{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- The top-level type checker, which checks all declarations in a module.
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker
  ( module T
  , typeCheckModule
  , checkNewtype
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, void, forM)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..), modify, gets)
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..), censor)

import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_, toList)
import Data.List (nub, nubBy, (\\), sort, group, intersect)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Linter
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Kinds as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Synonyms as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Types

import Lens.Micro.Platform ((^..), _2, _3)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> DataDeclType
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  -> [(ProperName 'ConstructorName, [(Ident, SourceType)])]
  -> SourceKind
  -> m ()
addDataType moduleName dtype name args dctors ctorKind = do
  env <- getEnv
  putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (ctorKind, DataType args (map (second (map snd)) dctors)) (types env) }
  for_ dctors $ \(dctor, fields) ->
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInDataConstructor dctor)) $
      addDataConstructor moduleName dtype name (map fst args) dctor fields

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> DataDeclType
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [Text]
  -> ProperName 'ConstructorName
  -> [(Ident, SourceType)]
  -> m ()
addDataConstructor moduleName dtype name args dctor dctorArgs = do
  let (fields, tys) = unzip dctorArgs
  env <- getEnv
  traverse_ checkTypeSynonyms tys
  let retTy = foldl srcTypeApp (srcTypeConstructor (Qualified (Just moduleName) name)) (map srcTypeVar args)
  let dctorTy = foldr function retTy tys
  let polyType = mkForAll (map (NullSourceAnn,) args) dctorTy
  putEnv $ env { dataConstructors = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) dctor) (dtype, name, polyType, fields) (dataConstructors env) }

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  -> SourceType
  -> SourceKind
  -> m ()
addTypeSynonym moduleName name args ty kind = do
  env <- getEnv
  checkTypeSynonyms ty
  putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kind, TypeSynonym) (types env)
               , typeSynonyms = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (args, ty) (typeSynonyms env) }

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Ident
  -> m ()
valueIsNotDefined moduleName name = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (names env) of
    Just _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ RedefinedIdent name
    Nothing -> return ()

  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Ident
  -> SourceType
  -> NameKind
  -> m ()
addValue moduleName name ty nameKind = do
  env <- getEnv
  putEnv (env { names = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (ty, nameKind, Defined) (names env) })

  :: forall m
   . (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
  -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  -> [SourceConstraint]
  -> [FunctionalDependency]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> m ()
addTypeClass qualifiedClassName args implies dependencies ds = do
  env <- getEnv
  traverse_ (checkMemberIsUsable (typeSynonyms env)) classMembers
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClasses = M.insert qualifiedClassName newClass (typeClasses . checkEnv $ st) } }
    classMembers :: [(Ident, SourceType)]
    classMembers = map toPair ds

    newClass :: TypeClassData
    newClass = makeTypeClassData args classMembers implies dependencies

    coveringSets :: [S.Set Int]
    coveringSets = S.toList (typeClassCoveringSets newClass)

    argToIndex :: Text -> Maybe Int
    argToIndex = flip M.lookup $ M.fromList (zipWith ((,) . fst) args [0..])

    toPair (TypeDeclaration (TypeDeclarationData _ ident ty)) = (ident, ty)
    toPair _ = internalError "Invalid declaration in TypeClassDeclaration"

    -- Currently we are only checking usability based on the type class currently
    -- being defined.  If the mentioned arguments don't include a covering set,
    -- then we won't be able to find a instance.
    checkMemberIsUsable :: T.SynonymMap -> (Ident, SourceType) -> m ()
    checkMemberIsUsable syns (ident, memberTy) = do
      memberTy' <- T.replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns memberTy
      let mentionedArgIndexes = S.fromList (mapMaybe argToIndex (freeTypeVariables memberTy'))
      let leftovers = map (`S.difference` mentionedArgIndexes) coveringSets

