This module extends QuickCheck so that it returns counterexamples
as Haskell values instead of just printing them. To use it, import
this module /instead of/ "Test.QuickCheck". The API and functionality
are the same as normal QuickCheck; the only difference is that the
return types of 'quickCheck' (and related functions)
include a counterexample.

Note that this module re-exports most functions from
"Test.QuickCheck". Those functions are /not/ documented here! You will
need to refer to the main "Test.QuickCheck" documentation when using
this module.

Here is an example of getting counterexamples.
Suppose we have the following property:

prop_reverse_append :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
prop_reverse_append xs ys =
  reverse (xs++ys) === reverse xs ++ reverse ys

If we look the type of @quickCheck prop_reverse_append@, we see that
it returns a counterexample:

>>> :t quickCheck prop_reverse_append
quickCheck prop_reverse_append :: IO (Maybe ([Int] :&: [Int] :&: ()))

The 'Maybe' is there because 'quickCheck' will return 'Nothing' if the
property succeeds; ':&:' is a datatype of pairs.

If we run QuickCheck, we can get the counterexample as a normal
Haskell value:

>>> Just (xs :&: ys :&: ()) <- quickCheck prop_reverse_append
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 5 tests and 4 shrinks):
[1,0] /= [0,1]

>>> :t xs
xs :: [Int]

>>> xs

>>> ys

Here is how this module's API differs from normal QuickCheck, in more detail:

* The 'Testable' class now has an associated type 'Counterexample'
  which describes the counterexample. 'Property' is now a synonym for
  @'PropertyOf' ()@, where @'PropertyOf' cex@ represents a property
  with an associated counterexample @cex@.
  The QuickCheck property combinators preserve the counterexample,
  by returning 'PropertyOf' instead of 'Property'.
* 'quickCheck' and related functions return a @'Counterexample' prop@.
* Finally, there are a couple of new combinators, documented below.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, DeriveFunctor, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Test.QuickCheck.Counterexamples(module Test.QuickCheck.Counterexamples, module Test.QuickCheck) where

import Data.IORef
import Test.QuickCheck hiding
  ( quickCheck, quickCheckWith, quickCheckResult, quickCheckWithResult
  , verboseCheck, verboseCheckWith, verboseCheckResult, verboseCheckWithResult
  , labelledExamples, labelledExamplesWith, labelledExamplesResult, labelledExamplesWithResult
  , polyQuickCheck, polyVerboseCheck
  , Property, Testable(..)
  , forAll
  , forAllShrink
  , forAllShow
  , forAllShrinkShow
  , forAllBlind
  , forAllShrinkBlind
  , shrinking
  , (==>)
  , (===)
  , (=/=)
  , ioProperty
  , idempotentIOProperty
  , verbose
  , verboseShrinking
  , once
  , again
  , within
  , noShrinking
  , (.&.)
  , (.&&.)
  , conjoin
  , (.||.)
  , disjoin
  , counterexample
  , printTestCase
  , whenFail
  , whenFail'
  , expectFailure
  , label
  , collect
  , classify
  , cover
  , tabulate
  , coverTable
  , checkCoverage
  , checkCoverageWith
  , mapSize
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import Language.Haskell.TH

-- * The 'PropertyOf' type and 'Testable' typeclass

-- | A property. @cex@ is the type of counterexamples to the property.
-- Note that there is a 'Functor' instance, which is useful when you
-- want to manipulate the counterexample, e.g., to change its type.
-- For example, when some branches of your property produce a
-- counterexample and other branches do not, the types will not match
-- up, but using 'fmap' you can make the counterexample be a 'Maybe'.

newtype PropertyOf cex =
  MkProperty {
    -- | Implementation note: the property receives a callback
    -- to which it should pass the counterexample after shrinking.
    unProperty :: (cex -> IO ()) -> QC.Property }
  deriving Functor

-- | A property which doesn't produce a counterexample.
type Property = PropertyOf ()

-- | A type synonym for the property which comes from a particular 'Testable' instance.
type PropertyFrom prop = PropertyOf (Counterexample prop)

-- | The class of properties, i.e. types which QuickCheck knows how to test.
class QC.Testable prop => Testable prop where
  -- | The type of counterexamples to the property.
  type Counterexample prop
  -- | Convert the property to a 'PropertyOf'.
  property :: prop -> PropertyFrom prop

instance Testable Discard where
  type Counterexample Discard = ()
  property prop = MkProperty (\_ -> QC.property prop)

instance Testable Bool where
  type Counterexample Bool = ()
  property prop = MkProperty (\f -> QC.whenFail (f ()) prop)

instance Testable QC.Property where
  type Counterexample QC.Property = ()
  property prop = MkProperty (\f -> QC.whenFail (f ()) prop)

instance Testable prop => Testable (Gen prop) where
  type Counterexample (Gen prop) = Counterexample prop
  property prop = MkProperty $ \k ->
    -- prop :: Gen prop
    -- unProperty . property <$> prop ::
    --   Gen ((cex -> IO ()) -> Property)
    -- unProperty . property <$> prop <*> pure k ::
    --   Gen Property
    QC.property (unProperty . property <$> prop <*> pure k)

instance QC.Testable (PropertyOf cex) where
  property prop = unProperty prop (\_ -> return ())

instance Testable (PropertyOf cex) where
  type Counterexample (PropertyOf cex) = cex
  property = id

instance (Show a, QC.Arbitrary a, Testable b) => Testable (a -> b) where
  type Counterexample (a -> b) = a :&: Counterexample b
  property prop = forAllShrink arbitrary shrink prop

