Module      : PostgREST.DbRequestBuilder
Description : PostgREST database request builder

This module is in charge of building an intermediate representation(ReadRequest, MutateRequest) between the HTTP request and the final resulting SQL query.

A query tree is built in case of resource embedding. By inferring the relationship between tables, join conditions are added for every embedded resource.
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns        #-}

module PostgREST.DbRequestBuilder (
, mutateRequest
, returningCols
) where

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set            as S

import Control.Arrow           ((***))
import Data.Either.Combinators (mapLeft)
import Data.Foldable           (foldr1)
import Data.List               (delete)
import Data.Text               (isInfixOf)

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Tree
import Network.Wai

import PostgREST.ApiRequest (Action (..), ApiRequest (..))
import PostgREST.Error      (ApiRequestError (..), errorResponseFor)
import PostgREST.Parsers
import PostgREST.RangeQuery (NonnegRange, allRange, restrictRange)
import PostgREST.Types
import Protolude            hiding (from)

readRequest :: Schema -> TableName -> Maybe Integer -> [Relation] -> ApiRequest -> Either Response ReadRequest
readRequest schema rootTableName maxRows allRels apiRequest  =
  mapLeft errorResponseFor $
  treeRestrictRange maxRows =<<
  augmentRequestWithJoin schema rootRels =<<
  addFiltersOrdersRanges apiRequest <*>
  (initReadRequest rootName <$> pRequestSelect sel)
    sel = fromMaybe "*" $ iSelect apiRequest -- default to all columns requested (SELECT *) for a non existent ?select querystring param
    (rootName, rootRels) = rootWithRels schema rootTableName allRels (iAction apiRequest)

-- Get the root table name with its relationships according to the Action type.
-- This is done because of the shape of the final SQL Query. The mutation cases are wrapped in a WITH {sourceCTEName}(see Statements.hs).
-- So we need a FROM {sourceCTEName} instead of FROM {tableName}.
rootWithRels :: Schema -> TableName -> [Relation] -> Action -> (QualifiedIdentifier, [Relation])
rootWithRels schema rootTableName allRels action = case action of
  ActionRead _ -> (QualifiedIdentifier schema rootTableName, allRels) -- normal read case
  _            -> (QualifiedIdentifier mempty sourceCTEName, mapMaybe toSourceRel allRels ++ allRels) -- mutation cases and calling proc
    -- To enable embedding in the sourceCTEName cases we need to replace the foreign key tableName in the Relation
    -- with {sourceCTEName}. This way findRel can find relationships with sourceCTEName.
    toSourceRel :: Relation -> Maybe Relation
    toSourceRel r@Relation{relTable=t}
      | rootTableName == tableName t = Just $ r {relTable=t {tableName=sourceCTEName}}
      | otherwise                    = Nothing

-- Build the initial tree with a Depth attribute so when a self join occurs we can differentiate the parent and child tables by having
-- an alias like "table_depth", this is related to http://github.com/PostgREST/postgrest/issues/987.
initReadRequest :: QualifiedIdentifier -> [Tree SelectItem] -> ReadRequest
initReadRequest rootQi =
  foldr (treeEntry rootDepth) initial
    rootDepth = 0
    rootSchema = qiSchema rootQi
    rootName = qiName rootQi
    initial = Node (Select [] rootQi Nothing [] [] [] [] allRange, (rootName, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, rootDepth)) []
    treeEntry :: Depth -> Tree SelectItem -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
    treeEntry depth (Node fld@((fn, _),_,alias, embedHint) fldForest) (Node (q, i) rForest) =
      let nxtDepth = succ depth in
      case fldForest of
        [] -> Node (q {select=fld:select q}, i) rForest
        _  -> Node (q, i) $
              foldr (treeEntry nxtDepth)
              (Node (Select [] (QualifiedIdentifier rootSchema fn) Nothing [] [] [] [] allRange,
                (fn, Nothing, alias, embedHint, nxtDepth)) [])

treeRestrictRange :: Maybe Integer -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
treeRestrictRange maxRows request = pure $ nodeRestrictRange maxRows <$> request
    nodeRestrictRange :: Maybe Integer -> ReadNode -> ReadNode
    nodeRestrictRange m (q@Select {range_=r}, i) = (q{range_=restrictRange m r }, i)

augmentRequestWithJoin :: Schema -> [Relation] -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
augmentRequestWithJoin schema allRels request =
  addRels schema allRels Nothing request
  >>= addJoinConditions Nothing

