{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
module ProjectM36.RelationalExpression where
import ProjectM36.Relation
import ProjectM36.Tuple
import ProjectM36.TupleSet
import ProjectM36.Base
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import ProjectM36.Attribute (emptyAttributes, attributesFromList)
import ProjectM36.ScriptSession
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive
import ProjectM36.AtomFunction
import ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunction
import ProjectM36.Arbitrary
import ProjectM36.GraphRefRelationalExpr
import ProjectM36.Transaction
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.State hiding (join)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Data.Time
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified ProjectM36.TypeConstructorDef as TCD
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Strict as RWS
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST, execRWST, runRWST)
import Control.Monad.Except hiding (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (except)
import Control.Monad.Reader as R hiding (join)
import ProjectM36.NormalizeExpr
import ProjectM36.WithNameExpr
import Test.QuickCheck
import GHC hiding (getContext)
import Control.Exception
import GHC.Paths

data DatabaseContextExprDetails = CountUpdatedTuples

databaseContextExprDetailsFunc :: DatabaseContextExprDetails -> ResultAccumFunc
databaseContextExprDetailsFunc CountUpdatedTuples _ relIn = Relation attrs newTups
    attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "count" IntAtomType]
    existingTuple = fromMaybe (error "impossible counting error in singletonTuple") (singletonTuple relIn)
    existingCount = case V.head (tupleAtoms existingTuple) of
      IntAtom v -> v
      _ -> error "impossible counting error in tupleAtoms"
    newTups = case mkTupleSetFromList attrs [[IntAtom (existingCount + 1)]] of
      Left err -> error ("impossible counting error in " ++ show err)
      Right ts -> ts

-- | Used to start a fresh database state for a new database context expression.
mkDatabaseContextEvalState :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContextEvalState
mkDatabaseContextEvalState context = DatabaseContextEvalState {
  dbc_context = context,
  dbc_accum = M.empty,
  dbc_dirty = False
  } --future work: propagate return accumulator

-- we need to pass around a higher level RelationTuple and Attributes in order to solve #52
data RelationalExprEnv = RelationalExprEnv {
  re_context :: DatabaseContext,
  re_graph :: TransactionGraph,
  re_extra :: Maybe (Either RelationTuple Attributes)

envTuple :: GraphRefRelationalExprEnv -> RelationTuple
envTuple e = fromLeft emptyTuple (fromMaybe (Left emptyTuple) (gre_extra e))

envAttributes :: GraphRefRelationalExprEnv -> Attributes
envAttributes e = fromRight emptyAttributes (fromMaybe (Right emptyAttributes) (gre_extra e))

instance Show RelationalExprEnv where
  show e@RelationalExprEnv{} = "RelationalExprEnv " ++ show (re_extra e)

--used to eval relationalexpr
type RelationalExprM a = ReaderT RelationalExprEnv (ExceptT RelationalError Identity) a

runRelationalExprM :: RelationalExprEnv -> RelationalExprM a -> Either RelationalError a
runRelationalExprM env m = runIdentity (runExceptT (runReaderT m env))

reGraph :: RelationalExprM TransactionGraph
reGraph = asks re_graph

reContext :: RelationalExprM DatabaseContext
reContext = asks re_context

mkRelationalExprEnv :: DatabaseContext -> TransactionGraph -> RelationalExprEnv
mkRelationalExprEnv ctx graph =
  { re_context = ctx,
    re_graph = graph,
    re_extra = Nothing }

askEnv :: GraphRefRelationalExprM GraphRefRelationalExprEnv
askEnv = R.ask

mergeTuplesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv :: RelationTuple -> GraphRefRelationalExprEnv -> GraphRefRelationalExprEnv
mergeTuplesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv tupIn e =
  e{ gre_extra = new_elems }
    new_elems = Just (Left newTuple)
    mergedTupMap = M.union (tupleToMap tupIn) (tupleToMap (envTuple e))
    newTuple = mkRelationTupleFromMap mergedTupMap

mergeAttributesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv :: Attributes -> GraphRefRelationalExprEnv -> GraphRefRelationalExprEnv
mergeAttributesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv attrsIn e = e { gre_extra = newattrs }
    newattrs = Just (Right (A.union attrsIn (envAttributes e)))

type ResultAccumName = StringType

type ResultAccumFunc = (RelationTuple -> Relation -> Relation) -> Relation -> Relation

data ResultAccum = ResultAccum { resultAccumFunc :: ResultAccumFunc,
                                 resultAccumResult :: Relation

data DatabaseContextEvalState = DatabaseContextEvalState {
  dbc_context :: DatabaseContext, --new, alterable context for a new transaction
  dbc_accum :: M.Map ResultAccumName ResultAccum,
  dbc_dirty :: DirtyFlag

data DatabaseContextEvalEnv = DatabaseContextEvalEnv
  { dce_transId :: TransactionId,
    dce_graph :: TransactionGraph

mkDatabaseContextEvalEnv :: TransactionId -> TransactionGraph -> DatabaseContextEvalEnv
mkDatabaseContextEvalEnv = DatabaseContextEvalEnv

type DatabaseContextEvalMonad a = RWST DatabaseContextEvalEnv () DatabaseContextEvalState (ExceptT RelationalError Identity) a

runDatabaseContextEvalMonad :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContextEvalEnv -> DatabaseContextEvalMonad () -> Either RelationalError DatabaseContextEvalState
runDatabaseContextEvalMonad ctx env m = runIdentity (runExceptT (fst <$> execRWST m env freshEnv))
    freshEnv = mkDatabaseContextEvalState ctx

dbcTransId :: DatabaseContextEvalMonad TransactionId
dbcTransId = dce_transId <$> RWS.ask

dbcGraph :: DatabaseContextEvalMonad TransactionGraph
dbcGraph = dce_graph <$> RWS.ask

dbcRelationalExprEnv :: DatabaseContextEvalMonad RelationalExprEnv
dbcRelationalExprEnv =
  mkRelationalExprEnv <$> getStateContext <*> dbcGraph

getStateContext :: DatabaseContextEvalMonad DatabaseContext
getStateContext = gets dbc_context

putStateContext :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContextEvalMonad ()
putStateContext ctx' = do
  s <- get
  put (s {dbc_context = ctx', dbc_dirty = True})

-- | The context is optionally passed down along in cases where the current context is uncommitted.
data GraphRefRelationalExprEnv =
  GraphRefRelationalExprEnv {
  gre_context :: Maybe DatabaseContext,
  gre_graph :: TransactionGraph,
  gre_extra :: Maybe (Either RelationTuple Attributes)

type GraphRefRelationalExprM a = ReaderT GraphRefRelationalExprEnv (ExceptT RelationalError Identity) a

gfTransForId :: TransactionId -> GraphRefRelationalExprM Transaction
gfTransForId tid = do
  graph <- gfGraph
  lift $ except $ transactionForId tid graph

gfDatabaseContextForMarker :: GraphRefTransactionMarker -> GraphRefRelationalExprM DatabaseContext
gfDatabaseContextForMarker (TransactionMarker transId) = concreteDatabaseContext <$> gfTransForId transId
gfDatabaseContextForMarker UncommittedContextMarker = do
  mctx <- gre_context <$> askEnv
  case mctx of
    Nothing -> throwError NoUncommittedContextInEvalError
    Just ctx -> pure ctx

runGraphRefRelationalExprM :: GraphRefRelationalExprEnv -> GraphRefRelationalExprM a -> Either RelationalError a
runGraphRefRelationalExprM env m = runIdentity (runExceptT (runReaderT m env))

freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv :: Maybe DatabaseContext -> TransactionGraph -> GraphRefRelationalExprEnv
freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv mctx graph = GraphRefRelationalExprEnv {
  gre_context = mctx,
  gre_graph = graph,
  gre_extra = Nothing

gfGraph :: GraphRefRelationalExprM TransactionGraph
gfGraph = asks gre_graph

envContext :: RelationalExprEnv -> DatabaseContext
envContext = re_context

setEnvContext :: RelationalExprEnv -> DatabaseContext -> RelationalExprEnv
setEnvContext e ctx = e { re_context = ctx }