-- * New functionality which is not in QuickCheck

-- | A type of pairs. Used in counterexamples.
infixr 6 :&:
data a :&: b = a :&: b deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Add a value to the counterexample.
typedCounterexample :: Testable prop => a -> prop -> PropertyOf (a :&: Counterexample prop)
typedCounterexample x prop = fmap (x :&:) (property prop)

-- | Lift an ordinary QuickCheck property combinator to one with counterexamples.
onProperty :: Testable prop => (QC.Property -> QC.Property) -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
onProperty f prop =
  MkProperty (\k -> f (unProperty (property prop) k))

-- * The standard QuickCheck combinators, updated to return counterexamples

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.quickCheck' in "Test.QuickCheck".
quickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop))
quickCheck = quickCheckWith stdArgs

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWith' in "Test.QuickCheck".
quickCheckWith :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop))
quickCheckWith args prop = fmap fst (quickCheckWithResult args prop)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckResult' in "Test.QuickCheck".
quickCheckResult :: Testable prop => prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop), Result)
quickCheckResult = quickCheckWithResult stdArgs

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult' in "Test.QuickCheck".
quickCheckWithResult :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop), Result)
quickCheckWithResult args prop = do
  ref <- newIORef Nothing
    -- Because the Testable instances for Bool and Property use whenFail,
    -- this function will only be called once, at the end of shrinking.
    modify x Nothing = Just x
    modify _ (Just _) =
      error "Internal error in quickcheck-with-counterexamples: IORef written to twice"
  res <- QC.quickCheckWithResult args $ ioProperty $ do
    return $ unProperty (property prop) (modifyIORef ref . modify)
  cex <- readIORef ref
  return (cex, res)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.verboseCheck' in "Test.QuickCheck".
verboseCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop))
verboseCheck p = quickCheck (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.verboseCheckWith' in "Test.QuickCheck".
verboseCheckWith :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop))
verboseCheckWith args p = quickCheckWith args (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.verboseCheckResult' in "Test.QuickCheck".
verboseCheckResult :: Testable prop => prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop), Result)
verboseCheckResult p = quickCheckResult (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.verboseCheckWithResult' in "Test.QuickCheck".
verboseCheckWithResult :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop), Result)
verboseCheckWithResult a p = quickCheckWithResult a (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.labelledExamples' in "Test.QuickCheck".
labelledExamples :: Testable prop => prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop))
labelledExamples p = quickCheck (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.labelledExamplesWith' in "Test.QuickCheck".
labelledExamplesWith :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop))
labelledExamplesWith args p = quickCheckWith args (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.labelledExamplesResult' in "Test.QuickCheck".
labelledExamplesResult :: Testable prop => prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop), Result)
labelledExamplesResult p = quickCheckResult (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.labelledExamplesWithResult' in "Test.QuickCheck".
labelledExamplesWithResult :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO (Maybe (Counterexample prop), Result)
labelledExamplesWithResult a p = quickCheckWithResult a (verbose p)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.polyQuickCheck' in "Test.QuickCheck".
polyQuickCheck :: Name -> ExpQ
polyQuickCheck x = [| quickCheck $(monomorphic x) |]

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.polyVerboseCheck' in "Test.QuickCheck".
polyVerboseCheck :: Name -> ExpQ
polyVerboseCheck x = [| verboseCheck $(monomorphic x) |]

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.forAll' in "Test.QuickCheck".
forAll :: (Testable prop, Show a) => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> PropertyOf (a :&: Counterexample prop)
forAll arb prop = forAllShrink arb shrinkNothing prop

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.forAllShrink' in "Test.QuickCheck".
forAllShrink :: (Testable prop, Show a) => Gen a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> prop) -> PropertyOf (a :&: Counterexample prop)
forAllShrink arb shr prop =
  forAllShrinkShow arb shr show prop

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.forAllShow' in "Test.QuickCheck".
forAllShow :: Testable prop => Gen a -> (a -> String) -> (a -> prop) -> PropertyOf (a :&: Counterexample prop)
forAllShow arb shw prop = forAllShrinkShow arb shrinkNothing shw prop