      unless (any null leftovers) . throwError . errorMessage $
          solutions = map (map (fst . (args !!)) . S.toList) leftovers
          UnusableDeclaration ident (nub solutions)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => Maybe ModuleName
  -> M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (M.Map (Qualified Ident) (NEL.NonEmpty NamedDict))
  -> m ()
addTypeClassDictionaries mn entries =
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = insertState st } }
  where insertState st = M.insertWith (M.unionWith (M.unionWith (<>))) mn entries (typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ st)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => [Text]
  -> m ()
checkDuplicateTypeArguments args = for_ firstDup $ \dup ->
  throwError . errorMessage $ DuplicateTypeArgument dup
  firstDup :: Maybe Text
  firstDup = listToMaybe $ args \\ ordNub args

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => TypeClassData
  -> Int -- ^ index of type class argument
  -> SourceType
  -> m ()
checkTypeClassInstance cls i = check where
  -- If the argument is determined via fundeps then we are less restrictive in
  -- what type is allowed. This is because the type cannot be used to influence
  -- which instance is selected. Currently the only weakened restriction is that
  -- row types are allowed in determined type class arguments.
  isFunDepDetermined = S.member i (typeClassDeterminedArguments cls)
  check = \case
    TypeVar _ _ -> return ()
    TypeLevelString _ _ -> return ()
    TypeConstructor _ ctor -> do
      env <- getEnv
      when (ctor `M.member` typeSynonyms env) . throwError . errorMessage $ TypeSynonymInstance
      return ()
    TypeApp _ t1 t2 -> check t1 >> check t2
    REmpty _ | isFunDepDetermined -> return ()
    RCons _ _ hd tl | isFunDepDetermined -> check hd >> check tl
    ty -> throwError . errorMessage $ InvalidInstanceHead ty

-- |
-- Check that type synonyms are fully-applied in a type
  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => SourceType
  -> m ()
checkTypeSynonyms = void . replaceAllTypeSynonyms

