16 w2 <> int2_word16 w3 <> int2_word16 w4 <>
      int2_word16 w5 <> int2_word16 w6 <> int2_word16 w7 <> int2_word16 w8

{-# INLINABLE inet #-}
inet :: G.NetAddr G.IP -> Builder
inet i =
  case G.netHost i of
    G.IPv4 x -> inetAddressFamily <> netLength <> isCidr <> ip4Size <> ip4 x
    G.IPv6 x -> inet6AddressFamily <> netLength <> isCidr <> ip6Size <> ip6 x
      netLength =
        word8 (G.netLength i)
      isCidr =

{-# NOINLINE inetAddressFamily #-}
inetAddressFamily :: Builder
inetAddressFamily =
  word8 H.inetAddressFamily

{-# NOINLINE inet6AddressFamily #-}
inet6AddressFamily :: Builder
inet6AddressFamily =
  word8 H.inet6AddressFamily

{-# NOINLINE ip4Size #-}
ip4Size :: Builder
ip4Size =
  word8 4

{-# NOINLINE ip6Size #-}
ip6Size :: Builder
ip6Size =
  word8 16

-- * Text

-- |
-- A UTF-8-encoded char.
-- Note that since it's UTF-8-encoded
-- not the \"char\" but the \"text\" OID should be used with it.
{-# INLINE char_utf8 #-}
char_utf8 :: Char -> Builder
char_utf8 =

{-# INLINE text_strict #-}
text_strict :: Text -> Builder
text_strict =
  bytea_lazyBuilder . J.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped I.nullByteIgnoringBoundedPrim

{-# INLINE text_lazy #-}
text_lazy :: L.Text -> Builder
text_lazy =
  bytea_lazyBuilder . K.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped I.nullByteIgnoringBoundedPrim

{-# INLINE bytea_strict #-}
bytea_strict :: ByteString -> Builder
bytea_strict =

{-# INLINE bytea_lazy #-}
bytea_lazy :: N.ByteString -> Builder
bytea_lazy =

{-# INLINE bytea_lazyBuilder #-}
bytea_lazyBuilder :: M.Builder -> Builder
bytea_lazyBuilder =
  lazyBytes . M.toLazyByteString

-- * Time

{-# INLINE date #-}
date :: Day -> Builder
date =
  int4_int32 . fromIntegral . O.dayToPostgresJulian

{-# INLINABLE time_int #-}
time_int :: TimeOfDay -> Builder
time_int (TimeOfDay h m s) =
    p = unsafeCoerce s :: Integer
    u = p `div` (10^6)
    in int8_int64 (fromIntegral u + 10^6 * 60 * (fromIntegral m + 60 * fromIntegral h))

{-# INLINABLE time_float #-}
time_float :: TimeOfDay -> Builder
time_float (TimeOfDay h m s) =
    p = unsafeCoerce s :: Integer
    u = p `div` (10^6)
    in float8 (fromIntegral u / 10^6 + 60 * (fromIntegral m + 60 * (fromIntegral h)))

{-# INLINE timetz_int #-}
timetz_int :: (TimeOfDay, TimeZone) -> Builder
timetz_int (timeX, tzX) =
  time_int timeX <> tz tzX

{-# INLINE timetz_float #-}
timetz_float :: (TimeOfDay, TimeZone) -> Builder
timetz_float (timeX, tzX) =
  time_float timeX <> tz tzX

{-# INLINE tz #-}
tz :: TimeZone -> Builder
tz =
  int4_int . (*60) . negate . timeZoneMinutes

{-# INLINE timestamp_int #-}
timestamp_int :: LocalTime -> Builder
timestamp_int =
  int8_int64 . O.localTimeToMicros

{-# INLINE timestamp_float #-}
timestamp_float :: LocalTime -> Builder
timestamp_float =
  float8 . O.localTimeToSecs

{-# INLINE timestamptz_int #-}
timestamptz_int :: UTCTime -> Builder
timestamptz_int =
  int8_int64 . O.utcToMicros

{-# INLINE timestamptz_float #-}
timestamptz_float :: UTCTime -> Builder
timestamptz_float =
  float8 . O.utcToSecs

{-# INLINABLE interval_int #-}
interval_int :: DiffTime -> Builder
interval_int x =
  int64BE u <>
  int32BE d <>
  int32BE m
    P.Interval u d m =
      fromMaybe (error ("Too large DiffTime value for an interval " <> show x)) $
      P.fromDiffTime x