addRels :: Schema -> [Relation] -> Maybe ReadRequest -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addRels schema allRels parentNode (Node (query@Select{from=tbl}, (nodeName, _, alias, hint, depth)) forest) =
  case parentNode of
    Just (Node (Select{from=parentNodeQi}, _) _) ->
      let newFrom r = if qiName tbl == nodeName then tableQi (relFTable r) else tbl
          newReadNode = (\r -> (query{from=newFrom r}, (nodeName, Just r, alias, Nothing, depth))) <$> rel
          rel = findRel schema allRels (qiName parentNodeQi) nodeName hint
      Node <$> newReadNode <*> (updateForest . hush $ Node <$> newReadNode <*> pure forest)
    _ ->
      let rn = (query, (nodeName, Nothing, alias, Nothing, depth)) in
      Node rn <$> updateForest (Just $ Node rn forest)
    updateForest :: Maybe ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError [ReadRequest]
    updateForest rq = mapM (addRels schema allRels rq) forest

-- Finds a relationship between an origin and a target in the request: /origin?select=target(*)
-- If more than one relationship is found then the request is ambiguous and we return an error.
-- In that case the request can be disambiguated by adding precision to the target or by using a hint: /origin?select=target!hint(*)
-- The elements will be matched according to these rules:
-- origin = table / view
-- target = table / view / constraint / column-from-origin
-- hint   = table / view / constraint / column-from-origin / column-from-target
-- (hint can take table / view values to aid in finding the junction in an m2m relationship)
findRel :: Schema -> [Relation] -> NodeName -> NodeName -> Maybe EmbedHint -> Either ApiRequestError Relation
findRel schema allRels origin target hint =
  case rel of
    []  -> Left $ NoRelBetween origin target
    [r] -> Right r
    rs  ->
      -- Return error if more than one relationship is found, unless we're in a self reference case.
      -- Here we handle a self reference relationship to not cause a breaking change:
      -- In a self reference we get two relationships with the same foreign key and relTable/relFtable but with different cardinalities(m2o/o2m)
      -- We output the O2M rel, the M2O rel can be obtained by using the origin column as an embed hint.
      let [rel0, rel1] = take 2 rs in
      if length rs == 2 && relConstraint rel0 == relConstraint rel1 && relTable rel0 == relTable rel1 && relFTable rel0 == relFTable rel1
        then note (NoRelBetween origin target) (find (\r -> relType r == O2M) rs)
        else Left $ AmbiguousRelBetween origin target rs
    matchFKSingleCol hint_ cols = length cols == 1 && hint_ == (colName <$> head cols)
    rel = filter (
      \Relation{relTable, relColumns, relConstraint, relFTable, relFColumns, relType, relJunction} ->
        -- Both relationship ends need to be on the exposed schema
        schema == tableSchema relTable && schema == tableSchema relFTable &&
          -- /projects?select=clients(*)
          origin == tableName relTable  &&  -- projects
          target == tableName relFTable ||  -- clients

          -- /projects?select=projects_client_id_fkey(*)
            origin == tableName relTable && -- projects
            Just target == relConstraint    -- projects_client_id_fkey
          ) ||
          -- /projects?select=client_id(*)
            origin == tableName relTable &&           -- projects
            matchFKSingleCol (Just target) relColumns -- client_id
        ) && (
          isNothing hint || -- hint is optional

          -- /projects?select=clients!projects_client_id_fkey(*)
          hint == relConstraint             || -- projects_client_id_fkey

          -- /projects?select=clients!client_id(*) or /projects?select=clients!id(*)
          matchFKSingleCol hint relColumns  || -- client_id
          matchFKSingleCol hint relFColumns || -- id

          -- /users?select=tasks!users_tasks(*)
            relType == M2M &&                              -- many-to-many between users and tasks
            hint == (tableName . junTable <$> relJunction) -- users_tasks
      ) allRels