-- |
-- Type check all declarations in a module
-- At this point, many declarations will have been desugared, but it is still necessary to
--  * Kind-check all types and add them to the @Environment@
--  * Type-check all values and add them to the @Environment@
--  * Bring type class instances into scope
--  * Process module imports
  :: forall m
   . (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> [DeclarationRef]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> m [Declaration]
typeCheckAll moduleName _ = traverse go
  go :: Declaration -> m Declaration
  go (DataDeclaration sa@(ss, _) dtype name args dctors) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeConstructor name) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      when (dtype == Newtype) $ checkNewtype name dctors
      checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
      ctorKind <- kindsOf True moduleName name args (concatMap (fmap snd . snd) dctors)
      let args' = args `withKinds` ctorKind
      addDataType moduleName dtype name args' dctors ctorKind
    return $ DataDeclaration sa dtype name args dctors
  go (d@(DataBindingGroupDeclaration tys)) = do
    let tysList = NEL.toList tys
        syns = mapMaybe toTypeSynonym tysList
        dataDecls = mapMaybe toDataDecl tysList
        bindingGroupNames = ordNub ((syns^..traverse._2) ++ (dataDecls^..traverse._3))
        sss = fmap declSourceSpan tys
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInDataBindingGroup bindingGroupNames) . addHint (PositionedError sss)) $ do
      (syn_ks, data_ks) <- kindsOfAll moduleName syns (map (\(sa, _, name, args, dctors) -> (sa, name, args, concatMap (fmap snd . snd) dctors)) dataDecls)
      for_ (zip dataDecls data_ks) $ \((_, dtype, name, args, dctors), ctorKind) -> do
        when (dtype == Newtype) $ checkNewtype name dctors
        checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
        let args' = args `withKinds` ctorKind
        addDataType moduleName dtype name args' dctors ctorKind
      for_ (zip syns syn_ks) $ \((_, name, args, ty), kind) -> do
        checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
        let args' = args `withKinds` kind
        addTypeSynonym moduleName name args' ty kind
    return d
    toTypeSynonym (TypeSynonymDeclaration sa nm args ty) = Just (sa, nm, args, ty)
    toTypeSynonym _ = Nothing
    toDataDecl (DataDeclaration sa dtype nm args dctors) = Just (sa, dtype, nm, args, dctors)
    toDataDecl _ = Nothing
  go (TypeSynonymDeclaration sa@(ss, _) name args ty) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeSynonym name) . addHint (positionedError ss) ) $ do
      checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
      kind <- kindsOf False moduleName name args [ty]
      let args' = args `withKinds` kind
      addTypeSynonym moduleName name args' ty kind
    return $ TypeSynonymDeclaration sa name args ty
  go TypeDeclaration{} =
    internalError "Type declarations should have been removed before typeCheckAlld"
  go (ValueDecl sa@(ss, _) name nameKind [] [MkUnguarded val]) = do
    env <- getEnv
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInValueDeclaration name) . addHint (positionedError ss)) . censorLocalUnnamedWildcards val $ do
      val' <- checkExhaustiveExpr ss env moduleName val
      valueIsNotDefined moduleName name
      [(_, (val'', ty))] <- typesOf NonRecursiveBindingGroup moduleName [((sa, name), val')]
      addValue moduleName name ty nameKind
      return $ ValueDecl sa name nameKind [] [MkUnguarded val'']
  go ValueDeclaration{} = internalError "Binders were not desugared"
  go BoundValueDeclaration{} = internalError "BoundValueDeclaration should be desugared"
  go (BindingGroupDeclaration vals) = do
    env <- getEnv
    let sss = fmap (\(((ss, _), _), _, _) -> ss) vals
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInBindingGroup (fmap (\((_, ident), _, _) -> ident) vals)) . addHint (PositionedError sss)) $ do
      for_ vals $ \((_, ident), _, _) -> valueIsNotDefined moduleName ident
      vals' <- NEL.toList <$> traverse (\(sai@((ss, _), _), nk, expr) -> (sai, nk,) <$> checkExhaustiveExpr ss env moduleName expr) vals
      tys <- typesOf RecursiveBindingGroup moduleName $ fmap (\(sai, _, ty) -> (sai, ty)) vals'
      vals'' <- forM [ (sai, val, nameKind, ty)
                     | (sai@(_, name), nameKind, _) <- vals'
                     , ((_, name'), (val, ty)) <- tys
                     , name == name'
                     ] $ \(sai@(_, name), val, nameKind, ty) -> do
        addValue moduleName name ty nameKind
        return (sai, nameKind, val)
      return . BindingGroupDeclaration $ NEL.fromList vals''
  go (d@(ExternDataDeclaration _ name kind)) = do
    env <- getEnv
    putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kind, ExternData) (types env) }
    return d
  go (d@(ExternKindDeclaration _ name)) = do
    env <- getEnv
    putEnv $ env { kinds = S.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kinds env) }
    return d
  go (d@(ExternDeclaration (ss, _) name ty)) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInForeignImport name) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      env <- getEnv
      kind <- kindOf ty
      guardWith (errorMessage (ExpectedType ty kind)) $ kind == kindType
      case M.lookup (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (names env) of
        Just _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ RedefinedIdent name
        Nothing -> putEnv (env { names = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (ty, External, Defined) (names env) })
    return d
  go d@FixityDeclaration{} = return d
  go d@ImportDeclaration{} = return d
  go d@(TypeClassDeclaration (ss, _) pn args implies deps tys) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeClassDeclaration pn) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      env <- getEnv
      let qualifiedClassName = Qualified (Just moduleName) pn
      guardWith (errorMessage (DuplicateTypeClass pn ss)) $
        not (M.member qualifiedClassName (typeClasses env))
      addTypeClass qualifiedClassName args implies deps tys
      return d
  go (d@(TypeInstanceDeclaration (ss, _) ch idx dictName deps className tys body)) =
    rethrow (addHint (ErrorInInstance className tys) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      env <- getEnv
      let qualifiedDictName = Qualified (Just moduleName) dictName
      flip (traverse_ . traverse_) (typeClassDictionaries env) $ \dictionaries ->
        guardWith (errorMessage (DuplicateInstance dictName ss)) $
          not (M.member qualifiedDictName dictionaries)
      case M.lookup className (typeClasses env) of
        Nothing -> internalError "typeCheckAll: Encountered unknown type class in instance declaration"
        Just typeClass -> do
          checkInstanceArity dictName className typeClass tys
          sequence_ (zipWith (checkTypeClassInstance typeClass) [0..] tys)
          let nonOrphanModules = findNonOrphanModules className typeClass tys
          checkOrphanInstance dictName className tys nonOrphanModules
          let qualifiedChain = Qualified (Just moduleName) <$> ch
          checkOverlappingInstance qualifiedChain dictName className typeClass tys nonOrphanModules
          _ <- traverseTypeInstanceBody checkInstanceMembers body
          deps' <- (traverse . overConstraintArgs . traverse) replaceAllTypeSynonyms deps
          let dict = TypeClassDictionaryInScope qualifiedChain idx qualifiedDictName [] className tys (Just deps')
          addTypeClassDictionaries (Just moduleName) . M.singleton className $ M.singleton (tcdValue dict) (pure dict)
          return d