--full evaluation down the graph
eval :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError Relation)
eval expr = do
  env <- askEnv
  eGfExpr <- processRelationalExpr expr
  case eGfExpr of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right gfExpr -> pure $ evalGraphRefRelationalExpr gfExpr (re_graph env)
--relvar state is needed in evaluation of relational expression but only as read-only in order to extract current relvar values
evalRelationalExpr :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError GraphRefRelationalExpr)
evalRelationalExpr (RelationVariable name _) = do
  relvarTable <- fmap (relationVariables . envContext) askEnv
  return $ case M.lookup name relvarTable of
    Just res -> Right res
    Nothing -> Left $ RelVarNotDefinedError name

evalRelationalExpr (Project attrNames expr) = do
    eAttrNameSet <- evalAttributeNames attrNames expr
    case eAttrNameSet of
      Left err -> pure (Left err)
      Right attrNameSet -> do
        rel <- evalRelationalExpr expr
        case rel of
          Right rel2 -> pure $ Right (Project (AttributeNames attrNameSet) rel2)
          Left err -> pure $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Union exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
  case relA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA2 -> case relB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB2 -> return $ Right (Union relA2 relB2)

evalRelationalExpr (Join exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
  case relA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA2 -> case relB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB2 -> return $ Right (Join relA2 relB2)
evalRelationalExpr (Difference exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
  case relA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA2 -> case relB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB2 -> return $ Right (Difference relA2 relB2)
evalRelationalExpr (MakeStaticRelation attributeSet tupleSet) = 
  case mkRelation attributeSet tupleSet of
    Right rel -> return $ Right (ExistingRelation rel)
    Left err -> return $ Left err
evalRelationalExpr (MakeRelationFromExprs mAttrExprs tupleExprs) = do
  currentContext <- fmap envContext askEnv
  let tConss = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
  -- if the mAttrExprs is Nothing, then we should attempt to infer the tuple attributes from the first tuple itself- note that this is not always possible
  runExceptT $ do
    mAttrs <- case mAttrExprs of
      Just _ ->
        Just . A.attributesFromList <$> mapM evalGraphRefAttrExpr (fromMaybe [] mAttrExprs)
      Nothing -> pure Nothing
    tuples <- mapM (liftE . evalTupleExpr mAttrs) tupleExprs
    let attrs = fromMaybe firstTupleAttrs mAttrs
        firstTupleAttrs = if null tuples then A.emptyAttributes else tupleAttributes (head tuples)
    expr <- either throwE pure (mkRelation attrs (RelationTupleSet tuples))
    pure (ExistingRelation expr)
evalRelationalExpr (ExistingRelation rel) = pure (Right (ExistingRelation rel))

evalRelationalExpr (Rename oldAttrName newAttrName relExpr) = do
  evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  case evald of
    Right expr -> return $ Right (Rename oldAttrName newAttrName expr)
    Left err -> return $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Group oldAttrNames newAttrName relExpr) = do
  eOldAttrNameSet <- evalAttributeNames oldAttrNames relExpr
  case eOldAttrNameSet of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right oldAttrNameSet -> do
      evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
      case evald of
        Right expr -> return $ Right (Group (AttributeNames oldAttrNameSet) newAttrName expr)
        Left err -> return $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Ungroup attrName relExpr) = do
  evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  case evald of
    Right expr -> return $ Right (Ungroup attrName expr)
    Left err -> return $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Restrict predicateExpr relExpr) = do
  evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  pred <- processRestrictionPredicateExpr predicateExpr
  case evald of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right expr -> 
      pure $ Right (Restrict pred expr)

evalRelationalExpr (Equals relExprA relExprB) = do
  evaldA <- evalRelationalExpr relExprA
  evaldB <- evalRelationalExpr relExprB
  case evaldA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right exprA -> case evaldB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right exprB -> return $ Right (Equals exprA exprB)
evalRelationalExpr (With views mainExpr) = do
  rstate <- ask
  let addScopedView ctx (vname,vexpr) = if vname `M.member` relationVariables ctx then
                                          Left (RelVarAlreadyDefinedError vname)
                                          case runState (evalDatabaseContextExpr (Assign vname vexpr)) (freshDatabaseState ctx) of
                                            (Left err,_) -> Left err
                                            (Right (), (ctx',_,_)) -> Right ctx'

  case foldM addScopedView (stateElemsContext rstate) views of
       Left err -> return $ Left err
       Right ctx'' -> do 
         let evalMainExpr expr = runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr) (RelationalExprEnv ctx'')
         case evalMainExpr mainExpr of
              Left err -> return $ Left err
              Right rel -> return $ Right rel 
--warning: copy-pasta from above- refactor
evalRelationalExpr (NotEquals relExprA relExprB) = do
  evaldA <- evalRelationalExpr relExprA
  evaldB <- evalRelationalExpr relExprB
  case evaldA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right exprA -> case evaldB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right exprB -> return $ Right (NotEquals exprA exprB)

-- extending a relation adds a single attribute with the results of the per-tuple expression evaluated
evalRelationalExpr (Extend tupleExpression relExpr) = do
  eExpr <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  case eExpr of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right expr -> do
      tupProc <- processExtendTupleExpr tupleExpression
      pure (Right (Extend tupProc expr))
--helper function to process relation variable creation/assignment
setRelVar :: RelVarName -> GraphRefRelationalExpr -> DatabaseContextEvalMonad ()
setRelVar relVarName relExpr = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  --prevent recursive relvar definition
  let newRelVars = M.insert relVarName relExpr $ relationVariables currentContext
      potentialContext = currentContext { relationVariables = newRelVars }
  --optimization: if the relexpr is unchanged, skip the update      
  if M.lookup relVarName (relationVariables currentContext) == Just relExpr then
    pure ()
    else do
    --determine when to check constraints
    graph <- dbcGraph
    tid <- dbcTransId
    case checkConstraints potentialContext tid graph of
      Left err -> dbErr err
      Right _ -> putStateContext potentialContext

-- it is not an error to delete a relvar which does not exist, just like it is not an error to insert a pre-existing tuple into a relation
deleteRelVar :: RelVarName -> DatabaseContextEvalMonad ()
deleteRelVar relVarName = do
  currContext <- getStateContext
  let relVars = relationVariables currContext
  if M.notMember relVarName relVars then
    pure ()
    else do
    let newRelVars = M.delete relVarName relVars
        newContext = currContext { relationVariables = newRelVars }
    putStateContext newContext
    pure ()

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr :: GraphRefDatabaseContextExpr -> DatabaseContextEvalMonad ()
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr NoOperation = pure ()

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Define relVarName attrExprs) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  relvars <- fmap relationVariables getStateContext
  tConss <- fmap typeConstructorMapping getStateContext
  graph <- dbcGraph
  let eAttrs = runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (mapM evalGraphRefAttrExpr attrExprs)
      gfEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph
  case eAttrs of
    Left err -> dbErr err
    Right attrsList -> do
      lift $ except $ validateAttributes tConss (A.attributesFromList attrsList)
      case M.member relVarName relvars of
          True -> dbErr (RelVarAlreadyDefinedError relVarName)
          False -> setRelVar relVarName (ExistingRelation emptyRelation)
              attrs = A.attributesFromList attrsList
              emptyRelation = Relation attrs emptyTupleSet

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Undefine relVarName) = deleteRelVar relVarName

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Assign relVarName expr) = do
  graph <- re_graph <$> dbcRelationalExprEnv
  context <- getStateContext
  let existingRelVar = M.lookup relVarName (relationVariables context)
      reEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph
      eNewExprType = runGraphRefRelationalExprM reEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr)
  case existingRelVar of
    Nothing -> do
      case runGraphRefRelationalExprM reEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr) of
        Left err -> dbErr err
        Right reltype -> do
          lift $ except $ validateAttributes (typeConstructorMapping context) (attributes reltype)
          setRelVar relVarName expr
    Just existingRel -> do
      let eExpectedType = runGraphRefRelationalExprM reEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr existingRel)
      case eExpectedType of
        Left err -> dbErr err
        Right expectedType ->
          case eNewExprType of
            Left err -> dbErr err
            Right newExprType -> do
              if newExprType == expectedType then do
                lift $ except $ validateAttributes (typeConstructorMapping context) (attributes newExprType)
                setRelVar relVarName expr
                dbErr (RelationTypeMismatchError (attributes expectedType) (attributes newExprType))

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Insert relVarName relExpr) = do
  gfExpr <- relVarByName relVarName
  evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Assign relVarName

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Delete relVarName predicate) = do
  gfExpr <- relVarByName relVarName
  setRelVar relVarName (Restrict (NotPredicate predicate) gfExpr)

--union of restricted+updated portion and the unrestricted+unupdated portion
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Update relVarName atomExprMap pred') = do
  rvExpr <- relVarByName relVarName
  let unrestrictedPortion = Restrict (NotPredicate pred') rvExpr
      tmpAttr attr = "_tmp_" <> attr --this could certainly be improved to verify that there is no attribute name conflict
      updateAttr nam atomExpr = Extend (AttributeExtendTupleExpr (tmpAttr nam) atomExpr)
      projectAndRename attr expr = Rename (tmpAttr attr) attr (Project (InvertedAttributeNames (S.singleton attr)) expr)
      restrictedPortion = Restrict pred' rvExpr
      updated = foldr (\(oldname, atomExpr) accum ->
                                 let procAtomExpr = runProcessExprM UncommittedContextMarker (processAtomExpr atomExpr) in
                                  updateAttr oldname procAtomExpr accum
                              ) restrictedPortion (M.toList atomExprMap)
              -- the atomExprMap could reference other attributes, so we must perform multi-pass folds
      updatedPortion = foldr projectAndRename updated (M.keys atomExprMap)
  setRelVar relVarName (Union unrestrictedPortion updatedPortion)

