quote-quot- Divide without division
Copyright(c) 2020 Andrew Lelechenko
MaintainerAndrew Lelechenko <andrew.lelechenko@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone



Generate routines for integer division, employing arithmetic and bitwise operations only, which are 2.5x-3.5x faster than quot. Divisors must be known in compile-time and be positive.



quoteQuot :: Word -> Q (TExp (Word -> Word)) Source #

Quote integer division (quot) by a compile-time known divisor, which generates source code, employing arithmetic and bitwise operations only. This is usually 2.5x-3.5x faster than using normal quot.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all #-}
module Example where
import Numeric.QuoteQuot

-- Equivalent to (`quot` 10).
quot10 :: Word -> Word
quot10 = $$(quoteQuot 10)
>>> quot10 123

Here -ddump-splices demonstrates the chosen implementation for division by 10:

Splicing expression quoteQuot 10 ======>
((`shiftR` 3) . ((\ (W# w_a9N4) ->
  let !(# hi_a9N5, _ #) = (timesWord2# w_a9N4) 14757395258967641293##
  in W# hi_a9N5) . id))

And -ddump-simpl demonstrates generated Core:

quot10 = \ x_a5t2 ->
  case x_a5t2 of { W# w_acHY ->
  case timesWord2# w_acHY 14757395258967641293## of
  { (# hi_acIg, ds_dcIs #) ->
  W# (uncheckedShiftRL# hi_acIg 3#)

Benchmarks show that this implementation is 3.5x faster than (`quot` 10).

Note that even while astQuot is polymorphic, quoteQuot is provided for Word arguments only, because other types lack a fast branchless routine for MulHi. For Word such primitive is provided by timesWord2#.

quoteRem :: Word -> Q (TExp (Word -> Word)) Source #

Similar to quoteQuot, but for rem.

quoteQuotRem :: Word -> Q (TExp (Word -> (Word, Word))) Source #

Similar to quoteQuot, but for quotRem.


astQuot :: (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => a -> AST a Source #

astQuot d constructs an AST representing a function, equivalent to quot a for positive a, but avoiding division instructions.

>>> astQuot (10 :: Data.Word.Word8)
Shr (MulHi Arg 205) 3

And indeed to divide Word8 by 10 one can multiply it by 205, take the high byte and shift it right by 3. Somewhat counterintuitively, this sequence of operations is faster than a single division on most modern achitectures.

astQuot function is polymorphic and supports both signed and unsigned operands of arbitrary finite bitness. Implementation is based on Ch. 10 of Hacker's Delight by Henry S. Warren, 2012.

data AST a Source #

An abstract syntax tree to represent a function of one argument.



Argument of the function

MulHi (AST a) a

Multiply wide and return the high word of result

MulLo (AST a) a


Add (AST a) (AST a)


Sub (AST a) (AST a)


Shl (AST a) Int

Shift left

Shr (AST a) Int

Shift right with sign extension

CmpGE (AST a) a

1 if greater than or equal, 0 otherwise

CmpLT (AST a) a

1 if less than, 0 otherwise


Instances details
Show a => Show (AST a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.QuoteQuot


showsPrec :: Int -> AST a -> ShowS #

show :: AST a -> String #

showList :: [AST a] -> ShowS #

interpretAST :: (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => AST a -> a -> a Source #

Reference (but slow) interpreter of AST. It is not meant to be used in production and is provided primarily for testing purposes.

>>> interpretAST (astQuot (10 :: Data.Word.Word8)) 123