{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Widget.Input (module Reflex.Dom.Widget.Input, def, (&), (.~)) where

import Prelude

import Control.Lens hiding (element, ix)
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Bimap as Bimap
import Data.Default
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
import Data.Functor.Misc
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLInputElement (HTMLInputElement)
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLTextAreaElement (HTMLTextAreaElement)
import GHCJS.DOM.Types (MonadJSM, File, uncheckedCastTo)
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as DOM (HTMLElement(..), EventTarget(..))
import Reflex.Class
import Reflex.Collection
import Reflex.Dom.Builder.Class
import Reflex.Dom.Builder.Immediate
import Reflex.Dom.Class
import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
import Reflex.Dynamic
import Reflex.PostBuild.Class
import Reflex.TriggerEvent.Class
import qualified Text.Read as T

import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Event as Event
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.HTMLInputElement as Input

{-# DEPRECATED TextInput, _textInput_element, TextInputConfig, textInput "Use 'inputElement' directly" #-}
data TextInput t
   = TextInput { _textInput_value :: Dynamic t Text
               , _textInput_input :: Event t Text
               , _textInput_keypress :: Event t Word
               , _textInput_keydown :: Event t Word
               , _textInput_keyup :: Event t Word
               , _textInput_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
               , _textInput_builderElement :: InputElement EventResult GhcjsDomSpace t

_textInput_element :: TextInput t -> HTMLInputElement
_textInput_element = _inputElement_raw . _textInput_builderElement

instance Reflex t => HasDomEvent t (TextInput t) en where
  type DomEventType (TextInput t) en = DomEventType (InputElement EventResult GhcjsDomSpace t) en
  domEvent en = domEvent en . _textInput_builderElement

data TextInputConfig t
   = TextInputConfig { _textInputConfig_inputType :: Text
                     , _textInputConfig_initialValue :: Text
                     , _textInputConfig_setValue :: Event t Text
                     , _textInputConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)

instance Reflex t => Default (TextInputConfig t) where
  {-# INLINABLE def #-}
  def = TextInputConfig { _textInputConfig_inputType = "text"
                        , _textInputConfig_initialValue = ""
                        , _textInputConfig_setValue = never
                        , _textInputConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty

-- | Create an input whose value is a string.  By default, the "type" attribute is set to "text", but it can be changed using the _textInputConfig_inputType field.  Note that only types for which the value is always a string will work - types whose value may be null will not work properly with this widget.
{-# INLINABLE textInput #-}
textInput :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, DomBuilderSpace m ~ GhcjsDomSpace) => TextInputConfig t -> m (TextInput t)
textInput (TextInputConfig inputType initial eSetValue dAttrs) = do
  modifyAttrs <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes $ fmap (Map.insert "type" inputType) dAttrs
  i <- inputElement $ def
    & inputElementConfig_initialValue .~ initial
    & inputElementConfig_setValue .~ eSetValue
    & inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_modifyAttributes .~ fmap mapKeysToAttributeName modifyAttrs
  return $ TextInput
    { _textInput_value = _inputElement_value i
    , _textInput_input = _inputElement_input i
    , _textInput_keypress = domEvent Keypress i
    , _textInput_keydown = domEvent Keydown i
    , _textInput_keyup = domEvent Keyup i
    , _textInput_hasFocus = _inputElement_hasFocus i
    , _textInput_builderElement = i

{-# INLINE textInputGetEnter #-}
{-# DEPRECATED textInputGetEnter "Use 'keypress Enter' instead" #-}
textInputGetEnter :: Reflex t => TextInput t -> Event t ()
textInputGetEnter = keypress Enter

{-# INLINABLE keypress #-}
keypress :: (Reflex t, HasDomEvent t e 'KeypressTag, DomEventType e 'KeypressTag ~ Word) => Key -> e -> Event t ()
keypress key = fmapMaybe (\n -> guard $ keyCodeLookup (fromIntegral n) == key) . domEvent Keypress

