{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes      #-}

module Reanimate.Scene.Sprite where

import           Control.Monad        (void)
import           Control.Monad.ST     (ST)
import           Data.Bifunctor       (Bifunctor (first))
import           Data.STRef           (STRef, modifySTRef, newSTRef, readSTRef)
import           Graphics.SvgTree     (pattern None)
import           Reanimate.Animation  (Animation, Duration, SVG, Sync (SyncStretch), Time, dropA,
                                       duration, getAnimationFrame)
import           Reanimate.Effect     (Effect, delayE)
import           Reanimate.Scene.Core (Scene (M), ZIndex, addGen, fork, liftST, queryNow, scene,
import           Reanimate.Scene.Var  (Var (..), newVar, readVar, unpackVar)
import           Reanimate.Transition (Transition, overlapT)

-- | Create and render a variable. The rendering will be born at the current timestamp
--   and will persist until the end of the scene.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do var \<- 'simpleVar' 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkCircle' 0
--    'Reanimate.Scene.tweenVar' var 2 $ \\val -> 'Reanimate.fromToS' val ('Reanimate.Constants.screenHeight'/2)
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_simpleVar.gif>>
simpleVar :: (a -> SVG) -> a -> Scene s (Var s a)
simpleVar render def = do
  v <- newVar def
  _ <- newSprite $ render <$> unVar v
  return v

-- | Helper function for filtering variables.
findVar :: (a -> Bool) -> [Var s a] -> Scene s (Var s a)
findVar _cond [] = error "Variable not found."
findVar cond (v : vs) = do
  val <- readVar v
  if cond val then return v else findVar cond vs

-- | Play an animation once and then remove it. This advances the clock by the duration of the
--   animation.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do 'play' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
--    'play' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawCircle'
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_play.gif>>
play :: Animation -> Scene s ()
play ani = newSpriteA ani >>= destroySprite

-- | Sprites are animations with a given time of birth as well as a time of death.
--   They can be controlled using variables, tweening, and effects.
data Sprite s = Sprite Time (STRef s (Duration, ST s (Duration -> Time -> SVG -> (SVG, ZIndex))))

-- | Sprite frame generator. Generates frames over time in a stateful environment.
newtype Frame s a = Frame {unFrame :: ST s (Time -> Duration -> Time -> a)}

instance Functor (Frame s) where
  fmap fn (Frame gen) = Frame $ do
    m <- gen
    return (\real_t d t -> fn $ m real_t d t)

instance Applicative (Frame s) where
  pure v = Frame $ return (\_ _ _ -> v)
  Frame f <*> Frame g = Frame $ do
    m1 <- f
    m2 <- g
    return $ \real_t d t -> m1 real_t d t (m2 real_t d t)

-- | Dereference a variable as a Sprite frame.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do v \<- 'newVar' 0
--    'newSprite' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkCircle' \<$\> 'unVar' v
--    'Reanimate.Scene.tweenVar' v 1 $ \\val -> 'Reanimate.fromToS' val 3
--    'Reanimate.Scene.tweenVar' v 1 $ \\val -> 'Reanimate.fromToS' val 0
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_unVar.gif>>
unVar :: Var s a -> Frame s a
unVar var = Frame $ do
  fn <- unpackVar var
  return $ \real_t _d _t -> fn real_t

-- | Dereference seconds since sprite birth.
spriteT :: Frame s Time
spriteT = Frame $ return (\_real_t _d t -> t)

-- | Dereference duration of the current sprite.
spriteDuration :: Frame s Duration
spriteDuration = Frame $ return (\_real_t d _t -> d)

-- | Create new sprite defined by a frame generator. Unless otherwise specified using
--   'destroySprite', the sprite will die at the end of the scene.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do 'newSprite' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkCircle' \<$\> 'spriteT' -- Circle sprite where radius=time.
--    'wait' 2
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_newSprite.gif>>
newSprite :: Frame s SVG -> Scene s (Sprite s)
newSprite render = do
  now <- queryNow
  ref <- liftST $ newSTRef (-1, return $ \_d _t svg -> (svg, 0))
  addGen $ do
    fn <- unFrame render
    (spriteDur, spriteEffectGen) <- readSTRef ref
    spriteEffect <- spriteEffectGen
    return $ \d absT ->
      let relD = (if spriteDur < 0 then d else spriteDur) - now
          relT = absT - now
          -- Sprite is live [now;duration[
          -- If we're at the end of a scene, sprites
          -- are live: [now;duration]
          -- This behavior is difficult to get right. See the 'bug_*' examples for
          -- automated tests.
          inTimeSlice = relT >= 0 && relT < relD
          isLastFrame = d == absT && relT == relD
       in if inTimeSlice || isLastFrame
            then spriteEffect relD relT (fn absT relD relT)
            else (None, 0)
  return $ Sprite now ref

