{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language PolyKinds #-}
{-# language QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}

module Rel8.Generic.Rel8able
  ( KRel8able, Rel8able
  , Algebra
  , GRep
  , GColumns, gfromColumns, gtoColumns
  , GFromExprs, gfromResult, gtoResult
  , TSerialize, serialize, deserialize

-- base
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Data.Type.Bool ( type (&&) )
import GHC.Generics ( Generic, Rep, from, to )
import Prelude

-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.FCF ( Exp, Eval )
import Rel8.Generic.Record ( Record(..) )
import Rel8.Generic.Table ( GAlgebra )
import qualified Rel8.Generic.Table.Record as G
import qualified Rel8.Kind.Algebra as K ( Algebra(..) )
import Rel8.Kind.Context ( SContext(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.Field ( Field )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable ( HTable )
import qualified Rel8.Schema.Kind as K
import Rel8.Schema.Name ( Name )
import Rel8.Schema.Result ( Result )
import Rel8.Table
  ( Table, Columns, Context, fromColumns, toColumns
  , FromExprs, fromResult, toResult
  , Transpose
  , TTable, TColumns
import Rel8.Table.Transpose ( Transposes )

-- | The kind of 'Rel8able' types
type KRel8able :: Type
type KRel8able = K.Rel8able

-- This is almost 'Data.Type.Equality.==', but we add an extra case.
type (==) :: k -> k -> Bool
type family a == b where
  -- This extra case is needed to solve the equation "a == a" (where a is a
  -- KRel8able), which occurs when we have polymorphic Rel8ables
  -- (e.g., newtype T t f = T { x :: t a })
  (a :: KRel8able) == (a :: KRel8able) = 'True

  -- This extra case is needed to solve the equation "a == Identity a", 
  -- which occurs when we have polymorphic Rel8ables 
  -- (e.g., newtype T a f = T { x :: Column f a })
  a == Identity a = 'False
  -- These cases are exactly the same as those in 'Data.Type.Equality.==.
  f a == g b = f == g && a == b
  a == a = 'True
  _ == _ = 'False

type Serialize :: Bool -> Type -> Type -> Constraint
class transposition ~ (a == Transpose Result expr) =>
  Serialize transposition expr a
  serialize :: a -> Columns expr Result
  deserialize :: Columns expr Result -> a

  ( (a == Transpose Result expr) ~ 'True
  , Transposes Expr Result expr a
  => Serialize 'True expr a
  serialize :: a -> Columns expr Result
serialize = forall (context :: Context) a.
Table context a =>
a -> Columns a context
  deserialize :: Columns expr Result -> a
deserialize = forall (context :: Context) a.
Table context a =>
Columns a context -> a

  ( (a == Transpose Result expr) ~ 'False
  , Table (Context expr) expr
  , FromExprs expr ~ a
  => Serialize 'False expr a
  serialize :: a -> Columns expr Result
serialize = forall (context :: Context) a.
Table context a =>
FromExprs a -> Columns a Result
toResult @_ @expr
  deserialize :: Columns expr Result -> a
deserialize = forall (context :: Context) a.
Table context a =>
Columns a Result -> FromExprs a
fromResult @_ @expr

data TSerialize :: Type -> Type -> Exp Constraint
type instance Eval (TSerialize expr a) =
  Serialize (a == Transpose Result expr) expr a

-- | This type class allows you to define custom 'Table's using higher-kinded
-- data types. Higher-kinded data types are data types of the pattern:
-- @
-- data MyType f =
--   MyType { field1 :: Column f T1 OR HK1 f
--          , field2 :: Column f T2 OR HK2 f
--          , ...
--          , fieldN :: Column f Tn OR HKn f
--          }
-- @
-- where @Tn@ is any Haskell type, and @HKn@ is any higher-kinded type.
-- That is, higher-kinded data are records where all fields in the record are
-- all either of the type @Column f T@ (for any @T@), or are themselves
-- higher-kinded data:
-- [Nested]
-- @
-- data Nested f =
--   Nested { nested1 :: MyType f
--          , nested2 :: MyType f
--          }
-- @
-- The @Rel8able@ type class is used to give us a special mapping operation
-- that lets us change the type parameter @f@.
-- [Supplying @Rel8able@ instances]
-- This type class should be derived generically for all table types in your
-- project. To do this, enable the @DeriveAnyClass@ and @DeriveGeneric@ language
-- extensions:
-- @
-- \{\-\# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-\}
-- data MyType f = MyType { fieldA :: Column f T }
--   deriving ( GHC.Generics.Generic, Rel8able )
-- @
type Rel8able :: K.Rel8able -> Constraint
class HTable (GColumns t) => Rel8able t where
  type GColumns t :: K.HTable
  type GFromExprs t :: Type

  gfromColumns :: SContext context -> GColumns t context -> t context
  gtoColumns :: SContext context -> t context -> GColumns t context

  gfromResult :: GColumns t Result -> GFromExprs t
  gtoResult :: GFromExprs t -> GColumns t Result

  type GColumns t = G.GColumns TColumns (GRep t Expr)
  type GFromExprs t = t Result

