Module: Reflex.Vty.Widget.Layout
Description: Monad transformer and tools for arranging widgets and building screen layouts
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Reflex.Vty.Widget.Layout
  (  Orientation(..)
  , Constraint(..)
  , Layout
  , runLayout
  , TileConfig(..)
  , tile
  , fixed
  , stretch
  , col
  , row
  , tabNavigation
  , askOrientation
  ) where

import Control.Monad.NodeId (NodeId, MonadNodeId(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Bimap (Bimap)
import qualified Data.Bimap as Bimap
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid hiding (First(..))
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.Semigroup (First(..))
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V

import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class (MonadReflexCreateTrigger)
import Reflex.Vty.Widget

-- | The main-axis orientation of a 'Layout' widget
data Orientation = Orientation_Column
                 | Orientation_Row
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

data LayoutSegment = LayoutSegment
  { _layoutSegment_offset :: Int
  , _layoutSegment_size :: Int

data LayoutCtx t = LayoutCtx
  { _layoutCtx_regions :: Dynamic t (Map NodeId LayoutSegment)
  , _layoutCtx_focusDemux :: Demux t (Maybe NodeId)
  , _layoutCtx_orientation :: Dynamic t Orientation

-- | The Layout monad transformer keeps track of the configuration (e.g., 'Orientation') and
-- 'Constraint's of its child widgets, apportions vty real estate to each, and acts as a
-- switchboard for focus requests. See 'tile' and 'runLayout'.
newtype Layout t m a = Layout
  { unLayout :: EventWriterT t (First NodeId)
      (DynamicWriterT t (Endo [(NodeId, (Bool, Constraint))])
        (ReaderT (LayoutCtx t)
          (VtyWidget t m))) a
  } deriving
    ( Functor
    , Applicative
    , Monad
    , MonadHold t
    , MonadSample t
    , MonadFix
    , TriggerEvent t
    , PerformEvent t
    , NotReady t
    , MonadReflexCreateTrigger t
    , HasDisplaySize t
    , MonadNodeId

instance MonadTrans (Layout t) where
  lift x = Layout $ lift $ lift $ lift $ lift x

instance (Adjustable t m, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m) => Adjustable t (Layout t m) where
  runWithReplace (Layout a) e = Layout $ runWithReplace a $ fmap unLayout e
  traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust f m e = Layout $ traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unLayout $ f k v) m e
  traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust f m e = Layout $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unLayout $ f k v) m e
  traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove f m e = Layout $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove (\k v -> unLayout $ f k v) m e

-- | Run a 'Layout' action
  :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, Monad m, MonadNodeId m)
  => Dynamic t Orientation -- ^ The main-axis 'Orientation' of this 'Layout'
  -> Int -- ^ The positional index of the initially focused tile
  -> Event t Int -- ^ An event that shifts focus by a given number of tiles
  -> Layout t m a -- ^ The 'Layout' widget
  -> VtyWidget t m a
runLayout ddir focus0 focusShift (Layout child) = do
  dw <- displayWidth
  dh <- displayHeight
  let main = ffor3 ddir dw dh $ \d w h -> case d of
        Orientation_Column -> h
        Orientation_Row -> w
  pb <- getPostBuild
  rec ((a, focusReq), queriesEndo) <- runReaderT (runDynamicWriterT $ runEventWriterT child) $ LayoutCtx solutionMap focusDemux ddir
      let queries = flip appEndo [] <$> queriesEndo
          solution = ffor2 main queries $ \sz qs -> Map.fromList
            . Map.elems
            . computeEdges
            . computeSizes sz
            . fmap (fmap snd)
            . Map.fromList
            . zip [0::Integer ..]
            $ qs
          solutionMap = ffor solution $ \ss -> ffor ss $ \(offset, sz) -> LayoutSegment
            { _layoutSegment_offset = offset
            , _layoutSegment_size = sz
          focusable = fmap (Bimap.fromList . zip [0..]) $
            ffor queries $ \qs -> fforMaybe qs $ \(nodeId, (f, _)) ->
              if f then Just nodeId else Nothing
            :: (Bimap Int NodeId, (Int, Maybe NodeId))
            -> Either Int NodeId
            -> (Int, Maybe NodeId)
          adjustFocus (fm, (cur, _)) (Left shift) =
            let ix = (cur + shift) `mod` (max 1 $ Bimap.size fm)
            in (ix, Bimap.lookup ix fm)
          adjustFocus (fm, (cur, _)) (Right goto) =
            let ix = fromMaybe cur $ Bimap.lookupR goto fm
            in (ix, Just goto)
          focusChange = attachWith
            (current $ (,) <$> focusable <*> focussed)
            $ leftmost [Left <$> focusShift, Left 0 <$ pb, Right . getFirst <$> focusReq]
      -- A pair (Int, Maybe NodeId) which represents the index
      -- that we're trying to focus, and the node that actually gets
      -- focused (at that index) if it exists
      focussed <- holdDyn (focus0, Nothing) focusChange
      let focusDemux = demux $ snd <$> focussed
  return a

