-- Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
-- https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd

-- | Helper functions to generate proto files as part of a @Setup.hs@ script.
-- These functions assume that the @proto-lens-protoc@ executable is on the
-- PATH, and throw an exception otherwise.  That executable will be installed
-- automatically as part of installing this package; in particular, it should
-- be enough to just list `proto-lens-protoc` in a user package's
-- `build-dependencies`.
-- See @README.md@ for instructions on how to use proto-lens with Cabal.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Data.ProtoLens.Setup
    ( defaultMainGeneratingProtos
    , defaultMainGeneratingSpecificProtos
    , generatingProtos
    , generatingSpecificProtos
    , generateProtosWithImports
    , generateProtos
    ) where

import Control.Monad (filterM, forM_, when)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as InstalledPackageInfo
import Distribution.PackageDescription
    ( PackageDescription(..)
    , benchmarkBuildInfo
    , benchmarkName
    , buildInfo
    , exeName
    , exposedModules
    , extraSrcFiles
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,4,0)
    , specVersion
    , libBuildInfo
    , otherModules
    , testBuildInfo
    , testBuildInfo
    , testName
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (autogenComponentModulesDir)
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs (datadir)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
    ( LocalBuildInfo(..)
    , absoluteInstallDirs
    , ComponentName(..)
    , ComponentLocalBuildInfo
    , componentPackageDeps
    , allComponentsInBuildOrder
    , componentNameMap
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,0,0)
    , LibraryName(..)
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
import Distribution.Simple.Setup (fromFlag, copyDest, copyVerbosity)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
    ( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
    , installOrdinaryFile
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,4,0)
    , matchFileGlob
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,4,0)
import Distribution.Simple.Glob (matchDirFileGlob)
import Distribution.Simple
    ( defaultMainWithHooks
    , simpleUserHooks
    , UserHooks(..)
import Distribution.Verbosity
    ( Verbosity
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,4,0)
    , normal
import System.FilePath
    ( (</>)
    , (<.>)
    , equalFilePath
    , isRelative
    , makeRelative
    , takeDirectory
    , takeExtension
import System.Directory
    ( copyFile
    , createDirectoryIfMissing
    , doesDirectoryExist
    , doesFileExist
    , findExecutable
    , removeDirectoryRecursive
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import System.Process (callProcess)

import Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.ModuleName (protoModuleName)

-- | This behaves the same as 'Distribution.Simple.defaultMain', but
-- auto-generates Haskell files from .proto files which are:
-- * Listed in the @.cabal@ file under @extra-source-files@,
-- * Located under the given root directory, and
-- * Correspond to a module (@"Proto.*"@) in `exposed-modules` or
-- `other-modules` of some component in the @.cabal@ file.
-- Writes the generated files to the autogen directory (@dist\/build\/autogen@
-- for Cabal, and @.stack-work\/dist\/...\/build\/autogen@ for stack).
-- Throws an exception if the @proto-lens-protoc@ executable is not on the PATH.
    :: FilePath -- ^ The root directory under which .proto files can be found.
    -> IO ()
defaultMainGeneratingProtos root
    = defaultMainWithHooks $ generatingProtos root simpleUserHooks

-- | This behaves the same as 'Distribution.Simple.defaultMain', but
-- auto-generates Haskell files from the .proto files listed. The given .proto
-- files should be under the given root directory.
-- Writes the generated files to the autogen directory (@dist\/build\/autogen@
-- for Cabal, and @.stack-work\/dist\/...\/build\/autogen@ for stack).
-- Throws an exception if the @proto-lens-protoc@ executable is not on the PATH.
    :: FilePath -- ^ The root directory under which .proto files can be found.
    -> (LocalBuildInfo -> IO [FilePath])
    -- ^ A function to return a list of .proto files. Takes the Cabal package
    -- description as input. Non-absolute paths are treated as relative to the
    -- provided root directory.
    -> IO ()
defaultMainGeneratingSpecificProtos root getProtos
    = defaultMainWithHooks
    $ generatingSpecificProtos root getProtos simpleUserHooks

-- | Augment the given 'UserHooks' to auto-generate Haskell files from the
-- .proto files which are:
-- * Listed in the @.cabal@ file under @extra-source-files@,
-- * Located under the given root directory, and
-- * Correspond to a module (@"Proto.*"@) in `exposed-modules` or
-- `other-modules` of some component in the @.cabal@ file.
-- Writes the generated files to the autogen directory (@dist\/build\/autogen@
-- for Cabal, and @.stack-work\/dist\/...\/build\/autogen@ for stack).
-- Throws an exception if the @proto-lens-protoc@ executable is not on the PATH.
    :: FilePath -- ^ The root directory under which .proto files can be found.
    -> UserHooks -> UserHooks
generatingProtos root = generatingSpecificProtos root getProtos
    getProtos l = do
      -- Replicate Cabal's own logic for parsing file globs.
      files <- concat <$> mapM (match $ localPkgDescr l)
                               (extraSrcFiles $ localPkgDescr l)
           . filter (\f -> takeExtension f == ".proto")
           . map (makeRelative root)
           . filter (isSubdirectoryOf root)
           $ files

match :: PackageDescription -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,4,0)
match desc f = matchDirFileGlob normal (specVersion desc) "." f
match _ f = matchFileGlob f

