{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
module Data.Profunctor.Optic.Type (
    -- * Optics
    Optic, Optic', between
  , IndexedOptic, IndexedOptic'
  , CoindexedOptic, CoindexedOptic'
    -- * Equality
  , Equality, Equality', As
    -- * Isos
  , Iso, Iso'
    -- * Lenses & Colenses
  , Lens, Lens', Ixlens, Ixlens', Colens, Colens', Cxlens, Cxlens'
    -- * Prisms & Coprisms
  , Prism, Prism', Cxprism, Cxprism', Coprism, Coprism', Ixprism, Ixprism'
    -- * Grates
  , Grate, Grate', Cxgrate, Cxgrate'
    -- * Traversals
  , Traversal    , Traversal'   , Ixtraversal , Ixtraversal'
    -- * Affine traversals & cotraversals
  , Traversal0   , Traversal0'  , Ixtraversal0, Ixtraversal0'
    -- * Non-empty traversals & cotraversals
  , Traversal1   , Traversal1'
  , Cotraversal1 , Cotraversal1', Cxtraversal1, Cxtraversal1'
      -- * Affine folds, general & non-empty folds, & cofolds
  , Fold0, Ixfold0, Fold, Ixfold, Fold1, Cofold1
    -- * Views & Reviews
  , PrimView, View, Ixview, PrimReview, Review, Cxview
    -- * Setters & Resetters
  , Setter, Setter', Ixsetter, Resetter, Resetter', Cxsetter
    -- * Common represenable and corepresentable carriers
  , ARepn, ARepn', AIxrepn, AIxrepn', ACorepn, ACorepn', ACxrepn, ACxrepn'
    -- * 'Re'
  , Re(..), re
  , module Export
) where

import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Optic.Import
import Data.Profunctor.Types as Export
import Data.Profunctor.Strong as Export (Strong(..), Costrong(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Choice as Export (Choice(..), Cochoice(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Closed as Export (Closed(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Sieve as Export (Sieve(..), Cosieve(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Rep as Export (Representable(..), Corepresentable(..))

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :load Data.Profunctor.Optic

-- 'Optic'

type Optic p s t a b = p a b -> p s t

type Optic' p s a = Optic p s s a a

type IndexedOptic p i s t a b = p (i , a) b -> p (i , s) t

type IndexedOptic' p i s a = IndexedOptic p i s s a a

type CoindexedOptic p k s t a b = p a (k -> b) -> p s (k -> t)

type CoindexedOptic' p k t b = CoindexedOptic p k t t b b

-- | Can be used to rewrite
-- > \g -> f . g . h
-- to
-- > between f h
between :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> d
between f g = (f .) . (. g)
{-# INLINE between #-}

-- 'Equality'

type Equality s t a b = forall p. Optic p s t a b

type Equality' s a = Equality s s a a

type As a = Equality' a a

-- 'Iso'

-- | 'Iso'
-- \( \mathsf{Iso}\;S\;A = S \cong A \)
-- For any valid 'Iso' /o/ we have:
-- @
-- o . re o ≡ id
-- re o . o ≡ id
-- view o (review o b) ≡ b
-- review o (view o s) ≡ s
-- @
type Iso s t a b = forall p. Profunctor p => Optic p s t a b

type Iso' s a = Iso s s a a

-- 'Lens' & 'Colens'

-- | Lenses access one piece of a product.
-- \( \mathsf{Lens}\;S\;A  = \exists C, S \cong C \times A \)
type Lens s t a b = forall p. Strong p => Optic p s t a b

type Lens' s a = Lens s s a a

type Ixlens i s t a b = forall p. Strong p => IndexedOptic p i s t a b

type Ixlens' i s a = Ixlens i s s a a

type Colens s t a b = forall p. Costrong p => Optic p s t a b

type Colens' s a = Colens s s a a

type Cxlens k s t a b = forall p. Costrong p => CoindexedOptic p k s t a b

type Cxlens' k s a = Cxlens k s s a a

-- 'Prism' & 'Coprism'

