Synopsis |
Documentation |
The Quantum arrow represents a quantum computation with observation.
You can give a quantum computation a superposition of values, and
it will operate over them, returning you a superposition back. If
ever you observe (using the qLift or qLift_ functions), the system
collapses to an eigenstate of what you observed.
x <- entangle -< [(1, 1 :+ 0), (2, 1 :+ 0)]
-- x is in state |1> + |2>; i.e. 1 or 2 with equal probability
let y = x + 1
-- y is in state |2> + |3>
qLift print -< y -- will print either 2 or 3; let's say it printed 2
-- state collapses here, y in state |2>
qLift print -< x -- prints 1 (assuming 2 was printed earlier)
So the variables become entangled with each other in order to
maintain consistency of the computation.
| Instances | |
entangle takes as input a list of values and probability
amplitudes and gives as output a superposition of the inputs.
For example:
x <- entangle -< [(1, 1 :+ 0), (2, 0 :+ 1)]
-- x is now |1> + i|2>
qLift print -< x -- prints 1 or 2 with equal probability
qLift f -< x first collapses x to an eigenstate (using observe) then
executes f x in the underlying monad. All conditionals up to this point are
collapsed to an eigenstate (True or False) so a current branch of
the computation is selected.
qLift_ is just qIO which doesn't take an input. eg.
qLift_ $ print "hello world" -< ()
All conditionals up to this point are collapsed to an eigenstate
(True or False) so a current branch of the computation is selected.
observeWith f takes an equivalence relation f, breaks the state
space into eigenstates of that relation, and collapses to one.
For example:
x <- entangle -< map (\s -> (s,1 :+ 0)) [1..20]
observeWith (\x y -> x `mod` 2 == y `mod` 2)
Will collapse x to be either even or odd, but make no finer
decisions than that.
observe is just observeWith on equality.
runQuantum takes an input state vector, runs it through the given
Quantum arrow, and returns a state vector of outputs.
execQuantum q x passes the state |x> through q, collapses q's
output to an eigenstate, and returns it.
Produced by Haddock version 2.3.0 |