what this library provides:
- a dsl for building refinement types
- Refined is simple refinement type that just validates the input against a predicate
- Refined3 is a more complex refinement type that allows you to change the input
- validation against input values
- visualisation of each step in the process
6 template haskell methods for creating the refinement types at compile time
- ToJSON and FromJSON instances for Refined and Refined3
- Read and Show instance for Refined and Refined3
- Binary instances for Refined and Refined3
- database encoders and decoders using odbc(sqlhandler-odbcalt) or hdbc((sqlhandler-odbc)
- quickcheck arbitrary methods
data Refined p a = Refined a
- a is the input type
- p predicate on a
- reads in a number and checks to see that it is greater than 99
>prtRefinedIO @(ReadP Int >> Id > 99) ol "123"
Right (Refined {unRefined = "123"})
- reads in a number but fails at compile-time
>prtRefinedIO @(ReadP Int >> Id > 99) ol "1x2y3"
Left (FailP "ReadP Int (1x2y3) failed")
- reads in a hexadecimal string and checks to see that it is between 99 and 256
>prtRefinedIO @(ReadBase Int 16 >> Between 99 256) ol "000fe"
Right (Refined {unRefined = "000fe"})
- reads in a hexadecimal string but fails the predicate check so doesnt compile
>prtRefinedIO @(ReadBase Int 16 >> Between 99 253) ol "000fe"
Left FalseP
- same as 4. above but now we get details of where it went wrong
>prtRefinedIO @(ReadBase Int 16 >> Between 99 253) o2 "000fe"
- reads in a string as time and does simple validation
>prtRefinedIO @(Resplit ":" Id >> Map (ReadP Int) Id >> Len == 3) ol "12:01:05"
Right (Refined {unRefined = "12:01:05"})
Resplit ":" Id
split using regex using a colon as a delimiter ["12","01","05"]
Map (ReadP Int) Id
Read in the values as Ints [12,1,5]
Len == 3
Check to see that the length of the list of Ints is 3
Testing out predicates
When using Refined the expression in p must result in a True/False
pe2 does not have that restriction so you can run the whole thing or the individual pieces
(for less detail use pl)
>pe2 @(Resplit ":" Id >> Map (ReadP Int) Id >> Len == 3) "12:01:05"
>pe2 @(Resplit ":" Id) "12:01:05"
>pe2 @(Map (ReadP Int) Id) ["12","01","05"]
>pe2 @(Len == 3) [12,1,5]
>type Hex = '(ReadBase Int 16, Between 0 255, ShowBase 16, String)
>prtEval3PIO (Proxy @Hex) ol "0000fe"
Refined3 {in3 = 254, out3 = "fe"}
ReadBase Int 16
reads a hexadecimal string and returns 254
Between 0 255
checks to make sure the predicate holds ie the number is between 0 and 255
ShowBase 16
formats the output as "fe" which is compatible with the input
run this to get details in color of each evaluation step:
>prtEval3PIO (Proxy @Hex) o2 "0000fe"
***Step 1. Success Initial Conversion(ip) [254] ***
P ReadBase(Int) 16 254 | "0000fe"
`- P Id "0000fe"
***Step 2. Success Boolean Check(op) ***
True True && True
+- True 254 >= 0
| |
| +- P I
| |
| `- P '0
`- True 254 <= 255
+- P I
`- P '255
***Step 3. Success Output Conversion(fmt) = "fe" ***
P ShowBase 16 fe | 254
Read in the string "0000fe" as input to ReadBase Int 16
and produce 254 as output
>pe2 @(ReadBase Int 16) "0000fe"
PresentT 254
>pe2 @(Between 0 255) 254
>pe2 @(ShowBase 16) 254 = "fe"
PresentT "fe"
Template Haskell versions
ex1 :: Refined (ReadP Int >> Id > 99) String
ex1 = $$(refinedTH "123")
type Hex = '(ReadBase Int 16, Between 0 255, ShowBase 16, String)
ex2 :: MakeR3 Hex
ex2 = $$(refined3TH "0000fe")
Any valid Read/Show instance can be used with Refined3
>$$(refined3TH "13 % 3") :: ReadShowR Rational
Refined3 {r3In = 13 % 3, r3Out = "13 % 3"}
>$$(refined3TH "2016-11-09") :: ReadShowR Day
Refined3 {r3In = 2016-11-09, r3Out = "2016-11-09"}
An example of an invalid refined3TH call
>$$(refined3TH "2016-xy-09") :: ReadShowR Day
<interactive>:171:4: error:
* refined3TH: predicate failed with Step 1. Initial Conversion(ip) Failed | ReadP Day (2016-xy-09) failed
* In the Template Haskell splice $$(refined3TH "2016-xy-09")
In the expression: $$(refined3TH "2016-xy-09") :: ReadShowR Day
In an equation for `it':
it = $$(refined3TH "2016-xy-09") :: ReadShowR Day
Json decoding
This example is successful as it is a valid hexadecimal and is in the range 10 though 256
>eitherDecode' @(Refined3 (ReadBase Int 16) (Id > 10 && Id < 256) ShowP String) "\"00fe\""
Right (Refined3 {in3 = 254, out3 = "254"})
This example fails as the value is not a valid hexadecimal string
>either putStrLn print $ eitherDecode' @(Refined3 (ReadBase Int 16) 'True ShowP String) "\"00feg\""
Error in $: Refined3:Step 1. Initial Conversion(ip) Failed | invalid base 16
***Step 1. Initial Conversion(ip) Failed ***
[Error invalid base 16] ReadBase(Int) 16 as=00feg err=[(254,"g")]
`- P Id "00feg"
This example fails as the hexadecimal value is valid but is not between 10 and 256
>either putStrLn print $ eitherDecode' @(Refined3 (ReadBase Int 16) (Id > 10 && Id < 256) ShowP String) "\"00fe443a\""
Error in $: Refined3:Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) | FalseP
***Step 1. Success Initial Conversion(ip) [16663610] ***
P ReadBase(Int,16) 16663610 | "00fe443a"
`- P Id "00fe443a"
***Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) = FalseP ***
False True && False
+- True 16663610 > 10
| |
| +- P Id 16663610
| |
| `- P '10
`- False 16663610 < 256
+- P Id 16663610
`- P '256