-- | Prisms access one piece of a sum.
-- \( \mathsf{Prism}\;S\;A = \exists D, S \cong D + A \)
type Prism s t a b = forall p. Choice p => Optic p s t a b

type Prism' s a = Prism s s a a

type Cxprism k s t a b = forall p. Choice p => CoindexedOptic p k s t a b

type Cxprism' k s a = Cxprism k s s a a

type Coprism s t a b = forall p. Cochoice p => Optic p s t a b

type Coprism' t b = Coprism t t b b

type Ixprism i s t a b = forall p. Cochoice p => IndexedOptic p i s t a b

type Ixprism' i s a = Coprism s s a a

-- 'Grate'

-- | Grates access the codomain of a function.
--  \( \mathsf{Grate}\;S\;A = \exists I, S \cong I \to A \)
type Grate s t a b = forall p. Closed p => Optic p s t a b

type Grate' s a = Grate s s a a

type Cxgrate k s t a b = forall p. Closed p => CoindexedOptic p k s t a b

type Cxgrate' k s a = Cxgrate k s s a a

-- 'Traversal' & 'Cotraversal'

-- | A 'Traversal' processes 0 or more parts of the whole, with 'Applicative' interactions.
-- \( \mathsf{Traversal}\;S\;A = \exists F : \mathsf{Traversable}, S \equiv F\,A \)
type Traversal s t a b = forall p. (Choice p, Representable p, Applicative (Rep p)) => Optic p s t a b

type Traversal' s a = Traversal s s a a

type Ixtraversal i s t a b = forall p. (Choice p, Representable p, Applicative (Rep p)) => IndexedOptic p i s t a b

type Ixtraversal' i s a = Ixtraversal i s s a a

-- 'Traversal0' & 'Cotraversal0'

-- | A 'Traversal0' processes at most one part of the whole, with no interactions.
-- \( \mathsf{Traversal0}\;S\;A = \exists C, D, S \cong D + C \times A \)
type Traversal0 s t a b = forall p. (Strong p, Choice p) => Optic p s t a b

type Traversal0' s a = Traversal0 s s a a

type Ixtraversal0 i s t a b = forall p. (Strong p, Choice p) => IndexedOptic p i s t a b

type Ixtraversal0' i s a = Ixtraversal0 i s s a a

-- 'Traversal1' & 'Cotraversal1'

-- | A 'Traversal1' processes 1 or more parts of the whole, with 'Apply' interactions.
-- \( \mathsf{Traversal1}\;S\;A = \exists F : \mathsf{Traversable1}, S \equiv F\,A \)
type Traversal1 s t a b = forall p. (Choice p, Representable p, Apply (Rep p)) => Optic p s t a b

type Traversal1' s a = Traversal1 s s a a

type Cotraversal1 s t a b = forall p. (Closed p, Corepresentable p, Apply (Corep p)) => Optic p s t a b

type Cotraversal1' s a = Cotraversal1 s s a a

type Cxtraversal1 k s t a b = forall p. (Closed p, Corepresentable p, Apply (Corep p)) => CoindexedOptic p k s t a b

type Cxtraversal1' k s a = Cxtraversal1 k s s a a

-- 'Fold0', 'Fold', 'Fold1' & 'Cofold1'

-- | A 'Fold0' combines at most one element, with no interactions.
type Fold0 s a = forall p. (Choice p, Representable p, Applicative (Rep p), forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => Optic' p s a

type Ixfold0 i s a = forall p. (Choice p, Strong p, forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => IndexedOptic' p i s a

-- | A 'Fold' combines 0 or more elements, with 'Monoid' interactions.
type Fold s a = forall p. (Choice p, Representable p, Applicative (Rep p), forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => Optic' p s a

type Ixfold i s a = forall p. (Choice p, Representable p, Applicative (Rep p), forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => IndexedOptic' p i s a

-- | A 'Fold1' combines 1 or more elements, with 'Semigroup' interactions.
type Fold1 s a = forall p. (Choice p, Representable p, Apply (Rep p), forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => Optic p s s a a

type Cofold1 t b = forall p. (Cochoice p, Corepresentable p, Apply (Corep p), Bifunctor p) => Optic p t t b b

-- 'View' & 'Review'

type PrimView s t a b = forall p. (Profunctor p, forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => Optic p s t a b

type View s a = forall p. (Strong p, forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => Optic' p s a

type Ixview i s a = forall p. (Strong p, forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => IndexedOptic' p i s a

type PrimReview s t a b = forall p. (Profunctor p, Bifunctor p) => Optic p s t a b

type Review t b = forall p. (Costrong p, Bifunctor p) => Optic' p t b

type Cxview k t b = forall p. (Costrong p, Bifunctor p) => CoindexedOptic' p k t b

