-- |
-- Module      :  RBST.Internal
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2020 Arnau Abella, Dmitrii Kovanikov
-- License     :  MIT (see the file LECENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  arnauabell@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Efficient implementation of a /Randomized Binary Search Tree/.
-- The implementation uses the /Mersenne twister/, a pure pseudo-random number generator (Matsumoto and Nishimura).
-- __NOTE__: the computational complexity of each operation is annotated in the documentation and it is guaranteed, irrespectively of the input distribution (with a small constant factor overhead).
module RBST.Internal (
  -- * Types, Constructors & Instances
  , Tree(..)
  , RBST(..)
  , MonadRandT
  , MonadRand

  -- * Construction functions
  , empty
  , emptyWithGen
  , one
  , oneWithGen
    -- ** Random Generators
    , defaultRandomGenerator
    , clockRandomGenerator

  -- * Query functions
  , size
  , sizeTree
  , height
  , lookup
  , at

  -- * Modification functions
  , insert
  , delete
  , remove
  , take
  , drop

  -- * Set operations
  , union
  , intersection
  , subtraction
  , difference

  -- * Randomization functions
  , uniformR

  -- * Internals functions
  , withTree

  ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq                  (NFData (..), rnf)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import           Data.Coerce                      (coerce)
import           Data.Foldable                    (foldl')
import           Data.Functor.Identity            (Identity)
import           Data.Word                        (Word64)
import           GHC.Exts                         (IsList (..))
import           GHC.Generics                     (Generic)
import           Prelude                          hiding (drop, lookup, take)
import qualified System.Random.Mersenne.Pure64    as Random

-- $setup
-- >>> import qualified RBST.Pretty as Pretty
-- >>> import GHC.Exts

-- Data Structure and Instances

-- | Size of the 'Tree' data structure.
newtype Size = Size
  { unSize :: Word64
  } deriving stock (Show, Read, Generic)
    deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, NFData)

-- | 'Tree' data structure. The node contains the rank of the tree.
data Tree k a
  = Node !Size !k !(Tree k a) !a !(Tree k a)
  | Empty
  deriving stock (Show, Read, Eq, Generic, Foldable)
  deriving anyclass (NFData)

-- | 'RBST' data structure.
data RBST k a = RBST
  { rbstGen  :: !Random.PureMT
  , rbstTree :: !(Tree k a)
  } deriving stock (Show, Generic, Foldable)

-- | (<>) is implemented via 'merge'.
-- __Note__: Unlawful instance.
-- TODO: require Semigroup a and use 'unionWith'
instance Ord k => Semigroup (RBST k a) where
    (<>) = union

-- | mempty is implemented via 'empty'.
instance Ord k => Monoid (RBST k a) where
    mempty = empty

-- | (==) is implemented via (==) of the underlying 'Tree'.
instance (Eq k, Eq a) => Eq (RBST k a) where
  (RBST _ tree1) == (RBST _ tree2) = tree1 == tree2

-- | Create a tree from a list of key\/value pairs, and viceversa.
-- __NOTE__: This requires /-XOverloadedLists/ enabled.
-- Functions have the following time complexity:
-- 1. 'fromList': \( O(n \cdot \log \ n) \)
-- 2. 'toList': \( O(n) \).
-- >>> import GHC.Exts
-- >>> let tree = (fromList $ zip ['a'..'e'] [1..5]) :: RBST Char Int
-- >>> Pretty.prettyPrint tree
--                ('d',4) [5]
--                        ╱╲
--                       ╱  ╲
--                      ╱    ╲
--                     ╱      ╲
--                    ╱        ╲
--                   ╱          ╲
--                  ╱            ╲
--                 ╱              ╲
--                ╱                ╲
--       ('b',2) [3]       ('e',5) [1]
--            ╱╲
--           ╱  ╲
--          ╱    ╲
--         ╱      ╲
--        ╱        ╲
--       ╱          ╲
-- ('a',1) [1] ('c',3) [1]
-- >>> toList tree
-- [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5)]
instance Ord k => IsList (RBST k a) where
  type Item (RBST k a) = (k,a)

  fromList :: [(k,a)] -> RBST k a
  fromList = foldl' ins empty where
      ins tree (!k,!x) = insert k x tree
  {-# INLINEABLE fromList #-}