-- | Create new sprite defined by a frame generator. The sprite will die at
--   the end of the scene.
newSprite_ :: Frame s SVG -> Scene s ()
newSprite_ = void . newSprite

-- | Create a new sprite from an animation. This advances the clock by the
--   duration of the animation. Unless otherwise specified using
--   'destroySprite', the sprite will die at the end of the scene.
--   Note: If the scene doesn't end immediately after the duration of the
--   animation, the animation will be stretched to match the lifetime of the
--   sprite. See 'newSpriteA'' and 'play'.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do 'fork' $ 'newSpriteA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawCircle'
--    'play' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
--    'play' $ 'Reanimate.Animation.reverseA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_newSpriteA.gif>>
newSpriteA :: Animation -> Scene s (Sprite s)
newSpriteA = newSpriteA' SyncStretch

-- | Create a new sprite from an animation and specify the synchronization policy. This advances
--   the clock by the duration of the animation.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do 'fork' $ 'newSpriteA'' 'Reanimate.Animation.SyncFreeze' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawCircle'
--    'play' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
--    'play' $ 'Reanimate.Animation.reverseA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_newSpriteA'.gif>>
newSpriteA' :: Sync -> Animation -> Scene s (Sprite s)
newSpriteA' sync animation =
  newSprite (getAnimationFrame sync animation <$> spriteT <*> spriteDuration)
    <* wait (duration animation)

-- | Create a sprite from a static SVG image.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do 'newSpriteSVG' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkBackground' "lightblue"
--    'play' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawCircle'
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_newSpriteSVG.gif>>
newSpriteSVG :: SVG -> Scene s (Sprite s)
newSpriteSVG = newSprite . pure

-- | Create a permanent sprite from a static SVG image. Same as `newSpriteSVG`
--   but the sprite isn't returned and thus cannot be destroyed.
newSpriteSVG_ :: SVG -> Scene s ()
newSpriteSVG_ = void . newSpriteSVG

-- | Change the rendering of a sprite using data from a variable. If data from several variables
--   is needed, use a frame generator instead.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do s \<- 'fork' $ 'newSpriteA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
--    v \<- 'newVar' 0
--    'applyVar' v s 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.rotate'
--    'Reanimate.Scene.tweenVar' v 2 $ \\val -> 'Reanimate.fromToS' val 90
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_applyVar.gif>>
applyVar :: Var s a -> Sprite s -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s ()
applyVar var sprite fn = spriteModify sprite $ do
  varFn <- unVar var
  return $ first $ fn varFn

-- | Destroy a sprite, preventing it from being rendered in the future of the scene.
--   If 'destroySprite' is invoked multiple times, the earliest time-of-death is used.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do s <- 'newSpriteSVG' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.withFillOpacity' 1 $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkCircle' 1
--    'fork' $ 'wait' 1 \>\> 'destroySprite' s
--    'play' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_destroySprite.gif>>
destroySprite :: Sprite s -> Scene s ()
destroySprite (Sprite _ ref) = do
  now <- queryNow
  liftST $
    modifySTRef ref $ \(ttl, render) ->
      (if ttl < 0 then now else min ttl now, render)

-- | Low-level frame modifier.
spriteModify :: Sprite s -> Frame s ((SVG, ZIndex) -> (SVG, ZIndex)) -> Scene s ()
spriteModify (Sprite born ref) modFn = liftST $
  modifySTRef ref $ \(ttl, renderGen) ->
    ( ttl,
        render <- renderGen
        modRender <- unFrame modFn
        return $ \relD relT ->
          let absT = relT + born in modRender absT relD relT . render relD relT

-- | Map the SVG output of a sprite.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do s \<- 'fork' $ 'newSpriteA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawCircle'
--    'wait' 1
--    'spriteMap' s 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.flipYAxis'
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_spriteMap.gif>>
spriteMap :: Sprite s -> (SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s ()
spriteMap sprite@(Sprite born _) fn = do
  now <- queryNow
  let tDelta = now - born
  spriteModify sprite $ do
    t <- spriteT
    return $ \(svg, zindex) -> (if (t - tDelta) < 0 then svg else fn svg, zindex)