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (AddInclusionDependency newDepName newDep) = do
  currContext <- getStateContext
  transId <- dbcTransId
  graph <- dbcGraph
  let currDeps = inclusionDependencies currContext
      newDeps = M.insert newDepName newDep currDeps
  if M.member newDepName currDeps then
    dbErr (InclusionDependencyNameInUseError newDepName)
    else do
      let potentialContext = currContext { inclusionDependencies = newDeps }
      -- if the potential context passes all constraints, then save it
      -- potential optimization: validate only the new constraint- all old constraints must already hold
      case checkConstraints potentialContext transId graph of
        Left err -> dbErr err
        Right _ ->
          putStateContext potentialContext

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveInclusionDependency depName) = do
  currContext <- getStateContext
  let currDeps = inclusionDependencies currContext
      newDeps = M.delete depName currDeps
  if M.notMember depName currDeps then
    dbErr (InclusionDependencyNameNotInUseError depName)
    putStateContext $ currContext {inclusionDependencies = newDeps }

-- | Add a notification which will send the resultExpr when triggerExpr changes between commits.
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (AddNotification notName triggerExpr resultOldExpr resultNewExpr) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let nots = notifications currentContext
  if M.member notName nots then
    dbErr (NotificationNameInUseError notName)
    else do
      let newNotifications = M.insert notName newNotification nots
          newNotification = Notification { changeExpr = triggerExpr,
                                           reportOldExpr = resultOldExpr,
                                           reportNewExpr = resultNewExpr}
      putStateContext $ currentContext { notifications = newNotifications }

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveNotification notName) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let nots = notifications currentContext
  if M.notMember notName nots then
    dbErr (NotificationNameNotInUseError notName)
    else do
    let newNotifications = M.delete notName nots
    putStateContext $ currentContext { notifications = newNotifications }

-- | Adds type and data constructors to the database context.
-- validate that the type *and* constructor names are unique! not yet implemented!
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (AddTypeConstructor tConsDef dConsDefList) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let oldTypes = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
      tConsName = TCD.name tConsDef
  -- validate that the constructor's types exist
  case validateTypeConstructorDef tConsDef dConsDefList oldTypes of
    Left err -> throwError err
    Right () | T.null tConsName || not (isUpper (T.head tConsName)) -> dbErr (InvalidAtomTypeName tConsName)
       | isJust (findTypeConstructor tConsName oldTypes) -> dbErr (AtomTypeNameInUseError tConsName)
       | otherwise -> do
      let newTypes = oldTypes ++ [(tConsDef, dConsDefList)]
      putStateContext $ currentContext { typeConstructorMapping = newTypes }

-- | Removing the atom constructor prevents new atoms of the type from being created. Existing atoms of the type remain. Thus, the atomTypes list in the DatabaseContext need not be all-inclusive.
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveTypeConstructor tConsName) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let oldTypes = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
  if isNothing (findTypeConstructor tConsName oldTypes) then
    dbErr (AtomTypeNameNotInUseError tConsName)
    else do
      let newTypes = filter (\(tCons, _) -> TCD.name tCons /= tConsName) oldTypes
      putStateContext $ currentContext { typeConstructorMapping = newTypes }

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (MultipleExpr exprs) =
  --the multiple expressions must pass the same context around- not the old unmodified context
  mapM_ evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr exprs

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveAtomFunction funcName) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let atomFuncs = atomFunctions currentContext
  case atomFunctionForName funcName atomFuncs of
    Left err -> dbErr err
    Right realFunc ->
      if isScriptedAtomFunction realFunc then do
        let updatedFuncs = HS.delete realFunc atomFuncs
        putStateContext (currentContext {atomFunctions = updatedFuncs })
        dbErr (PrecompiledFunctionRemoveError funcName)

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveDatabaseContextFunction funcName) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let dbcFuncs = dbcFunctions context
  case databaseContextFunctionForName funcName dbcFuncs of
    Left err -> dbErr err
    Right realFunc ->
      if isScriptedDatabaseContextFunction realFunc then do
        let updatedFuncs = HS.delete realFunc dbcFuncs
        putStateContext (context { dbcFunctions = updatedFuncs })
        dbErr (PrecompiledFunctionRemoveError funcName)

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (ExecuteDatabaseContextFunction funcName atomArgExprs) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  graph <- dbcGraph
  --resolve atom arguments
  let eAtomTypes = mapM (runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv . typeForGraphRefAtomExpr emptyAttributes) atomArgExprs
      eFunc = databaseContextFunctionForName funcName (dbcFunctions context)
      gfEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph
  case eFunc of
      Left err -> dbErr err
      Right func -> do
        let expectedArgCount = length (dbcFuncType func)
            actualArgCount = length atomArgExprs
        if expectedArgCount /= actualArgCount then
          dbErr (FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError expectedArgCount actualArgCount)
          --check that the atom types are valid
          case eAtomTypes of
            Left err -> dbErr err
            Right atomTypes -> do
              let mValidTypes = zipWith (\ expType actType
                                           -> case atomTypeVerify expType actType of
                                                Left err -> Just err
                                                Right _ -> Nothing)
                                (dbcFuncType func) atomTypes
                  typeErrors = catMaybes mValidTypes
                  eAtomArgs = map (runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv . evalGraphRefAtomExpr emptyTuple) atomArgExprs
              if length (lefts eAtomArgs) > 1 then
                dbErr (someErrors (lefts eAtomArgs))
                else if not (null typeErrors) then
                     dbErr (someErrors typeErrors)
                     case evalDatabaseContextFunction func (rights eAtomArgs) context of
                       Left err -> dbErr err
                       Right newContext -> putStateContext newContext
data DatabaseContextIOEvalEnv = DatabaseContextIOEvalEnv
  { dbcio_transId :: TransactionId,
    dbcio_graph :: TransactionGraph,
    dbcio_mScriptSession :: Maybe ScriptSession

type DatabaseContextIOEvalMonad a = RWST DatabaseContextIOEvalEnv () DatabaseContextEvalState IO a

runDatabaseContextIOEvalMonad :: DatabaseContextIOEvalEnv -> DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContextIOEvalMonad (Either RelationalError ()) -> IO (Either RelationalError DatabaseContextEvalState)
runDatabaseContextIOEvalMonad env ctx m = do
  res <- runRWST m env freshState
  case res of
    (Left err,_,_) -> pure (Left err)
    (Right (),s,_) -> pure (Right s)
    freshState = mkDatabaseContextEvalState ctx

requireScriptSession :: DatabaseContextIOEvalMonad (Either RelationalError ScriptSession)
requireScriptSession = do
  env <- RWS.ask
  case dbcio_mScriptSession env of
    Nothing -> pure $ Left $ ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError
    Just ss -> pure (Right ss)

putDBCIOContext :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContextIOEvalMonad (Either RelationalError ())
putDBCIOContext ctx = do
  RWS.modify (\dbstate -> dbstate { dbc_context = ctx})
  pure (Right ())

getDBCIOContext :: DatabaseContextIOEvalMonad DatabaseContext
getDBCIOContext = dbc_context <$> RWS.get

getDBCIORelationalExprEnv :: DatabaseContextIOEvalMonad RelationalExprEnv
getDBCIORelationalExprEnv = do
  context <- getDBCIOContext
  mkRelationalExprEnv context . dbcio_graph <$> RWS.ask

evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr :: GraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr -> DatabaseContextIOEvalMonad (Either RelationalError ())
#if !defined(PM36_HASKELL_SCRIPTING)
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr AddAtomFunction{} = pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr AddDatabaseContextFunction{} = pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr LoadAtomFunctions{} = pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr LoadDatabaseContextFunctions{} = pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr (AddAtomFunction funcName funcType script) = do
  eScriptSession <- requireScriptSession
  currentContext <- getDBCIOContext
  case eScriptSession of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right scriptSession -> do
      res <- liftIO $ try $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
        setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
        let atomFuncs = atomFunctions currentContext
        case extractAtomFunctionType funcType of
          Left err -> pure (Left err)
          Right adjustedAtomTypeCons -> do
            --compile the function
            eCompiledFunc  <- compileScript (atomFunctionBodyType scriptSession) script
            pure $ case eCompiledFunc of
              Left err -> Left (ScriptError err)
              Right compiledFunc -> do
                funcAtomType <- mapM (\funcTypeArg -> atomTypeForTypeConstructorValidate False funcTypeArg (typeConstructorMapping currentContext) M.empty) adjustedAtomTypeCons
                let updatedFuncs = HS.insert newAtomFunc atomFuncs
                    newContext = currentContext { atomFunctions = updatedFuncs }
                    newAtomFunc = AtomFunction { atomFuncName = funcName,
                                                 atomFuncType = funcAtomType,
                                                 atomFuncBody = AtomFunctionBody (Just script) compiledFunc }
               -- check if the name is already in use
                if HS.member funcName (HS.map atomFuncName atomFuncs) then
                  Left (FunctionNameInUseError funcName)
                  Right newContext
      case res of
        Left (exc :: SomeException) -> pure $ Left (ScriptError (OtherScriptCompilationError (show exc)))
        Right eContext -> case eContext of
          Left err -> pure (Left err)
          Right context' -> putDBCIOContext context'
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr (AddDatabaseContextFunction funcName funcType script) = do
  eScriptSession <- requireScriptSession
  currentContext <- getDBCIOContext
  case eScriptSession of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right scriptSession -> do
      --validate that the function signature is of the form x -> y -> ... -> DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContext
      let last2Args = reverse (take 2 (reverse funcType))
          atomArgs = take (length funcType - 2) funcType
          dbContextTypeCons = ADTypeConstructor "Either" [ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContextFunctionError" [], ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContext" []]
          expectedType = "DatabaseContext -> Either DatabaseContextFunctionError DatabaseContext"
          actualType = show funcType
      if last2Args /= [ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContext" [], dbContextTypeCons] then
        pure (Left (ScriptError (TypeCheckCompilationError expectedType actualType)))
        else do
        res <- liftIO $ try $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
          setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
          eCompiledFunc  <- compileScript (dbcFunctionBodyType scriptSession) script
          pure $ case eCompiledFunc of
            Left err -> Left (ScriptError err)
            Right compiledFunc -> do
              --if we are here, we have validated that the written function type is X -> DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContext, so we need to munge the first elements into an array
              funcAtomType <- mapM (\funcTypeArg -> atomTypeForTypeConstructor funcTypeArg (typeConstructorMapping currentContext) M.empty) atomArgs
              let updatedDBCFuncs = HS.insert newDBCFunc (dbcFunctions currentContext)
                  newContext = currentContext { dbcFunctions = updatedDBCFuncs }
                  dbcFuncs = dbcFunctions currentContext
                  newDBCFunc = DatabaseContextFunction {
                    dbcFuncName = funcName,
                    dbcFuncType = funcAtomType,
                    dbcFuncBody = DatabaseContextFunctionBody (Just script) compiledFunc
                -- check if the name is already in use                                              
              if HS.member funcName (HS.map dbcFuncName dbcFuncs) then
                Left (FunctionNameInUseError funcName)
                Right newContext
        case res of
          Left (exc :: SomeException) -> pure $ Left (ScriptError (OtherScriptCompilationError (show exc)))
          Right eContext -> case eContext of
            Left err -> pure (Left err)
            Right context' -> putDBCIOContext context'
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr (LoadAtomFunctions modName funcName modPath) = do
  currentContext <- getDBCIOContext
  eLoadFunc <- liftIO $ loadAtomFunctions (T.unpack modName) (T.unpack funcName) modPath
  case eLoadFunc of
    Left LoadSymbolError -> pure (Left LoadFunctionError)
    Right atomFunctionListFunc -> let newContext = currentContext { atomFunctions = mergedFuncs }
                                      mergedFuncs = HS.union (atomFunctions currentContext) (HS.fromList atomFunctionListFunc)
                                  in putDBCIOContext newContext
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr (LoadDatabaseContextFunctions modName funcName modPath) = do
  currentContext <- getDBCIOContext
  eLoadFunc <- liftIO $ loadDatabaseContextFunctions (T.unpack modName) (T.unpack funcName) modPath
  case eLoadFunc of
    Left LoadSymbolError -> pure (Left LoadFunctionError)
    Right dbcListFunc -> let newContext = currentContext { dbcFunctions = mergedFuncs }
                             mergedFuncs = HS.union (dbcFunctions currentContext) (HS.fromList dbcListFunc)
                                  in putDBCIOContext newContext
evalGraphRefDatabaseContextIOExpr (CreateArbitraryRelation relVarName attrExprs range) = do
  currentContext <- getDBCIOContext
  env <- RWS.ask
  --create graph ref expr
  let gfExpr = Define relVarName attrExprs
      evalEnv = mkDatabaseContextEvalEnv (dbcio_transId env) (dbcio_graph env)
      graph = dbcio_graph env
  case runDatabaseContextEvalMonad currentContext evalEnv (evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr gfExpr) of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right dbstate -> do
           let existingRelVar = M.lookup relVarName relVarTable
               relVarTable = relationVariables (dbc_context dbstate)
           case existingRelVar of
                Nothing -> pure $ Left (RelVarNotDefinedError relVarName)
                Just existingRel -> do
                  let gfEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just currentContext) graph
                  case runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr existingRel) of
                    Left err -> pure (Left err)
                    Right relType -> do
                      let expectedAttributes = attributes relType
                          tcMap = typeConstructorMapping (dbc_context dbstate)
                      eitherRel <- liftIO $ generate $ runReaderT (arbitraryRelation expectedAttributes range) tcMap
                      case eitherRel of
                        Left err -> pure $ Left err
                        Right rel ->
                          case runDatabaseContextEvalMonad currentContext evalEnv (setRelVar relVarName (ExistingRelation rel)) of
                            Left err -> pure (Left err)
                            Right dbstate' -> putDBCIOContext (dbc_context dbstate')

updateTupleWithAtomExprs :: M.Map AttributeName AtomExpr -> DatabaseContext -> TransactionGraph -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple
updateTupleWithAtomExprs exprMap context graph tupIn = do
  --resolve all atom exprs
  atomsAssoc <- mapM (\(attrName, atomExpr) -> do
                         let atom = unimplemented
                         --atom <- runReader (evalAtomExpr tupIn atomExpr) (mkRelationalExprState context graph)
                         pure (attrName, atom)
                     ) (M.toList exprMap)
  pure (updateTupleWithAtoms (M.fromList atomsAssoc) tupIn)
--run verification on all constraints
checkConstraints :: DatabaseContext -> TransactionId -> TransactionGraph -> Either RelationalError ()
checkConstraints context transId graph@(TransactionGraph graphHeads transSet) =
  mapM_ (uncurry checkIncDep) (M.toList deps)
    potentialGraph = TransactionGraph graphHeads (S.insert tempTrans transSet)
    tempStamp = UTCTime { utctDay = fromGregorian 2000 1 1,
                          utctDayTime = secondsToDiffTime 0 }
    tempSchemas = Schemas context M.empty
    tempTrans = Transaction U.nil  tempTransInfo tempSchemas
    tempTransInfo = TransactionInfo { parents = transId NE.:| [],
                                      stamp = tempStamp,
                                      merkleHash = mempty

    deps = inclusionDependencies context
      -- no optimization available here, really? perhaps the optimizer should be passed down to here or the eval function should be passed through the environment
    checkIncDep depName (InclusionDependency subsetExpr supersetExpr) = do
      let process = runProcessExprM UncommittedContextMarker
          gfSubsetExpr = process (processRelationalExpr subsetExpr)
          gfSupersetExpr = process (processRelationalExpr supersetExpr)
      --if both expressions are of a single-attribute (such as with a simple foreign key), the names of the attributes are irrelevant (they need not match) because the expression is unambiguous, but special-casing this to rename the attribute automatically would not be orthogonal behavior and probably cause confusion. Instead, special case the error to make it clear.
      let gfEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph
          runGfRel = runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv
      typeSub <- runGfRel (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr gfSubsetExpr)
      typeSuper <- runGfRel (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr gfSupersetExpr)
      when (typeSub /= typeSuper) (Left (RelationTypeMismatchError (attributes typeSub) (attributes typeSuper)))
      let checkExpr = Equals gfSupersetExpr (Union gfSubsetExpr gfSupersetExpr)
          gfEvald = runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv' (evalGraphRefRelationalExpr checkExpr)
          gfEnv' = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) potentialGraph
      case gfEvald of
        Left err -> Left err
        Right resultRel -> if resultRel == relationTrue then
                                   pure ()
                                  Left (InclusionDependencyCheckError depName)

-- the type of a relational expression is equal to the relation attribute set returned from executing the relational expression; therefore, the type can be cheaply derived by evaluating a relational expression and ignoring and tuple processing
-- furthermore, the type of a relational expression is the resultant header of the evaluated empty-tupled relation

typeForRelationalExpr :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprM Relation
typeForRelationalExpr expr = do
  --replace the relationVariables context element with a cloned set of relation devoid of tuples
  --evalRelationalExpr could still return an existing relation with tuples, so strip them
  graph <- reGraph
  context <- reContext
  let gfExpr = runProcessExprM UncommittedContextMarker (processRelationalExpr expr)
      gfEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph
      runGf = runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr gfExpr)
  lift $ except runGf