{-# INLINABLE keydown #-}
keydown :: (Reflex t, HasDomEvent t e 'KeydownTag, DomEventType e 'KeydownTag ~ Word) => Key -> e -> Event t ()
keydown key = fmapMaybe (\n -> guard $ keyCodeLookup (fromIntegral n) == key) . domEvent Keydown

{-# INLINABLE keyup #-}
keyup :: (Reflex t, HasDomEvent t e 'KeyupTag, DomEventType e 'KeyupTag ~ Word) => Key -> e -> Event t ()
keyup key = fmapMaybe (\n -> guard $ keyCodeLookup (fromIntegral n) == key) . domEvent Keyup

data RangeInputConfig t
   = RangeInputConfig { _rangeInputConfig_initialValue :: Float
                      , _rangeInputConfig_setValue :: Event t Float
                      , _rangeInputConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)

instance Reflex t => Default (RangeInputConfig t) where
  {-# INLINABLE def #-}
  def = RangeInputConfig { _rangeInputConfig_initialValue = 0
                        , _rangeInputConfig_setValue = never
                        , _rangeInputConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty

data RangeInput t
   = RangeInput { _rangeInput_value :: Dynamic t Float
                , _rangeInput_input :: Event t Float
                , _rangeInput_mouseup :: Event t (Int, Int)
                , _rangeInput_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
                , _rangeInput_element :: HTMLInputElement

-- | Create an input whose value is a float.
--   https://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/input/range
{-# INLINABLE rangeInput #-}
rangeInput :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, DomBuilderSpace m ~ GhcjsDomSpace) => RangeInputConfig t -> m (RangeInput t)
rangeInput (RangeInputConfig initial eSetValue dAttrs) = do
  modifyAttrs <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes $ fmap (Map.insert "type" "range") dAttrs
  i <- inputElement $ def
    & inputElementConfig_initialValue .~ (T.pack . show $ initial)
    & inputElementConfig_setValue .~ (T.pack . show <$> eSetValue)
    & inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_modifyAttributes .~ fmap mapKeysToAttributeName modifyAttrs
  return $ RangeInput
    { _rangeInput_value = read . T.unpack <$> _inputElement_value i
    , _rangeInput_input = read . T.unpack <$> _inputElement_input i
    , _rangeInput_mouseup = domEvent Mouseup i
    , _rangeInput_hasFocus = _inputElement_hasFocus i
    , _rangeInput_element = _inputElement_raw i

{-# DEPRECATED TextAreaConfig, TextArea, textArea "Use 'textAreaElement' directly" #-}
data TextAreaConfig t
   = TextAreaConfig { _textAreaConfig_initialValue :: Text
                    , _textAreaConfig_setValue :: Event t Text
                    , _textAreaConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)

instance Reflex t => Default (TextAreaConfig t) where
  {-# INLINABLE def #-}
  def = TextAreaConfig { _textAreaConfig_initialValue = ""
                       , _textAreaConfig_setValue = never
                       , _textAreaConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty

data TextArea t
   = TextArea { _textArea_value :: Dynamic t Text
              , _textArea_input :: Event t Text
              , _textArea_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
              , _textArea_keypress :: Event t Word
              , _textArea_element :: HTMLTextAreaElement

{-# INLINABLE textArea #-}
textArea :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, DomBuilderSpace m ~ GhcjsDomSpace) => TextAreaConfig t -> m (TextArea t)
textArea (TextAreaConfig initial eSet attrs) = do
  modifyAttrs <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes attrs
  i <- textAreaElement $ def
    & textAreaElementConfig_initialValue .~ initial
    & textAreaElementConfig_setValue .~ eSet
    & textAreaElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_modifyAttributes .~ fmap mapKeysToAttributeName modifyAttrs
  return $ TextArea
    { _textArea_value = _textAreaElement_value i
    , _textArea_input = _textAreaElement_input i
    , _textArea_keypress = domEvent Keypress i
    , _textArea_hasFocus = _textAreaElement_hasFocus i
    , _textArea_element = _textAreaElement_raw i

