{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitAnnexBuilder where

import Propellor.Base
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User
import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Systemd as Systemd
import qualified Propellor.Property.Chroot as Chroot
import Propellor.Property.Cron (Times)

builduser :: UserName
builduser = "builder"

homedir :: FilePath
homedir = "/home/builder"

gitbuilderdir :: FilePath
gitbuilderdir = homedir </> "gitbuilder"

builddir :: FilePath
builddir = gitbuilderdir </> "build"

type TimeOut = String -- eg, 5h

type ArchString = String

autobuilder :: ArchString -> Times -> TimeOut -> Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
autobuilder arch crontimes timeout = combineProperties "gitannexbuilder" $ props
        & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "cron"
        & Cron.niceJob "gitannexbuilder" crontimes (User builduser) gitbuilderdir
                ("git pull ; timeout " ++ timeout ++ " ./autobuild")
        & rsyncpassword
        context = Context ("gitannexbuilder " ++ arch)
        pwfile = homedir </> "rsyncpassword"
        -- The builduser account does not have a password set,
        -- instead use the password privdata to hold the rsync server
        -- password used to upload the built image.
        rsyncpassword :: Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
        rsyncpassword = withPrivData (Password builduser) context $ \getpw ->
                property "rsync password" $ getpw $ \pw -> do
                        have <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "" $
                                readFileStrict pwfile
                        let want = privDataVal pw
                        if want /= have
                                then makeChange $ writeFile pwfile want
                                else noChange

tree :: ArchString -> Flavor -> Property DebianLike
tree buildarch flavor = combineProperties "gitannexbuilder tree" $ props
        & Apt.installed ["git"]
        & File.dirExists gitbuilderdir
        & File.ownerGroup gitbuilderdir (User builduser) (Group builduser)
        & gitannexbuildercloned
        & builddircloned
        gitannexbuildercloned = check (not <$> (doesDirectoryExist (gitbuilderdir </> ".git"))) $
                userScriptProperty (User builduser)
                        [ "git clone git://git.kitenet.net/gitannexbuilder " ++ gitbuilderdir
                        , "cd " ++ gitbuilderdir
                        , "git checkout " ++ buildarch ++ fromMaybe "" flavor
                        `assume` MadeChange
                        `describe` "gitbuilder setup"
        builddircloned = check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist builddir) $ userScriptProperty (User builduser)
                [ "git clone git://git-annex.branchable.com/ " ++ builddir

buildDepsApt :: Property DebianLike
buildDepsApt = combineProperties "gitannexbuilder build deps" $ props
        & Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"]
        & buildDepsNoHaskellLibs
        & Apt.buildDepIn builddir
                `describe` "git-annex source build deps installed"

buildDepsNoHaskellLibs :: Property DebianLike
buildDepsNoHaskellLibs = Apt.installed
        ["git", "rsync", "moreutils", "ca-certificates",
        "debhelper", "ghc", "curl", "openssh-client", "git-remote-gcrypt",
        "liblockfile-simple-perl", "locales", "cabal-install", "vim", "less",
        -- needed by haskell libs
        "libxml2-dev", "libidn11-dev", "libgsasl7-dev", "libgnutls28-dev",
        "libmagic-dev", "alex", "happy", "c2hs"

haskellPkgsInstalled :: String -> Property DebianLike
haskellPkgsInstalled dir = tightenTargets $
        flagFile go ("/haskellpkgsinstalled")
        go = userScriptProperty (User builduser)
                [ "cd " ++ builddir ++ " && ./standalone/" ++ dir ++ "/install-haskell-packages"
                `assume` MadeChange

