	Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward


	* A data-type, which represents the permissible range of instances, of the underlying polymorphic datum.

	* Designed for use in a polymorphic /regex/-engine, which specifies patterns composed of repeated /greedy/ & /non-greedy/ sequences of /Meta/-data;

 >		*	+	?	{fewest, most}	{fewest,}	{fewest}
 >		*?	+?	??	{fewest, most}?	{fewest,}?

	* In the context of /regex/es, this concept is known as /Quantification/.

	* /regex/es evolved from the minimal ability to optionally qualify the datum with a <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleene_star> suffix.
	More exotic repetition-specifications could be composed by concatenating these atomic building-blocks.
	Here, I've taken the contrary top-down view, & assumed that all data are qualified by a full 'RepetitionBounds', which in most cases will degenerate into a simpler form.

	* The type of entity which is being repeated, isn't the domain of this data-type; it's polymorphic.

module RegExDot.Repeatable(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
-- ** Data-types
-- * Constants
--	nonGreedyToken,
-- * Functions
--	precisely,
-- ** Accessors
-- ** Mutators
--	setNonGreedy,
-- ** Operators
-- ** Predicates
) where

import                  Control.Arrow((***))
import qualified        Control.DeepSeq
import qualified        Data.List
import qualified        RegExDot.Consumer               as Consumer
import qualified        RegExDot.ConsumptionProfile     as ConsumptionProfile
import qualified        Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec   as Parsec
import                  Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec((<?>))
import qualified        ToolShed.Data.Pair
import qualified        ToolShed.SelfValidate

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import  Control.Applicative((<$>), (<*>))

infix 6 ^#->#, ^#->#?, ^#->, ^#->?, ^#  -- A notch tighter than "DSL"s binary operators.

-- | A number of repetitions.
type Repetitions        = Int

-- | Defines the bounds of a range of permissible repetitions.
type RepetitionBounds   = (Repetitions, Maybe Repetitions)

-- | Creates a precise 'RepetitionBounds', i.e. both lower & upper bounds on the number of 'Repetitions' are equal to the same value.
precisely :: Repetitions -> RepetitionBounds
precisely i     = (i, Just i)

-- | Predicate which is 'True' if exactly one value is permissible, ie lower & upper bounds on the number of 'Repetitions' are identical.
hasPreciseBounds :: RepetitionBounds -> Bool
hasPreciseBounds (fewest, most) = Just fewest == most

-- | Declares a polymorphic data-type, which augments the underlying 'base' datum, with the range of times it may be used.
data Repeatable a       = MkRepeatable {
        base                    :: a,                   -- ^ The underlying polymorphic datum.
        repetitionBounds        :: RepetitionBounds,    -- ^ The bounds delimiting the range of permissible repetitions, of 'base'.
        isGreedy                :: Bool                 -- ^ Whether to demand as many matching instances of 'base' as possible; or as few (AKA /lazy quantification/).
} deriving Eq

instance Functor Repeatable     where
        fmap f repeatable       = repeatable { base = f $ base repeatable }

-- | True if there's no choice in the number of repetitions; implemented via 'isPrecise'.
isPrecise :: Repeatable a -> Bool
isPrecise       = hasPreciseBounds . repetitionBounds

-- | Builds a parser for a specification of the number of permissible instances of the specified polymorphic parameter.
repeatableParser :: a -> Parsec.Parser (Repeatable a)
repeatableParser b      = Parsec.option (
        one b   -- The default; there's no concept of greediness here.
 ) $ do
        repeatable      <- Parsec.choice [
                (Parsec.char oneOrMoreToken <?> "Repeatable.oneOrMoreToken " ++ show oneOrMoreToken)    >> return {-to ParsecT-monad-} (oneOrMore b),
                (Parsec.char zeroOrOneToken <?> "Repeatable.zeroOrOneToken " ++ show zeroOrOneToken)    >> return {-to ParsecT-monad-} (zeroOrOne b),
                (Parsec.char zeroOrMoreToken <?> "Repeatable.zeroOrMoreToken " ++ show zeroOrMoreToken) >> return {-to ParsecT-monad-} (zeroOrMore b),
                (b ^#->#) {-arbitrarily greedy for now-} <$> uncurry Parsec.between (ToolShed.Data.Pair.mirror Parsec.char rangeDelimiters) (
                                fewest  <- Parsec.spaces >> (read <$> Parsec.many1 Parsec.digit <?> "Repetition-range minimum")
                                most    <- Parsec.spaces >> Parsec.option (
                                        Just fewest     -- The default.
                                 ) (
                                                i       <- (
                                                        Parsec.char rangeSeparatorToken                 <?> "Repeatable.rangeSeparatorToken " ++ show rangeSeparatorToken
                                                 ) >> Parsec.spaces >> Parsec.option Nothing {-default to open-ended range-} (
                                                        Just . read <$> Parsec.many1 Parsec.digit       <?> "Repetition-range maximum"

                                                Parsec.spaces >> return {-to ParsecT-monad-} i

                                return {-to ParsecT-monad-} (fewest, most)
                ) <?> "Repeatable.rangeDelimiters " ++ show rangeDelimiters

        g       <- Parsec.option True {-the default-} $ (Parsec.char nonGreedyToken <?> "Repeatable.nonGreedyToken " ++ show nonGreedyToken) >> return {-to ParsecT-monad-} False

        return {-to ParsecT-monad-} repeatable { isGreedy = g } -- Correct prior assumption.

instance Read a => Read (Repeatable a)  where
        readsPrec _ s   = case reads s {-first, read the base-type-} of
                [(base', s1)]   -> (error . ("readsPrec Repeatable:\tparse-error; " ++) . show) `either` return $ Parsec.parse ((,) <$> repeatableParser base' <*> Parsec.getInput) "Repeatable" s1
                _               -> []   -- No parse.