  -- | Inorder traversal.
  toList :: RBST k a -> [(k,a)]
  toList RBST{..} = toListTree rbstTree
      toListTree Empty            = []
      toListTree (Node _ k l x r) = toListTree l  ++ (k,x) : toListTree r
  {-# INLINEABLE toList #-}
-- Note, a pure fromList could be created using a triplet including a random number.

instance (NFData k, NFData a) => NFData (RBST k a) where
    rnf RBST{..} = rnf rbstTree `seq` ()

-- | A random state transformer for the pseudo-random bits.
type MonadRandT m a = StateT Random.PureMT m a

-- | A random state in the 'Data.Functor.Identity' monad.
type MonadRand a = StateT Random.PureMT Identity a

-- Construction

-- | A pure mersenne twister pseudo-random number generator.
-- It is created using a __fixed__ seed.
defaultRandomGenerator :: Random.PureMT
defaultRandomGenerator = Random.pureMT 0
{-# INLINE defaultRandomGenerator #-}

-- | A pure mersenne twister pseudo-random number generator.
-- It is created using a pseudo-random seed from the internal clock.
clockRandomGenerator :: IO Random.PureMT
clockRandomGenerator = Random.newPureMT
{-# INLINE clockRandomGenerator #-}

-- | The empty 'Tree'.
-- @
-- > empty      == fromList []
-- > size empty == 0
-- @
empty :: RBST k a
empty = emptyWithGen defaultRandomGenerator
{-# INLINE empty #-}

-- | Returns an empty 'RBST' from a 'Random.PureMT'.
emptyWithGen :: Random.PureMT -> RBST k a
emptyWithGen gen = RBST gen Empty
{-# INLINE emptyWithGen #-}

-- | Single node 'RBST'.
-- >>> size (one 1 'a')
-- 1
one :: k -> a -> RBST k a
one = oneWithGen defaultRandomGenerator
{-# INLINE one #-}

-- | Returns a single node 'RBST' from a 'Random.PureMT'.
oneWithGen :: Random.PureMT -> k -> a -> RBST k a
oneWithGen gen = (RBST gen .) . oneTree
{-# INLINE oneWithGen #-}

-- | Single node 'Tree'.
oneTree :: k -> a -> Tree k a
oneTree k x = Node 1 k Empty x Empty
{-# INLINE oneTree #-}

-- Query

-- | \( O(1) \). Return the size of the 'RBST'.
size :: RBST k a -> Int
size = withTree sizeTreeInt
{-# INLINE size #-}

-- | \( O(1) \). Return the 'Size' of the 'Tree'.
sizeTree :: Tree k a -> Size
sizeTree Empty             = 0
sizeTree (Node !s _ _ _ _) = s
{-# INLINE sizeTree #-}

-- | \( O(1) \). Return the size of the 'Tree'.
sizeTreeInt :: Tree k a -> Int
sizeTreeInt Empty             = 0
sizeTreeInt (Node !s _ _ _ _) = fromIntegral (coerce s :: Word64)
{-# INLINE sizeTreeInt #-}

-- | \( O(n) \). Height of the tree.
-- >>> height (empty :: RBST Char Int)
-- -1
-- >>> height (one 'x' 1)
-- 0
-- >>> height (one 'x' 1 <> one 'y' 2)
-- 1
height :: RBST k a -> Int
height = withTree height'
    height' :: Tree k a -> Int
    height'            Empty = -1
    height' (Node _ _ l _ r) = 1 + max (height' l) (height' r)
{-# INLINEABLE height #-}

