{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Prim
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2020
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <alexey@kuleshevi.ch>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Data.Prim
  ( Prim
  , Atom(..)
  , Atomic
  , AtomicCount
  , AtomicBits
  , MonadPrim
  , RW
  , RealWorld
  -- * Prim type size
  , byteCount
  , byteCountType
  , byteCountProxy
  -- * Prim type alignment
  , alignment
  , alignmentType
  , alignmentProxy
  , Size(..)
  , Count(..)
  , fromCount
  , toByteCount
  , fromCount#
  , fromByteCount
  , fromByteCountRem
  , countAsProxy
  , Off(..)
  , toByteOff
  , fromOff#
  , fromByteOff
  , fromByteOffRem
  , offAsProxy
  -- * Prefetch
  , prefetchValue0
  , prefetchValue1
  , prefetchValue2
  , prefetchValue3
  -- * Re-export
  , module Data.Word
  , module Data.Int
  , Ptr
  , ForeignPtr
  , Typeable
  , Proxy(..)
  , module Data.Monoid
  , module Data.Coerce
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Prim.Monad
import Data.Prim.Atom
import Data.Prim.Atomic
import Data.Prim.Class
import GHC.Base (quotInt,  quotRemInt)
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Typeable

newtype Size = Size { unSize :: Int }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Integral, Bounded, Enum)

-- | Get the size of the data type in bytes. Argument is not evaluated.
byteCount :: forall a . Prim a => a -> Count Word8
byteCount _ = coerce (I# (sizeOf# (proxy# :: Proxy# a)))
{-# INLINE byteCount #-}

-- | Same as `sizeOf`, except that the type can be supplied as a type level argument
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> import Data.Prim
-- >>> byteCountType @Int64
-- Count {unCount = 8}
byteCountType :: forall a . Prim a => Count Word8
byteCountType = coerce (I# (sizeOf# (proxy# :: Proxy# a)))
{-# INLINE byteCountType #-}

-- | Same as `sizeOf`, but argument is a `Proxy` of @a@, instead of the type itself.
-- >>> import Data.Prim
-- >>> import Data.Proxy
-- >>> byteCountProxy (Proxy :: Proxy Int64)
-- Count {unCount = 8}
byteCountProxy :: forall proxy a . Prim a => proxy a -> Count Word8
byteCountProxy _ = coerce (I# (sizeOf# (proxy# :: Proxy# a)))
{-# INLINE byteCountProxy #-}

-- | Get the alignemnt of the type in bytes. Argument is not evaluated.
alignment :: forall a . Prim a => a -> Int
alignment _ = I# (alignment# (proxy# :: Proxy# a))
{-# INLINE alignment #-}

-- | Same as `alignment`, except that the type can be supplied with @TypeApplications@
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> import Data.Prim
-- >>> alignmentType @Int32
-- 4
alignmentType :: forall a . Prim a => Int
alignmentType = I# (alignment# (proxy# :: Proxy# a))
{-# INLINE alignmentType #-}

-- | Same as `alignment`, but argument is a `Proxy` of @a@, instead of the type itself.
-- >>> import Data.Proxy
-- >>> alignmentProxy (Proxy :: Proxy Int64)
-- 8
alignmentProxy :: forall proxy a . Prim a => proxy a -> Int
alignmentProxy _ = I# (alignment# (proxy# :: Proxy# a))
{-# INLINE alignmentProxy #-}

-- | Number of elements
newtype Count a = Count
  { unCount :: Int
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Num, Integral, Real, NFData)

instance Prim (Count a) where
  type PrimBase (Count a) = Int

fromCountWord8# :: Count Word8 -> Int#
fromCountWord8# (Count (I# n#)) = n#
{-# INLINE fromCountWord8# #-}
fromCountInt8# :: Count Int8 -> Int#
fromCountInt8# (Count (I# n#)) = n#
{-# INLINE fromCountInt8# #-}

fromCount# :: Prim a => Count a -> Int#
fromCount# c@(Count (I# n#)) =
  case coerce (byteCountProxy c) of
    I# sz# -> sz# *# n#
{-# INLINE[0] fromCount# #-}
"fromCountWord8#" fromCount# = fromCountWord8#
"fromCountInt8#" fromCount# = fromCountInt8#

-- | Covert to number of bytes as an `Int`
-- @since 0.1.0
fromCount :: Prim a => Count a -> Int
fromCount c = I# (fromCount# c)
{-# INLINE fromCount #-}

-- | Covert to the `Count` of bytes
-- @since 0.1.0
toByteCount :: Prim a => Count a -> Count Word8
toByteCount = Count . fromCount
{-# INLINE toByteCount #-}

