-- | Maintainer: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>

module Propellor.Property.Ccache (
) where

import Propellor.Base
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt

import Utility.DataUnits
import System.Posix.Files
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem

-- | Limits on the size of a ccache
data Limit
        -- | The maximum size of the cache, as a string such as "4G"
        = MaxSize DataSize
        -- | The maximum number of files in the cache
        | MaxFiles Integer
        -- | A cache with no limit specified
        | NoLimit
        | Limit :+ Limit

instance Sem.Semigroup Limit where
        (<>) = (:+)

instance Monoid Limit where
        mempty  = NoLimit
        mappend = (Sem.<>)

-- | A string that will be parsed to get a data size.
-- Examples: "100 megabytes" or "0.5tb"
type DataSize = String

maxSizeParam :: DataSize -> Maybe String
maxSizeParam s = readSize dataUnits s
        >>= \sz -> Just $ "--max-size=" ++ ccacheSizeUnits sz

-- Generates size units as used in ccache.conf.  The smallest unit we can
-- specify in a ccache config files is a kilobyte
ccacheSizeUnits :: Integer -> String
ccacheSizeUnits sz = filter (/= ' ') (roughSize cfgfileunits True sz)
        cfgfileunits :: [Unit]
        cfgfileunits =
                [ Unit (p 4) "Ti" "terabyte"
                , Unit (p 3) "Gi" "gigabyte"
                , Unit (p 2) "Mi" "megabyte"
                , Unit (p 1) "Ki" "kilobyte"
        p :: Integer -> Integer
        p n = 1024^n

-- | Set limits on a given ccache
hasLimits :: FilePath -> Limit -> Property DebianLike
path `hasLimits` limit = go `requires` installed
                | null params' = doNothing
                -- We invoke ccache itself to set the limits, so that it can
                -- handle replacing old limits in the config file, duplicates
                -- etc.
                | null errors =
                        cmdPropertyEnv "ccache" params' [("CCACHE_DIR", path)]
                        `changesFileContent` (path </> "ccache.conf")
                | otherwise = property "couldn't parse ccache limits" $
                        errorMessage $ unlines errors

        params = limitToParams limit
        (errors, params') = partitionEithers params

limitToParams :: Limit -> [Either String String]
limitToParams NoLimit = []
limitToParams (MaxSize s) = case maxSizeParam s of
        Just param -> [Right param]
        Nothing -> [Left $ "unable to parse data size " ++ s]
limitToParams (MaxFiles f) = [Right $ "--max-files=" ++ val f]
limitToParams (l1 :+ l2) = limitToParams l1 <> limitToParams l2

-- | Configures a ccache in /var/cache for a group
-- If you say
-- > & (Group "foo") `Ccache.hasGroupCache`
-- > 	(Ccache.MaxSize "4G" <> Ccache.MaxFiles 10000)
-- you instruct propellor to create a ccache in /var/cache/ccache-foo owned and
-- writeable by the foo group, with a maximum cache size of 4GB or 10000 files.
hasCache :: Group -> Limit -> RevertableProperty DebianLike UnixLike
group@(Group g) `hasCache` limit = (make `requires` installed) <!> delete
        make = propertyList ("ccache for " ++ g ++ " group exists") $ props
                        & File.dirExists path
                        & File.ownerGroup path (User "root") group
                        & File.mode path (combineModes $
                                        readModes ++ executeModes ++
                                        [ ownerWriteMode
                                        , groupWriteMode
                                        , setGroupIDMode
                                        ]) `onChange` fixSetgidBit
                                -- here, we use onChange to catch upgrades from
                                -- 3.0.5 where the setGroupIDMode line was not
                                -- present
                        & hasLimits path limit

        delete = check (doesDirectoryExist path) $
                cmdProperty "rm" ["-r", path] `assume` MadeChange
                `describe` ("ccache for " ++ g ++ " does not exist")

        -- Here we deal with a bug in Propellor 3.0.5.  If the ccache was
        -- created with that version, it will not have the setgid bit set.  That
        -- means its subdirectories won't have inherited the setgid bit, and
        -- then the files in those directories won't be owned by group sbuild.
        -- This breaks ccache.
        fixSetgidBit :: Property UnixLike
        fixSetgidBit =
                (cmdProperty "find"
                        [ path
                        , "-type", "d"
                        , "-exec", "chmod", "g+s"
                        , "{}", "+"
                        ] `assume` MadeChange)
                (cmdProperty "chown"
                        [ "-R"
                        , "root:" ++ g
                        , path
                        ] `assume` MadeChange)

        path = "/var/cache/ccache-" ++ g

installed :: Property DebianLike
installed = Apt.installed ["ccache"]