predicate-typed- Predicates, Refinement types and Dsl
Safe HaskellNone



promoted indexing functions



data Ix (n :: Nat) def Source #

similar to !! for lists

>>> pz @(Ix 4 "not found") ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Val "G"
>>> pz @(Ix 40 "not found") ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Val "not found"
>>> pl @(Fst >> Dup >> (Ix 1 (FailP "failed5") *** Ix 3 (FailP "failed5")) >> Id) ([10,12,3,5],"ss")
Present (12,5) ((>>) (12,5) | {Id (12,5)})
Val (12,5)
>>> pl @(Fst >> Dup >> (Ix 1 (FailP "failed5") *** Ix 3 (FailP "failed5")) >> Fst < Snd) ([10,12,3,5],"ss")
False ((>>) False | {12 < 5})
Val False
>>> pl @(Fst >> Dup >> (Ix 1 (FailP "failed5") *** Ix 3 (FailP "failed5")) >> Fst > Snd) ([10,12,3,5],"ss")
True ((>>) True | {12 > 5})
Val True
>>> pl @(Snd >> Len &&& Ix 3 (FailP "someval1") >> Fst == Snd) ('x',[1..5])
False ((>>) False | {5 == 4})
Val False
>>> pl @(Snd >> Len &&& Ix 3 (FailP "someval2") >> Fst < Snd) ('x',[1..5])
False ((>>) False | {5 < 4})
Val False
>>> pl @(Snd >> Len &&& Ix 3 (FailP "someval3") >> Fst > Snd) ('x',[1..5])
True ((>>) True | {5 > 4})
Val True
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 3 (FailP "lhs") &&& Ix 0 5 >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
Error lhs (Ix(3) not found | '(,))
Fail "lhs"
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 0 (FailP "lhs") &&& Ix 1 5 >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
False ((>>) False | {4 == 2})
Val False
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 1 (FailP "lhs") &&& Ix 3 (FailP "rhs") >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
Error rhs (Ix(3) not found | '(,))
Fail "rhs"
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 10 (FailP "lhs") &&& Ix 1 (FailP "rhs") >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
Error lhs (Ix(10) not found | '(,))
Fail "lhs"
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 0 (FailP "lhs") &&& Ix 10 (FailP "rhs") >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
Error rhs (Ix(10) not found | '(,))
Fail "rhs"
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 10 3 &&& Ix 1 (FailP "rhs") >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
False ((>>) False | {3 == 2})
Val False
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 3 3 &&& Ix 1 4 >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
False ((>>) False | {3 == 2})
Val False
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 10 3 &&& Ix 1 4 >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
False ((>>) False | {3 == 2})
Val False
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 10 5 &&& Ix 1 4 >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
False ((>>) False | {5 == 2})
Val False
>>> pl @(Map Len >> Ix 10 2 &&& Ix 1 4 >> Fst == Snd) [[1..4],[4..5]]
True ((>>) True | {2 == 2})
Val True


Instances details
(P def (Proxy a), PP def (Proxy a) ~ a, KnownNat n, Show a, [a] ~ x) => P (Ix n def :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (Ix n def) x Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (Ix n def) -> POpts -> x -> m (TT (PP (Ix n def) x)) Source #

Show (Ix n def) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> Ix n def -> ShowS #

show :: Ix n def -> String #

showList :: [Ix n def] -> ShowS #

type PP (Ix n def :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (Ix n def :: Type) x = ExtractAFromTA x

data Ix' (n :: Nat) Source #

similar to !! for lists with a default error message on failure


Instances details
Show (Ix' n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> Ix' n -> ShowS #

show :: Ix' n -> String #

showList :: [Ix' n] -> ShowS #

P (IxT' n) x => P (Ix' n :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (Ix' n) x Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (Ix' n) -> POpts -> x -> m (TT (PP (Ix' n) x)) Source #

type PP (Ix' n :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (Ix' n :: Type) x

data IxL p q def Source #

similar to !! leveraging Ixed

>>> pz @(IxL Id 2 "notfound") ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Val "eF"
>>> pz @(IxL Id 20 "notfound") ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Val "notfound"
>>> pl @(IxL Id 1 (C "x")) ("123" :: T.Text)
Present '2' (IxL(1) '2' | p="123" | q=1)
Val '2'
>>> pl @(IxL Id 15 (C "x")) ("123" :: T.Text)
Present 'x' (IxL(15) index not found)
Val 'x'


Instances details
(P q a, P p a, Show (PP p a), Ixed (PP p a), PP q a ~ Index (PP p a), Show (Index (PP p a)), Show (IxValue (PP p a)), P r (Proxy (IxValue (PP p a))), PP r (Proxy (IxValue (PP p a))) ~ IxValue (PP p a)) => P (IxL p q r :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (IxL p q r) a Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (IxL p q r) -> POpts -> a -> m (TT (PP (IxL p q r) a)) Source #