{- |
	* A 'ShowS'-function for the suffix, denoting the permissible repetitions, of 'base'.

	* This function converts the internal, into the tradition /greedy/ & /non-greedy/ quantifiers of various specific varieties.
showSuffix :: Repeatable a -> ShowS
showSuffix repeatable   = let
        showRange :: ShowS -> ShowS
        showRange x     = (\(begin, end) -> begin . x . end) $ ToolShed.Data.Pair.mirror showChar rangeDelimiters
 in (
        case repetitionBounds repeatable of
                (0, Nothing)            -> showChar zeroOrMoreToken
                (1, Nothing)            -> showChar oneOrMoreToken
                (fewest, Nothing)       -> showRange $ shows fewest . showChar rangeSeparatorToken
                (0, Just 1)             -> showChar zeroOrOneToken
                (1, Just 1)             -> id   -- CAVEAT: since there's no explicit repetition-operator, the non-greedy modifier can't be appended.
                (fewest, Just most)     -> showRange $ if fewest == most
                        then shows fewest       -- Single-valued range.
                        else shows fewest . showChar rangeSeparatorToken . shows most
 ) . if ($ repeatable) `any` [isGreedy, isPrecise] {-without a range of possibilities, non-greediness is irrelevant-}
        then id
        else showChar nonGreedyToken    -- This can only be appended, if there a previous repetition-operator for it to modify.

-- Replicate the syntax, for repetition, as used in a POSIX-standard /regex/.
instance Show a => Show (Repeatable a)  where
        showsPrec _ repeatable  = shows (base repeatable) . showSuffix repeatable

instance Consumer.Consumer a => Consumer.Consumer (Repeatable a)        where
        consumptionProfile MkRepeatable {
                base                    = b,
                repetitionBounds        = (fewest, most)
        } = baseConsumptionProfile {
                ConsumptionProfile.consumptionBounds    = (fewest *) *** ((*) <$> most <*>) $ ConsumptionProfile.consumptionBounds baseConsumptionProfile       -- CAVEAT: special cases exist, where one or both halves of this calculation degenerate to a simpler form, but special treatment, in an attempt to improve performance, proved counterproductive.
        } where
                baseConsumptionProfile :: ConsumptionProfile.ConsumptionProfile
                baseConsumptionProfile  = Consumer.consumptionProfile b

        starHeight MkRepeatable {
                base                    = b,
                repetitionBounds        = r
        } = Consumer.starHeight b + if hasPreciseBounds r then 0 else 1

instance ToolShed.SelfValidate.SelfValidator a => ToolShed.SelfValidate.SelfValidator (Repeatable a)    where
        getErrors MkRepeatable {
                base                    = b,
                repetitionBounds        = (fewest, most),
                isGreedy                = g
                | not $ ToolShed.SelfValidate.isValid b = ToolShed.SelfValidate.getErrors b     -- Delegate.
                | otherwise                             = ToolShed.SelfValidate.extractErrors [
                        (fewest < 0, "Negative fewest=" ++ show fewest ++ "."),
                                case most of
                                        Just m  -> m < fewest
                                        _       -> False,
                                "Invalid repetition-range; '" ++ show (fewest, most) ++ "'."
                        ), (
                                not g && case most of
                                        Just m  -> fewest >= m  -- There ought to be potential for non-greediness, where specified: the converse isn't true, since greediness isn't explicit, & may not have been wanted.
                                        _       -> False,
                                "Invalid non-greedy repetition-range; '" ++ show (fewest, most) ++ "'."

instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData a => Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Repeatable a)      where
        rnf MkRepeatable {
                base                    = b,
                repetitionBounds        = r,
                isGreedy                = g
        } = Control.DeepSeq.rnf (b, r, g)

-- | Mutator.
setNonGreedy :: Repeatable a -> Repeatable a
setNonGreedy r  = r { isGreedy = False }

{- |
	* Construct a greedy 'Repeatable', from a polymorphic datum, with the specified range of permissible instances.

	* The /#/s in the identifier represent the two bounds.

	* /a{f, m}/
        :: a                    -- ^ The polymorphic payload from which to construct the 'Repeatable'.
        -> RepetitionBounds     -- ^ The permissible repetition-bounds for the polymorphic data.
        -> Repeatable a
b ^#-># bounds  = MkRepeatable {
        base                    = b,
        repetitionBounds        = bounds,
        isGreedy                = True

{- |
	* Construct a non-greedy version of '^#->#'.