{-# DEPRECATED CheckboxConfig, Checkbox, checkbox, checkboxView, CheckboxViewEventResultType, regularToCheckboxViewEventType, CheckboxViewEventResult "Use 'inputElement' directly" #-}
data CheckboxConfig t
    = CheckboxConfig { _checkboxConfig_setValue :: Event t Bool
                     , _checkboxConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)

instance Reflex t => Default (CheckboxConfig t) where
  {-# INLINABLE def #-}
  def = CheckboxConfig { _checkboxConfig_setValue = never
                       , _checkboxConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty

data Checkbox t
   = Checkbox { _checkbox_value :: Dynamic t Bool
              , _checkbox_change :: Event t Bool

-- | Create an editable checkbox
--   Note: if the "type" or "checked" attributes are provided as attributes, they will be ignored
{-# INLINABLE checkbox #-}
checkbox :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => Bool -> CheckboxConfig t -> m (Checkbox t)
checkbox checked config = do
  let permanentAttrs = "type" =: "checkbox"
      dAttrs = Map.delete "checked" . Map.union permanentAttrs <$> _checkboxConfig_attributes config
  modifyAttrs <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes dAttrs
  i <- inputElement $ def
    & inputElementConfig_initialChecked .~ checked
    & inputElementConfig_setChecked .~ _checkboxConfig_setValue config
    & inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_initialAttributes .~ Map.mapKeys (AttributeName Nothing) permanentAttrs
    & inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_modifyAttributes .~ fmap mapKeysToAttributeName modifyAttrs
  return $ Checkbox
    { _checkbox_value = _inputElement_checked i
    , _checkbox_change = _inputElement_checkedChange i

type family CheckboxViewEventResultType (en :: EventTag) :: * where
  CheckboxViewEventResultType 'ClickTag = Bool
  CheckboxViewEventResultType t = EventResultType t

regularToCheckboxViewEventType :: EventName t -> EventResultType t -> CheckboxViewEventResultType t
regularToCheckboxViewEventType en r = case en of
  Click -> error "regularToCheckboxViewEventType: EventName Click should never be encountered"
  Abort -> r
  Blur -> r
  Change -> r
  Contextmenu -> r
  Dblclick -> r
  Drag -> r
  Dragend -> r
  Dragenter -> r
  Dragleave -> r
  Dragover -> r
  Dragstart -> r
  Drop -> r
  Error -> r
  Focus -> r
  Input -> r
  Invalid -> r
  Keydown -> r
  Keypress -> r
  Keyup -> r
  Load -> r
  Mousedown -> r
  Mouseenter -> r
  Mouseleave -> r
  Mousemove -> r
  Mouseout -> r
  Mouseover -> r
  Mouseup -> r
  Mousewheel -> r
  Scroll -> r
  Select -> r
  Submit -> r
  Wheel -> r
  Beforecut -> r
  Cut -> r
  Beforecopy -> r
  Copy -> r
  Beforepaste -> r
  Paste -> r
  Reset -> r
  Search -> r
  Selectstart -> r
  Touchstart -> r
  Touchmove -> r
  Touchend -> r
  Touchcancel -> r

newtype CheckboxViewEventResult en = CheckboxViewEventResult { unCheckboxViewEventResult :: CheckboxViewEventResultType en }