Show (IxL p q def) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> IxL p q def -> ShowS #

show :: IxL p q def -> String #

showList :: [IxL p q def] -> ShowS #

type PP (IxL p q r :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (IxL p q r :: Type) a = IxValue (PP p a)

data p !! q Source #

similar to !! leveraging Ixed

>>> pz @(Id !! 2) ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Val "eF"
>>> pz @(Id !! 20) ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Fail "(!!) index not found"
>>> pz @(Id !! "eF") (M.fromList (flip zip [0..] ["abc","D","eF","","G"]))
Val 2
>>> pl @(Id !! 3) ("asfd" :: T.Text)
Present 'd' (IxL(3) 'd' | p="asfd" | q=3)
Val 'd'
>>> pl @(Id !! 4) ("asfd" :: T.Text)
Error (!!) index not found (IxL(4))
Fail "(!!) index not found"
>>> pl @(Id !! MEmptyT _) (Just "a")
Present "a" (IxL(()) "a" | p=Just "a" | q=())
Val "a"
>>> pl @(Id !! MEmptyT _) (Nothing @()) -- had to add @() to keep this happy: ghci is fine
Error (!!) index not found (IxL(()))
Fail "(!!) index not found"
>>> pl @(Id !! 0) ('a','b','c')
Present 'a' (IxL(0) 'a' | p=('a','b','c') | q=0)
Val 'a'
>>> pl @(Id !! FailT _ "err") ('a','b','c')
Error err (IxL)
Fail "err"
>>> pl @(Id !! "d") (M.fromList $ zip (map (:[]) "abcd") [0 ..])
Present 3 (IxL("d") 3 | p=fromList [("a",0),("b",1),("c",2),("d",3)] | q="d")
Val 3
>>> pl @(Id !! C "d") (M.fromList $ zip "abcd" [0 ..])
Present 3 (IxL('d') 3 | p=fromList [('a',0),('b',1),('c',2),('d',3)] | q='d')
Val 3
>>> pl @(Id !! C "d") (Set.fromList "abcd")
Present () (IxL('d') () | p=fromList "abcd" | q='d')
Val ()
>>> pl @(Id !! HeadFail "failedn" "e") (Set.fromList "abcd")
Error (!!) index not found (IxL('e'))
Fail "(!!) index not found"
>>> pl @(Id !! C "d") (M.fromList $ zip "abcd" [0 ..])
Present 3 (IxL('d') 3 | p=fromList [('a',0),('b',1),('c',2),('d',3)] | q='d')
Val 3
>>> pl @(Id !! MEmptyT _) (Just 10)
Present 10 (IxL(()) 10 | p=Just 10 | q=())
Val 10
>>> pl @(Id !! MEmptyT _) (Nothing @())
Error (!!) index not found (IxL(()))
Fail "(!!) index not found"
>>> pl @(Id !! 6) ['a'..'z']
Present 'g' (IxL(6) 'g' | p="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" | q=6)
Val 'g'
>>> pl @(Snd !! Fst) (3,"abcde")
Present 'd' (IxL(3) 'd' | p="abcde" | q=3)
Val 'd'
>>> pl @(Snd !! Fst) (4,[9,8])
Error (!!) index not found (IxL(4))
Fail "(!!) index not found"
>>> pl @(2 &&& Id >> Snd !! Fst) "abcdef"
Present 'c' ((>>) 'c' | {IxL(2) 'c' | p="abcdef" | q=2})
Val 'c'
>>> pl @((Len >> Pred) &&& Id >> Snd !! Fst) "abcdef"
Present 'f' ((>>) 'f' | {IxL(5) 'f' | p="abcdef" | q=5})
Val 'f'
>>> pl @(Id !! 3) ('a','b','c','d','e')
Present 'd' (IxL(3) 'd' | p=('a','b','c','d','e') | q=3)
Val 'd'
>>> pl @(Id !! "s") $ M.fromList [("t",1), ("s", 20), ("s", 99)]
Present 99 (IxL("s") 99 | p=fromList [("s",99),("t",1)] | q="s")
Val 99
>>> pl @(Id !! C "d") (M.fromList $ zip "abcd" [0 ..])
Present 3 (IxL('d') 3 | p=fromList [('a',0),('b',1),('c',2),('d',3)] | q='d')
Val 3
>>> pl @(Id !! FromString _ "d" &&& (Map' (Snd >> Gt 3 >> Coerce SG.Any) (IToList _) >> MConcat)) (M.fromList $ zip (map T.singleton "abcdefgh") [0 ..])
Present (3,Any {getAny = True}) ('(3,Any {getAny = True}))
Val (3,Any {getAny = True})
>>> pl @(Id !! FromString _ "d" &&& (Map' (Snd >> Gt 3 >> Wrap SG.Any Id) (IToList _) >> MConcat >> Unwrap)) (M.fromList $ zip (map T.singleton "abcdefgh") [0 ..])
Present (3,True) ('(3,True))
Val (3,True)
>>> pl @(Id !! FromString _ "d") (M.fromList $ zip (map T.singleton "abcd") [0 ..])
Present 3 (IxL("d") 3 | p=fromList [("a",0),("b",1),("c",2),("d",3)] | q="d")
Val 3
>>> pl @(Id !! FromString _ "d") (M.fromList $ zip (map T.singleton "abcd") [0 ..])
Present 3 (IxL("d") 3 | p=fromList [("a",0),("b",1),("c",2),("d",3)] | q="d")
Val 3
>>> pl @(Id !! 2 !! 0) [[1..5],[10..14],[100..110]]
Present 100 (IxL(0) 100 | p=[100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110] | q=0)
Val 100
>>> pl @(Id !! 1 !! 7) [[1..5],[10..14],[100..110]]
Error (!!) index not found (IxL(7))
Fail "(!!) index not found"
>>> pl @(Id !! 1) [('x',14),('y',3),('z',5)]
Present ('y',3) (IxL(1) ('y',3) | p=[('x',14),('y',3),('z',5)] | q=1)
Val ('y',3)
>>> pl @(Id !! 14) [('x',14),('y',3),('z',5)]
Error (!!) index not found (IxL(14))
Fail "(!!) index not found"