-- | \( O(\log \ n) \). Lookup the value at the key in the tree.
-- >>> lookup 'A' (empty :: RBST Char Int)
-- Nothing
-- >>> lookup 'A' (one 'A' 7)
-- Just 7
lookup :: Ord k => k -> RBST k a -> Maybe a
lookup k1 = withTree lookup'
    lookup' Empty = Nothing
    lookup' (Node _ k2 l a r)
      | k1 == k2  = Just a
      | k1 < k2   = lookup' l
      | otherwise = lookup' r
{-# INLINEABLE lookup #-}

-- Insertion

-- | \( O(\log \ n) \). Insert a new key\/value pair in the tree.
-- If the key is already present in the map, the associated value is
-- replaced with the supplied value.
-- @
-- > insert 'x' 1 empty == one 'x' 1
-- @
insert :: Ord k => k -> a -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
insert k x RBST{..} = runRand (insert' k x rbstTree) rbstGen
{-# INLINEABLE insert #-}

-- | 'insert' for 'Tree'\'s in the 'MonadRand'.
insert' :: Ord k => k -> a -> Tree k a -> MonadRand (Tree k a)
insert' k x Empty = return (oneTree k x)
insert' k x node@(Node s !k2 l _ r) = do
  guess <- uniformR (0, coerce s)
  if guess == 0
    then do (rep, tree) <- insertRoot k x node
            if rep then pushDown tree
                   else pure tree
  else if k < k2
    then updateL node <$> insert' k x l
    updateR node <$> insert' k x r
{-# INLINEABLE insert' #-}

-- Deletion

-- | \( O(\log \ n) \). Delete a key and its value from the map. When the key is not a member of the map, the original map is returned.
-- @
-- > delete 1 (one (1, "A")) == empty
-- @
delete :: Ord k => k -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
delete k RBST{..} = runRand (delete' k rbstTree) rbstGen
{-# INLINEABLE delete #-}

-- | 'delete' for 'Tree'\'s in the 'MonadRand'.
delete' :: Ord k => k -> Tree k a -> MonadRand (Tree k a)
delete' _ Empty = return Empty
delete' k node@(Node _ k2 l _ r)
  | k == k2   = join l r
  | k < k2    = updateL node <$> delete' k l
  | otherwise = updateR node <$> delete' k r
{-# INLINEABLE delete' #-}

-- Query by Rank

-- | \( O(\log \ n) \). Get the i-th element of the tree.
-- __NOTE__: \(0 \leq i \leq n\), where /n/ is the size of the tree.
-- >>> let tree = fromList [('a',1), ('b', 2), ('c',3)] :: RBST Char Int
-- >>> at 0 tree
-- Just ('a',1)
-- >>> at 2 tree
-- Just ('c',3)
at :: Int -> RBST k a -> Maybe (k, a)
at ith = withTree (at' ith)
    at' _ Empty = Nothing
    at' i (Node _ k l x r)
      | i < sizeL  = at' i l
      | i == sizeL = Just (k, x)
      | otherwise  = at' (i - (sizeL + 1)) r
      where sizeL = sizeTreeInt l
{-# INLINEABLE at #-}

-- | \( O(\log \ n) \). Delete the i-th element of the tree.
-- __NOTE__: \(0 \leq i \leq n\), where /n/ is the size of the tree.
-- >>> let tree = fromList [('a',1), ('b', 2), ('c',3)] :: RBST Char Int
-- >>> toList $ remove 0 tree
-- [('b',2),('c',3)]
remove :: Int -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
remove n rbst@RBST{..}
  | n < 0          = rbst
  | n >= size rbst = rbst
  | otherwise      = runRand (go n rbstTree) rbstGen
    go _ Empty = return Empty
    go !i node@(Node _ _ l _ r)
      | i < sizeL  = updateL node <$> (go i l)
      | i == sizeL = l `join` r
      | otherwise  = updateR node <$> (go (i - (sizeL + 1)) r)
      where sizeL = sizeTreeInt l
{-# INLINEABLE remove #-}