-- | Create a view only checkbox
{-# INLINABLE checkboxView #-}
checkboxView :: forall t m. (DomBuilder t m, DomBuilderSpace m ~ GhcjsDomSpace, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m) => Dynamic t (Map Text Text) -> Dynamic t Bool -> m (Event t Bool)
checkboxView dAttrs dValue = do
  let permanentAttrs = "type" =: "checkbox"
  modifyAttrs <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes $ fmap (Map.union permanentAttrs) dAttrs
  postBuild <- getPostBuild
  let filters :: DMap EventName (GhcjsEventFilter CheckboxViewEventResult)
      filters = DMap.singleton Click $ GhcjsEventFilter $ \(GhcjsDomEvent evt) -> do
        t <- Event.getTargetUnchecked evt
        b <- Input.getChecked $ uncheckedCastTo Input.HTMLInputElement t
        return $ (,) preventDefault $ return $ Just $ CheckboxViewEventResult b
      elementConfig :: ElementConfig CheckboxViewEventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m)
      elementConfig = (def :: ElementConfig EventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m))
        { _elementConfig_modifyAttributes = Just $ fmap mapKeysToAttributeName modifyAttrs
        , _elementConfig_initialAttributes = Map.mapKeys (AttributeName Nothing) permanentAttrs
        , _elementConfig_eventSpec = GhcjsEventSpec
            { _ghcjsEventSpec_filters = filters
            , _ghcjsEventSpec_handler = GhcjsEventHandler $ \(en, GhcjsDomEvent evt) -> case en of
                Click -> error "impossible"
                _ -> do
                  e :: DOM.EventTarget <- withIsEvent en $ Event.getTargetUnchecked evt
                  let myElement = uncheckedCastTo DOM.HTMLElement e
                  mr <- runReaderT (defaultDomEventHandler myElement en) evt
                  return $ ffor mr $ \(EventResult r) -> CheckboxViewEventResult $ regularToCheckboxViewEventType en r
      inputElementConfig :: InputElementConfig CheckboxViewEventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m)
      inputElementConfig = (def :: InputElementConfig EventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m))
        & inputElementConfig_setChecked .~ leftmost [updated dValue, tag (current dValue) postBuild]
        & inputElementConfig_elementConfig .~ elementConfig
  i <- inputElement inputElementConfig
  return $ unCheckboxViewEventResult <$> select (_element_events $ _inputElement_element i) (WrapArg Click)

{-# DEPRECATED FileInput, FileInputConfig, fileInput "Use 'inputElement' directly" #-}
data FileInput d t
   = FileInput { _fileInput_value :: Dynamic t [File]
               , _fileInput_element :: RawInputElement d

newtype FileInputConfig t
   = FileInputConfig { _fileInputConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)

instance Reflex t => Default (FileInputConfig t) where
  def = FileInputConfig { _fileInputConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty

fileInput :: forall t m. (MonadIO m, MonadJSM m, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, TriggerEvent t m, DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, DomBuilderSpace m ~ GhcjsDomSpace)
          => FileInputConfig t -> m (FileInput (DomBuilderSpace m) t)
fileInput config = do
  let insertType = Map.insert "type" "file"
      dAttrs = insertType <$> _fileInputConfig_attributes config
  modifyAttrs <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes dAttrs
  let filters = DMap.singleton Change . GhcjsEventFilter $ \_ -> do
        return . (,) mempty $ return . Just $ EventResult ()
      elCfg = (def :: ElementConfig EventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m))
        & modifyAttributes .~ fmap mapKeysToAttributeName modifyAttrs
        & elementConfig_eventSpec . ghcjsEventSpec_filters .~ filters
      cfg = (def :: InputElementConfig EventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m)) & inputElementConfig_elementConfig .~ elCfg
  input <- inputElement cfg
  return $ FileInput
    { _fileInput_value = _inputElement_files input
    , _fileInput_element = _inputElement_raw input

data Dropdown t k
    = Dropdown { _dropdown_value :: Dynamic t k
               , _dropdown_change :: Event t k

data DropdownConfig t k
   = DropdownConfig { _dropdownConfig_setValue :: Event t k
                    , _dropdownConfig_attributes :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)

instance Reflex t => Default (DropdownConfig t k) where
  def = DropdownConfig { _dropdownConfig_setValue = never
                       , _dropdownConfig_attributes = constDyn mempty

type family DropdownViewEventResultType (en :: EventTag) :: * where
  DropdownViewEventResultType 'ChangeTag = Text
  DropdownViewEventResultType t = EventResultType t

