{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Codec.QRCode.Data.QRSegment.Internal
  ( QRSegment(..)
  , constStream
  , encodeBits
  , lengthSegment
  ) where

import           Codec.QRCode.Base

import           Data.List                           (intercalate)

import qualified Codec.QRCode.Data.ByteStreamBuilder as BSB
import           Codec.QRCode.Data.Result
import           Codec.QRCode.Data.Version

-- | An segment of encoded data
newtype QRSegment
  = QRSegment
    { unQRSegment :: VersionRange -> Result BSB.ByteStreamBuilder

instance Semigroup QRSegment where
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
  QRSegment a <> QRSegment b = QRSegment $ \v -> (<>) <$> a v <*> b v

constStream :: BSB.ByteStreamBuilder -> QRSegment
{-# INLINABLE constStream #-}
constStream = QRSegment . const . pure

encodeBits :: Int -> Int -> QRSegment
{-# INLINABLE encodeBits #-}
encodeBits len = constStream . BSB.encodeBits len

lengthSegment :: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int -> QRSegment
{-# INLINABLE lengthSegment #-}
lengthSegment (n1_9, n10_26, n27_40) l = QRSegment $ \vr ->
    n =
      case vr of
        Version1to9   -> n1_9
        Version10to26 -> n10_26
        Version27to40 -> n27_40
    if l >= (1 `shiftL` n)
      then empty
      else pure $ BSB.encodeBits n l

instance Show QRSegment where
  show (QRSegment s) =
    "\n" ++ intercalate "\n" (map go [minBound .. maxBound]) ++ "\n"
      go vr =
        show vr ++ ": " ++ show (getResult $ s vr)