	* /a{f, m}?/
        :: a                    -- ^ The polymorphic payload from which to construct the 'Repeatable'.
        -> RepetitionBounds     -- ^ The permissible repetition-bounds for the polymorphic data.
        -> Repeatable a
b ^#->#? bounds = setNonGreedy (b ^#-># bounds)

{- |
	* Construct a greedy 'Repeatable', tailored for data repeated at least the specified number of times.

	* The /#/ in the identifier represents the single bound.

	* /a{f,}/
        :: a            -- ^ The polymorphic payload from which to construct the 'Repeatable'.
        -> Repetitions  -- ^ The minimum permissible repetitions of the polymorphic data.
        -> Repeatable a
b ^#-> fewest   = b ^#-># (fewest, Nothing)

{- |
	* Construct a non-greedy version of '^#->'.

	* /a{f,}?/
        :: a            -- ^ The polymorphic payload from which to construct the 'Repeatable'.
        -> Repetitions  -- ^ The minimum permissible repetitions of the polymorphic data.
        -> Repeatable a
b ^#->? fewest  = setNonGreedy (b ^#-> fewest)

{- |
	* Construct a 'Repeatable', tailored for data repeated a precise number of times.

	* The /#/ in the identifier represents the single bound.

	* /a{f}/
        :: a            -- ^ The polymorphic payload from which to construct the 'Repeatable'.
        -> Repetitions  -- ^ The precise number of repetitions of the polymorphic data which is required.
        -> Repeatable a
b ^# r  = b ^#-># precisely r

{- |
	* Construct a 'Repeatable', tailored for unrepeated data.

	* A degenerate case of '^#'.
one :: a -> Repeatable a
one     = (^# 1)

{- |
	* Construct a greedy 'Repeatable', from a polymorphic datum, with 'fewest' == 0 & 'most' == 1.

	* A specific case of '^#->#'.
zeroOrOne :: a -> Repeatable a
zeroOrOne       = (^#-># (0, Just 1))

-- | Construct a non-greedy version of 'zeroOrOne'.
zeroOrOne' :: a -> Repeatable a
zeroOrOne'      = setNonGreedy . zeroOrOne

{- |
	* Construct a greedy 'Repeatable', from a polymorphic datum, with 'fewest' == 0.

	* A specific case of '^#->'.
zeroOrMore :: a -> Repeatable a
zeroOrMore      = (^#-> 0)

-- | Construct a non-greedy version of 'zeroOrMore'.
zeroOrMore' :: a -> Repeatable a
zeroOrMore'     = setNonGreedy . zeroOrMore

{- |
	* Construct a greedy 'Repeatable', from a polymorphic datum, with lower 'RepetitionBounds' == one.

	* A specific case of '^#->'.
oneOrMore :: a -> Repeatable a
oneOrMore       = (^#-> 1)

-- | Construct a non-greedy version of 'oneOrMore'.
oneOrMore' :: a -> Repeatable a
oneOrMore'      = setNonGreedy . oneOrMore

-- | Reduces a 'Repeatable', with a range of 'RepetitionBounds', to a precise number of repetitions.
focus :: Repeatable a -> Repetitions -> Repeatable a
focus r i       = r { repetitionBounds = precisely i }

{- |
	* Reduces a 'Repeatable', with a range of 'RepetitionBounds', to a singleton.

	* A degenerate case of 'focus'.
toSingleton :: Repeatable a -> Repeatable a
toSingleton     = (`focus` 1)

-- | Accessor.
getFewest :: Repeatable a -> Repetitions
getFewest MkRepeatable { repetitionBounds = (f, _) }    = f

-- | Accessor.
getMost :: Repeatable a -> Maybe Repetitions
getMost MkRepeatable { repetitionBounds = (_, m) }      = m

-- | The token used to denote /non-greedy/, when in the 'String'-form.
nonGreedyToken :: Char
nonGreedyToken  = '?'

{- |
	* The token used to denote 'zeroOrMore', when in the 'String'-form.

	* AKA /Kleene Star/.
zeroOrMoreToken :: Char
zeroOrMoreToken = '*'

-- | The token used to denote 'zeroOrOne', when in the 'String'-form.
zeroOrOneToken :: Char
zeroOrOneToken  = '?'

-- | The token used to denote 'oneOrMore', when in the 'String'-form.
oneOrMoreToken :: Char
oneOrMoreToken  = '+'

-- | The delimiters of '^#->#', when in the 'String'-form.
rangeDelimiters :: (Char, Char)
rangeDelimiters = ('{', '}')

-- | The token used to separate 'RepetitionBounds', when in the 'String'-form.
rangeSeparatorToken :: Char
rangeSeparatorToken     = ','

-- | The set of 'Char' to which a specific meaning is attributed, when reading from 'String'.
tokens :: String
tokens  = Data.List.nub [nonGreedyToken, zeroOrMoreToken, zeroOrOneToken, oneOrMoreToken, fst rangeDelimiters, snd rangeDelimiters, rangeSeparatorToken]