{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Functions and types to build 'BicolorTable's.  Everything you should
-- typically need is exported from "Rainbox".
module Rainbox.BicolorTable where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Rainbow
import qualified Rainbow.Types as R
import Rainbox.Core
import System.IO

-- | A single line within a cell in a 'BicolorTable'.  For each
-- 'Chunk', leave the 'back' as the default if you want the 'Chunk'
-- background to match '_bctEvenBackground' or '_bctOddBackground'.
-- If you specify a background color for any 'Chunk', it will for
-- that 'Chunk' override the table's background color.
type BicolorTableCellLine = Seq Chunk

-- | The set of all lines within a cell in a 'BicolorTable'.
type BicolorTableCell = Seq BicolorTableCellLine

-- | The set of all columns in a single row.  If any single row is
-- narrower than the widest row in the table, it will be padded with
-- empty cells so that it is the same width as the widest row in the
-- table.
type BicolorTableRow = Seq BicolorTableCell

-- | Description for a table with rows of alternating background colors.  For
-- instance, if designed for a terminal with a white background, the
-- row backgrounds might alternate between white and light grey.
-- The different backgrounds help with readability.
-- For the 'Chunk' that are in the table, simply leave the 'back'
-- color blank if you wish to use the row's background color.  Upon
-- rendering, 'bicolorTable' will render the 'Chunk' with a
-- background color that matches that of the row.  If you specify a
-- background color for a 'Chunk', it will override the background
-- color for the row.
-- Note that a row may contain more than one line of text.
-- Unlike tables built with 'tableByRows' or 'tableByColumns', all
-- tables built with 'bicolorTable' will have separator colums
-- between each column.
data BicolorTable = BicolorTable
  { _bctEvenBackground :: Radiant
  -- ^ Background color for all even-numbered rows.  Row numbering
  -- starts with zero.  To use the terminal's default background color, use
  -- 'mempty'.

  , _bctOddBackground :: Radiant
  -- ^ Background color for all odd-colored rows.  Row numbering
  -- starts with zero.  To use the terminal's default background color, use
  -- 'mempty'.

  , _bctSpacerWidth :: Int
  -- ^ The width of each column of spacer cells.

  , _bctAlignments :: Seq (Alignment Vertical)
  -- ^ Specifies the alignment for each column in the table.  If any
  -- row in '_bctRows' is longer than this 'Seq', each extra column
  -- is assumed to have an alignment 'left'.

  , _bctRows :: Seq BicolorTableRow
  -- ^ Specifies all the textual and color data for the
  -- BicolorTable.  The outermost 'Seq' is the set of all rows.
  -- These will alternate in background color bewteen
  -- '_bctEvenBackground' and '_bctOddBackground'.  This is a
  -- Russian doll of nested 'Seq'; the type synonyms help explain
  -- the types.
  } deriving Show

makeLenses ''BicolorTable

-- | Transforms a 'BicolorTable' to a 'Box'.
bicolorTableToBox :: BicolorTable -> Box Vertical
bicolorTableToBox = tableByRows . bicolorToPlainTable

-- | Creates a bi-color table and renders it to the given 'Handle'
-- using 'bicolorTable' and 'hPutBox'.
hPutBicolorTable :: Handle -> BicolorTable -> IO ()
hPutBicolorTable h = hPutBox h . bicolorTableToBox

-- | Creates a bi-color table and renders it to standard output
-- using 'hPutBicolorTable'.
putBicolorTable :: BicolorTable -> IO ()
putBicolorTable = hPutBicolorTable stdout

-- | Convert a 'Chunk' for rendering by substituting the table's
-- row background for the chunk's row background if applicable.
  :: Radiant
  -- ^ Background for this row
  -> Chunk
  -> Chunk
convertChunkForRendering rad chk
  = chk
  & over (R.scheme . R.style8 . R.back) newBack8
  & over (R.scheme . R.style256 . R.back) newBack256
    newBack8 (R.Color Nothing) = R._color8 rad
    newBack8 x = x
    newBack256 (R.Color Nothing) = R._color256 rad
    newBack256 x = x

-- | Converts a 'BicolorTableCellLine' for rendering.
  :: Radiant
  -> BicolorTableCellLine
  -> BicolorTableCellLine
convertBicolorTableCellLineForRendering rad = fmap (convertChunkForRendering rad)

-- | Converts a 'BicolorTableCell' for rendering.
  :: Radiant
  -> BicolorTableCell
  -> BicolorTableCell
convertBicolorTableCellForRendering rad
  = fmap (convertBicolorTableCellLineForRendering rad)

-- | Convert a BicolorTable cell to a plain Cell.  Does all necessary Chunk
-- conversions.
  :: Radiant
  -- ^ Appropriate background color
  -> Alignment Vertical
  -- ^ Column alignment
  -> BicolorTableCell
  -> Cell
bicolorToPlainCell rad align bic = Cell rws top align rad
    rws = convertBicolorTableCellForRendering rad bic

-- | Convert a BicolorTable row to a plain Row.  Does all necessary Chunk conversions.
-- Includes spacer cells.
  :: Radiant
  -- ^ Background color for even rows
  -> Radiant
  -- ^ Background color for odd rows
  -> Int
  -- ^ Width of spacer cells
  -> Int
  -- ^ Number for this row
  -> Seq (Alignment Vertical)
  -- ^ Column alignments
  -> BicolorTableRow
  -> Seq Cell
bicolorToPlainRow bkgdEven bkgdOdd sepWidth colNum aligns
  = Seq.intersperse spcr
  . Seq.zipWith (bicolorToPlainCell bkgd) aligns
    bkgd | even colNum = bkgdEven
         | otherwise = bkgdOdd
    spcr = separator bkgd sepWidth

-- | Converts a BicolorTable table to a plain table with 'Cell'.  Does all
-- necessary Chunk conversions, and includes spacer cells.
  :: BicolorTable
  -> Seq (Seq Cell)
bicolorToPlainTable bct = Seq.mapWithIndex f rws
    (BicolorTable bkgdEven bkgdOdd sepWidth aligns rws) = padBicolorTable bct
    f rowIdx = bicolorToPlainRow bkgdEven bkgdOdd sepWidth rowIdx aligns

-- | Pads out '_bctAlignments' so that it is as long as the longest
-- row in the table, and pads out each row in '_bctRows' so that it
-- is as long as the longest row in the table.
padBicolorTable :: BicolorTable -> BicolorTable
padBicolorTable bct
  = bct & over bctRows padRows
        & over bctAlignments padAligns
    maxLen = foldl' max 0 . fmap Seq.length . _bctRows $ bct
    padRows = fmap pad
        pad row = row <>
          Seq.replicate (max 0 (maxLen - Seq.length row)) Seq.empty
    padAligns aligns = aligns
      <> Seq.replicate (max 0 (maxLen - Seq.length aligns)) left