-- | Modify the output of a sprite between @now@ and @now+duration@.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do s \<- 'fork' $ 'newSpriteA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawCircle'
--    'spriteTween' s 1 $ \\val -> 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.translate' ('Reanimate.Constants.screenWidth'*0.3*val) 0
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_spriteTween.gif>>
spriteTween :: Sprite s -> Duration -> (Double -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s ()
spriteTween sprite@(Sprite born _) dur fn = do
  now <- queryNow
  let tDelta = now - born
  spriteModify sprite $ do
    t <- spriteT
    return $ first $ \svg -> fn (clamp 0 1 $ (t - tDelta) / dur) svg
  wait dur
    clamp a b v
      | v < a = a
      | v > b = b
      | otherwise = v

-- | Create a new variable and apply it to a sprite.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do s \<- 'fork' $ 'newSpriteA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawBox'
--    v \<- 'spriteVar' s 0 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.rotate'
--    'Reanimate.Scene.tweenVar' v 2 $ \\val -> 'Reanimate.fromToS' val 90
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_spriteVar.gif>>
spriteVar :: Sprite s -> a -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s (Var s a)
spriteVar sprite def fn = do
  v <- newVar def
  applyVar v sprite fn
  return v

-- | Apply an effect to a sprite.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do s <- 'fork' $ 'newSpriteA' 'Reanimate.Builtin.Documentation.drawCircle'
--    'spriteE' s $ 'Reanimate.Effect.overBeginning' 1 'Reanimate.Effect.fadeInE'
--    'spriteE' s $ 'Reanimate.Effect.overEnding' 0.5 'Reanimate.Effect.fadeOutE'
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_spriteE.gif>>
spriteE :: Sprite s -> Effect -> Scene s ()
spriteE (Sprite born ref) effect = do
  now <- queryNow
  liftST $
    modifySTRef ref $ \(ttl, renderGen) ->
      ( ttl,
          render <- renderGen
          return $ \d t svg ->
            let (svg', z) = render d t svg
             in (delayE (max 0 $ now - born) effect d t svg', z)

-- | Set new ZIndex of a sprite.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do s1 \<- 'newSpriteSVG' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.withFillOpacity' 1 $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.withFillColor' "blue" $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkCircle' 3
--    'newSpriteSVG' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.withFillOpacity' 1 $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.withFillColor' "red" $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkRect' 8 3
--    'wait' 1
--    'spriteZ' s1 1
--    'wait' 1
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_spriteZ.gif>>
spriteZ :: Sprite s -> ZIndex -> Scene s ()
spriteZ (Sprite born ref) zindex = do
  now <- queryNow
  liftST $
    modifySTRef ref $ \(ttl, renderGen) ->
      ( ttl,
          render <- renderGen
          return $ \d t svg ->
            let (svg', z) = render d t svg in (svg', if t < now - born then z else zindex)

-- | Destroy all local sprites at the end of a scene.
--   Example:
-- @
-- do -- the rect lives through the entire 3s animation
--    'newSpriteSVG_' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.translate' (-3) 0 $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkRect' 4 4
--    'wait' 1
--    'spriteScope' $ do
--      -- the circle only lives for 1 second.
--      local \<- 'newSpriteSVG' $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.translate' 3 0 $ 'Reanimate.Svg.Constructors.mkCircle' 2
--      'spriteE' local $ 'Reanimate.Effect.overBeginning' 0.3 'Reanimate.Effect.fadeInE'
--      'spriteE' local $ 'Reanimate.Effect.overEnding' 0.3 'Reanimate.Effect.fadeOutE'
--      'wait' 1
--    'wait' 1
-- @
--   <<docs/gifs/doc_spriteScope.gif>>
spriteScope :: Scene s a -> Scene s a
spriteScope (M action) = M $ \t -> do
  (a, s, p, gens) <- action t
  return (a, s, p, map (genFn (t + max s p)) gens)
    genFn maxT gen = do
      frameGen <- gen
      return $ \_ t ->
        if t < maxT
          then frameGen maxT t
          else (None, 0)

asAnimation :: (forall s'. Scene s' a) -> Scene s Animation
asAnimation s = do
  now <- queryNow
  return $ dropA now (scene (wait now >> s))

-- | Apply a transformation with a given overlap. This makes sure
--   to keep timestamps intact such that events can still be timed
--   by transcripts.
transitionO :: Transition -> Double -> (forall s'. Scene s' a) -> (forall s'. Scene s' b) -> Scene s ()
transitionO t o a b = do
  aA <- asAnimation a
  bA <- fork $ do
    wait (duration aA - o)
    asAnimation b
  play $ overlapT o t aA bA