-- Installs current versions of git-annex's deps from cabal, but only
-- does so once.
cabalDeps :: Property UnixLike
cabalDeps = flagFile go cabalupdated
                go = userScriptProperty (User builduser)
                        ["cabal update && cabal install git-annex --only-dependencies || true"]
                        `assume` MadeChange
                cabalupdated = homedir </> ".cabal" </> "packages" </> "hackage.haskell.org" </> "00-index.cache"

autoBuilderContainer :: (DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Flavor -> Property (HasInfo + Debian)) -> DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Flavor -> Times -> TimeOut -> Systemd.Container
autoBuilderContainer mkprop suite arch flavor crontime timeout =
        Systemd.container name $ \d -> Chroot.debootstrapped mempty d $ props
                & mkprop suite arch flavor
                & autobuilder (architectureToDebianArchString arch) crontime timeout
        name = architectureToDebianArchString arch ++ fromMaybe "" flavor ++ "-git-annex-builder"

type Flavor = Maybe String

standardAutoBuilder :: DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Flavor -> Property (HasInfo + Debian)
standardAutoBuilder suite arch flavor =
        propertyList "standard git-annex autobuilder" $ props
                & osDebian suite arch
                & Apt.stdSourcesList
                & Apt.unattendedUpgrades
                & Apt.cacheCleaned
                & User.accountFor (User builduser)
                & tree (architectureToDebianArchString arch) flavor
                & buildDepsApt

stackAutoBuilder :: DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Flavor -> Property (HasInfo + Debian)
stackAutoBuilder suite arch flavor =
        propertyList "git-annex autobuilder using stack" $ props
                & osDebian suite arch
                & buildDepsNoHaskellLibs
                & Apt.stdSourcesList
                & Apt.unattendedUpgrades
                & Apt.cacheCleaned
                & User.accountFor (User builduser)
                & tree (architectureToDebianArchString arch) flavor
                & stackInstalled
                -- Workaround https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2093
                & Apt.installed ["libtinfo-dev"]

stackInstalled :: Property DebianLike
stackInstalled = withOS "stack installed" $ \w o ->
        case o of
                (Just (System (Debian Linux (Stable "jessie")) arch)) ->
                        ensureProperty w $ manualinstall arch
                _ -> ensureProperty w $ Apt.installed ["haskell-stack"]
        -- Warning: Using a binary downloaded w/o validation.
        manualinstall :: Architecture -> Property Linux
        manualinstall arch = tightenTargets $ check (not <$> doesFileExist binstack) $
                propertyList "stack installed from upstream tarball" $ props
                        & cmdProperty "wget" [url, "-O", tmptar]
                                `assume` MadeChange
                        & File.dirExists tmpdir
                        & cmdProperty "tar" ["xf", tmptar, "-C", tmpdir, "--strip-components=1"]
                                `assume` MadeChange
                        & cmdProperty "mv" [tmpdir </> "stack", binstack]
                                `assume` MadeChange
                        & cmdProperty "rm" ["-rf", tmpdir, tmptar]
                                `assume` MadeChange
                        & case arch of
                                ARMEL -> setupRevertableProperty $
                                        File.LinkTarget "/lib/ld-linux.so.3"
                                _ -> doNothing
                url = case arch of
                        X86_32 -> "https://www.stackage.org/stack/linux-i386"
                        X86_64 -> "https://www.stackage.org/stack/linux-x86_64"
                        ARMEL -> "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/download/v1.7.1/stack-1.7.1-linux-arm.tar.gz"
                        -- Probably not available.
                        a -> "https://www.stackage.org/stack/linux-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString a
        binstack = "/usr/bin/stack"
        tmptar = "/root/stack.tar.gz"
        tmpdir = "/root/stack"

armAutoBuilder :: (DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Flavor -> Property (HasInfo + Debian)) -> DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Flavor -> Property (HasInfo + Debian)
armAutoBuilder baseautobuilder suite arch flavor =
        propertyList "arm git-annex autobuilder" $ props
                & baseautobuilder suite arch flavor
                -- Works around ghc crash with parallel builds on arm.
                & File.dirExists (homedir </> ".cabal")
                & (homedir </> ".cabal" </> "config")
                        `File.containsLine` "jobs: 1"
                -- Work around https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/7135
                & Systemd.containerCfg "--system-call-filter=set_tls"