  checkInstanceArity :: Ident -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> TypeClassData -> [SourceType] -> m ()
  checkInstanceArity dictName className typeClass tys = do
    let typeClassArity = length (typeClassArguments typeClass)
        instanceArity = length tys
    when (typeClassArity /= instanceArity) $
      throwError . errorMessage $ ClassInstanceArityMismatch dictName className typeClassArity instanceArity

  checkInstanceMembers :: [Declaration] -> m [Declaration]
  checkInstanceMembers instDecls = do
    let idents = sort . map head . group . map memberName $ instDecls
    for_ (firstDuplicate idents) $ \ident ->
      throwError . errorMessage $ DuplicateValueDeclaration ident
    return instDecls
    memberName :: Declaration -> Ident
    memberName (ValueDeclaration vd) = valdeclIdent vd
    memberName _ = internalError "checkInstanceMembers: Invalid declaration in type instance definition"

    firstDuplicate :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Maybe a
    firstDuplicate (x : xs@(y : _))
      | x == y = Just x
      | otherwise = firstDuplicate xs
    firstDuplicate _ = Nothing

    :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
    -> TypeClassData
    -> [SourceType]
    -> S.Set ModuleName
  findNonOrphanModules (Qualified (Just mn') _) typeClass tys' = nonOrphanModules
    nonOrphanModules :: S.Set ModuleName
    nonOrphanModules = S.insert mn' nonOrphanModules'

    typeModule :: SourceType -> Maybe ModuleName
    typeModule (TypeVar _ _) = Nothing
    typeModule (TypeLevelString _ _) = Nothing
    typeModule (TypeConstructor _ (Qualified (Just mn'') _)) = Just mn''
    typeModule (TypeConstructor _ (Qualified Nothing _)) = internalError "Unqualified type name in findNonOrphanModules"
    typeModule (TypeApp _ t1 _) = typeModule t1
    typeModule _ = internalError "Invalid type in instance in findNonOrphanModules"

    modulesByTypeIndex :: M.Map Int (Maybe ModuleName)
    modulesByTypeIndex = M.fromList (zip [0 ..] (typeModule <$> tys'))

    lookupModule :: Int -> S.Set ModuleName
    lookupModule idx = case M.lookup idx modulesByTypeIndex of
      Just ms -> S.fromList (toList ms)
      Nothing -> internalError "Unknown type index in findNonOrphanModules"

