range- An efficient and versatile range library.

Safe HaskellSafe



This module provides a simple api to access range functionality. It provides standard set operations on ranges, the ability to merge ranges together and, importantly, the ability to check if a value is within a range.

Note: It is intended that you will read the documentation in this module from top to bottom.



data Range a Source #

The Range Data structure; it is capable of representing any type of range. This is the primary data structure in this library. Everything should be possible to convert back into this datatype. All ranges in this structure are inclusively bound.


SingletonRange a

Represents a single element as a range.

SpanRange a a

Represents a bounded and inclusive range of elements.

LowerBoundRange a

Represents a range with only an inclusive lower bound.

UpperBoundRange a

Represents a range with only an inclusive upper bound.


Represents an infinite range over all values.

Eq a => Eq (Range a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Range.Data


(==) :: Range a -> Range a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Range a -> Range a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (Range a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Range.Data


showsPrec :: Int -> Range a -> ShowS #

show :: Range a -> String #

showList :: [Range a] -> ShowS #

(Ord a, Enum a) => RangeAlgebra [Range a] Source #

Multiple ranges represented by a list of disjoint ranges. Note that input ranges are allowed to overlap, but the output ranges are guaranteed to be disjoint.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Range.Algebra

inRange :: Ord a => Range a -> a -> Bool Source #

Given a range and a value it will tell you wether or not the value is in the range. Remember that all ranges are inclusive.

The primary value of this library is performance and this method can be used to show this quite clearly. For example, you can try and approximate basic range functionality with "Data.List.elem" so we can generate an apples to apples comparison in GHCi:

ghci> :set +s
ghci> elem (10000000 :: Integer) [1..10000000]
(0.26 secs, 720,556,888 bytes)
ghci> inRange (SpanRange 1 10000000) (10000000 :: Integer)
(0.00 secs, 557,656 bytes)

As you can see, this function is significantly more performant, in both speed and memory, than using the elem function.

inRanges :: Ord a => [Range a] -> a -> Bool Source #

Given a list of ranges this function tells you if a value is in any of those ranges. This is especially useful for more complex ranges.

rangesOverlap :: Ord a => Range a -> Range a -> Bool Source #

A check to see if two ranges overlap. If they do then true is returned; false otherwise.

mergeRanges :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Range a] -> [Range a] Source #

An array of ranges may have overlaps; this function will collapse that array into as few Ranges as possible. For example:

ghci> mergeRanges [LowerBoundRange 12, SpanRange 1 10, SpanRange 5 (15 :: Integer)]
[LowerBoundRange 1]
(0.01 secs, 588,968 bytes)

As you can see, the mergeRanges method collapsed multiple ranges into a single range that still covers the same surface area.

This may be useful for a few use cases:

  • You are hyper concerned about performance and want to have the minimum number of ranges for comparison in the inRanges function.
  • You wish to display ranges to a human and want to show the minimum number of ranges to avoid having to make people perform those calculations themselves.

Please note that the use of any of the operations on sets of ranges like invert, union and intersection will have the same behaviour as mergeRanges as a side effect. So, for example, this is redundant:

mergeRanges . intersection []

union :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Range a] -> [Range a] -> [Range a] Source #

Performs a set union between the two input ranges and returns the resultant set of ranges.

For example:

ghci> union [SpanRange 1 10] [SpanRange 5 (15 :: Integer)]
[SpanRange 1 15]
(0.00 secs, 587,152 bytes)

intersection :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Range a] -> [Range a] -> [Range a] Source #

Performs a set intersection between the two input ranges and returns the resultant set of ranges.

For example:

ghci> intersection [SpanRange 1 10] [SpanRange 5 (15 :: Integer)]
[SpanRange 5 10]
(0.00 secs, 584,616 bytes)

difference :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Range a] -> [Range a] -> [Range a] Source #

Performs a set difference between the two input ranges and returns the resultant set of ranges.

For example:

ghci> difference [SpanRange 1 10] [SpanRange 5 (15 :: Integer)]
[SpanRange 1 4]
(0.00 secs, 590,424 bytes)

invert :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Range a] -> [Range a] Source #

An inversion function, given a set of ranges it returns the inverse set of ranges.

For example:

ghci> invert [SpanRange 1 10, SpanRange 15 (20 :: Integer)]
[LowerBoundRange 21,UpperBoundRange 0,SpanRange 11 14]
(0.00 secs, 623,456 bytes)

fromRanges :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Range a] -> [a] Source #

Instantiate all of the values in a range.

Warning: This method is meant as a convenience method, it is not efficient.

A set of ranges represents a collection of real values without actually instantiating those values. Not instantiating ranges, allows the range library to support infinite ranges and be super performant.

However, sometimes you actually want to get the values that your range represents, or even get a sample set of the values. This function generates as many of the values that belong to your range as you like.

Because ranges can be infinite, it is highly recommended to combine this method with something like "Data.List.take" to avoid an infinite recursion.


A simple span:

ghci> take 5 . fromRanges $ [SpanRange 1 10 :: Range Integer]
(0.01 secs, 566,016 bytes)

An infinite range:

ghci> take 5 . fromRanges $ [InfiniteRange :: Range Integer]
(0.00 secs, 566,752 bytes)