newtype DropdownViewEventResult en = DropdownViewEventResult { unDropdownViewEventResult :: DropdownViewEventResultType en }

regularToDropdownViewEventType :: EventName t -> EventResultType t -> DropdownViewEventResultType t
regularToDropdownViewEventType en r = case en of
  Change -> error "regularToDropdownViewEventType: EventName Change should never be encountered"
  Abort -> r
  Blur -> r
  Click -> r
  Contextmenu -> r
  Dblclick -> r
  Drag -> r
  Dragend -> r
  Dragenter -> r
  Dragleave -> r
  Dragover -> r
  Dragstart -> r
  Drop -> r
  Error -> r
  Focus -> r
  Input -> r
  Invalid -> r
  Keydown -> r
  Keypress -> r
  Keyup -> r
  Load -> r
  Mousedown -> r
  Mouseenter -> r
  Mouseleave -> r
  Mousemove -> r
  Mouseout -> r
  Mouseover -> r
  Mouseup -> r
  Mousewheel -> r
  Scroll -> r
  Select -> r
  Submit -> r
  Wheel -> r
  Beforecut -> r
  Cut -> r
  Beforecopy -> r
  Copy -> r
  Beforepaste -> r
  Paste -> r
  Reset -> r
  Search -> r
  Selectstart -> r
  Touchstart -> r
  Touchmove -> r
  Touchend -> r
  Touchcancel -> r

--TODO: We should allow the user to specify an ordering instead of relying on the ordering of the Map
-- | Create a dropdown box
--   The first argument gives the initial value of the dropdown; if it is not present in the map of options provided, it will be added with an empty string as its text
dropdown :: forall k t m. (DomBuilder t m, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, Ord k) => k -> Dynamic t (Map k Text) -> DropdownConfig t k -> m (Dropdown t k)
dropdown k0 options (DropdownConfig setK attrs) = do
  optionsWithAddedKeys <- fmap (zipDynWith Map.union options) $ foldDyn Map.union (k0 =: "") $ fmap (=: "") setK
  defaultKey <- holdDyn k0 setK
  let (indexedOptions, ixKeys) = splitDynPure $ ffor optionsWithAddedKeys $ \os ->
        let xs = fmap (\(ix, (k, v)) -> ((ix, k), ((ix, k), v))) $ zip [0::Int ..] $ Map.toList os
        in (Map.fromList $ map snd xs, Bimap.fromList $ map fst xs)
  modifyAttrs <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes attrs
  postBuild <- getPostBuild
  let setSelection = attachPromptlyDynWithMaybe (flip Bimap.lookupR) ixKeys $
        leftmost [setK, k0 <$ postBuild]
  let cfg = def
        & selectElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_modifyAttributes .~ fmap mapKeysToAttributeName modifyAttrs
        & selectElementConfig_setValue .~ fmap (T.pack . show) setSelection
  (eRaw, _) <- selectElement cfg $ listWithKey indexedOptions $ \(ix, k) v -> do
    let optionAttrs = fmap (\dk -> "value" =: T.pack (show ix) <> if dk == k then "selected" =: "selected" else mempty) defaultKey
    elDynAttr "option" optionAttrs $ dynText v
  let lookupSelected ks v = do
        key <- T.readMaybe $ T.unpack v
        Bimap.lookup key ks
  let eChange = attachPromptlyDynWith lookupSelected ixKeys $ _selectElement_change eRaw
  let readKey keys mk = fromMaybe k0 $ do
        k <- mk
        guard $ Bimap.memberR k keys
        return k
  dValue <- fmap (zipDynWith readKey ixKeys) $ holdDyn (Just k0) $ leftmost [eChange, fmap Just setK]
  return $ Dropdown dValue (attachPromptlyDynWith readKey ixKeys eChange)