    -- If the instance is declared in a module that wouldn't be found based on a covering set
    -- then it is considered an orphan - because we'd have a situation in which we expect an
    -- instance but can't find it. So a valid module must be applicable across *all* covering
    -- sets - therefore we take the intersection of covering set modules.
    nonOrphanModules' :: S.Set ModuleName
    nonOrphanModules' = foldl1 S.intersection (foldMap lookupModule `S.map` typeClassCoveringSets typeClass)
  findNonOrphanModules _ _ _ = internalError "Unqualified class name in findNonOrphanModules"

  -- Check that the instance currently being declared doesn't overlap with any
  -- other instance in any module that this instance wouldn't be considered an
  -- orphan in.  There are overlapping instance situations that won't be caught
  -- by this, for example when combining multiparametr type classes with
  -- flexible instances: the instances `Cls X y` and `Cls x Y` overlap and
  -- could live in different modules but won't be caught here.
    :: [Qualified Ident]
    -> Ident
    -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
    -> TypeClassData
    -> [SourceType]
    -> S.Set ModuleName
    -> m ()
  checkOverlappingInstance ch dictName className typeClass tys' nonOrphanModules = do
    for_ nonOrphanModules $ \m -> do
      dicts <- M.toList <$> lookupTypeClassDictionariesForClass (Just m) className

      for_ dicts $ \(ident, dictNel) -> do
        for_ dictNel $ \dict -> do
          -- ignore instances in the same instance chain
          if ch == tcdChain dict ||
            instancesAreApart (typeClassCoveringSets typeClass) tys' (tcdInstanceTypes dict)
          then return ()
          else throwError . errorMessage $
                OverlappingInstances className
                                      [ident, Qualified (Just moduleName) dictName]

    :: S.Set (S.Set Int)
    -> [SourceType]
    -> [SourceType]
    -> Bool
  instancesAreApart sets lhs rhs = all (any typesApart . S.toList) (S.toList sets)
      typesApart :: Int -> Bool
      typesApart i = typeHeadsApart (lhs !! i) (rhs !! i)

      -- Note: implementation doesn't need to care about all possible cases:
      -- TUnknown, Skolem, etc.
      typeHeadsApart :: SourceType -> SourceType -> Bool
      typeHeadsApart l                   r             | eqType l r = False
      typeHeadsApart (TypeVar _ _)       _                          = False
      typeHeadsApart _                   (TypeVar _ _)              = False
      typeHeadsApart (KindedType _ t1 _) t2                         = typeHeadsApart t1 t2
      typeHeadsApart t1                  (KindedType _ t2 _)        = typeHeadsApart t1 t2
      typeHeadsApart (TypeApp _ h1 t1)   (TypeApp _ h2 t2)          = typeHeadsApart h1 h2 || typeHeadsApart t1 t2
      typeHeadsApart _                   _                          = True

    :: Ident
    -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
    -> [SourceType]
    -> S.Set ModuleName
    -> m ()
  checkOrphanInstance dictName className tys' nonOrphanModules
    | moduleName `S.member` nonOrphanModules = return ()
    | otherwise = throwError . errorMessage $ OrphanInstance dictName className nonOrphanModules tys'

  censorLocalUnnamedWildcards :: Expr -> m a -> m a
  censorLocalUnnamedWildcards (TypedValue _ _ ty) = censor (filterErrors (not . isLocalUnnamedWildcardError ty))
  censorLocalUnnamedWildcards _ = id

  isLocalUnnamedWildcardError :: SourceType -> ErrorMessage -> Bool
  isLocalUnnamedWildcardError ty err@(ErrorMessage _ (WildcardInferredType _ _)) =
      ssWildcard (TypeWildcard (ss', _) Nothing) = [ss']
      ssWildcard _ = []
      sssWildcards = everythingOnTypes (<>) ssWildcard ty
      sss = maybe [] NEL.toList $ errorSpan err
      null $ intersect sss sssWildcards
  isLocalUnnamedWildcardError _ _ = False