--returns a database context with all tuples removed
--this is useful for type checking and optimization
contextWithEmptyTupleSets :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContext
contextWithEmptyTupleSets contextIn = contextIn { relationVariables = relVars }
    relVars = M.map (\rel -> ExistingRelation (Relation (attributes rel) emptyTupleSet)) (relationVariables contextIn)

liftE :: (Monad m) => m (Either a b) -> ExceptT a m b
liftE v = do
  y <- lift v
  case y of
    Left err -> throwError err
    Right val -> pure val

{- used for restrictions- take the restrictionpredicate and return the corresponding filter function -}
predicateRestrictionFilter :: Attributes -> GraphRefRestrictionPredicateExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM RestrictionFilter
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AndPredicate expr1 expr2) = do
  expr1v <- predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr1
  expr2v <- predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr2
  pure (\x -> do
           ev1 <- expr1v x
           ev2 <- expr2v x
           pure (ev1 && ev2))

predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (OrPredicate expr1 expr2) = do
    expr1v <- predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr1
    expr2v <- predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr2
    pure (\x -> do
                ev1 <- expr1v x
                ev2 <- expr2v x
                pure (ev1 || ev2))

predicateRestrictionFilter _ TruePredicate = pure (\_ -> pure True)

predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (NotPredicate expr) = do
  exprv <- predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr
  pure (fmap not . exprv)

--optimization opportunity: if the subexpression does not reference attributes in the top-level expression, then it need only be evaluated once, statically, outside the tuple filter- see historical implementation here
predicateRestrictionFilter _ (RelationalExprPredicate relExpr) = do
  renv <- askEnv
  let eval :: RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError Relation
      eval tup =
        let gfEnv = mergeTuplesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv tup renv in
        runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (evalGraphRefRelationalExpr relExpr)
  pure (\tup -> case eval tup of
    Left err -> Left err
    Right rel -> if arity rel /= 0 then
                   Left (PredicateExpressionError "Relational restriction filter must evaluate to 'true' or 'false'")
                   pure (rel == relationTrue))

predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AttributeEqualityPredicate attrName atomExpr) = do
  env <- askEnv
  let attrs' = A.union attrs (envAttributes env)
      ctxtup' = envTuple env
  atomExprType <- typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs' atomExpr
  attr <- lift $ except $ case A.attributeForName attrName attrs of
      Right attr -> Right attr
      Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case A.attributeForName attrName (tupleAttributes ctxtup') of
        Right ctxattr -> Right ctxattr
        Left err2@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> Left err2
        Left err -> Left err
      Left err -> Left err
  if atomExprType /= A.atomType attr then
      throwError (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError (A.attributesFromList [attr]))
      pure $ \tupleIn -> let evalAndCmp atomIn = case atomEvald of
                               Right atomCmp -> atomCmp == atomIn
                               Left _ -> False
                             atomEvald = runGraphRefRelationalExprM env (evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupleIn atomExpr)
                          pure $ case atomForAttributeName attrName tupleIn of
                            Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case atomForAttributeName attrName ctxtup' of
                              Left _ -> False
                              Right ctxatom -> evalAndCmp ctxatom
                            Left _ -> False
                            Right atomIn -> evalAndCmp atomIn
-- in the future, it would be useful to do typechecking on the attribute and atom expr filters in advance
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AtomExprPredicate atomExpr) = do
  --merge attrs into the state attributes
  renv <- askEnv
  aType <- typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs atomExpr
  if aType /= BoolAtomType then
      throwError (AtomTypeMismatchError aType BoolAtomType)
      pure (\tupleIn ->
             case runGraphRefRelationalExprM renv (evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupleIn atomExpr) of
               Left err -> Left err
               Right boolAtomValue -> pure (boolAtomValue == BoolAtom True))

tupleExprCheckNewAttrName :: AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
tupleExprCheckNewAttrName attrName rel = if isRight (attributeForName attrName rel) then
                                           Left (AttributeNameInUseError attrName)
                                           Right rel

extendGraphRefTupleExpressionProcessor :: Relation -> GraphRefExtendTupleExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM (Attributes, RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple)
extendGraphRefTupleExpressionProcessor relIn (AttributeExtendTupleExpr newAttrName atomExpr) =
--  renv <- askEnv
  -- check that the attribute name is not in use
  case tupleExprCheckNewAttrName newAttrName relIn of
    Left err -> throwError err
    Right _ -> do
      atomExprType <- typeForGraphRefAtomExpr (attributes relIn) atomExpr
      atomExprType' <- verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes relIn atomExpr atomExprType
      let newAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute newAttrName atomExprType']
          newAndOldAttrs = A.addAttributes (attributes relIn) newAttrs
      env <- ask
      pure (newAndOldAttrs, \tup -> do
               let gfEnv = mergeTuplesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv tup env
               atom <- runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (evalGraphRefAtomExpr tup atomExpr)
               Right (tupleAtomExtend newAttrName atom tup)

evalGraphRefAtomExpr :: RelationTuple -> GraphRefAtomExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM Atom
evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) =
  case atomForAttributeName attrName tupIn of
    Right atom -> pure atom
    Left err@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> do
      env <- askEnv
      case gre_extra env of
        Nothing -> throwError err
        Just (Left ctxtup) -> lift $ except $ atomForAttributeName attrName ctxtup
        Just (Right _) -> throwError err
    Left err -> throwError err
evalGraphRefAtomExpr _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) = pure atom
evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn (FunctionAtomExpr funcName arguments tid) = do
  argTypes <- mapM (typeForGraphRefAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn)) arguments
  context <- gfDatabaseContextForMarker tid
  let functions = atomFunctions context
  func <- lift $ except (atomFunctionForName funcName functions)
  let expectedArgCount = length (atomFuncType func) - 1
      actualArgCount = length argTypes
      safeInit [] = [] -- different behavior from normal init
      safeInit xs = init xs
  if expectedArgCount /= actualArgCount then
      throwError (FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError expectedArgCount actualArgCount)
    else do
      let zippedArgs = zip (safeInit (atomFuncType func)) argTypes
      mapM_ (\(expType, actType) ->
                lift $ except (atomTypeVerify expType actType)) zippedArgs
      evaldArgs <- mapM (evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn) arguments
      case evalAtomFunction func evaldArgs of
        Left err -> throwError (AtomFunctionUserError err)
        Right result -> do
          --validate that the result matches the expected type
          _ <- lift $ except (atomTypeVerify (last (atomFuncType func)) (atomTypeForAtom result))
          pure result
evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn (RelationAtomExpr relExpr) = do
  --merge existing state tuple context into new state tuple context to support an arbitrary number of levels, but new attributes trounce old attributes
  env <- ask
  let gfEnv = mergeTuplesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv tupIn env
  relAtom <- lift $ except $ runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (evalGraphRefRelationalExpr relExpr)
  pure (RelationAtom relAtom)
evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn cons@(ConstructedAtomExpr dConsName dConsArgs _) = do --why is the tid unused here? suspicious
  let mergeEnv = mergeTuplesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv tupIn
  aType <- local mergeEnv (typeForGraphRefAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn) cons)
  argAtoms <- local mergeEnv $
    mapM (evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn) dConsArgs
  pure (ConstructedAtom dConsName aType argAtoms)

evalAtomExpr :: RelationTuple -> AtomExpr -> RelationalExprM Atom
evalAtomExpr tupIn expr =

