{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Codec.Compression.Zlib.Deflate(
       , computeCodeValues

import           Codec.Compression.Zlib.HuffmanTree(HuffmanTree,
import           Codec.Compression.Zlib.Monad(DeflateM, DecompressionError(..),
                                              advanceToByte, moveWindow,
                                              finalAdler, finalize)
import           Control.Monad(unless, replicateM)
import           Data.Array(Array, array, (!))
import           Data.Bits(shiftL, complement)
import           Data.Int(Int64)
import           Data.List(sortBy)
import           Data.IntMap.Strict(IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Map
import           Data.Word(Word8)
import           Numeric(showHex)

inflate :: DeflateM ()
inflate =
  do fixedLit  <- buildFixedLitTree
     fixedDist <- buildFixedDistanceTree
     go fixedLit fixedDist
  go fixedLit fixedDist =
    do isFinal <- inflateBlock fixedLit fixedDist
       if isFinal
          then checkChecksum >> finalize
          else go fixedLit fixedDist
  checkChecksum =
    do advanceToByte
       ourAdler   <- finalAdler
       theirAdler <- nextWord32
       unless (theirAdler == ourAdler) $
         raise (ChecksumError ("checksum mismatch: " ++ showHex theirAdler "" ++
                               " != " ++ showHex ourAdler ""))

inflateBlock :: HuffmanTree Int -> HuffmanTree Int -> DeflateM Bool
inflateBlock fixedLitTree fixedDistanceTree =
  do bfinal <- (== (1::Word8)) `fmap` nextBits 1
     btype  <- nextBits 2
     case btype :: Word8 of
       0 -> -- no compression
         do advanceToByte
            len  <- nextWord16
            nlen <- nextWord16
            unless (len == complement nlen) $
              raise (FormatError "Len/nlen mismatch in uncompressed block.")
            emitBlock =<< nextBlock len
            return bfinal
       1 -> -- compressed with fixed Huffman codes
         do runInflate fixedLitTree fixedDistanceTree
            return bfinal
       2 -> -- compressed with dynamic Huffman codes
         do hlit  <- (257+) `fmap` nextBits 5
            hdist <- (1+)   `fmap` nextBits 5
            hclen <- (4+)   `fmap` nextBits 4
            codeLens <- replicateM hclen (nextBits 3)
            let codeLens' = zip codeLengthOrder codeLens
            codeTree <- computeHuffmanTree codeLens'
            lens <- getCodeLengths codeTree 0 (hlit + hdist) 0 Map.empty
            -- We do this as a big chunk and then split it up because the spec
            -- allows repeat codes to cross the hlit / hdist boundary. So now we
            -- need to pull off the hdist items.
            let (litlens, offdistlens) =
                    Map.partitionWithKey (\ k _ -> k < hlit) lens
                distlens = Map.mapKeys (\ k -> k - hlit) offdistlens
            litTree  <- computeHuffmanTree (Map.toList litlens)
            distTree <- computeHuffmanTree (Map.toList distlens)
            runInflate litTree distTree
            return bfinal
       _ -> -- reserved / error
         raise (FormatError ("Unacceptable BTYPE: " ++ show btype))
  runInflate :: HuffmanTree Int -> HuffmanTree Int -> DeflateM ()
  runInflate litTree distTree =
    do code <- nextCode litTree
       case compare code 256 of
          LT -> do emitByte (fromIntegral code)
                   runInflate litTree distTree
          EQ -> return ()
          GT -> do len      <- getLength code
                   distCode <- nextCode distTree
                   dist     <- getDistance distCode
                   emitPastChunk dist len
                   runInflate litTree distTree

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

getCodeLengths :: HuffmanTree Int ->
                  Int -> Int -> Int ->
                  IntMap Int ->
                  DeflateM (IntMap Int)
getCodeLengths tree n maxl prev acc
  | n >= maxl   = return acc
  | otherwise =
    do code <- nextCode tree
       if | code <= 15 ->
                getCodeLengths tree (n+1) maxl code (Map.insert n code acc)
          | code == 16 -> -- copy the previous code length 3 - 6 times
             do num <- (3+) `fmap` nextBits 2
                getCodeLengths tree (n+num) maxl prev (addNTimes n num prev acc)
          | code == 17 -> -- repeat a code length of 0 for 3 - 10 times
             do num <- (3+) `fmap` nextBits 3
                getCodeLengths tree (n+num) maxl 0    (addNTimes n num 0 acc)
          | code == 18 -> -- repeat a code length of 0 for 11 - 138 times
             do num <- (11+) `fmap` nextBits 7
                getCodeLengths tree (n+num) maxl 0    (addNTimes n num 0 acc)
  addNTimes idx count val old =
    let idxs = take count [idx..]
        vals = replicate count val
    in Map.union old (Map.fromList (zip idxs vals))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

getLength :: Int -> DeflateM Int64
getLength c = lengthArray ! c
{-# INLINE getLength #-}