-- 'Setter' & 'Resetter'

-- | A 'Setter' modifies part of a structure.
-- \( \mathsf{Setter}\;S\;A = \exists F : \mathsf{Functor}, S \equiv F\,A \)
type Setter s t a b = forall p. (Closed p, Choice p, Representable p, Applicative (Rep p), Distributive (Rep p)) => Optic p s t a b

type Setter' s a = Setter s s a a

type Ixsetter i s t a b = forall p. (Closed p, Choice p, Representable p, Applicative (Rep p), Distributive (Rep p)) => IndexedOptic p i s t a b

type Ixsetter' i s a = Ixsetter i s s a a

type Resetter s t a b = forall p. (Closed p, Cochoice p, Corepresentable p, Apply (Corep p), Traversable (Corep p)) => Optic p s t a b

type Resetter' s a = Resetter s s a a

type Cxsetter k s t a b = forall p. (Closed p, Cochoice p, Corepresentable p, Apply (Corep p), Traversable (Corep p)) => CoindexedOptic p k s t a b

-- Common 'Representable' and 'Corepresentable' carriers

type ARepn f s t a b = Optic (Star f) s t a b

type ARepn' f s a = ARepn f s s a a

type AIxrepn f i s t a b = IndexedOptic (Star f) i s t a b

type AIxrepn' f i s a = AIxrepn f i s s a a

type ACorepn f s t a b = Optic (Costar f) s t a b

type ACorepn' f t b = ACorepn f t t b b

type ACxrepn f k s t a b = CoindexedOptic (Costar f) k s t a b

type ACxrepn' f k t b = ACxrepn f k t t b b

-- 'Re' 

-- | Reverse an optic to obtain its dual.
-- >>> 5 ^. re left
-- Left 5
-- >>> 6 ^. re (left . from succ)
-- Left 7
-- @
-- 're' . 're'  ≡ id
-- @
-- @
-- 're' :: 'Iso' s t a b   -> 'Iso' b a t s
-- 're' :: 'Lens' s t a b  -> 'Colens' b a t s
-- 're' :: 'Prism' s t a b -> 'Coprism' b a t s
-- @
re :: Optic (Re p a b) s t a b -> Optic p b a t s
re o = (between runRe Re) o id
{-# INLINE re #-}

-- | The 'Re' type and its instances witness the symmetry between the parameters of a 'Profunctor'.
newtype Re p s t a b = Re { runRe :: p b a -> p t s }

instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (Re p s t) where
  dimap f g (Re p) = Re (p . dimap g f)

instance Strong p => Costrong (Re p s t) where
  unfirst (Re p) = Re (p . first')

instance Costrong p => Strong (Re p s t) where
  first' (Re p) = Re (p . unfirst)

instance Choice p => Cochoice (Re p s t) where
  unright (Re p) = Re (p . right')

instance Cochoice p => Choice (Re p s t) where
  right' (Re p) = Re (p . unright)

instance (Profunctor p, forall x. Contravariant (p x)) => Bifunctor (Re p s t) where
  first f (Re p) = Re (p . contramap f)

  second f (Re p) = Re (p . lmap f)

instance Bifunctor p => Contravariant (Re p s t a) where
  contramap f (Re p) = Re (p . first f)

-- Orphan instances 

instance Apply f => Apply (Star f a) where
  Star ff <.> Star fx = Star $ \a -> ff a <.> fx a

instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Star f a) where
  contramap f (Star g) = Star $ contramap f . g

instance Contravariant f => Bifunctor (Costar f) where
  first f (Costar g) = Costar $ g . contramap f

  second f (Costar g) = Costar $ f . g

instance Cochoice (Forget r) where
  unleft (Forget f) = Forget $ f . Left

  unright (Forget f) = Forget $ f . Right

instance Comonad f => Strong (Costar f) where
  first' (Costar f) = Costar $ \x -> (f (fmap fst x), snd (extract x))

  second' (Costar f) = Costar $ \x -> (fst (extract x), f (fmap snd x))