evalAtomExpr tupIn (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) = case atomForAttributeName attrName tupIn of
  Right atom -> pure (Right atom)
  err@(Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _)) -> do
    rstate <- ask
    let stateTup = stateTuple rstate
    pure (atomForAttributeName attrName stateTup)
  Left err -> pure (Left err)
evalAtomExpr _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) = pure (Right atom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn (FunctionAtomExpr funcName arguments ()) = do
  argTypes <- mapM (typeFromAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn)) arguments
  context <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
  runExceptT $ do
    let functions = atomFunctions context
    func <- either throwE pure (atomFunctionForName funcName functions)
    let expectedArgCount = length (atomFuncType func) - 1
        actualArgCount = length argTypes
        safeInit [] = [] -- different behavior from normal init
        safeInit xs = init xs
    if expectedArgCount /= actualArgCount then
      throwE (FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError expectedArgCount actualArgCount)
      else do
      let zippedArgs = zip (safeInit (atomFuncType func)) argTypes
      mapM_ (\(expType, eActType) -> do
                actType <- either throwE pure eActType
                either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expType actType)) zippedArgs
      evaldArgs <- mapM (liftE . evalAtomExpr tupIn) arguments
      case evalAtomFunction func evaldArgs of
        Left err -> throwE (AtomFunctionUserError err)
        Right result -> do
          --validate that the result matches the expected type
          _ <- either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify (last (atomFuncType func)) (atomTypeForAtom result))
          pure result
evalAtomExpr tupIn (RelationAtomExpr relExpr) = do
  --merge existing state tuple context into new state tuple context to support an arbitrary number of levels, but new attributes trounce old attributes
  rstate <- ask
  runExceptT $ do
    let newState = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn rstate
    relAtom <- either throwE pure (runReader (evalRelationalExpr relExpr) newState)
    pure (RelationAtom relAtom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn cons@(ConstructedAtomExpr dConsName dConsArgs ()) = runExceptT $ do
  rstate <- lift ask
  let newState = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn rstate
  aType <- either throwE pure (runReader (typeFromAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn) cons) newState)
  argAtoms <- mapM (\arg -> either throwE pure (runReader (evalAtomExpr tupIn arg) newState)) dConsArgs
  pure (ConstructedAtom dConsName aType argAtoms)
typeForGraphRefAtomExpr :: Attributes -> GraphRefAtomExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM AtomType
typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) = do
  renv <- askEnv
  case A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName attrs of
    Right aType -> pure aType
    Left err@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) ->
      let envTup = envTuple renv
          envAttrs = envAttributes renv in
      case A.attributeForName attrName envAttrs of
        Right attr -> pure (A.atomType attr)
        Left _ -> case atomForAttributeName attrName envTup of
          Right atom -> pure (atomTypeForAtom atom)
          Left _ -> --throwError (traceStack (show ("typeForGRAtomExpr", attrs, envTup)) err)
            throwError err
    Left err -> throwError err

typeForGraphRefAtomExpr _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) = pure (atomTypeForAtom atom)
typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs (FunctionAtomExpr funcName atomArgs transId) = do
  funcs <- atomFunctions <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker transId
  case atomFunctionForName funcName funcs of
    Left err -> throwError err
    Right func -> do
      let funcRetType = last (atomFuncType func)
          funcArgTypes = init (atomFuncType func)
      argTypes <- mapM (typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs) atomArgs
      let eTvMap = resolveTypeVariables funcArgTypes argTypes
      case eTvMap of
            Left err -> throwError err
            Right tvMap -> lift $ except $ resolveFunctionReturnValue funcName tvMap funcRetType
typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs (RelationAtomExpr relExpr) = do
  relType <- R.local (mergeAttributesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv attrs) (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr relExpr)
  pure (RelationAtomType (attributes relType))
-- grab the type of the data constructor, then validate that the args match the expected types
typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs (ConstructedAtomExpr dConsName dConsArgs tid) =
    argsTypes <- mapM (typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs) dConsArgs
    tConsMap <- typeConstructorMapping <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker tid
    lift $ except $ atomTypeForDataConstructor tConsMap dConsName argsTypes

-- | Validate that the type of the AtomExpr matches the expected type.
verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes :: Relation -> GraphRefAtomExpr -> AtomType -> GraphRefRelationalExprM AtomType
verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes relIn (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) expectedType = do
  env <- askEnv
  case A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName (attributes relIn) of
    Right aType -> lift $ except $ atomTypeVerify expectedType aType
    (Left err@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _)) ->
      let attrs' = envAttributes env in
        if attrs' == emptyAttributes then
          throwError err
          case A.attributeForName attrName attrs' of
            Left err' -> throwError err'
            Right attrType -> lift $ except $ atomTypeVerify expectedType (A.atomType attrType)
    Left err -> throwError err

verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) expectedType =
  lift $ except $ atomTypeVerify expectedType (atomTypeForAtom atom)
verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes relIn (FunctionAtomExpr funcName funcArgExprs tid) expectedType = do
  context <- gfDatabaseContextForMarker tid
  let functions = atomFunctions context
  func <- lift $ except $ atomFunctionForName funcName functions
  let expectedArgTypes = atomFuncType func
      funcArgVerifier (atomExpr, expectedType2, argCount) = do
        let handler :: RelationalError -> GraphRefRelationalExprM AtomType
            handler (AtomTypeMismatchError expSubType actSubType) = throwError (AtomFunctionTypeError funcName argCount expSubType actSubType)
            handler err = throwError err
        verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes relIn atomExpr expectedType2 `catchError` handler
  funcArgTypes <- mapM funcArgVerifier $ zip3 funcArgExprs expectedArgTypes [1..]
  if length funcArgTypes /= length expectedArgTypes - 1 then
      throwError (AtomTypeCountError funcArgTypes expectedArgTypes)
      lift $ except $ atomTypeVerify expectedType (last expectedArgTypes)
verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes relIn (RelationAtomExpr relationExpr) expectedType =
    let mergedAttrsEnv e = mergeAttributesIntoGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (attributes relIn) e
    relType <- R.local mergedAttrsEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr relationExpr)
    lift $ except $ atomTypeVerify expectedType (RelationAtomType (attributes relType))
verifyGraphRefAtomExprTypes rel cons@ConstructedAtomExpr{} expectedType = do
  cType <- typeForGraphRefAtomExpr (attributes rel) cons
  lift $ except $ atomTypeVerify expectedType cType

-- | Look up the type's name and create a new attribute.
evalGraphRefAttrExpr :: GraphRefAttributeExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM Attribute
evalGraphRefAttrExpr (AttributeAndTypeNameExpr attrName tCons transId) = do
  tConsMap <- typeConstructorMapping <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker transId
  aType <- lift $ except $ atomTypeForTypeConstructorValidate True tCons tConsMap M.empty
  lift $ except $ validateAtomType aType tConsMap
  pure $ Attribute attrName aType

evalGraphRefAttrExpr (NakedAttributeExpr attr) = pure attr

-- for tuple type concrete resolution (Nothing ==> Maybe Int) when the attributes hint is Nothing, we need to first process all the tuples, then extract the concrete types on a per-attribute basis, then reprocess the tuples to include the concrete types
evalGraphRefTupleExprs :: Maybe Attributes -> GraphRefTupleExprs -> GraphRefRelationalExprM [RelationTuple]
evalGraphRefTupleExprs _ (TupleExprs _ []) = pure []
evalGraphRefTupleExprs mAttrs (TupleExprs fixedMarker tupleExprL) = do
  tuples <- mapM (evalGraphRefTupleExpr mAttrs) tupleExprL
  finalAttrs <- case mAttrs of
    Just attrs -> pure attrs
    Nothing ->
      case tuples of
        [] -> pure emptyAttributes
        (headTuple:tailTuples) -> do
      --gather up resolved atom types or throw an error if an attribute cannot be made concrete from the inferred types- this could still fail if the type cannot be inferred (e.g. from [Nothing, Nothing])
              processTupleAttrs (tupAttr, accAttr) =
                --if the attribute is a constructedatomtype, we can recurse into it to potentially resolve type variables                
                if isResolvedAttribute accAttr && tupAttr == accAttr then
                  pure accAttr
                  lift $ except $ resolveAttributes accAttr tupAttr
          mostResolvedTypes <-
                foldM (\acc tup -> do
                         let zipped = zip (V.toList $ tupleAttributes tup) acc
                             accNames = S.fromList $ map A.attributeName acc
                             tupNames = A.attributeNameSet (tupleAttributes tup)
                             attrNamesDiff = S.union (S.difference accNames tupNames) (S.difference tupNames accNames)
                         unless (null attrNamesDiff) (throwError (AttributeNamesMismatchError attrNamesDiff))
                         nextTupleAttrs <- mapM processTupleAttrs zipped
                         let diff = A.attributesDifference (A.attributesFromList nextTupleAttrs) (A.attributesFromList acc)
                         if diff == A.emptyAttributes then
                           pure nextTupleAttrs
                           throwError (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError diff)
                      ) (V.toList $ tupleAttributes headTuple) tailTuples
          pure (A.attributesFromList mostResolvedTypes)
  --strategy: if all the tuple expr transaction markers refer to one location, then we can pass the type constructor mapping from that location, otherwise, we cannot assume that the types are the same
  tConsMap <- case singularTransactions tupleExprL of
                   SingularTransactionRef commonTransId ->
                     typeConstructorMapping <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker commonTransId
                   NoTransactionsRef ->
                     typeConstructorMapping <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker fixedMarker
  -- if there are multiple transaction markers in the TupleExprs, then we can't assume a single type constructor mapping- this could be improved in the future, but if all the tuples are fully resolved, then we don't need further resolution                     
                   _ -> throwError TupleExprsReferenceMultipleMarkersError
  lift $ except $ validateAttributes tConsMap finalAttrs
  mapM (lift . except . resolveTypesInTuple finalAttrs tConsMap) tuples