  -- |
  -- This function adds the argument kinds for a type constructor so that they may appear in the externs file,
  -- extracted from the kind of the type constructor itself.
  withKinds :: [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)] -> SourceKind -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  withKinds []                  _               = []
  withKinds (s@(_, Just _ ):ss) (FunKind _ _   k) = s : withKinds ss k
  withKinds (  (s, Nothing):ss) (FunKind _ k1 k2) = (s, Just k1) : withKinds ss k2
  withKinds _                   _                 = internalError "Invalid arguments to peelKinds"

  :: forall m
   . MonadError MultipleErrors m
  => ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [(ProperName 'ConstructorName, [(Ident, SourceType)])]
  -> m ()
checkNewtype _ [(_, [_])] = return ()
checkNewtype name _ = throwError . errorMessage $ InvalidNewtype name

-- |
-- Type check an entire module and ensure all types and classes defined within the module that are
-- required by exported members are also exported.
  :: forall m
   . (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => Module
  -> m Module
typeCheckModule (Module _ _ _ _ Nothing) =
  internalError "exports should have been elaborated before typeCheckModule"
typeCheckModule (Module ss coms mn decls (Just exps)) =
  warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInModule mn)) $ do
    modify (\s -> s { checkCurrentModule = Just mn })
    decls' <- typeCheckAll mn exps decls
    checkSuperClassesAreExported <- getSuperClassExportCheck
    for_ exps $ \e -> do
      checkTypesAreExported e
      checkClassMembersAreExported e
      checkClassesAreExported e
      checkSuperClassesAreExported e
    return $ Module ss coms mn decls' (Just exps)
  qualify' :: a -> Qualified a
  qualify' = Qualified (Just mn)

  getSuperClassExportCheck = do
    classesToSuperClasses <- gets
      ( M.map
        ( S.fromList
        . filter (\(Qualified mn' _) -> mn' == Just mn)
        . fmap constraintClass
        . typeClassSuperclasses
      . typeClasses
      . checkEnv
      -- A function that, given a class name, returns the set of
      -- transitive class dependencies that are defined in this
      -- module.
          :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
          -> S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
      transitiveSuperClassesFor qname =
          (\s -> s <> foldMap (\n -> fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup n classesToSuperClasses)) s)
          (fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup qname classesToSuperClasses))

      superClassesFor qname =
        fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup qname classesToSuperClasses)

    pure $ checkSuperClassExport superClassesFor transitiveSuperClassesFor
  moduleClassExports :: S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
  moduleClassExports = S.fromList $ mapMaybe (\x -> case x of
     TypeClassRef _ name -> Just (qualify' name)
     _ -> Nothing) exps

  untilSame :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
  untilSame f a = let a' = f a in if a == a' then a else untilSame f a'

  checkMemberExport :: (SourceType -> [DeclarationRef]) -> DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkMemberExport extract dr@(TypeRef _ name dctors) = do
    env <- getEnv
    for_ (M.lookup (qualify' name) (types env)) $ \(k, _) -> do
      let findModuleKinds = everythingOnKinds (++) $ \case
            NamedKind _ (Qualified (Just mn') kindName) | mn' == mn -> [kindName]
            _ -> []
      checkExport dr $ KindRef (declRefSourceSpan dr) <$> findModuleKinds k
    for_ (M.lookup (qualify' name) (typeSynonyms env)) $ \(_, ty) ->
      checkExport dr (extract ty)
    for_ dctors $ \dctors' ->
      for_ dctors' $ \dctor ->
        for_ (M.lookup (qualify' dctor) (dataConstructors env)) $ \(_, _, ty, _) ->
          checkExport dr (extract ty)
  checkMemberExport extract dr@(ValueRef _ name) = do
    ty <- lookupVariable (qualify' name)
    checkExport dr (extract ty)
  checkMemberExport _ _ = return ()