-- | \( O(\log n) \). Returns the first @i@-th elements of the given tree @t@ of size @n@.
-- __Note__:
-- 1. If \( i \leq 0 \), then the result is 'empty'.
-- 2. If \( i \geq n \), then the result is @t@.
take :: Int -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
take n rbst@RBST{..}
  | n <= 0         = RBST rbstGen Empty
  | n >= size rbst = rbst
  | otherwise      = RBST rbstGen (go n rbstTree)
    go _ Empty = Empty
    go 0 _     = Empty
    go i node@(Node _ _ l _ r)
      | i < sizeL  = go i l
      | i == sizeL = l
      | otherwise  = updateR node (go (i - (sizeL + 1)) r)
      where sizeL = sizeTreeInt l
{-# INLINEABLE take #-}

-- | \( O(\log n) \). Returns the tree @t@ without the first @i@-th elements.
-- __Note__:
-- 1. If \( i \leq 0 \), then the result is @t@.
-- 2. If \( i \geq n \), then the result is 'empty'.
drop :: Int -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
drop n rbst@RBST{..}
  | n <= 0         = rbst
  | n >= size rbst = RBST rbstGen Empty
  | otherwise      = RBST rbstGen (go n rbstTree)
    go _ Empty = Empty
    go !0 t     = t
    go !i node@(Node _ _ l _ r)
      | i < sizeL  = updateL node (go i l)
      | i == sizeL = updateL node Empty
      | otherwise  = go (i - (sizeL + 1)) r
      where sizeL = sizeTreeInt l
{-# INLINEABLE drop #-}

-- Set operations

-- TODO: 'unionWith' that uses a Semigroup on a.

-- | \( \theta(m + n) \). Union of two 'RBST'.
-- In case of duplication, only one key remains by a random choice.
union :: Ord k => RBST k a -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
union (RBST s tree1) (RBST _ tree2) = runRand (union' tree1 tree2) s
  union' t1 t2 = do
    let m = fromIntegral $ sizeTreeInt t1
        n = fromIntegral $ sizeTreeInt t2
        total = m + n
    if total == 0
      then return Empty
    else do
      u <- uniformR (1, total)
      let (a,b) = if u <= m then (t1,t2) else (t2,t1)
          (Node _ aKey aL x aR) = a -- Ignore warning: checked at u <= m
      (rep, bL, bR) <- split aKey b
      l <- union' aL bL
      r <- union' aR bR
      let randomize = if rep then pushDown else pure
      randomize (recomputeSize (Node 0 aKey l x r))
{-# INLINEABLE union #-}

-- | \( \theta(m + n) \). Intersection of two 'RBST'.
intersection :: Ord k => RBST k a -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
intersection (RBST s t1) (RBST _ t2) = runRand (intersect' t1 t2) s
  intersect' Empty _ = return Empty
  intersect' (Node _ k l x r) b = do
    (rep, bL, bR) <- split k b
    iL <- intersect' l bL
    iR <- intersect' r bR
    if rep then pure $ recomputeSize (Node 0 k iL x iR)
           else join iL iR
{-# INLINEABLE intersection #-}

-- | \( \theta(m + n) \). Difference (subtraction) of two 'RBST'.
subtraction :: Ord k => RBST k a -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
subtraction (RBST s t1) (RBST _ t2) = runRand (subtraction' t1 t2) s
  subtraction' Empty _ = return Empty
  subtraction' (Node _ k l x r) b = do
    (rep, bL, bR) <- split k b
    dL <- subtraction' l bL
    dR <- subtraction' r bR
    if rep then join dL dR
           else pure $ recomputeSize (Node 0 k dL x dR)
{-# INLINEABLE subtraction #-}

-- | \( \theta(m + n) \). Difference (disjunctive union) of two 'RBST'.
difference :: Ord k => RBST k a -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
difference (RBST s t1) (RBST _ t2) = runRand (diff t1 t2) s
  diff Empty b = return b
  diff (Node _ k l x r) b = do
    (rep, bL, bR) <- split k b
    dL <- diff l bL
    dR <- diff r bR
    if rep then join dL dR
           else pure $ recomputeSize (Node 0 k dL x dR)
{-# INLINEABLE difference #-}
-- I think this requires rebalancing to be truly random.