lengthArray :: Array Int (DeflateM Int64)
lengthArray = array (257,285) [
    (257, return 3)
  , (258, return 4)
  , (259, return 5)
  , (260, return 6)
  , (261, return 7)
  , (262, return 8)
  , (263, return 9)
  , (264, return 10)
  , (265, (+ 11)  `fmap` nextBits 1)
  , (266, (+ 13)  `fmap` nextBits 1)
  , (267, (+ 15)  `fmap` nextBits 1)
  , (268, (+ 17)  `fmap` nextBits 1)
  , (269, (+ 19)  `fmap` nextBits 2)
  , (270, (+ 23)  `fmap` nextBits 2)
  , (271, (+ 27)  `fmap` nextBits 2)
  , (272, (+ 31)  `fmap` nextBits 2)
  , (273, (+ 35)  `fmap` nextBits 3)
  , (274, (+ 43)  `fmap` nextBits 3)
  , (275, (+ 51)  `fmap` nextBits 3)
  , (276, (+ 59)  `fmap` nextBits 3)
  , (277, (+ 67)  `fmap` nextBits 4)
  , (278, (+ 83)  `fmap` nextBits 4)
  , (279, (+ 99)  `fmap` nextBits 4)
  , (280, (+ 115) `fmap` nextBits 4)
  , (281, (+ 131) `fmap` nextBits 5)
  , (282, (+ 163) `fmap` nextBits 5)
  , (283, (+ 195) `fmap` nextBits 5)
  , (284, (+ 227) `fmap` nextBits 5)
  , (285, return 258)

getDistance :: Int -> DeflateM Int
getDistance c = distanceArray ! c
{-# INLINE getDistance #-}

distanceArray :: Array Int (DeflateM Int)
distanceArray = array (0,29) [
    (0,  return 1)
  , (1,  return 2)
  , (2,  return 3)
  , (3,  return 4)
  , (4,  (+ 5)     `fmap` nextBits 1)
  , (5,  (+ 7)     `fmap` nextBits 1)
  , (6,  (+ 9)     `fmap` nextBits 2)
  , (7,  (+ 13)    `fmap` nextBits 2)
  , (8,  (+ 17)    `fmap` nextBits 3)
  , (9,  (+ 25)    `fmap` nextBits 3)
  , (10, (+ 33)    `fmap` nextBits 4)
  , (11, (+ 49)    `fmap` nextBits 4)
  , (12, (+ 65)    `fmap` nextBits 5)
  , (13, (+ 97)    `fmap` nextBits 5)
  , (14, (+ 129)   `fmap` nextBits 6)
  , (15, (+ 193)   `fmap` nextBits 6)
  , (16, (+ 257)   `fmap` nextBits 7)
  , (17, (+ 385)   `fmap` nextBits 7)
  , (18, (+ 513)   `fmap` nextBits 8)
  , (19, (+ 769)   `fmap` nextBits 8)
  , (20, (+ 1025)  `fmap` nextBits 9)
  , (21, (+ 1537)  `fmap` nextBits 9)
  , (22, (+ 2049)  `fmap` nextBits 10)
  , (23, (+ 3073)  `fmap` nextBits 10)
  , (24, (+ 4097)  `fmap` nextBits 11)
  , (25, (+ 6145)  `fmap` nextBits 11)
  , (26, (+ 8193)  `fmap` nextBits 12)
  , (27, (+ 12289) `fmap` nextBits 12)
  , (28, (+ 16385) `fmap` nextBits 13)
  , (29, (+ 24577) `fmap` nextBits 13)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

buildFixedLitTree :: DeflateM (HuffmanTree Int)
buildFixedLitTree = computeHuffmanTree
  ([(x, 8) | x <- [0   .. 143]] ++
   [(x, 9) | x <- [144 .. 255]] ++
   [(x, 7) | x <- [256 .. 279]] ++
   [(x, 8) | x <- [280 .. 287]])

buildFixedDistanceTree :: DeflateM (HuffmanTree Int)
buildFixedDistanceTree = computeHuffmanTree [(x,5) | x <- [0..31]]

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

computeHuffmanTree :: [(Int, Int)] -> DeflateM (HuffmanTree Int)
computeHuffmanTree initialData =
  case createHuffmanTree (computeCodeValues initialData) of
    Left  err -> raise (HuffmanTreeError err)
    Right x   -> return x

computeCodeValues :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
computeCodeValues vals = Map.foldrWithKey (\ v (l, c) a -> (v,l,c):a) [] codes
  valsNo0s = filter (\ (_, b) -> (b /= 0)) vals
  valsSort = sortBy (\ (a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b) valsNo0s
  blCount  = foldr (\ (_,k) m -> Map.insertWith (+) k 1 m) Map.empty valsNo0s
  nextcode = step2 0 1 (Map.insert 0 0 Map.empty)
  lenTree  = Map.fromList valsSort
  codeTree = step3 (map fst valsSort) nextcode Map.empty
  maxBits  = maximum (map snd valsSort)
  codes    = Map.intersectionWith (,) lenTree codeTree
  step2 code bits nc
    | bits > maxBits = nc
    | otherwise =
      let prevCount = Map.findWithDefault 0 (bits - 1) blCount
          code' = (code + prevCount) `shiftL` 1
      in step2 code' (bits + 1) (Map.insert bits code' nc)
  step3 [] _ ct = ct
  step3 (n:rest) nc ct =
    let len        = Map.findWithDefault 0 n lenTree
        Just ncLen = Map.lookup len nc
        ct'        = Map.insert n ncLen ct
        nc'        = Map.insert len (ncLen + 1) nc
    in if len == 0
          then step3 rest nc  ct
          else step3 rest nc' ct'

codeLengthOrder :: [Int]
codeLengthOrder =
  [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]