    :: (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)))
    -> (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)))
    -> DeclarationRef
    -> m ()
  checkSuperClassExport superClassesFor transitiveSuperClassesFor dr@(TypeClassRef drss className) = do
    let superClasses = superClassesFor (qualify' className)
        -- thanks to laziness, the computation of the transitive
        -- superclasses defined in-module will only occur if we actually
        -- throw the error. Constructing the full set of transitive
        -- superclasses is likely to be costly for every single term.
        transitiveSuperClasses = transitiveSuperClassesFor (qualify' className)
        unexported = S.difference superClasses moduleClassExports
    unless (null unexported)
      . throwError . errorMessage' drss
      . TransitiveExportError dr
      . map (TypeClassRef drss . disqualify)
      $ toList transitiveSuperClasses
  checkSuperClassExport _ _ _ =
    return ()

  checkExport :: DeclarationRef -> [DeclarationRef] -> m ()
  checkExport dr drs = case filter (not . exported) drs of
    [] -> return ()
    hidden -> throwError . errorMessage' (declRefSourceSpan dr) $ TransitiveExportError dr (nubBy nubEq hidden)
    exported e = any (exports e) exps
    exports (TypeRef _ pn1 _) (TypeRef _ pn2 _) = pn1 == pn2
    exports (KindRef _ pn1) (KindRef _ pn2) = pn1 == pn2
    exports (ValueRef _ id1) (ValueRef _ id2) = id1 == id2
    exports (TypeClassRef _ pn1) (TypeClassRef _ pn2) = pn1 == pn2
    exports _ _ = False
    -- We avoid Eq for `nub`bing as the dctor part of `TypeRef` evaluates to
    -- `error` for the values generated here (we don't need them anyway)
    nubEq (TypeRef _ pn1 _) (TypeRef _ pn2 _) = pn1 == pn2
    nubEq r1 r2 = r1 == r2

  -- Check that all the type constructors defined in the current module that appear in member types
  -- have also been exported from the module
  checkTypesAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkTypesAreExported ref = checkMemberExport findTcons ref
    findTcons :: SourceType -> [DeclarationRef]
    findTcons = everythingOnTypes (++) go
      go (TypeConstructor _ (Qualified (Just mn') name)) | mn' == mn =
        [TypeRef (declRefSourceSpan ref) name (internalError "Data constructors unused in checkTypesAreExported")]
      go _ = []

  -- Check that all the classes defined in the current module that appear in member types have also
  -- been exported from the module
  checkClassesAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkClassesAreExported ref = checkMemberExport findClasses ref
    findClasses :: SourceType -> [DeclarationRef]
    findClasses = everythingOnTypes (++) go
      go (ConstrainedType _ c _) = (fmap (TypeClassRef (declRefSourceSpan ref)) . extractCurrentModuleClass . constraintClass) c
      go _ = []
    extractCurrentModuleClass :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> [ProperName 'ClassName]
    extractCurrentModuleClass (Qualified (Just mn') name) | mn == mn' = [name]
    extractCurrentModuleClass _ = []

  checkClassMembersAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkClassMembersAreExported dr@(TypeClassRef ss' name) = do
    let members = ValueRef ss' `map` head (mapMaybe findClassMembers decls)
    let missingMembers = members \\ exps
    unless (null missingMembers) . throwError . errorMessage' ss' $ TransitiveExportError dr members
    findClassMembers :: Declaration -> Maybe [Ident]
    findClassMembers (TypeClassDeclaration _ name' _ _ _ ds) | name == name' = Just $ map extractMemberName ds
    findClassMembers _ = Nothing
    extractMemberName :: Declaration -> Ident
    extractMemberName (TypeDeclaration td) = tydeclIdent td
    extractMemberName _ = internalError "Unexpected declaration in typeclass member list"
  checkClassMembersAreExported _ = return ()