--resolveAttributes (Attribute "gonk" (ConstructedAtomType "Either" (fromList [("a",IntegerAtomType),("b",TypeVariableType "b")]))) (Attribute "gonk" (ConstructedAtomType "Either" (fromList [("a",TypeVariableType "a"),("b",TextAtomType)])))

evalGraphRefTupleExpr :: Maybe Attributes -> GraphRefTupleExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM RelationTuple
evalGraphRefTupleExpr mAttrs (TupleExpr tupMap) = do
  -- it's not possible for AtomExprs in tuple constructors to reference other Attributes' atoms due to the necessary order-of-operations (need a tuple to pass to evalAtomExpr)- it may be possible with some refactoring of type usage or delayed evaluation- needs more thought, but not a priority
  -- I could adjust this logic so that when the attributes are not specified (Nothing), then I can attempt to extract the attributes from the tuple- the type resolution will blow up if an ambiguous data constructor is used (Left 4) and this should allow simple cases to "relation{tuple{a 4}}" to be processed
  let attrs = fromMaybe A.emptyAttributes mAttrs
      resolveOneAtom (attrName, aExpr) =
          --provided when the relation header is available
          let eExpectedAtomType = A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName attrs
          unresolvedType <- typeForGraphRefAtomExpr attrs aExpr
          resolvedType <- case eExpectedAtomType of
                            Left _ -> pure unresolvedType
                            Right typeHint -> lift $ except $ resolveAtomType typeHint unresolvedType
                          --resolve atom typevars based on resolvedType?
          newAtom <- evalGraphRefAtomExpr emptyTuple aExpr
          pure (attrName, newAtom, resolvedType)
  attrAtoms <- mapM resolveOneAtom (M.toList tupMap)
  let tupAttrs = A.attributesFromList $ map (\(attrName, _, aType) -> Attribute attrName aType) attrAtoms
      atoms = V.fromList $ map (\(_, atom, _) -> atom) attrAtoms
      tup = mkRelationTuple tupAttrs atoms
      finalAttrs = fromMaybe tupAttrs mAttrs
    --verify that the attributes match
  when (A.attributeNameSet finalAttrs /= A.attributeNameSet tupAttrs) $ throwError (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError tupAttrs)
  --we can't resolve types here- they have to be resolved at the atom level where the graph ref is held
  --tup' <- lift $ except (resolveTypesInTuple finalAttrs tConss (reorderTuple finalAttrs tup))
  let tup' = reorderTuple finalAttrs tup
  --TODO: restore type resolution
--  _ <- lift $ except (validateTuple tup' tConss)
  pure tup'

evalAttributeNames :: AttributeNames -> RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprM (Either RelationalError (S.Set AttributeName))
evalAttributeNames attrNames expr = do
  eExprType <- typeForRelationalExpr expr
  case eExprType of
    Left err -> throwError err
    Right exprTyp -> do
      let typeNameSet = S.fromList (V.toList (A.attributeNames (attributes exprTyp)))
      case attrNames of
        AttributeNames names ->
          case A.projectionAttributesForNames names (attributes exprTyp) of
            Left err -> pure (Left err)
            Right attrs -> pure (Right (S.fromList (V.toList (A.attributeNames attrs))))
        InvertedAttributeNames names -> do
          let nonExistentAttributeNames = A.attributeNamesNotContained names typeNameSet
          if not (S.null nonExistentAttributeNames) then
            pure (Left (AttributeNamesMismatchError nonExistentAttributeNames))
            pure (Right (A.nonMatchingAttributeNameSet names typeNameSet))
        UnionAttributeNames namesA namesB -> do
          eNameSetA <- evalAttributeNames namesA expr
          case eNameSetA of
            Left err -> pure (Left err)
            Right nameSetA -> do
              eNameSetB <- evalAttributeNames namesB expr
              case eNameSetB of
                Left err -> pure (Left err)
                Right nameSetB ->           
                  pure (Right (S.union nameSetA nameSetB))
        IntersectAttributeNames namesA namesB -> do
          eNameSetA <- evalAttributeNames namesA expr
          case eNameSetA of
            Left err -> pure (Left err)
            Right nameSetA -> do
              eNameSetB <- evalAttributeNames namesB expr
              case eNameSetB of
                Left err -> pure (Left err)
                Right nameSetB ->           
                  pure (Right (S.intersection nameSetA nameSetB))
        RelationalExprAttributeNames attrExpr -> do
          eAttrExprType <- typeForRelationalExpr attrExpr
          case eAttrExprType of
            Left err -> pure (Left err)
            Right attrExprType -> pure (Right (A.attributeNameSet (attributes attrExprType)))

--temporary implementation until we have a proper planner+executor
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr :: GraphRefRelationalExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM Relation
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (MakeRelationFromExprs mAttrExprs tupleExprs) = do
  mAttrs <- case mAttrExprs of
    Just _ ->
        Just . A.attributesFromList <$> mapM evalGraphRefAttrExpr (fromMaybe [] mAttrExprs)
    Nothing -> pure Nothing
  tuples <- evalGraphRefTupleExprs mAttrs tupleExprs
  let attrs = fromMaybe firstTupleAttrs mAttrs
      firstTupleAttrs = if null tuples then A.emptyAttributes else tupleAttributes (head tuples)
  lift $ except $ mkRelation attrs (RelationTupleSet tuples)
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (MakeStaticRelation attributeSet tupleSet) =
  lift $ except $ mkRelation attributeSet tupleSet
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (ExistingRelation rel) = pure rel
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (RelationVariable name tid) = do
  ctx <- gfDatabaseContextForMarker tid
  case M.lookup name (relationVariables ctx) of
    Nothing -> throwError (RelVarNotDefinedError name)
    Just rv -> evalGraphRefRelationalExpr rv
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Project attrNames expr) = do
  attrNameSet <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames attrNames expr
  rel <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  lift $ except $ project attrNameSet rel
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Union exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  lift $ except $ union relA relB
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Join exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  lift $ except $ join relA relB
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Rename oldName newName expr) = do
  rel <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  lift $ except $ rename oldName newName rel
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Difference exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  lift $ except $ difference relA relB
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Group groupAttrNames newAttrName expr) = do
  groupNames <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames groupAttrNames expr
  rel <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  lift $ except $ group groupNames newAttrName rel
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Ungroup groupAttrName expr) = do
  rel <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  lift $ except $ ungroup groupAttrName rel
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Restrict predExpr expr) = do
  rel <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  filt <- predicateRestrictionFilter (attributes rel) predExpr
  lift $ except $ restrict filt rel
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Equals exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  pure $ if relA == relB then relationTrue else relationFalse
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (NotEquals exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  pure $ if relA == relB then relationFalse else relationTrue
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Extend extendTupleExpr expr) = do
  rel <- evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  (newAttrs, tupProc) <- extendGraphRefTupleExpressionProcessor rel extendTupleExpr
  lift $ except $ relMogrify tupProc newAttrs rel
evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr@With{} =
  --strategy A: add relation variables to the contexts in the graph
  --strategy B: drop in macros in place (easier programmatically)
  --strategy B implementation
  evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (substituteWithNameMacros [] expr)

dbContextForTransId :: TransactionId -> TransactionGraph -> Either RelationalError DatabaseContext
dbContextForTransId tid graph = do
  trans <- transactionForId tid graph
  pure (concreteDatabaseContext trans)

transactionForId :: TransactionId -> TransactionGraph -> Either RelationalError Transaction
transactionForId tid graph
  | tid == U.nil =
    Left RootTransactionTraversalError
  | S.null matchingTrans =
    Left $ NoSuchTransactionError tid
  | otherwise =
    Right $ head (S.toList matchingTrans)
    matchingTrans = S.filter (\(Transaction idMatch _ _) -> idMatch == tid) (transactionsForGraph graph)

typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr :: GraphRefRelationalExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM Relation
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (MakeStaticRelation attrs _) = lift $ except $ mkRelation attrs emptyTupleSet
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (ExistingRelation rel) = pure (emptyRelationWithAttrs (attributes rel))
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (MakeRelationFromExprs mAttrExprs tupleExprs) = do
  mAttrs <- case mAttrExprs of
              Just attrExprs -> do
                attrs <- mapM evalGraphRefAttributeExpr attrExprs
                pure (Just (attributesFromList attrs))
              Nothing -> pure Nothing
  tuples <- evalGraphRefTupleExprs mAttrs tupleExprs
  let retAttrs = case tuples of
                (tup:_) -> tupleAttributes tup
                [] -> fromMaybe A.emptyAttributes mAttrs
  pure $ emptyRelationWithAttrs retAttrs

typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (RelationVariable rvName tid) = do
  relVars <- relationVariables <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker tid
  case M.lookup rvName relVars of
    Nothing -> throwError (RelVarNotDefinedError rvName)
    Just rvExpr ->
      typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr rvExpr
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Project attrNames expr) = do
  exprType' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  projectionAttrs <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames attrNames expr
  lift $ except $ project projectionAttrs exprType'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Union exprA exprB) = do
  exprA' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  exprB' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  lift $ except $ union exprA' exprB'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Join exprA exprB) = do
  exprA' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  exprB' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  lift $ except $ join exprA' exprB'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Rename oldAttr newAttr expr) = do
  expr' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  lift $ except $ rename oldAttr newAttr expr'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Difference exprA exprB) = do
  exprA' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr exprA
  exprB' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr exprB
  lift $ except $ difference exprA' exprB'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Group groupNames attrName expr) = do
  expr' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  groupNames' <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames groupNames expr
  lift $ except $ group groupNames' attrName expr'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Ungroup groupAttrName expr) = do
  expr' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  lift $ except $ ungroup groupAttrName expr'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Restrict pred' expr) = do
  expr' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  filt <- predicateRestrictionFilter (attributes expr') pred'
  lift $ except $ restrict filt expr'
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr Equals{} =
  pure relationFalse
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr NotEquals{} =
  pure relationFalse
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr (Extend extendTupleExpr expr) = do
  rel <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  evalGraphRefRelationalExpr (Extend extendTupleExpr (ExistingRelation rel))
typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr@(With withs _) = do
  let expr' = substituteWithNameMacros [] expr
      checkMacroName (WithNameExpr macroName tid) = do
        rvs <- relationVariables <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker tid
        case M.lookup macroName rvs of
          Just _ -> lift $ except $ Left (RelVarAlreadyDefinedError macroName) --this error does not include the transaction marker, but should be good enough to identify the cause
          Nothing -> pure ()
  mapM_ (checkMacroName . fst) withs
  typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr'

evalGraphRefAttributeNames :: GraphRefAttributeNames -> GraphRefRelationalExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM (S.Set AttributeName)
evalGraphRefAttributeNames attrNames expr = do
  exprType' <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr
  let typeNameSet = S.fromList (V.toList (A.attributeNames (attributes exprType')))
  case attrNames of
    AttributeNames names ->
      case A.projectionAttributesForNames names (attributes exprType') of
        Left err -> throwError err
        Right attrs -> pure (S.fromList (V.toList (A.attributeNames attrs)))

    InvertedAttributeNames names -> do
          let nonExistentAttributeNames = A.attributeNamesNotContained names typeNameSet
          if not (S.null nonExistentAttributeNames) then
            throwError $ AttributeNamesMismatchError nonExistentAttributeNames
            pure (A.nonMatchingAttributeNameSet names typeNameSet)

    UnionAttributeNames namesA namesB -> do
      nameSetA <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames namesA expr
      nameSetB <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames namesB expr
      pure (S.union nameSetA nameSetB)

    IntersectAttributeNames namesA namesB -> do
      nameSetA <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames namesA expr
      nameSetB <- evalGraphRefAttributeNames namesB expr
      pure (S.intersection nameSetA nameSetB)

    RelationalExprAttributeNames attrExpr -> do
      attrExprType <- typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr attrExpr
      pure (A.attributeNameSet (attributes attrExprType))

evalGraphRefAttributeExpr :: GraphRefAttributeExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExprM Attribute
evalGraphRefAttributeExpr (AttributeAndTypeNameExpr attrName tCons tid) = do
  tConsMap <- typeConstructorMapping <$> gfDatabaseContextForMarker tid
  case atomTypeForTypeConstructorValidate True tCons tConsMap M.empty of
    Left err -> throwError err
    Right aType -> do
      case validateAtomType aType tConsMap of
        Left err -> throwError err
        Right _ -> pure (Attribute attrName aType)
evalGraphRefAttributeExpr (NakedAttributeExpr attr) = pure attr

mkEmptyRelVars :: RelationVariables -> RelationVariables
mkEmptyRelVars = M.map mkEmptyRelVar
    mkEmptyRelVar expr@MakeRelationFromExprs{} = expr --do not truncate here because we might lose essential type information in emptying the tuples
    mkEmptyRelVar (MakeStaticRelation attrs _) = MakeStaticRelation attrs emptyTupleSet
    mkEmptyRelVar (ExistingRelation rel) = ExistingRelation (emptyRelationWithAttrs (attributes rel))
    mkEmptyRelVar rv@RelationVariable{} = Restrict (NotPredicate TruePredicate) rv
    mkEmptyRelVar (Project attrNames expr) = Project attrNames (mkEmptyRelVar expr)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Union exprA exprB) = Union (mkEmptyRelVar exprA) (mkEmptyRelVar exprB)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Join exprA exprB) = Join (mkEmptyRelVar exprA) (mkEmptyRelVar exprB)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Rename nameA nameB expr) = Rename nameA nameB (mkEmptyRelVar expr)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Difference exprA exprB) = Difference (mkEmptyRelVar exprA) (mkEmptyRelVar exprB)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Group attrNames attrName expr) = Group attrNames attrName (mkEmptyRelVar expr)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Ungroup attrName expr) = Ungroup attrName (mkEmptyRelVar expr)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Restrict pred' expr) = Restrict pred' (mkEmptyRelVar expr)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Equals exprA exprB) = Equals (mkEmptyRelVar exprA) (mkEmptyRelVar exprB)
    mkEmptyRelVar (NotEquals exprA exprB) = NotEquals (mkEmptyRelVar exprA) (mkEmptyRelVar exprB)
    mkEmptyRelVar (Extend extTuple expr) = Extend extTuple (mkEmptyRelVar expr)
    mkEmptyRelVar (With macros expr) = With (map (second mkEmptyRelVar) macros) (mkEmptyRelVar expr)

dbErr :: RelationalError -> DatabaseContextEvalMonad ()
dbErr err = lift (except (Left err))

-- | Return a Relation describing the relation variables.
relationVariablesAsRelation :: DatabaseContext -> TransactionGraph -> Either RelationalError Relation
relationVariablesAsRelation ctx graph = do
  let subrelAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "attribute" TextAtomType, Attribute "type" TextAtomType]
      attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "name" TextAtomType,
                                  Attribute "attributes" (RelationAtomType subrelAttrs)]
      relVars = relationVariables ctx
      mkRvDesc (rvName, gfExpr) = do
        let gfEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just ctx) graph
        gfType <- runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr gfExpr)
        pure (rvName, gfType)
      relVarToAtomList (rvName, rel) = [TextAtom rvName, attributesToRel (attributes rel)]
      attrAtoms a = [TextAtom (A.attributeName a), TextAtom (prettyAtomType (A.atomType a))]
      attributesToRel attrl = case mkRelationFromList subrelAttrs (map attrAtoms (V.toList attrl)) of
        Left err -> error ("relationVariablesAsRelation pooped " ++ show err)
        Right rel -> RelationAtom rel
  rvs <- mapM mkRvDesc (M.toList relVars)
  let tups = map relVarToAtomList rvs
  mkRelationFromList attrs tups

-- | An unoptimized variant of evalGraphRefRelationalExpr for testing.
evalRelationalExpr :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprM Relation
evalRelationalExpr expr = do
  graph <- reGraph
  context <- reContext
  let expr' = runProcessExprM UncommittedContextMarker (processRelationalExpr expr)
      gfEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph
  case runGraphRefRelationalExprM gfEnv (evalGraphRefRelationalExpr expr') of
    Left err -> throwError err
    Right rel -> pure rel

relVarByName :: RelVarName -> GraphRefRelationalExprM GraphRefRelationalExpr
relVarByName = do
  relvars <- relationVariables <$> getStateContext  
  case M.lookup relVarName relvars of
        Nothing -> dbErr (RelVarNotDefinedError relVarName)
        Just gfexpr -> pure gfExpr

class (MonadError RelationalError m, Monad m) => DatabaseContextM m where
  getContext :: m DatabaseContext

instance DatabaseContextM (ReaderT GraphRefRelationalExprEnv (ExceptT RelationalError Identity)) where
  getContext = gfDatabaseContextForMarker UncommittedContextMarker

instance DatabaseContextM (RWST DatabaseContextEvalEnv () DatabaseContextEvalState (ExceptT RelationalError Identity)) where
  getContext = getStateContext

relVarByName :: DatabaseContextM m => RelVarName -> m GraphRefRelationalExpr
relVarByName rvName = do
  relvars <- relationVariables <$> getContext
  case M.lookup rvName relvars of
    Nothing -> throwError (RelVarNotDefinedError rvName)
    Just gfexpr -> pure gfexpr