-- Random

-- | Return a uniformly random 'Word64' in the given range.
uniformR :: (Word64, Word64) -> MonadRand Word64
uniformR (x1, x2)
  | n == 0    = error "Check uniformR"
  | otherwise = loop
    -- Unboxed tuples give me errors when loaded with ghci/ghcid.
    -- (# i,j #) | x1 < x2   = (# x1, x2 #)
    --           | otherwise = (# x2, x1 #)
    (i,j) | x1 < x2   = (x1, x2)
          | otherwise = (x2, x1)
    n = 1 + (j - i)
    buckets = maxBound `div` n
    maxN = buckets * n -- rounding
    loop = do
      gen <- State.get
      let (!x, nextGen) = Random.randomWord64 gen
      if x < maxN
        then State.put nextGen >> return (i + (x `div` buckets))
        else State.put nextGen >> loop
{-# INLINE uniformR #-}

-- Core internal functions

-- | Given a random computation 'Tree' and an initial state, returns a 'RBST'.
runRand :: MonadRand (Tree k a) -> Random.PureMT -> RBST k a
runRand r s = let (tree, s') = State.runState r s in RBST s' tree

-- | Returns the key of the 'Node' or 'Nothing'.
-- getKey :: Tree k a -> Maybe k
-- getKey Empty = Nothing
-- getKey (Node _ k _ _ _) = Just k
-- {-# INLINE getKey #-}

-- | Return the left subtree or empty.
getL :: Tree k a -> Tree k a
getL Empty            = Empty
getL (Node _ _ l _ _) = l
{-# INLINE getL #-}

-- | Return the right subtree or empty.
getR :: Tree k a -> Tree k a
getR Empty            = Empty
getR (Node _ _ _ _ r) = r
{-# INLINE getR #-}

-- | 'fmap' over 'rbstGen'.
-- overGen :: (Random.PureMT -> Random.PureMT) -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
-- overGen f RBST{..} = RBST (f rbstGen) rbstTree
-- {-# INLINE overGen #-}

-- | Set a new 'rbstGen'.
-- setGen :: Random.PureMT -> RBST k a -> RBST k a
-- setGen newGen = overGen (const newGen)
-- {-# INLINE setGen #-}

-- | Lift a function from 'Tree' to 'RBST'.
withTree :: (Tree k a -> r) -> (RBST k a -> r)
withTree f = f . rbstTree
{-# INLINE withTree #-}

-- overTree :: (Tree k a -> Tree k a) -> (RBST k a -> RBST k a)
-- overTree f RBST{..} = RBST rbstGen (f rbstTree)
-- {-# INLINE overTree #-}

-- | \( O(1) \). Recompute tree size after modification
recomputeSize :: Tree k a -> Tree k a
recomputeSize Empty            = Empty
recomputeSize (Node _ k l c r) =
  let !s = sizeTree l + sizeTree r + 1 in Node s k l c r
{-# INLINE recomputeSize #-}

-- | \( O(1) \). Rotate tree to the left.
-- Before
--        ╱╲
--       ╱  ╲
--      ╱    ╲
--     ╱      ╲
--    ╱╲       C
--   ╱  ╲
--  ╱    ╲
-- A      B
-- After
--       ╱╲
--      ╱  ╲
--     ╱    ╲
--    ╱      ╲
--   A       ╱╲
--          ╱  ╲
--         ╱    ╲
--        B      C
-- rotateR :: Tree k a -> Tree k a
-- rotateR Empty = Empty
-- rotateR node@(Node _ _ Empty _ _) = node
-- rotateR (Node s k (Node _ k2 l2 c2 r2) c r) =
--   Node s k2 l2 c2 newR
--   where
--     newR = recomputeSize $ Node s k r2 c r
-- {-# INLINEABLE rotateR #-}