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.forAllShrinkShow' in "Test.QuickCheck".
forAllShrinkShow :: Testable prop => Gen a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> String) -> (a -> prop) -> PropertyOf (a :&: Counterexample prop)
forAllShrinkShow arb shr shw prop =
  forAllShrinkBlind arb shr (\x -> counterexample (shw x) (prop x))

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.forAllBlind' in "Test.QuickCheck".
forAllBlind :: Testable prop => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> PropertyOf (a :&: Counterexample prop)
forAllBlind arb prop = forAllShrinkBlind arb shrinkNothing prop

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.forAllShrinkBlind' in "Test.QuickCheck".
forAllShrinkBlind :: Testable prop => Gen a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> prop) -> PropertyOf (a :&: Counterexample prop)
forAllShrinkBlind arb shr prop =
  MkProperty $ \f ->
    QC.forAllShrinkBlind arb shr $ \x ->
      unProperty (property (prop x)) (\y -> f (x :&: y))

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.shrinking' in "Test.QuickCheck".
shrinking :: Testable prop => (a -> [a]) -> a -> (a -> prop) -> PropertyFrom prop
shrinking shr x prop =
  MkProperty $ \k -> QC.shrinking shr x $ \x ->
    unProperty (property (prop x)) k

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.==>' in "Test.QuickCheck".
infixr 0 ==>
(==>) :: Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
x ==> prop = onProperty (x QC.==>) prop

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.===' in "Test.QuickCheck".
infix 4 ===
(===) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Property
x === y = property (x QC.=== y)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.=/=' in "Test.QuickCheck".
infix 4 =/=
(=/=) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Property
x =/= y = property (x QC.=/= y)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.ioProperty' in "Test.QuickCheck".
ioProperty :: Testable prop => IO prop -> PropertyFrom prop
ioProperty ioprop =
  MkProperty $ \k -> QC.ioProperty $ do
    prop <- ioprop
    return (unProperty (property prop) k)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.idempotentIOProperty' in "Test.QuickCheck".
idempotentIOProperty :: Testable prop => IO prop -> PropertyFrom prop
idempotentIOProperty ioprop =
  MkProperty $ \k -> QC.idempotentIOProperty $ do
    prop <- ioprop
    return (unProperty (property prop) k)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.verbose' in "Test.QuickCheck".
verbose :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyFrom prop
verbose = onProperty QC.verbose

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.verboseShrinking' in "Test.QuickCheck".
verboseShrinking :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyFrom prop
verboseShrinking = onProperty QC.verboseShrinking

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.once' in "Test.QuickCheck".
once :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyFrom prop
once = onProperty QC.once

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.again' in "Test.QuickCheck".
again :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyFrom prop
again = onProperty QC.again

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.within' in "Test.QuickCheck".
within :: Testable prop => Int -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
within n = onProperty (QC.within n)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.noShrinking' in "Test.QuickCheck".
noShrinking :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyFrom prop
noShrinking = onProperty QC.noShrinking

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.counterexample' in "Test.QuickCheck".
counterexample :: Testable prop => String -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
counterexample msg = onProperty (QC.counterexample msg)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.whenFail' in "Test.QuickCheck".
whenFail :: Testable prop => IO () -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
whenFail m = onProperty (QC.whenFail m)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.whenFail'' in "Test.QuickCheck".
whenFail' :: Testable prop => IO () -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
whenFail' m = onProperty (QC.whenFail' m)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.expectFailure' in "Test.QuickCheck".
expectFailure :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyFrom prop
expectFailure = onProperty QC.expectFailure

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.label' in "Test.QuickCheck".
label :: Testable prop => String -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
label lab = onProperty (QC.label lab)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.collect' in "Test.QuickCheck".
collect :: (Show a, Testable prop) => a -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
collect x = onProperty (QC.collect x)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.classify' in "Test.QuickCheck".
classify :: Testable prop => Bool -> String -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
classify cond lab = onProperty (QC.classify cond lab)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.cover' in "Test.QuickCheck".
cover :: Testable prop => Double -> Bool -> String -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
cover percent cond lab = onProperty (QC.cover percent cond lab)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.tabulate' in "Test.QuickCheck".
tabulate :: Testable prop => String -> [String] -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
tabulate table values = onProperty (QC.tabulate table values)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.coverTables' in "Test.QuickCheck".
coverTables :: Testable prop => String -> [(String, Double)] -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
coverTables table percents = onProperty (QC.coverTable table percents)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.checkCoverage' in "Test.QuickCheck".
checkCoverage :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyFrom prop
checkCoverage = onProperty QC.checkCoverage

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.checkCoverageWith' in "Test.QuickCheck".
checkCoverageWith :: Testable prop => Confidence -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
checkCoverageWith confidence = onProperty (QC.checkCoverageWith confidence)

-- | See 'Test.QuickCheck.mapSize' in "Test.QuickCheck".
mapSize :: Testable prop => (Int -> Int) -> prop -> PropertyFrom prop
mapSize f = onProperty (QC.mapSize f)