-- | Helper noop function that restricts `Count` to the type of proxy
-- @since 0.1.0
countAsProxy :: proxy a -> Count a -> Count a
countAsProxy _ = id

fromByteCountInt8 :: Count Word8 -> Count Int8
fromByteCountInt8 = coerce
{-# INLINE fromByteCountInt8 #-}

fromByteCount :: forall a . Prim a => Count Word8 -> Count a
fromByteCount sz = coerce (quotSizeOfWith (proxy# :: Proxy# a) (coerce sz) 0 quotInt)
{-# INLINE[0] fromByteCount #-}
"fromByteCount" fromByteCount = id
"fromByteCount" fromByteCount = fromByteCountInt8

fromByteCountRemWord8 :: Count Word8 -> (Count Word8, Count Word8)
fromByteCountRemWord8 i = (coerce i, 0)
{-# INLINE fromByteCountRemWord8 #-}

fromByteCountRemInt8 :: Count Word8 -> (Count Int8, Count Word8)
fromByteCountRemInt8 i = (coerce i, 0)
{-# INLINE fromByteCountRemInt8 #-}

fromByteCountRem :: forall a . Prim a => Count Word8 -> (Count a, Count Word8)
fromByteCountRem sz = coerce (quotSizeOfWith (proxy# :: Proxy# a) (coerce sz) (0, 0) quotRemInt)
{-# INLINE[0] fromByteCountRem #-}
"fromByteCountRemWord8" fromByteCountRem = fromByteCountRemWord8
"fromByteCountRemInt8"  fromByteCountRem = fromByteCountRemInt8

quotSizeOfWith :: forall a b. Prim a => Proxy# a -> Int -> b -> (Int -> Int -> b) -> b
quotSizeOfWith px# sz onZero quotWith
  | tySize <= 0 = onZero
  | otherwise = sz `quotWith` tySize
    tySize = I# (sizeOf# px#)
{-# INLINE quotSizeOfWith #-}

-- | Offset in number of elements
newtype Off a = Off
  { unOff :: Int
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Num, Integral, Real, NFData)

instance Prim (Off a) where
  type PrimBase (Off a) = Int

-- | Helper noop function that restricts `Off`set to the type of proxy
-- @since 0.1.0
offAsProxy :: proxy a -> Off a -> Off a
offAsProxy _ = id

-- | Compute byte offset from an offset of `Prim` type
-- >>> toByteOff (10 :: Off Word64)
-- Off {unOff = 80}
-- @since 0.1.0
toByteOff :: Prim e => Off e -> Off Word8
toByteOff off = Off (I# (fromOff# off))
{-# INLINE toByteOff #-}

fromOffWord8# :: Off Word8 -> Int#
fromOffWord8# (Off (I# o#)) = o#
{-# INLINE fromOffWord8# #-}
fromOffInt8# :: Off Int8 -> Int#
fromOffInt8# (Off (I# o#)) = o#
{-# INLINE fromOffInt8# #-}

-- | Convert offset of some type into number of bytes
fromOff# :: Prim a => Off a -> Int#
fromOff# o@(Off (I# o#)) =
  case coerce (byteCountProxy o) of
    I# sz# -> sz# *# o#
{-# INLINE[0] fromOff# #-}
"fromOffWord8#" fromOff# = fromOffWord8#
"fromOffInt8#" fromOff# = fromOffInt8#

fromByteOffInt8 :: Off Word8 -> Off Int8
fromByteOffInt8 = coerce
{-# INLINE fromByteOffInt8 #-}

fromByteOff :: forall a . Prim a => Off Word8 -> Off a
fromByteOff sz = coerce (quotSizeOfWith (proxy# :: Proxy# a) (coerce sz) 0 quotInt)
{-# INLINE[0] fromByteOff #-}
"fromByteOff" fromByteOff = id
"fromByteOff" fromByteOff = fromByteOffInt8

fromByteOffRemWord8 :: Off Word8 -> (Off Word8, Off Word8)
fromByteOffRemWord8 i = (coerce i, 0)
{-# INLINE fromByteOffRemWord8 #-}

fromByteOffRemInt8 :: Off Word8 -> (Off Int8, Off Word8)
fromByteOffRemInt8 i = (coerce i, 0)
{-# INLINE fromByteOffRemInt8 #-}

fromByteOffRem :: forall a . Prim a => Off Word8 -> (Off a, Off Word8)
fromByteOffRem sz = coerce (quotSizeOfWith (proxy# :: Proxy# a) (coerce sz) (0, 0) quotRemInt)
{-# INLINE[0] fromByteOffRem #-}
"fromByteOffRemWord8" fromByteOffRem = fromByteOffRemWord8
"fromByteOffRemInt8"  fromByteOffRem = fromByteOffRemInt8

prefetchValue0 :: MonadPrim s m => a -> m ()
prefetchValue0 a = prim_ (prefetchValue0# a)
{-# INLINE prefetchValue0 #-}

prefetchValue1 :: MonadPrim s m => a -> m ()
prefetchValue1 a = prim_ (prefetchValue1# a)
{-# INLINE prefetchValue1 #-}

prefetchValue2 :: MonadPrim s m => a -> m ()
prefetchValue2 a = prim_ (prefetchValue2# a)
{-# INLINE prefetchValue2 #-}

prefetchValue3 :: MonadPrim s m => a -> m ()
prefetchValue3 a = prim_ (prefetchValue3# a)
{-# INLINE prefetchValue3 #-}