{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- |
-- This module generates code for \"externs\" files, i.e. files containing only
-- foreign import declarations.
module Language.PureScript.Externs
  ( ExternsFile(..)
  , ExternsImport(..)
  , ExternsFixity(..)
  , ExternsTypeFixity(..)
  , ExternsDeclaration(..)
  , moduleToExternsFile
  , applyExternsFileToEnvironment
  , decodeExterns
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Aeson (decode)
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.List (foldl', find)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL

import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Types

import Paths_purescript as Paths

-- | The data which will be serialized to an externs file
data ExternsFile = ExternsFile
  { efVersion :: Text
  -- ^ The externs version
  , efModuleName :: ModuleName
  -- ^ Module name
  , efExports :: [DeclarationRef]
  -- ^ List of module exports
  , efImports :: [ExternsImport]
  -- ^ List of module imports
  , efFixities :: [ExternsFixity]
  -- ^ List of operators and their fixities
  , efTypeFixities :: [ExternsTypeFixity]
  -- ^ List of type operators and their fixities
  , efDeclarations :: [ExternsDeclaration]
  -- ^ List of type and value declaration
  , efSourceSpan :: SourceSpan
  -- ^ Source span for error reporting
  } deriving (Show)

-- | A module import in an externs file
data ExternsImport = ExternsImport
  -- | The imported module
    eiModule :: ModuleName
  -- | The import type: regular, qualified or hiding
  , eiImportType :: ImportDeclarationType
  -- | The imported-as name, for qualified imports
  , eiImportedAs :: Maybe ModuleName
  } deriving (Show)

-- | A fixity declaration in an externs file
data ExternsFixity = ExternsFixity
  -- | The associativity of the operator
    efAssociativity :: Associativity
  -- | The precedence level of the operator
  , efPrecedence :: Precedence
  -- | The operator symbol
  , efOperator :: OpName 'ValueOpName
  -- | The value the operator is an alias for
  , efAlias :: Qualified (Either Ident (ProperName 'ConstructorName))
  } deriving (Show)

-- | A type fixity declaration in an externs file
data ExternsTypeFixity = ExternsTypeFixity
  -- | The associativity of the operator
    efTypeAssociativity :: Associativity
  -- | The precedence level of the operator
  , efTypePrecedence :: Precedence
  -- | The operator symbol
  , efTypeOperator :: OpName 'TypeOpName
  -- | The value the operator is an alias for
  , efTypeAlias :: Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)
  } deriving (Show)

-- | A type or value declaration appearing in an externs file
data ExternsDeclaration =
  -- | A type declaration
      { edTypeName                :: ProperName 'TypeName
      , edTypeKind                :: SourceKind
      , edTypeDeclarationKind     :: TypeKind
  -- | A type synonym
  | EDTypeSynonym
      { edTypeSynonymName         :: ProperName 'TypeName
      , edTypeSynonymArguments    :: [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
      , edTypeSynonymType         :: SourceType
  -- | A data construtor
  | EDDataConstructor
      { edDataCtorName            :: ProperName 'ConstructorName
      , edDataCtorOrigin          :: DataDeclType
      , edDataCtorTypeCtor        :: ProperName 'TypeName
      , edDataCtorType            :: SourceType
      , edDataCtorFields          :: [Ident]
  -- | A value declaration
  | EDValue
      { edValueName               :: Ident
      , edValueType               :: SourceType
  -- | A type class declaration
  | EDClass
      { edClassName               :: ProperName 'ClassName
      , edClassTypeArguments      :: [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
      , edClassMembers            :: [(Ident, SourceType)]
      , edClassConstraints        :: [SourceConstraint]
      , edFunctionalDependencies  :: [FunctionalDependency]
  -- | An instance declaration
  | EDInstance
      { edInstanceClassName       :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
      , edInstanceName            :: Ident
      , edInstanceTypes           :: [SourceType]
      , edInstanceConstraints     :: Maybe [SourceConstraint]
      , edInstanceChain           :: [Qualified Ident]
      , edInstanceChainIndex      :: Integer
  -- | A kind declaration
  | EDKind
      { edKindName                :: ProperName 'KindName
  deriving Show

-- | Convert an externs file back into a module
applyExternsFileToEnvironment :: ExternsFile -> Environment -> Environment
applyExternsFileToEnvironment ExternsFile{..} = flip (foldl' applyDecl) efDeclarations
  applyDecl :: Environment -> ExternsDeclaration -> Environment
  applyDecl env (EDType pn kind tyKind) = env { types = M.insert (qual pn) (kind, tyKind) (types env) }
  applyDecl env (EDTypeSynonym pn args ty) = env { typeSynonyms = M.insert (qual pn) (args, ty) (typeSynonyms env) }
  applyDecl env (EDDataConstructor pn dTy tNm ty nms) = env { dataConstructors = M.insert (qual pn) (dTy, tNm, ty, nms) (dataConstructors env) }
  applyDecl env (EDValue ident ty) = env { names = M.insert (Qualified (Just efModuleName) ident) (ty, External, Defined) (names env) }
  applyDecl env (EDClass pn args members cs deps) = env { typeClasses = M.insert (qual pn) (makeTypeClassData args members cs deps) (typeClasses env) }
  applyDecl env (EDKind pn) = env { kinds = S.insert (qual pn) (kinds env) }
  applyDecl env (EDInstance className ident tys cs ch idx) =
    env { typeClassDictionaries =
              (updateMap (M.insertWith (<>) (qual ident) (pure dict)) className)
              (Just efModuleName) (typeClassDictionaries env) }
    dict :: NamedDict
    dict = TypeClassDictionaryInScope ch idx (qual ident) [] className tys cs

    updateMap :: (Ord k, Monoid a) => (a -> a) -> k -> M.Map k a -> M.Map k a
    updateMap f = M.alter (Just . f . fold)

  qual :: a -> Qualified a
  qual = Qualified (Just efModuleName)