-- previousAlias is only used for the case of self joins
addJoinConditions :: Maybe Alias -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addJoinConditions previousAlias (Node node@(query@Select{from=tbl}, nodeProps@(_, rel, _, _, depth)) forest) =
  case rel of
    Just r@Relation{relType=O2M} -> Node (augmentQuery r, nodeProps) <$> updatedForest
    Just r@Relation{relType=M2O} -> Node (augmentQuery r, nodeProps) <$> updatedForest
    Just r@Relation{relType=M2M, relJunction=junction} ->
      case junction of
        Just Junction{junTable} ->
          let rq = augmentQuery r in
          Node (rq{implicitJoins=tableQi junTable:implicitJoins rq}, nodeProps) <$> updatedForest
        Nothing ->
          Left UnknownRelation
    Nothing -> Node node <$> updatedForest
    newAlias = case isSelfReference <$> rel of
      Just True
        | depth /= 0 -> Just (qiName tbl <> "_" <> show depth) -- root node doesn't get aliased
        | otherwise  -> Nothing
      _              -> Nothing
    augmentQuery r =
        (\jc rq@Select{joinConditions=jcs} -> rq{joinConditions=jc:jcs})
        (getJoinConditions previousAlias newAlias r)
    updatedForest = mapM (addJoinConditions newAlias) forest

-- previousAlias and newAlias are used in the case of self joins
getJoinConditions :: Maybe Alias -> Maybe Alias -> Relation -> [JoinCondition]
getJoinConditions previousAlias newAlias (Relation Table{tableSchema=tSchema, tableName=tN} cols _ Table{tableName=ftN} fCols typ jun) =
  case typ of
    O2M ->
        zipWith (toJoinCondition tN ftN) cols fCols
    M2O ->
        zipWith (toJoinCondition tN ftN) cols fCols
    M2M -> case jun of
        Just (Junction jt _ jc1 _ jc2) ->
          let jtn = tableName jt in
          zipWith (toJoinCondition tN jtn) cols jc1 ++ zipWith (toJoinCondition ftN jtn) fCols jc2
        Nothing -> []
    toJoinCondition :: Text -> Text -> Column -> Column -> JoinCondition
    toJoinCondition tb ftb c fc =
      let qi1 = removeSourceCTESchema tSchema tb
          qi2 = removeSourceCTESchema tSchema ftb in
        JoinCondition (maybe qi1 (QualifiedIdentifier mempty) previousAlias, colName c)
                      (maybe qi2 (QualifiedIdentifier mempty) newAlias, colName fc)

    -- On mutation and calling proc cases we wrap the target table in a WITH {sourceCTEName}
    -- if this happens remove the schema `FROM "schema"."{sourceCTEName}"` and use only the
    -- `FROM "{sourceCTEName}"`. If the schema remains the FROM would be invalid.
    removeSourceCTESchema :: Schema -> TableName -> QualifiedIdentifier
    removeSourceCTESchema schema tbl = QualifiedIdentifier (if tbl == sourceCTEName then mempty else schema) tbl

addFiltersOrdersRanges :: ApiRequest -> Either ApiRequestError (ReadRequest -> ReadRequest)
addFiltersOrdersRanges apiRequest = foldr1 (liftA2 (.)) [
    flip (foldr addFilter) <$> filters,
    flip (foldr addOrder) <$> orders,
    flip (foldr addRange) <$> ranges,
    flip (foldr addLogicTree) <$> logicForest
  The esence of what is going on above is that we are composing tree functions
  of type (ReadRequest->ReadRequest) that are in (Either ApiRequestError a) context
    filters :: Either ApiRequestError [(EmbedPath, Filter)]
    filters = mapM pRequestFilter flts
    logicForest :: Either ApiRequestError [(EmbedPath, LogicTree)]
    logicForest = mapM pRequestLogicTree logFrst
    action = iAction apiRequest
    -- there can be no filters on the root table when we are doing insert/update/delete
    (flts, logFrst) =
      case action of
        ActionInvoke _ -> (iFilters apiRequest, iLogic apiRequest)
        ActionRead _   -> (iFilters apiRequest, iLogic apiRequest)
        _              -> join (***) (filter (( "." `isInfixOf` ) . fst)) (iFilters apiRequest, iLogic apiRequest)
    orders :: Either ApiRequestError [(EmbedPath, [OrderTerm])]
    orders = mapM pRequestOrder $ iOrder apiRequest
    ranges :: Either ApiRequestError [(EmbedPath, NonnegRange)]
    ranges = mapM pRequestRange $ M.toList $ iRange apiRequest

addFilterToNode :: Filter -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addFilterToNode flt (Node (q@Select {where_=lf}, i) f) = Node (q{where_=addFilterToLogicForest flt lf}::ReadQuery, i) f

addFilter :: (EmbedPath, Filter) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addFilter = addProperty addFilterToNode

addOrderToNode :: [OrderTerm] -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addOrderToNode o (Node (q,i) f) = Node (q{order=o}, i) f

addOrder :: (EmbedPath, [OrderTerm]) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addOrder = addProperty addOrderToNode

