module Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitHome where

import Propellor.Base
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import Propellor.Property.User

-- | Clones Joey Hess's git home directory, and runs its fixups script.
installedFor :: User -> Property DebianLike
installedFor user@(User u) = check (not <$> hasGitDir user) $
        go `requires` Apt.installed ["git"]
        go :: Property DebianLike
        go = property' ("githome " ++ u) $ \w -> do
                home <- liftIO (homedir user)
                let tmpdir = home </> "githome"
                ensureProperty w $ combineProperties "githome setup" $ toProps
                        [ userScriptProperty user ["git clone " ++ url ++ " " ++ tmpdir]
                                `assume` MadeChange
                        , property "moveout" $ makeChange $ void $
                                moveout tmpdir home
                        , property "rmdir" $ makeChange $ void $
                                catchMaybeIO $ removeDirectory tmpdir
                        , userScriptProperty user ["rm -rf .aptitude/ .bashrc .profile"]
                                `assume` MadeChange
                        -- Set HOSTNAME so that this sees the right
                        -- hostname when run in a chroot with a different
                        -- hostname than the current one.
                        , userScriptProperty user ["HOSTNAME=$(cat /etc/hostname) bin/mr checkout"]
                                `assume` MadeChange
                        , userScriptProperty user ["bin/fixups"]
                                `assume` MadeChange
        moveout tmpdir home = do
                fs <- dirContents tmpdir
                forM fs $ \f -> boolSystem "mv" [File f, File home]

url :: String
url = "git://"

hasGitDir :: User -> IO Bool
hasGitDir user = go =<< homedir user
        go home = doesDirectoryExist (home </> ".git")