Instances details
P (BangBangT p q) a => P (p !! q :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (p !! q) a Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (p !! q) -> POpts -> a -> m (TT (PP (p !! q) a)) Source #

Show (p !! q) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> (p !! q) -> ShowS #

show :: (p !! q) -> String #

showList :: [p !! q] -> ShowS #

type PP (p !! q :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (p !! q :: Type) a

data p !!? q Source #

type operator version of Lookup

>>> pl @((Id !!? C "d") > MkJust 99 || Length Id <= 3) (M.fromList $ zip "abcd" [1..])
False (False || False | (Just 4 > Just 99) || (4 <= 3))
Val False
>>> pz @((Id !!? C "d") > MkJust 2 || Length Id <= 3) (M.fromList $ zip "abcd" [1..])
Val True


Instances details
P (BangBangQT p q) a => P (p !!? q :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (p !!? q) a Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (p !!? q) -> POpts -> a -> m (TT (PP (p !!? q) a)) Source #

Show (p !!? q) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> (p !!? q) -> ShowS #

show :: (p !!? q) -> String #

showList :: [p !!? q] -> ShowS #

type PP (p !!? q :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (p !!? q :: Type) a

data Lookup p q Source #

lookup leveraging Ixed: see !!?

>>> pz @(Lookup 2 Id) ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Val (Just "eF")
>>> pz @(Lookup 20 Id) ["abc","D","eF","","G"]
Val Nothing
>>> pl @(FromList (M.Map _ _) >> Lookup (C "y") Id) [('x',True),('y',False)]
Present Just False ((>>) Just False | {Lookup('y') False | q=fromList [('x',True),('y',False)] | p='y'})
Val (Just False)
>>> pl @(FromList (M.Map _ _) >> Lookup (C "z") Id) [('x',True),('y',False)]
Present Nothing ((>>) Nothing | {Lookup('z') not found})
Val Nothing
>>> pl @(Lookup 1 Id) [('x',14),('y',3),('z',5)]
Present Just ('y',3) (Lookup(1) ('y',3) | q=[('x',14),('y',3),('z',5)] | p=1)
Val (Just ('y',3))
>>> pl @(Lookup 14 Id) [('x',14),('y',3),('z',5)]
Present Nothing (Lookup(14) not found)
Val Nothing
>>> pl @(Lookup 3 "abcdef") ()
Present Just 'd' (Lookup(3) 'd' | q="abcdef" | p=3)
Val (Just 'd')
>>> pl @(Lookup 4 '[1,2,3,4,5,6]) ()
Present Just 5 (Lookup(4) 5 | q=[1,2,3,4,5,6] | p=4)
Val (Just 5)


Instances details
(P p a, P q a, Show (PP q a), Ixed (PP q a), PP p a ~ Index (PP q a), Show (Index (PP q a)), Show (IxValue (PP q a))) => P (Lookup p q :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (Lookup p q) a Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (Lookup p q) -> POpts -> a -> m (TT (PP (Lookup p q) a)) Source #

Show (Lookup p q) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> Lookup p q -> ShowS #

show :: Lookup p q -> String #

showList :: [Lookup p q] -> ShowS #

type PP (Lookup p q :: Type) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (Lookup p q :: Type) a = Maybe (IxValue (PP q a))

data LookupDef v w p Source #

index a value in an Ixed container and if not found return the given default value