-- | Augment the given 'UserHooks' to auto-generate Haskell files from the
-- .proto files returned by a function @getProtos@.
-- Writes the generated files to the autogen directory (@dist\/build\/autogen@
-- for Cabal, and @.stack-work\/dist\/...\/build\/autogen@ for stack).
-- Throws an exception if the @proto-lens-protoc@ executable is not on the PATH.
    :: FilePath -- ^ The root directory under which .proto files can be found.
    -> (LocalBuildInfo -> IO [FilePath])
    -- ^ A function to return a list of .proto files. Takes the Cabal package
    -- description as input. Non-absolute paths are treated as relative to the
    -- provided root directory.
    -> UserHooks -> UserHooks
generatingSpecificProtos root getProtos hooks = hooks
    { buildHook = \p l h f -> generate l >> buildHook hooks p l h f
    , haddockHook = \p l h f -> generate l >> haddockHook hooks p l h f
    , replHook = \p l h f args -> generate l >> replHook hooks p l h f args
    , postCopy = \a flags pkg lbi -> do
                  let verb = fromFlag $ copyVerbosity flags
                  let destDir = datadir (absoluteInstallDirs pkg lbi
                                             $ fromFlag $ copyDest flags)
                              </> protoLensImportsPrefix
                  getProtos lbi >>= copyProtosToDataDir verb root destDir
                  postCopy hooks a flags pkg lbi
    generate l = getProtos l >>= generateSources root l

-- | Generate Haskell source files for the given input .proto files.
-- Process all the proto files that are referenced in the exposed-modules
-- or other-modules of some "active" component, and write them all to a
-- single temporary directory.  (For example, passing --no-enable-tests
-- makes all test-suite components inactive.)
-- Then, for each active component, copy the corresponding module files
-- over to its specific autogen directory (if Cabal-2.*) or to the global
-- autogen directory (if Cabal-1.*).  However, don't actually do the copy
-- if it's the same as what's already there.  This way, we don't needlessly
-- touch the generated .hs files when nothing changes, and thus don't
-- needlessly make GHC recompile them (as it considers their modification
-- times for that).
generateSources :: FilePath -- ^ The root directory
                -> LocalBuildInfo
                -> [FilePath] -- ^ Proto files relative to the root directory.
                -> IO ()
generateSources root l files = withSystemTempDirectory "protoc-out" $ \tmpDir -> do
    -- Collect import paths from build-depends of this package.
    importDirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist
                     [ InstalledPackageInfo.dataDir info </> protoLensImportsPrefix
                     | info <- collectDeps l
    -- Generate .hs files for all active components into a single temporary
    -- directory.
    let activeModules = collectActiveModules l
    let allModules = Set.fromList . concat . map snd $ activeModules
    let usedInComponent f = ModuleName.fromString (protoModuleName f)
                          `Set.member` allModules
    generateProtosWithImports (root : importDirs) tmpDir
                              -- Applying 'root </>' does nothing if the path is already
                              -- absolute.
                              $ map (root </>) $ filter usedInComponent files
    -- Copy each active component's files over to its autogen directory, but
    -- only if they've changed since last time.
    forM_ activeModules $ \(compBI, mods) -> forM_ mods $ \m -> do
          let f = ModuleName.toFilePath m <.> ".hs"
          let sourcePath = tmpDir </> f
          sourceExists <- doesFileExist sourcePath
          when sourceExists $ do
            let dest = autogenComponentModulesDir l compBI </> f
            copyIfDifferent sourcePath dest

-- Note: we do a copy rather than a move since a given module may be used in
-- more than one component.
copyIfDifferent :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyIfDifferent sourcePath targetPath = do
    targetExists <- doesFileExist targetPath
    identical <- do
        if not targetExists
            then return False
            else do
                -- This could be done in a streaming fashion,
                -- but since the .hs files usually easily fit
                -- into RAM, this is OK.
                sourceContents <- BS.readFile sourcePath
                targetContents <- BS.readFile targetPath
                return (sourceContents == targetContents)
    -- Do the move if necessary.
    when (not identical) $ do
        createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory targetPath)
        copyFile sourcePath targetPath

-- | Copy each .proto file into the installed "data-dir" path,
-- so that it can be included by other packages that depend on this one.
copyProtosToDataDir :: Verbosity
                    -> FilePath -- ^ The root for source .proto files in this
                                -- package.
                    -> FilePath -- ^ The final location where .proto files should
                                -- be installed.
                    -> [FilePath] -- ^ .proto files relative to the root
                    -> IO ()
copyProtosToDataDir verb root destDir files = do
    -- Make the build more hermetic by clearing the output
    -- directory.
    exists <- doesDirectoryExist destDir
    when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive destDir
    forM_ files $ \f -> do
        let srcFile = root </> f
        let destFile = destDir </> f
        createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verb True
            (takeDirectory destFile)
        installOrdinaryFile verb srcFile destFile

