-- | This module contains properties that configure how Propellor
-- bootstraps to run itself on a Host.

module Propellor.Property.Bootstrap (
) where

import Propellor.Base
import Propellor.Bootstrap
import Propellor.Types.Info
import Propellor.Property.Chroot
import Propellor.PrivData.Paths

import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

-- | This property can be used to configure the `Bootstrapper` that is used
-- to bootstrap propellor on a Host. For example, if you want to use
-- stack:
-- > host "example.com" $ props
-- > 	& bootstrapWith (Robustly Stack)
-- When `bootstrappedFrom` is used in a `Chroot` or other `Container`, 
-- this property can also be added to the chroot to configure it.
bootstrapWith :: Bootstrapper -> Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
bootstrapWith b = pureInfoProperty desc (InfoVal b)
        desc = "propellor bootstrapped with " ++ case b of
                Robustly Stack -> "stack"
                Robustly Cabal -> "cabal"
                OSOnly -> "OS packages only"

-- | Where a propellor repository should be bootstrapped from.
data RepoSource
        = GitRepoUrl String
        | GitRepoOutsideChroot
        -- ^ When used in a chroot, this copies the git repository from
        -- outside the chroot, including its configuration.

-- | Bootstraps a propellor installation into
-- /usr/local/propellor/
-- Normally, propellor is bootstrapped by eg, using propellor --spin,
-- and so this property is not generally needed.
-- This property only does anything when used inside a Chroot or other
-- Container. This is particularly useful inside a chroot used to build a
-- disk image, to make the disk image have propellor installed.
-- The git repository is cloned (or pulled to update if it already exists).
-- All build dependencies are installed, using distribution packages
-- or falling back to using cabal or stack.
bootstrappedFrom :: RepoSource -> Property Linux
bootstrappedFrom reposource = check inChroot $
        go `requires` clonedFrom reposource
        go :: Property Linux
        go = property "Propellor bootstrapped" $ do
                system <- getOS
                -- gets Host value representing the chroot this is run in
                chroothost <- ask
                -- load privdata from outside the chroot, and filter
                -- to only the privdata needed inside the chroot.
                privdata <- liftIO $ filterPrivData chroothost
                        <$> readPrivDataFile privDataLocal
                bootstrapper <- getBootstrapper
                assumeChange $ exposeTrueLocaldir $ const $ do
                        liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $
                                takeDirectory privDataLocal
                        liftIO $ writeFileProtected privDataLocal $
                                show privdata
                        runShellCommand $ buildShellCommand
                                [ "cd " ++ localdir
                                , checkDepsCommand bootstrapper system
                                , buildCommand bootstrapper

-- | Clones the propellor repository into /usr/local/propellor/
-- If the propellor repo has already been cloned, pulls to get it
-- up-to-date.
clonedFrom :: RepoSource -> Property Linux
clonedFrom reposource = case reposource of
        GitRepoOutsideChroot -> go `onChange` copygitconfig
        _ -> go
        go :: Property Linux
        go = property ("Propellor repo cloned from " ++ sourcedesc) $
                ifM needclone (makeclone, updateclone)

        makeclone = do
                let tmpclone = localdir ++ ".tmpclone"
                system <- getOS
                assumeChange $ exposeTrueLocaldir $ \sysdir -> do
                        let originloc = case reposource of
                                GitRepoUrl s -> s
                                GitRepoOutsideChroot -> sysdir
                        runShellCommand $ buildShellCommand
                                [ installGitCommand system
                                , "rm -rf " ++ tmpclone
                                , "git clone " ++ shellEscape originloc ++ " " ++ tmpclone
                                , "mkdir -p " ++ localdir
                                -- This is done rather than deleting
                                -- the old localdir, because if it is bound
                                -- mounted from outside the chroot, deleting
                                -- it after unmounting in unshare will remove
                                -- the bind mount outside the unshare.
                                , "(cd " ++ tmpclone ++ " && tar c .) | (cd " ++ localdir ++ " && tar x)"
                                , "rm -rf " ++ tmpclone

        updateclone = assumeChange $ exposeTrueLocaldir $ const $
                runShellCommand $ buildShellCommand
                        [ "cd " ++ localdir
                        , "git pull"

        -- Copy the git config of the repo outside the chroot into the
        -- chroot. This way it has the same remote urls, and other git
        -- configuration.
        copygitconfig :: Property Linux
        copygitconfig = property ("Propellor repo git config copied from outside the chroot") $ do
                let gitconfig = localdir </> ".git" </> "config"
                cfg <- liftIO $ B.readFile gitconfig
                exposeTrueLocaldir $ const $
                        liftIO $ B.writeFile gitconfig cfg
                return MadeChange

        needclone = (inChroot <&&> truelocaldirisempty)
                <||> (liftIO (not <$> doesDirectoryExist localdir))

        truelocaldirisempty = exposeTrueLocaldir $ const $
                runShellCommand ("test ! -d " ++ localdir ++ "/.git")

        sourcedesc = case reposource of
                GitRepoUrl s -> s
                GitRepoOutsideChroot -> localdir ++ " outside the chroot"

assumeChange :: Propellor Bool -> Propellor Result
assumeChange a = do
        ok <- a
        return (cmdResult ok <> MadeChange)

buildShellCommand :: [String] -> String
buildShellCommand = intercalate "&&" . map (\c -> "(" ++ c ++ ")")

runShellCommand :: String -> Propellor Bool
runShellCommand s = liftIO $ boolSystem "sh" [ Param "-c", Param s]