-- | \( O(1) \). Rotate tree to the left.
-- Before
--       ╱╲
--      ╱  ╲
--     ╱    ╲
--    ╱      ╲
--   A       ╱╲
--          ╱  ╲
--         ╱    ╲
--        B      C
-- After
--        ╱╲
--       ╱  ╲
--      ╱    ╲
--     ╱      ╲
--    ╱╲       C
--   ╱  ╲
--  ╱    ╲
-- A      B
-- rotateL :: Tree k a -> Tree k a
-- rotateL Empty = Empty
-- rotateL node@(Node _ _ _ _ Empty) = node
-- rotateL (Node s k l c (Node _ k2 l2 c2 r2)) =
--   Node s k2 newL c2 r2
--   where
--     newL = recomputeSize $ Node s k l c l2
-- {-# INLINE rotateL #-}

-- | \( O(1) \). Update the left node with the given subtree.
-- Notice, the size is not recomputed so you
-- will probably need to call 'recomputeSize'.
updateL :: Tree k a -> Tree k a -> Tree k a
updateL Empty newL            = newL
updateL (Node s k _ c r) newL = recomputeSize (Node s k newL c r)
{-# INLINE updateL #-}

-- | \( O(1) \). Update the right node with the given subtree.
-- Notice, the size is not recomputed so you
-- will probably need to call 'recomputeSize'.
updateR :: Tree k a -> Tree k a -> Tree k a
updateR Empty newR            = newR
updateR (Node s k l c _) newR = recomputeSize (Node s k l c newR)
{-# INLINE updateR #-}

-- | \(O(\log \n )\). Insert node at root using 'split' and recompute the size.
-- __NOTE__: duplicated keys are removed by randomly picking one of them.
insertRoot :: Ord k => k -> a -> Tree k a -> MonadRand (Bool, Tree k a)
insertRoot k x Empty = return (False, oneTree k x)
insertRoot k x tree = do
  (rep, l, r) <- split k tree
  return (rep, recomputeSize (Node 0 k l x r))
{-# INLINE insertRoot #-}

-- | \(O(\log \n )\. Split the tree \( T \) into two trees \( T_< \) and \( T_> \), which contain the keys of \( T \) that are smaller than x and larger than x, respectively.
-- This is a sligh variant which removes any duplicate of 'k' and returns a bool indicating so.
split :: Ord k => k -> Tree k a -> MonadRand (Bool, Tree k a, Tree k a)
split _ Empty = return (False, Empty, Empty)
split k node@(Node _ k2 l _ r)
  | k < k2 = do
    (b, t1, t2) <- split k l
    return (b, t1, updateL node t2)
  | k == k2 = do
      (_, t1, t2) <- split k r
      newT1       <- join l t1
      return (True, newT1, t2)
  | otherwise = do
      (b, t1, t2) <- split k r
      return (b, updateR node t1, t2)
{-# INLINE split #-}

-- | Given a BST where left and right subtrees are random BST, returns a completly random BST.
-- __NOTE__: the input can't be 'Empty'.
pushDown :: Tree k a -> MonadRand (Tree k a)
pushDown Empty = error "The input of pushDown can be an empty tree."
pushDown tree@(Node _ _ l _ r) = do
  let !m = fromIntegral $ sizeTreeInt l
      !n = fromIntegral $ sizeTreeInt r
      !total = m + n
  u <- uniformR (0, total)
  if u < m
    then updateR l <$> (pushDown $ updateL tree (getR l))
  else if u < total
    then updateL r <$> (pushDown $ updateR tree (getL r))
    return tree

-- | \(O(\log \ n )\). Invariant: : All keys from p must be strictly smaller than any key of q.
-- Theorem. The join of two independent random binary search tree is a random binary search tree.
join :: Tree k a -> Tree k a -> MonadRand (Tree k a)
join Empty q = return q
join p Empty = return p
join p@(Node s _ _ _ pR) q@(Node s2 _ qL _ _) = do
  guess <- uniformR (0, unSize (s + s2))
  if guess < unSize s
    then updateR p <$> join pR q
    else updateL q <$> join p  qL
{-# INLINE join #-}