module Reanimate.Cache
  ( cacheFile -- :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO FilePath
  , cacheMem
  , cacheDisk
  , cacheDiskSvg
  , cacheDiskKey
  , cacheDiskLines
  , encodeInt
  ) where

import           Control.Exception   (evaluate)
import           Control.Monad       (unless)
import           Data.Bits           (Bits (shiftR))
import           Data.Hashable       (Hashable (hash))
import           Data.IORef          (IORef, atomicModifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import           Data.Map            (Map)
import qualified Data.Map            as Map
import           Data.Text           (Text)
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO        as T
import           Graphics.SvgTree    (Tree, pattern None, unparse)
import           Reanimate.Animation (renderTree)
import           Reanimate.Misc      (getReanimateCacheDirectory, renameOrCopyFile)
import           System.Directory    (doesFileExist)
import           System.FilePath     ((<.>), (</>))
import           System.IO           (hClose)
import           System.IO.Temp      (openTempFile, withSystemTempFile)
import           System.IO.Unsafe    (unsafePerformIO)
import           Text.XML.Light      (Content (..), parseXML)

-- Memory cache and disk cache

cacheFile :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO FilePath
cacheFile template gen = do
    root <- getReanimateCacheDirectory
    let path = root </> template
    hit <- doesFileExist path
    unless hit $ withSystemTempFile template $ \tmp h -> do
      hClose h
      gen tmp
      renameOrCopyFile tmp path
    evaluate path

cacheDisk :: String -> (T.Text -> Maybe a) -> (a -> T.Text) -> (Text -> IO a) -> (Text -> IO a)
cacheDisk cacheType parse render gen key = do
    root <- getReanimateCacheDirectory
    let path = root </> encodeInt (hash key) <.> cacheType
    hit <- doesFileExist path
    if hit
      then do
        inp <- T.readFile path
        case parse inp of
          Nothing  -> genCache root path
          Just val -> pure val
      else genCache root path
    genCache root path = do
      (tmpPath, tmpHandle) <- openTempFile root (encodeInt (hash key))
      new <- gen key
      T.hPutStr tmpHandle (render new)
      hClose tmpHandle
      renameOrCopyFile tmpPath path
      return new

cacheDiskKey :: Text -> IO Tree -> IO Tree
cacheDiskKey key gen = cacheDiskSvg (const gen) key

cacheDiskSvg :: (Text -> IO Tree) -> (Text -> IO Tree)
cacheDiskSvg = cacheDisk "svg" parse render
    parse txt = case parseXML txt of
      [Elem t] -> Just (unparse t)
      _        -> Nothing
    render = T.pack . renderTree

cacheDiskLines :: (Text -> IO [Text]) -> (Text -> IO [Text])
cacheDiskLines = cacheDisk "txt" parse render
    parse = Just . T.lines
    render = T.unlines

{-# NOINLINE cache #-}
cache :: IORef (Map Text Tree)
cache = unsafePerformIO (newIORef Map.empty)

cacheMem :: (Text -> IO Tree) -> (Text -> IO Tree)
cacheMem gen key = do
  store <- readIORef cache
  case Map.lookup key store of
    Just svg -> return svg
    Nothing -> do
      svg <- gen key
      case svg of
        -- None usually indicates that latex or another tool was misconfigured. In this case,
        -- don't store the result.
        None -> pure svg
        _    -> atomicModifyIORef cache (\m -> (Map.insert key svg m, svg))

encodeInt :: Int -> String
encodeInt i = worker (fromIntegral i) 60
    worker :: Word -> Int -> String
    worker key sh
      | sh < 0 = []
      | otherwise =
        case (key `shiftR` sh) `mod` 64 of
          idx -> alphabet !! fromIntegral idx : worker key (sh-6)
    alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+$"