pred-trie-0.5.0: Predicative tries

Copyright(c) 2015 Athan Clark
Safe HaskellNone




This module defines a "builder" monad, which aides in the process of building a trie. It's a monad transformer, so you can use it alongside whichever context you're already working in.

myBuilder :: ( Eq k
             , Hashable k
             , MonadIO m
             ) => PTBuilder String Int m ()
myBuilder = do
  insertHere 0
  insert ("some" ./ "path" ./ nil) 1
  insert ("some" ./ pred "pred-chunk" upperPred ./ nil) 2
  prefix ("some") $ do
    insert ("thing" ./ nil) 3
    insert ("else" ./ nil) 4
    data <- liftIO (doSomething)
    insert ("another" ./ "thing" ./ nil) data
    uppderPred :: String -> Maybe String
    uppderPred s | all isUpperCase s = Just s
                 | otherwise         = Nothing

Then we can get our trie to perform lookups by executing the monad:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  trie <- execPTBuilderT myBuilder
  print (lookup ["foo", "bar", "baz"] trie)



Builder Monad

newtype PTBuilderT k v m a Source




runPTBuilderT :: StateT (RootedPredTrie k v) m a


MonadTrans (PTBuilderT k v) Source 
(Monad m, Eq k, Hashable k) => MonadWriter (RootedPredTrie k v) (PTBuilderT k v m) Source 
Monad m => MonadState (RootedPredTrie k v) (PTBuilderT k v m) Source 
Monad m => Monad (PTBuilderT k v m) Source 
Functor m => Functor (PTBuilderT k v m) Source 
Monad m => Applicative (PTBuilderT k v m) Source 

execPTBuilderT :: (Monad m, Eq k, Hashable k) => PTBuilderT k v m a -> m (RootedPredTrie k v) Source


insert :: (Monad m, Eq k, Hashable k, Singleton (PathChunks k xs) childContent (RootedPredTrie k resultContent), cleanxs ~ CatMaybes xs, ArityTypeListIso childContent cleanxs resultContent) => PathChunks k xs -> childContent -> PTBuilderT k resultContent m () Source

insertHere :: (Monad m, Eq k, Hashable k) => v -> PTBuilderT k v m () Source

prefix :: (Monad m, Eq k, Hashable k, cleanxs ~ CatMaybes xs, ExtrudeSoundly k cleanxs xs childContent resultContent) => PathChunks k xs -> PTBuilderT k childContent m () -> PTBuilderT k resultContent m () Source

Specifying Paths

only :: k -> PathChunk k Nothing Source

Match a literal key

pred :: k -> (k -> Maybe r) -> PathChunk k (Just r) Source

Match with a predicate against the url chunk directly.

(./) :: PathChunk k mx -> PathChunks k xs -> PathChunks k (mx : xs) infixr 9 Source

The cons-cell for building a query path.

nil :: PathChunks k `[]` Source

The basis, equivalent to []


lookup :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [k] -> RootedPredTrie k a -> Maybe a Source

match :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => [k] -> RootedPredTrie k a -> Maybe ([k], a, [k]) Source

matches :: (Hashable k, Eq k) => [k] -> RootedPredTrie k a -> [([k], a, [k])] Source


delete :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [k] -> RootedPredTrie k a -> RootedPredTrie k a Source


data RootedPredTrie k a Source


(Hashable k, Eq k) => Trie [] k RootedPredTrie Source 
Functor (RootedPredTrie k) Source 
(Show k, Show a) => Show (RootedPredTrie k a) Source 
(Hashable k, Eq k) => Monoid (RootedPredTrie k a) Source 
Singleton (PathChunks k ([] (Maybe *))) a (RootedPredTrie k a) Source 
Extrude (PathChunks k ([] (Maybe *))) (RootedPredTrie k a) (RootedPredTrie k a) Source 
(Eq k, Hashable k) => Extend (PathChunk k (Just * r)) (RootedPredTrie k (r -> a)) (RootedPredTrie k a) Source

Existentially quantified case

(Eq k, Hashable k) => Extend (PathChunk k (Nothing *)) (RootedPredTrie k a) (RootedPredTrie k a) Source

Literal case

(Monad m, Eq k, Hashable k) => MonadWriter (RootedPredTrie k v) (PTBuilderT k v m) 
Monad m => MonadState (RootedPredTrie k v) (PTBuilderT k v m) 

data PathChunks k xs Source

Container when defining route paths


(Extrude (PathChunks k xs) trie0 trie1, Extend (PathChunk k x) trie1 trie2) => Extrude (PathChunks k ((:) (Maybe *) x xs)) trie0 trie2 Source 
(Singleton (PathChunks k xs) new trie0, Extend (PathChunk k x) trie0 trie1) => Singleton (PathChunks k ((:) (Maybe *) x xs)) new trie1 Source 
Singleton (PathChunks k ([] (Maybe *))) a (RootedPredTrie k a) Source 
Extrude (PathChunks k ([] (Maybe *))) (RootedPredTrie k a) (RootedPredTrie k a) Source 

data PathChunk k mx Source

Constrained to AttoParsec, Regex-Compat and T.Text


IsString k => IsString (PathChunk k (Nothing *)) Source

Use raw strings instead of prepending l

(Eq k, Hashable k) => Extend (PathChunk k (Just * r)) (RootedPredTrie k (r -> a)) (RootedPredTrie k a) Source

Existentially quantified case

(Eq k, Hashable k) => Extend (PathChunk k (Nothing *)) (RootedPredTrie k a) (RootedPredTrie k a) Source

Literal case