concat <$> mapM makeLenses
  [ ''TextAreaConfig
  , ''TextArea
  , ''TextInputConfig
  , ''TextInput
  , ''RangeInputConfig
  , ''RangeInput
  , ''FileInputConfig
  , ''FileInput
  , ''DropdownConfig
  , ''Dropdown
  , ''CheckboxConfig
  , ''Checkbox
textAreaConfig_attributes :: Lens' (TextAreaConfig t) (Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
textAreaConfig_attributes f (TextAreaConfig x1 x2 x3) = (\y -> TextAreaConfig x1 x2 y) <$> f x3
{-# INLINE textAreaConfig_attributes #-}
textAreaConfig_initialValue :: Lens' (TextAreaConfig t) Text
textAreaConfig_initialValue f (TextAreaConfig x1 x2 x3) = (\y -> TextAreaConfig y x2 x3) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE textAreaConfig_initialValue #-}
textAreaConfig_setValue :: Lens' (TextAreaConfig t) (Event t Text)
textAreaConfig_setValue f (TextAreaConfig x1 x2 x3) = (\y -> TextAreaConfig x1 y x3) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE textAreaConfig_setValue #-}
textArea_element :: Lens' (TextArea t) HTMLTextAreaElement
textArea_element f (TextArea x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> TextArea x1 x2 x3 x4 y) <$> f x5
{-# INLINE textArea_element #-}
textArea_hasFocus :: Lens' (TextArea t) (Dynamic t Bool)
textArea_hasFocus f (TextArea x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> TextArea x1 x2 y x4 x5) <$> f x3
{-# INLINE textArea_hasFocus #-}
textArea_input :: Lens' (TextArea t) (Event t Text)
textArea_input f (TextArea x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> TextArea x1 y x3 x4 x5) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE textArea_input #-}
textArea_keypress :: Lens' (TextArea t) (Event t Word)
textArea_keypress f (TextArea x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> TextArea x1 x2 x3 y x5) <$> f x4
{-# INLINE textArea_keypress #-}
textArea_value :: Lens' (TextArea t) (Dynamic t Text)
textArea_value f (TextArea x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> TextArea y x2 x3 x4 x5) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE textArea_value #-}
textInputConfig_attributes :: Lens' (TextInputConfig t) (Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
textInputConfig_attributes f (TextInputConfig x1 x2 x3 x4) = (\y -> TextInputConfig x1 x2 x3 y) <$> f x4
{-# INLINE textInputConfig_attributes #-}
textInputConfig_initialValue :: Lens' (TextInputConfig t) Text
textInputConfig_initialValue f (TextInputConfig x1 x2 x3 x4) = (\y -> TextInputConfig x1 y x3 x4) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE textInputConfig_initialValue #-}
textInputConfig_inputType :: Lens' (TextInputConfig t) Text
textInputConfig_inputType f (TextInputConfig x1 x2 x3 x4) = (\y -> TextInputConfig y x2 x3 x4) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE textInputConfig_inputType #-}
textInputConfig_setValue :: Lens' (TextInputConfig t) (Event t Text)
textInputConfig_setValue f (TextInputConfig x1 x2 x3 x4) = (\y -> TextInputConfig x1 x2 y x4) <$> f x3
{-# INLINE textInputConfig_setValue #-}
textInput_builderElement :: Lens' (TextInput t) (InputElement EventResult GhcjsDomSpace t)
textInput_builderElement f (TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = (\y -> TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 y) <$> f x7
{-# INLINE textInput_builderElement #-}
textInput_hasFocus :: Lens' (TextInput t) (Dynamic t Bool)
textInput_hasFocus f (TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = (\y -> TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 y x7) <$> f x6
{-# INLINE textInput_hasFocus #-}
textInput_input :: Lens' (TextInput t) (Event t Text)
textInput_input f (TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = (\y -> TextInput x1 y x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE textInput_input #-}
textInput_keydown :: Lens' (TextInput t) (Event t Word)
textInput_keydown f (TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = (\y -> TextInput x1 x2 x3 y x5 x6 x7) <$> f x4
{-# INLINE textInput_keydown #-}
textInput_keypress :: Lens' (TextInput t) (Event t Word)
textInput_keypress f (TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = (\y -> TextInput x1 x2 y x4 x5 x6 x7) <$> f x3
{-# INLINE textInput_keypress #-}
textInput_keyup :: Lens' (TextInput t) (Event t Word)
textInput_keyup f (TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = (\y -> TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 y x6 x7) <$> f x5
{-# INLINE textInput_keyup #-}
textInput_value :: Lens' (TextInput t) (Dynamic t Text)