{-# INLINABLE interval_float #-}
interval_float :: DiffTime -> Builder
interval_float x =
  float8 s <>
  int32BE d <>
  int32BE m
    P.Interval u d m =
      fromMaybe (error ("Too large DiffTime value for an interval " <> show x)) $
      P.fromDiffTime x
    s =
      fromIntegral u / (10^6)

-- * JSON

{-# INLINE json_bytes #-}
json_bytes :: ByteString -> Builder
json_bytes =

{-# INLINE json_ast #-}
json_ast :: R.Value -> Builder
json_ast =
  lazyBytes . R.encode

{-# INLINE jsonb_bytes #-}
jsonb_bytes :: ByteString -> Builder
jsonb_bytes =
  mappend "\1" . bytes

{-# INLINE jsonb_ast #-}
jsonb_ast :: R.Value -> Builder
jsonb_ast =
  mappend "\1" . json_ast

-- * Array

{-# INLINE array_vector #-}
array_vector :: Word32 -> (element -> Builder) -> Vector element -> Builder
array_vector oid elementBuilder vector =
  array oid dimensions False payload
    dimensions =
      [fromIntegral (A.length vector)]
    payload =
      foldMap (sized . elementBuilder) vector

{-# INLINE nullableArray_vector #-}
nullableArray_vector :: Word32 -> (element -> Builder) -> Vector (Maybe element) -> Builder
nullableArray_vector oid elementBuilder vector =
  array oid dimensions True payload
    dimensions =
      [fromIntegral (A.length vector)]
    payload =
      foldMap (sizedMaybe elementBuilder) vector

{-# INLINABLE array #-}
array :: Word32 -> [Int32] -> Bool -> Builder -> Builder
array oid dimensions nulls payload =
  int4_int (B.length dimensions) <>
  B.bool false4 true4 nulls <>
  int4_word32 oid <>
  foldMap arrayDimension dimensions <>

{-# INLINE arrayDimension #-}
arrayDimension :: Int32 -> Builder
arrayDimension dimension =
  int4_int32 dimension <> true4

-- * HStore

A polymorphic in-place @HSTORE@ encoder.


* An implementation of the @foldl@ function
(e.g., @Data.Foldable.'foldl''@),
which determines the input value.

Here's how you can use it to produce a specific encoder:

hashMapHStore :: Data.HashMap.Strict.HashMap Text (Maybe Text) -> Builder
hashMapHStore =
  hStoreUsingFoldl foldl'
{-# INLINABLE hStoreUsingFoldl #-}
hStoreUsingFoldl :: (forall a. (a -> (Text, Maybe Text) -> a) -> a -> b -> a) -> b -> Builder
hStoreUsingFoldl foldl =
  exit . foldl progress enter
    enter =
      (0, mempty)
    progress (!count, !payload) (key, value) =
      (succ count, payload <> hStoreRow key value)
    exit (count, payload) =
      int4_int count <> payload

{-# INLINE hStoreUsingFoldMapAndSize #-}
hStoreUsingFoldMapAndSize :: (forall a. Monoid a => ((Text, Maybe Text) -> a) -> b -> a) -> Int -> b -> Builder
hStoreUsingFoldMapAndSize foldMap size input =
  int4_int size <> foldMap (uncurry hStoreRow) input

{-# INLINE hStoreFromFoldMapAndSize #-}
hStoreFromFoldMapAndSize :: (forall a. Monoid a => (Text -> Maybe Text -> a) -> a) -> Int -> Builder
hStoreFromFoldMapAndSize foldMap size =
  int4_int size <> foldMap hStoreRow

{-# INLINE hStoreRow #-}
hStoreRow :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Builder
hStoreRow key value =
  sized (text_strict key) <> sizedMaybe text_strict value

{-# INLINE hStore_hashMap #-}
hStore_hashMap :: HashMap Text (Maybe Text) -> Builder
hStore_hashMap input =
  int4_int (F.size input) <>
  F.foldlWithKey' (\payload key value -> payload <> hStoreRow key value) mempty input

{-# INLINE hStore_map #-}
hStore_map :: Map Text (Maybe Text) -> Builder
hStore_map input =
  int4_int (Q.size input) <>
  Q.foldlWithKey' (\payload key value -> payload <> hStoreRow key value) mempty input