{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
Module      : PostgREST.Auth
Description : PostgREST authorization functions.

This module provides functions to deal with the JWT authorization (http://jwt.io).
It also can be used to define other authorization functions,
in the future Oauth, LDAP and similar integrations can be coded here.

Authentication should always be implemented in an external service.
In the test suite there is an example of simple login function that can be used for a
very simple authentication system inside the PostgreSQL database.
module PostgREST.Auth (
  , jwtClaims
  , JWTAttempt(..)
  , parseJWK
  ) where

import           Control.Lens.Operators
import qualified Data.Aeson             as JSON
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict    as M
import           Data.Time.Clock        (UTCTime)
import           Data.Vector            as V
import           PostgREST.Types
import           Protolude

import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types      as JOSE.Types
import           Crypto.JWT

  Possible situations encountered with client JWTs
data JWTAttempt = JWTInvalid JWTError
                | JWTMissingSecret
                | JWTClaims (M.HashMap Text JSON.Value)
                deriving (Eq, Show)

  Receives the JWT secret and audience (from config) and a JWT and returns a map
  of JWT claims.
jwtClaims :: Maybe JWK -> Maybe StringOrURI -> LByteString -> UTCTime -> Maybe JSPath -> IO JWTAttempt
jwtClaims _ _ "" _ _ = return $ JWTClaims M.empty
jwtClaims secret audience payload time jspath =
  case secret of
    Nothing -> return JWTMissingSecret
    Just s -> do
      let validation = defaultJWTValidationSettings (maybe (const True) (==) audience)
      eJwt <- runExceptT $ do
        jwt <- decodeCompact payload
        verifyClaimsAt validation s time jwt
      return $ case eJwt of
        Left e    -> JWTInvalid e
        Right jwt -> JWTClaims $ claims2map jwt jspath

  Turn JWT ClaimSet into something easier to work with,
  also here the jspath is applied to put the "role" in the map
claims2map :: ClaimsSet -> Maybe JSPath -> M.HashMap Text JSON.Value
claims2map claims jspath = (\case
    val@(JSON.Object o) ->
      let role = maybe M.empty (M.singleton "role") $
                 walkJSPath (Just val) =<< jspath in
      M.delete "role" o `M.union` role -- mutating the map
    _ -> M.empty
  ) $ JSON.toJSON claims

walkJSPath :: Maybe JSON.Value -> JSPath -> Maybe JSON.Value
walkJSPath x                      []                = x
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Object o)) (JSPKey key:rest) = walkJSPath (M.lookup key o) rest
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Array ar)) (JSPIdx idx:rest) = walkJSPath (ar V.!? idx) rest
walkJSPath _                      _                 = Nothing

  Whether a response from jwtClaims contains a role claim
containsRole :: JWTAttempt -> Bool
containsRole (JWTClaims claims) = M.member "role" claims
containsRole _                  = False

parseJWK :: ByteString -> JWK
parseJWK str =
  fromMaybe (hs256jwk str) (JSON.decode (toS str) :: Maybe JWK)

  Internal helper to generate HMAC-SHA256. When the jwt key in the
  config file is a simple string rather than a JWK object, we'll
  apply this function to it.
hs256jwk :: ByteString -> JWK
hs256jwk key =
  fromKeyMaterial km
    & jwkUse .~ Just Sig
    & jwkAlg .~ (Just $ JWSAlg HS256)
  km = OctKeyMaterial (OctKeyParameters (JOSE.Types.Base64Octets key))