-- | This module defines the 'Patch' class, which is used by Reflex to manage
-- changes to 'Reflex.Class.Incremental' values.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Reflex.Patch
  ( module Reflex.Patch
  , module X
  ) where

import Reflex.Patch.Class as X
import Reflex.Patch.DMap as X hiding (getDeletions)
import Reflex.Patch.DMapWithMove as X (PatchDMapWithMove, const2PatchDMapWithMoveWith, mapPatchDMapWithMove,
                                       traversePatchDMapWithMoveWithKey, unPatchDMapWithMove,
                                       unsafePatchDMapWithMove, weakenPatchDMapWithMoveWith)
import Reflex.Patch.IntMap as X hiding (getDeletions)
import Reflex.Patch.Map as X
import Reflex.Patch.MapWithMove as X (PatchMapWithMove, patchMapWithMoveNewElements,
                                      patchMapWithMoveNewElementsMap, unPatchMapWithMove,

import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..), (<>))

---- Patches based on commutative groups

-- | A 'Group' is a 'Monoid' where every element has an inverse.
class (Semigroup q, Monoid q) => Group q where
  negateG :: q -> q
  (~~) :: q -> q -> q
  r ~~ s = r <> negateG s

-- | An 'Additive' 'Semigroup' is one where (<>) is commutative
class Semigroup q => Additive q where

-- | The elements of an 'Additive' 'Semigroup' can be considered as patches of their own type.
newtype AdditivePatch p = AdditivePatch { unAdditivePatch :: p }

instance Additive p => Patch (AdditivePatch p) where
  type PatchTarget (AdditivePatch p) = p
  apply (AdditivePatch p) q = Just $ p <> q