-- | Tiles are the basic building blocks of 'Layout' widgets. Each tile has a constraint
-- on its size and ability to grow and on whether it can be focused. It also allows its child
-- widget to request focus.
  :: (Reflex t, Monad m, MonadNodeId m)
  => TileConfig t -- ^ The tile's configuration
  -> VtyWidget t m (Event t x, a) -- ^ A child widget. The 'Event' that it returns is used to request that it be focused.
  -> Layout t m a
tile (TileConfig con focusable) child = do
  nodeId <- getNextNodeId
  Layout $ tellDyn $ ffor2 con focusable $ \c f -> Endo ((nodeId, (f, c)):)
  seg <- Layout $ asks $
    fmap (Map.findWithDefault (LayoutSegment 0 0) nodeId) . _layoutCtx_regions
  dw <- displayWidth
  dh <- displayHeight
  o <- askOrientation
  let cross = join $ ffor o $ \case
        Orientation_Column -> dw
        Orientation_Row -> dh
  let reg = DynRegion
        { _dynRegion_top = ffor2 seg o $ \s -> \case
            Orientation_Column -> _layoutSegment_offset s
            Orientation_Row -> 0
        , _dynRegion_left = ffor2 seg o $ \s -> \case
            Orientation_Column -> 0
            Orientation_Row -> _layoutSegment_offset s
        , _dynRegion_width = ffor3 seg cross o $ \s c -> \case
            Orientation_Column -> c
            Orientation_Row -> _layoutSegment_size s
        , _dynRegion_height = ffor3 seg cross o $ \s c -> \case
            Orientation_Column -> _layoutSegment_size s
            Orientation_Row -> c
  focussed <- Layout $ asks _layoutCtx_focusDemux
  (focusReq, a) <- Layout $ lift $ lift $ lift $
    pane reg (demuxed focussed $ Just nodeId) $ child
  Layout $ tellEvent $ First nodeId <$ focusReq
  return a

-- | Configuration options for and constraints on 'tile'
data TileConfig t = TileConfig
  { _tileConfig_constraint :: Dynamic t Constraint
    -- ^ 'Constraint' on the tile's size
  , _tileConfig_focusable :: Dynamic t Bool
    -- ^ Whether the tile is focusable       data TileConfig t = TileConfig

instance Reflex t => Default (TileConfig t) where
  def = TileConfig (pure $ Constraint_Min 0) (pure True)

-- | A 'tile' of a fixed size that is focusable and gains focus on click
  :: (Reflex t, Monad m, MonadNodeId m)
  => Dynamic t Int
  -> VtyWidget t m a
  -> Layout t m a
fixed sz = tile (def { _tileConfig_constraint =  Constraint_Fixed <$> sz }) . clickable

-- | A 'tile' that can stretch (i.e., has no fixed size) and has a minimum size of 0.
-- This tile is focusable and gains focus on click.
  :: (Reflex t, Monad m, MonadNodeId m)
  => VtyWidget t m a
  -> Layout t m a
stretch = tile def . clickable

-- | A version of 'runLayout' that arranges tiles in a column and uses 'tabNavigation' to
-- change tile focus.
  :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, MonadNodeId m)
  => Layout t m a
  -> VtyWidget t m a
col child = do
  nav <- tabNavigation
  runLayout (pure Orientation_Column) 0 nav child

-- | A version of 'runLayout' that arranges tiles in a row and uses 'tabNavigation' to
-- change tile focus.
  :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, MonadNodeId m)
  => Layout t m a
  -> VtyWidget t m a
row child = do
  nav <- tabNavigation
  runLayout (pure Orientation_Row) 0 nav child

-- | Produces an 'Event' that navigates forward one tile when the Tab key is pressed
-- and backward one tile when Shift+Tab is pressed.
tabNavigation :: (Reflex t, Monad m) => VtyWidget t m (Event t Int)
tabNavigation = do
  fwd <- fmap (const 1) <$> key (V.KChar '\t')
  back <- fmap (const (-1)) <$> key V.KBackTab
  return $ leftmost [fwd, back]

-- | Captures the click event in a 'VtyWidget' context and returns it. Useful for
-- requesting focus when using 'tile'.
  :: (Reflex t, Monad m)
  => VtyWidget t m a
  -> VtyWidget t m (Event t (), a)
clickable child = do
  click <- mouseDown V.BLeft
  a <- child
  return (() <$ click, a)

-- | Retrieve the current orientation of a 'Layout'
askOrientation :: Monad m => Layout t m (Dynamic t Orientation)
askOrientation = Layout $ asks _layoutCtx_orientation

-- | Datatype representing constraints on a widget's size along the main axis (see 'Orientation')
data Constraint = Constraint_Fixed Int
                | Constraint_Min Int
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

-- | Compute the size of each widget "@k@" based on the total set of 'Constraint's
  :: Ord k
  => Int
  -> Map k (a, Constraint)
  -> Map k (a, Int)
computeSizes available constraints =
  let minTotal = sum $ ffor (Map.elems constraints) $ \case
        (_, Constraint_Fixed n) -> n
        (_, Constraint_Min n) -> n
      leftover = max 0 (available - minTotal)
      numStretch = Map.size $ Map.filter (isMin . snd) constraints
      szStretch = floor $ leftover % (max numStretch 1)
      adjustment = max 0 $ available - minTotal - szStretch * numStretch
  in snd $ Map.mapAccum (\adj (a, c) -> case c of
      Constraint_Fixed n -> (adj, (a, n))
      Constraint_Min n -> (0, (a, n + szStretch + adj))) adjustment constraints
    isMin (Constraint_Min _) = True
    isMin _ = False

computeEdges :: (Ord k) => Map k (a, Int) -> Map k (a, (Int, Int))
computeEdges = fst . Map.foldlWithKey' (\(m, offset) k (a, sz) ->
  (Map.insert k (a, (offset, sz)) m, sz + offset)) (Map.empty, 0)