textInput_value f (TextInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = (\y -> TextInput y x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE textInput_value #-}
rangeInputConfig_attributes :: Lens' (RangeInputConfig t) (Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
rangeInputConfig_attributes f (RangeInputConfig x1 x2 x3) = (\y -> RangeInputConfig x1 x2 y) <$> f x3
{-# INLINE rangeInputConfig_attributes #-}
rangeInputConfig_initialValue :: Lens' (RangeInputConfig t) Float
rangeInputConfig_initialValue f (RangeInputConfig x1 x2 x3) = (\y -> RangeInputConfig y x2 x3) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE rangeInputConfig_initialValue #-}
rangeInputConfig_setValue :: Lens' (RangeInputConfig t) (Event t Float)
rangeInputConfig_setValue f (RangeInputConfig x1 x2 x3) = (\y -> RangeInputConfig x1 y x3) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE rangeInputConfig_setValue #-}
rangeInput_element :: Lens' (RangeInput t) HTMLInputElement
rangeInput_element f (RangeInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> RangeInput x1 x2 x3 x4 y) <$> f x5
{-# INLINE rangeInput_element #-}
rangeInput_hasFocus :: Lens' (RangeInput t) (Dynamic t Bool)
rangeInput_hasFocus f (RangeInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> RangeInput x1 x2 x3 y x5) <$> f x4
{-# INLINE rangeInput_hasFocus #-}
rangeInput_input :: Lens' (RangeInput t) (Event t Float)
rangeInput_input f (RangeInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> RangeInput x1 y x3 x4 x5) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE rangeInput_input #-}
rangeInput_mouseup :: Lens' (RangeInput t) (Event t (Int, Int))
rangeInput_mouseup f (RangeInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> RangeInput x1 x2 y x4 x5) <$> f x3
{-# INLINE rangeInput_mouseup #-}
rangeInput_value :: Lens' (RangeInput t) (Dynamic t Float)
rangeInput_value f (RangeInput x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = (\y -> RangeInput y x2 x3 x4 x5) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE rangeInput_value #-}
fileInputConfig_attributes :: Iso
    (FileInputConfig t1)
    (FileInputConfig t2)
    (Dynamic t1 (Map Text Text))
    (Dynamic t2 (Map Text Text))
fileInputConfig_attributes = iso (\(FileInputConfig x) -> x) FileInputConfig
{-# INLINE fileInputConfig_attributes #-}
fileInput_element :: Lens
    (FileInput d1 t)
    (FileInput d2 t)
    (RawInputElement d1)
    (RawInputElement d2)
fileInput_element f (FileInput x1 x2) = (\y -> FileInput x1 y) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE fileInput_element #-}
fileInput_value :: Lens
    (FileInput d t1)
    (FileInput d t2)
    (Dynamic t1 [File])
    (Dynamic t2 [File])
fileInput_value f (FileInput x1 x2) = (\y -> FileInput y x2) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE fileInput_value #-}
dropdownConfig_attributes :: Lens' (DropdownConfig t k) (Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
dropdownConfig_attributes f (DropdownConfig x1 x2) = (\y -> DropdownConfig x1 y) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE dropdownConfig_attributes #-}
dropdownConfig_setValue :: Lens
    (DropdownConfig t k1)
    (DropdownConfig t k2)
    (Event t k1)
    (Event t k2)
dropdownConfig_setValue f (DropdownConfig x1 x2) = (\y -> DropdownConfig y x2) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE dropdownConfig_setValue #-}
dropdown_change :: Lens' (Dropdown t k) (Event t k)
dropdown_change f (Dropdown x1 x2) = (\y -> Dropdown x1 y) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE dropdown_change #-}
dropdown_value :: Lens' (Dropdown t k) (Dynamic t k)
dropdown_value f (Dropdown x1 x2) = (\y -> Dropdown y x2) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE dropdown_value #-}
checkboxConfig_attributes :: Lens' (CheckboxConfig t) (Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
checkboxConfig_attributes f (CheckboxConfig x1 x2) = (\y -> CheckboxConfig x1 y) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE checkboxConfig_attributes #-}
checkboxConfig_setValue :: Lens' (CheckboxConfig t) (Event t Bool)
checkboxConfig_setValue f (CheckboxConfig x1 x2) = (\y -> CheckboxConfig y x2) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE checkboxConfig_setValue #-}
checkbox_change :: Lens' (Checkbox t) (Event t Bool)
checkbox_change f (Checkbox x1 x2) = (\y -> Checkbox x1 y) <$> f x2
{-# INLINE checkbox_change #-}
checkbox_value :: Lens' (Checkbox t) (Dynamic t Bool)
checkbox_value f (Checkbox x1 x2) = (\y -> Checkbox y x2) <$> f x1
{-# INLINE checkbox_value #-}