addRangeToNode :: NonnegRange -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addRangeToNode r (Node (q,i) f) = Node (q{range_=r}, i) f

addRange :: (EmbedPath, NonnegRange) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addRange = addProperty addRangeToNode

addLogicTreeToNode :: LogicTree -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addLogicTreeToNode t (Node (q@Select{where_=lf},i) f) = Node (q{where_=t:lf}::ReadQuery, i) f

addLogicTree :: (EmbedPath, LogicTree) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addLogicTree = addProperty addLogicTreeToNode

addProperty :: (a -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest) -> (EmbedPath, a) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addProperty f ([], a) rr = f a rr
addProperty f (targetNodeName:remainingPath, a) (Node rn forest) =
  case pathNode of
    Nothing -> Node rn forest -- the property is silenty dropped in the Request does not contain the required path
    Just tn -> Node rn (addProperty f (remainingPath, a) tn:delete tn forest)
    pathNode = find (\(Node (_,(nodeName,_,alias,_,_)) _) -> nodeName == targetNodeName || alias == Just targetNodeName) forest

mutateRequest :: Schema -> TableName -> ApiRequest -> S.Set FieldName -> [FieldName] -> ReadRequest -> Either Response MutateRequest
mutateRequest schema tName apiRequest cols pkCols readReq = mapLeft errorResponseFor $
  case action of
    ActionCreate -> do
        confCols <- case iOnConflict apiRequest of
            Nothing    -> pure pkCols
            Just param -> pRequestOnConflict param
        pure $ Insert qi cols ((,) <$> iPreferResolution apiRequest <*> Just confCols) [] returnings
    ActionUpdate -> Update qi cols <$> combinedLogic <*> pure returnings
    ActionSingleUpsert ->
      (\flts ->
        if null (iLogic apiRequest) &&
           S.fromList (fst <$> iFilters apiRequest) == S.fromList pkCols &&
           not (null (S.fromList pkCols)) &&
           all (\case
              Filter _ (OpExpr False (Op "eq" _)) -> True
              _ -> False) flts
          then Insert qi cols (Just (MergeDuplicates, pkCols)) <$> combinedLogic <*> pure returnings
          Left InvalidFilters) =<< filters
    ActionDelete -> Delete qi <$> combinedLogic <*> pure returnings
    _            -> Left UnsupportedVerb
    qi = QualifiedIdentifier schema tName
    action = iAction apiRequest
    returnings =
      if iPreferRepresentation apiRequest == None
        then []
        else returningCols readReq
    filters = map snd <$> mapM pRequestFilter mutateFilters
    logic = map snd <$> mapM pRequestLogicTree logicFilters
    combinedLogic = foldr addFilterToLogicForest <$> logic <*> filters
    -- update/delete filters can be only on the root table
    (mutateFilters, logicFilters) = join (***) onlyRoot (iFilters apiRequest, iLogic apiRequest)
    onlyRoot = filter (not . ( "." `isInfixOf` ) . fst)

returningCols :: ReadRequest -> [FieldName]
returningCols rr@(Node _ forest) = returnings
    fldNames = fstFieldNames rr
    -- Without fkCols, when a mutateRequest to /projects?select=name,clients(name) occurs, the RETURNING SQL part would be
    -- `RETURNING name`(see QueryBuilder).
    -- This would make the embedding fail because the following JOIN would need the "client_id" column from projects.
    -- So this adds the foreign key columns to ensure the embedding succeeds, result would be `RETURNING name, client_id`.
    -- This also works for the other relType's.
    fkCols = concat $ mapMaybe (\case
        Node (_, (_, Just Relation{relColumns=cols, relType=relTyp}, _, _, _)) _ -> case relTyp of
          O2M -> Just cols
          M2O -> Just cols
          M2M -> Just cols
        _ -> Nothing
      ) forest
    -- However if the "client_id" is present, e.g. mutateRequest to /projects?select=client_id,name,clients(name)
    -- we would get `RETURNING client_id, name, client_id` and then we would produce the "column reference \"client_id\" is ambiguous"
    -- error from PostgreSQL. So we deduplicate with Set:
    returnings = S.toList . S.fromList $ fldNames ++ (colName <$> fkCols)

-- Traditional filters(e.g. id=eq.1) are added as root nodes of the LogicTree
-- they are later concatenated with AND in the QueryBuilder
addFilterToLogicForest :: Filter -> [LogicTree] -> [LogicTree]
addFilterToLogicForest flt lf = Stmnt flt : lf