-- | Imports are stored as $datadir/proto-lens-imports/**/*.proto.
protoLensImportsPrefix :: FilePath
protoLensImportsPrefix = "proto-lens-imports"

-- | Returns whether the @root@ is a parent folder of @f@.
isSubdirectoryOf :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
isSubdirectoryOf root f
    = isRelative f
      -- Note: `makeRelative root f` returns `f` when f doesn't live under the
      -- root.
      && equalFilePath f (root </> makeRelative root f)

-- | Run the proto compiler to generate Haskell files from the given .proto files.
-- Writes the generated files to the autogen directory (@dist\/build\/autogen@
-- for Cabal, and @.stack-work\/dist\/...\/build\/autogen@ for stack).
-- Throws an exception if the @proto-lens-protoc@ executable is not on the PATH.
    :: FilePath -- ^ The root directory under which .proto files can be found.
    -> FilePath -- ^ The output directory for the generated Haskell files.
    -> [FilePath] -- ^ The .proto files to process.
    -> IO ()
generateProtos root = generateProtosWithImports [root]
-- | Run the proto compiler to generate Haskell files from the given .proto files.
-- Writes the generated files to the autogen directory (@dist\/build\/autogen@
-- for Cabal, and @.stack-work\/dist\/...\/build\/autogen@ for stack).
-- Throws an exception if the @proto-lens-protoc@ executable is not on the PATH.
    :: [FilePath] -- ^ Directories under which .proto files and/or files that
                  -- they import can be found.
    -> FilePath -- ^ The output directory for the generated Haskell files.
    -> [FilePath] -- ^ The .proto files to process.
    -> IO ()
generateProtosWithImports _ _ [] = return ()
generateProtosWithImports imports output files = do
        <- findExecutableOrDie "proto-lens-protoc"
              $ "Please file a bug at "
                  ++ "https://github.com/google/proto-lens/issues ."
    protoc <- findExecutableOrDie "protoc"
                $ "Follow the installation instructions at "
                    ++ "https://google.github.io/proto-lens/installing-protoc.html ."
    createDirectoryIfMissing True output
    callProcess protoc $
        [ "--plugin=protoc-gen-haskell=" ++ protoLensProtoc
        , "--haskell_out=" ++ output
        ++ ["--proto_path=" ++ p | p <- imports]
        ++ files

-- | Search the PATH for an executable, printing an error message if it's not
-- found.
findExecutableOrDie :: String -> String -> IO FilePath
findExecutableOrDie name debugMsg = do
    maybePath <- findExecutable name
    case maybePath of
        Just path -> return path
        Nothing -> do
            let sep = "=========="
            hPutStrLn stderr sep
            hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error: couldn't find the executable " ++ show name
                            ++ " in your $PATH."
                            ++ "\n    " ++ debugMsg
            hPutStrLn stderr sep
            error $ "Missing executable " ++ show name

-- | Collect all the module names that we need to build.
-- For example: only include test-suites if we're building with tests enabled
-- (e.g., `stack test` vs `stack build`).
    :: LocalBuildInfo -> [(ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ModuleName])]
collectActiveModules l = map (\(n, c) -> (c, f n)) $ Map.toList $ allComponents l
    p = localPkgDescr l
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,0,0)
    f (CLibName LMainLibName)
    f CLibName
        = maybeToList (library p) >>=
                    \lib -> exposedModules lib
                                ++ otherModules (libBuildInfo lib)
    f (CExeName n) = otherModules . buildInfo $ exes Map.! n
    f (CTestName n) = otherModules . testBuildInfo $ tests Map.! n
    f (CBenchName n) = otherModules . benchmarkBuildInfo $ benchs Map.! n
    f _ = []  -- TODO: other lib kinds; for now just suppress the warning
    exes = Map.fromList [(exeName e, e) | e <- executables p]
    tests = Map.fromList [(testName e, e) | e <- testSuites p]
    benchs = Map.fromList [(benchmarkName e, e) | e <- benchmarks p]

-- Compatibility layer between Cabal-1.* and Cabal-2.*

-- | List all the packages that this one depends on.
collectDeps :: LocalBuildInfo -> [InstalledPackageInfo.InstalledPackageInfo]
collectDeps l = do
    c <- allComponentsInBuildOrder l
    (i,_) <- componentPackageDeps c
    Just p <- [PackageIndex.lookupUnitId (installedPkgs l) i]
    return p

-- | All the components that will be built by this Cabal command.
allComponents :: LocalBuildInfo -> Map.Map ComponentName ComponentLocalBuildInfo
allComponents l = fmap requireOne $ componentNameMap l
    -- TODO: this doesn't support Backpack, which can have more than one
    -- ComponentLocalBuildInfo associated with a name.
    requireOne [x] = x
    requireOne xs = error $ "Data.ProtoLens.Setup.allComponents: expected one "
                          ++ "component per name, got " ++ show xs