-- | Generate an externs file for all declarations in a module
moduleToExternsFile :: Module -> Environment -> ExternsFile
moduleToExternsFile (Module _ _ _ _ Nothing) _ = internalError "moduleToExternsFile: module exports were not elaborated"
moduleToExternsFile (Module ss _ mn ds (Just exps)) env = ExternsFile{..}
  efVersion       = T.pack (showVersion Paths.version)
  efModuleName    = mn
  efExports       = exps
  efImports       = mapMaybe importDecl ds
  efFixities      = mapMaybe fixityDecl ds
  efTypeFixities  = mapMaybe typeFixityDecl ds
  efDeclarations  = concatMap toExternsDeclaration efExports
  efSourceSpan    = ss

  fixityDecl :: Declaration -> Maybe ExternsFixity
  fixityDecl (ValueFixityDeclaration _ (Fixity assoc prec) name op) =
    fmap (const (ExternsFixity assoc prec op name)) (find (findOp getValueOpRef op) exps)
  fixityDecl _ = Nothing

  typeFixityDecl :: Declaration -> Maybe ExternsTypeFixity
  typeFixityDecl (TypeFixityDeclaration _ (Fixity assoc prec) name op) =
    fmap (const (ExternsTypeFixity assoc prec op name)) (find (findOp getTypeOpRef op) exps)
  typeFixityDecl _ = Nothing

  findOp :: (DeclarationRef -> Maybe (OpName a)) -> OpName a -> DeclarationRef -> Bool
  findOp g op = maybe False (== op) . g

  importDecl :: Declaration -> Maybe ExternsImport
  importDecl (ImportDeclaration _ m mt qmn) = Just (ExternsImport m mt qmn)
  importDecl _ = Nothing

  toExternsDeclaration :: DeclarationRef -> [ExternsDeclaration]
  toExternsDeclaration (TypeRef _ pn dctors) =
    case Qualified (Just mn) pn `M.lookup` types env of
      Nothing -> internalError "toExternsDeclaration: no kind in toExternsDeclaration"
      Just (kind, TypeSynonym)
        | Just (args, synTy) <- Qualified (Just mn) pn `M.lookup` typeSynonyms env -> [ EDType pn kind TypeSynonym, EDTypeSynonym pn args synTy ]
      Just (kind, ExternData) -> [ EDType pn kind ExternData ]
      Just (kind, tk@(DataType _ tys)) ->
        EDType pn kind tk : [ EDDataConstructor dctor dty pn ty args
                            | dctor <- fromMaybe (map fst tys) dctors
                            , (dty, _, ty, args) <- maybeToList (Qualified (Just mn) dctor `M.lookup` dataConstructors env)
      _ -> internalError "toExternsDeclaration: Invalid input"
  toExternsDeclaration (ValueRef _ ident)
    | Just (ty, _, _) <- Qualified (Just mn) ident `M.lookup` names env
    = [ EDValue ident ty ]
  toExternsDeclaration (TypeClassRef _ className)
    | Just TypeClassData{..} <- Qualified (Just mn) className `M.lookup` typeClasses env
    , Just (kind, TypeSynonym) <- Qualified (Just mn) (coerceProperName className) `M.lookup` types env
    , Just (_, synTy) <- Qualified (Just mn) (coerceProperName className) `M.lookup` typeSynonyms env
    = [ EDType (coerceProperName className) kind TypeSynonym
      , EDTypeSynonym (coerceProperName className) typeClassArguments synTy
      , EDClass className typeClassArguments typeClassMembers typeClassSuperclasses typeClassDependencies
  toExternsDeclaration (TypeInstanceRef _ ident)
    = [ EDInstance tcdClassName ident tcdInstanceTypes tcdDependencies tcdChain tcdIndex
      | m1 <- maybeToList (M.lookup (Just mn) (typeClassDictionaries env))
      , m2 <- M.elems m1
      , nel <- maybeToList (M.lookup (Qualified (Just mn) ident) m2)
      , TypeClassDictionaryInScope{..} <- NEL.toList nel
  toExternsDeclaration (KindRef _ pn)
    | Qualified (Just mn) pn `S.member` kinds env
    = [ EDKind pn ]
  toExternsDeclaration _ = []

$(deriveJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField }) ''ExternsImport)
$(deriveJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField }) ''ExternsFixity)
$(deriveJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField }) ''ExternsTypeFixity)
$(deriveJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField }) ''ExternsDeclaration)
$(deriveJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField }) ''ExternsFile)

decodeExterns :: ByteString -> Maybe ExternsFile
decodeExterns bs = do
  externs <- decode bs
  guard $ T.unpack (efVersion externs) == showVersion Paths.version
  return externs