instance HasAttributes (TextAreaConfig t) where
  type Attrs (TextAreaConfig t) = Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
  attributes = textAreaConfig_attributes

instance HasAttributes (TextInputConfig t) where
  type Attrs (TextInputConfig t) = Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
  attributes = textInputConfig_attributes

instance HasAttributes (RangeInputConfig t) where
  type Attrs (RangeInputConfig t) = Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
  attributes = rangeInputConfig_attributes

instance HasAttributes (DropdownConfig t k) where
  type Attrs (DropdownConfig t k) = Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
  attributes = dropdownConfig_attributes

instance HasAttributes (CheckboxConfig t) where
  type Attrs (CheckboxConfig t) = Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
  attributes = checkboxConfig_attributes

instance HasAttributes (FileInputConfig t) where
  type Attrs (FileInputConfig t) = Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
  attributes = fileInputConfig_attributes

instance HasSetValue (TextAreaConfig t) where
  type SetValue (TextAreaConfig t) = Event t Text
  setValue = textAreaConfig_setValue

instance HasSetValue (TextInputConfig t) where
  type SetValue (TextInputConfig t) = Event t Text
  setValue = textInputConfig_setValue

instance HasSetValue (RangeInputConfig t) where
  type SetValue (RangeInputConfig t) = Event t Float
  setValue = rangeInputConfig_setValue

instance HasSetValue (DropdownConfig t k) where
  type SetValue (DropdownConfig t k) = Event t k
  setValue = dropdownConfig_setValue

instance HasSetValue (CheckboxConfig t) where
  type SetValue (CheckboxConfig t) = Event t Bool
  setValue = checkboxConfig_setValue

class HasValue a where
  type Value a :: *
  value :: a -> Value a

instance HasValue (InputElement er d t) where
  type Value (InputElement er d t) = Dynamic t Text
  value = _inputElement_value

instance HasValue (TextAreaElement er d t) where
  type Value (TextAreaElement er d t) = Dynamic t Text
  value = _textAreaElement_value

instance HasValue (TextArea t) where
  type Value (TextArea t) = Dynamic t Text
  value = _textArea_value

instance HasValue (TextInput t) where
  type Value (TextInput t) = Dynamic t Text
  value = _textInput_value

instance HasValue (RangeInput t) where
  type Value (RangeInput t) = Dynamic t Float
  value = _rangeInput_value

instance HasValue (FileInput d t) where
  type Value (FileInput d t) = Dynamic t [File]
  value = _fileInput_value

instance HasValue (Dropdown t k) where
  type Value (Dropdown t k) = Dynamic t k
  value = _dropdown_value

instance HasValue (Checkbox t) where
  type Value (Checkbox t) = Dynamic t Bool
  value = _checkbox_value