>>> pl @(LookupDef 4 '[1,2,3,4,5,6] Id) 23
Present 5 (JustDef Just)
Val 5
>>> pl @(LookupDef 4 '[1,2,3,4,5,6] Fst) (23,'x')
Present 5 (JustDef Just)
Val 5
>>> pl @(LookupDef 99 '[1,2,3,4,5,6] Id) 23
Present 23 (JustDef Nothing)
Val 23
>>> pl @(LookupDef 4 Fst (MEmptyT _)) (map SG.Min [1::Int .. 10],'x')
Present Min {getMin = 5} (JustDef Just)
Val (Min {getMin = 5})
>>> pl @(LookupDef 999 Fst (MEmptyT _)) (map SG.Min [1::Int .. 10],'x')
Present Min {getMin = 9223372036854775807} (JustDef Nothing)
Val (Min {getMin = 9223372036854775807})


Instances details
P (LookupDefT v w p) x => P (LookupDef v w p :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (LookupDef v w p) x Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (LookupDef v w p) -> POpts -> x -> m (TT (PP (LookupDef v w p) x)) Source #

Show (LookupDef v w p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> LookupDef v w p -> ShowS #

show :: LookupDef v w p -> String #

showList :: [LookupDef v w p] -> ShowS #

type PP (LookupDef v w p :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (LookupDef v w p :: Type) x

data LookupDef' v w p q Source #

index a value in an Ixed container and if not found return the given default value

>>> pl @(LookupDef' Snd Fst (C "xx") Id) (['a'..'e'],2)
Present 'c' (JustDef Just)
Val 'c'
>>> pl @(LookupDef' Snd Fst (C "xx") Id) (['a'..'e'],999)
Present 'x' (JustDef Nothing)
Val 'x'
>>> pl @(LookupDef' Snd Fst (C "xx") Id) ([],2)
Present 'x' (JustDef Nothing)
Val 'x'
>>> pl @(LookupDef' Snd Fst (C "xx") Snd) ('w',([],2))
Present 'x' (JustDef Nothing)
Val 'x'
>>> pl @(LookupDef' Snd Fst Fst Snd) ('x',(['a'..'e'],2))
Present 'c' (JustDef Just)
Val 'c'
>>> pl @(LookupDef' Snd Fst (MEmptyT _) Snd) ('x',(map SG.Min [10..15::Int], 3))
Present Min {getMin = 13} (JustDef Just)
Val (Min {getMin = 13})


Instances details
P (LookupDefT' v w p q) x => P (LookupDef' v w p q :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (LookupDef' v w p q) x Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (LookupDef' v w p q) -> POpts -> x -> m (TT (PP (LookupDef' v w p q) x)) Source #

Show (LookupDef' v w p q) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> LookupDef' v w p q -> ShowS #

show :: LookupDef' v w p q -> String #

showList :: [LookupDef' v w p q] -> ShowS #

type PP (LookupDef' v w p q :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (LookupDef' v w p q :: Type) x

data LookupFail msg v w Source #

index a value in an Ixed container and if not found fail with the given message

>>> pl @(LookupFail "someval" 999 Fst) (map SG.Min [1::Int .. 10],'x')
Error someval (JustFail Nothing)
Fail "someval"
>>> pl @(LookupFail (PrintF "char=%c" Snd) 49 Fst) (map SG.Min [1::Int ..10],'x')
Error char=x (JustFail Nothing)
Fail "char=x"


Instances details
P (LookupFailT msg v w) x => P (LookupFail msg v w :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (LookupFail msg v w) x Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (LookupFail msg v w) -> POpts -> x -> m (TT (PP (LookupFail msg v w) x)) Source #

Show (LookupFail msg v w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> LookupFail msg v w -> ShowS #

show :: LookupFail msg v w -> String #

showList :: [LookupFail msg v w] -> ShowS #

type PP (LookupFail msg v w :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (LookupFail msg v w :: Type) x

data LookupFail' msg v w q Source #

index a value in an Ixed container and if not found fail with the given message


Instances details
P (LookupFailT' msg v w q) x => P (LookupFail' msg v w q :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

Associated Types

type PP (LookupFail' msg v w q) x Source #


eval :: MonadEval m => proxy (LookupFail' msg v w q) -> POpts -> x -> m (TT (PP (LookupFail' msg v w q) x)) Source #

Show (LookupFail' msg v w q) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index


showsPrec :: Int -> LookupFail' msg v w q -> ShowS #

show :: LookupFail' msg v w q -> String #

showList :: [LookupFail' msg v w q] -> ShowS #

type PP (LookupFail' msg v w q :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Predicate.Data.Index

type PP (LookupFail' msg v w q :: Type) x