{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

module Propellor.Types.ConfigurableValue where

import Data.Word

-- | A value that can be used in a configuration file, or otherwise used to
-- configure a program.
-- Unlike Show, there should only be instances of this type class for
-- values that have a standard serialization that is understood outside of
-- Haskell code.
-- When converting a type alias such as "type Foo = String" or "type Foo = Int"
-- to a newtype, it's unsafe to derive a Show instance, because there may
-- be code that shows the type to configure a value. Instead, define a
-- ConfigurableValue instance.
class ConfigurableValue t where
        val :: t -> String

-- | val String does not do any quoting, unlike show String
instance ConfigurableValue String where
        val = id

instance ConfigurableValue Int where
        val = show

instance ConfigurableValue Integer where
        val = show

instance ConfigurableValue Float where
        val = show

instance ConfigurableValue Double where
        val = show

instance ConfigurableValue Word8 where
        val = show

instance ConfigurableValue Word16 where
        val = show

instance ConfigurableValue Word32 where
        val = show