  default gfromColumns :: forall context.
    ( SRel8able t Aggregate
    , SRel8able t Expr
    , forall table. SRel8able t (Field table)
    , SRel8able t Name
    , SSerialize t
    => SContext context -> GColumns t context -> t context
  gfromColumns = \case
    SContext context
SAggregate -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
GColumns t context -> t context
    SContext context
SExpr -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
GColumns t context -> t context
    SContext context
SField -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
GColumns t context -> t context
    SContext context
SName -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
GColumns t context -> t context
    SContext context
SResult -> forall (t :: HTable). SSerialize t => GColumns t Result -> t Result

  default gtoColumns :: forall context.
    ( SRel8able t Aggregate
    , SRel8able t Expr
    , forall table. SRel8able t (Field table)
    , SRel8able t Name
    , SSerialize t
    => SContext context -> t context -> GColumns t context
  gtoColumns = \case
    SContext context
SAggregate -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
t context -> GColumns t context
    SContext context
SExpr -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
t context -> GColumns t context
    SContext context
SField -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
t context -> GColumns t context
    SContext context
SName -> forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
t context -> GColumns t context
    SContext context
SResult -> forall (t :: HTable). SSerialize t => t Result -> GColumns t Result

  default gfromResult :: (SSerialize t, GFromExprs t ~ t Result)
    => GColumns t Result -> GFromExprs t
  gfromResult = forall (t :: HTable). SSerialize t => GColumns t Result -> t Result

  default gtoResult :: (SSerialize t, GFromExprs t ~ t Result)
    => GFromExprs t -> GColumns t Result
  gtoResult = forall (t :: HTable). SSerialize t => t Result -> GColumns t Result

type Algebra :: K.Rel8able -> K.Algebra
type Algebra t = GAlgebra (GRep t Expr)

type GRep :: K.Rel8able -> K.Context -> Type -> Type
type GRep t context = Rep (Record (t context))

type SRel8able :: K.Rel8able -> K.Context -> Constraint
  ( Generic (Record (t context))
  , G.GTable (TTable context) TColumns (GRep t context)
  , G.GColumns TColumns (GRep t context) ~ GColumns t
  => SRel8able t context
  ( Generic (Record (t context))
  , G.GTable (TTable context) TColumns (GRep t context)
  , G.GColumns TColumns (GRep t context) ~ GColumns t
  => SRel8able t context

type SSerialize :: K.Rel8able -> Constraint
type SSerialize t =
  ( Generic (Record (t Result))
  , G.GSerialize TSerialize TColumns (GRep t Expr) (GRep t Result)
  , G.GColumns TColumns (GRep t Expr) ~ GColumns t

sfromColumns :: forall t context. SRel8able t context
  => GColumns t context -> t context
sfromColumns :: forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
GColumns t context -> t context
sfromColumns =
  forall a. Record a -> a
unrecord forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall a x. Generic a => Rep a x -> a
to forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall (_Table :: * -> Exp Constraint)
       (_Columns :: * -> Exp HTable) (rep :: Context) (context :: Context)
GTable _Table _Columns rep =>
(forall a. Eval (_Table a) => Eval (_Columns a) context -> a)
-> GColumns _Columns rep context -> rep x
G.gfromColumns @(TTable context) @TColumns forall (context :: Context) a.
Table context a =>
Columns a context -> a

stoColumns :: forall t context. SRel8able t context
  => t context -> GColumns t context
stoColumns :: forall (t :: HTable) (context :: Context).
SRel8able t context =>
t context -> GColumns t context
stoColumns =
  forall (_Table :: * -> Exp Constraint)
       (_Columns :: * -> Exp HTable) (rep :: Context) (context :: Context)
GTable _Table _Columns rep =>
(forall a. Eval (_Table a) => a -> Eval (_Columns a) context)
-> rep x -> GColumns _Columns rep context
G.gtoColumns @(TTable context) @TColumns forall (context :: Context) a.
Table context a =>
a -> Columns a context
toColumns forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall a x. Generic a => a -> Rep a x
from forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall a. a -> Record a

sfromResult :: forall t. SSerialize t
  => GColumns t Result -> t Result
sfromResult :: forall (t :: HTable). SSerialize t => GColumns t Result -> t Result
sfromResult =
  forall a. Record a -> a
unrecord forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall a x. Generic a => Rep a x -> a
to forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall (_Serialize :: * -> * -> Exp Constraint)
       (_Columns :: * -> Exp HTable) (exprs :: Context) (rep :: Context)
       (context :: Context) x.
GSerialize _Serialize _Columns exprs rep =>
(forall expr a (proxy :: Context).
 Eval (_Serialize expr a) =>
 proxy expr -> Eval (_Columns expr) context -> a)
-> GColumns _Columns exprs context -> rep x
    @(GRep t Expr)
    @(GRep t Result)
    (\(proxy expr
_ :: proxy x) -> forall (transposition :: Bool) expr a.
Serialize transposition expr a =>
Columns expr Result -> a
deserialize @_ @x)

stoResult :: forall t. SSerialize t
  => t Result -> GColumns t Result
stoResult :: forall (t :: HTable). SSerialize t => t Result -> GColumns t Result
stoResult =
  forall (_Serialize :: * -> * -> Exp Constraint)
       (_Columns :: * -> Exp HTable) (exprs :: Context) (rep :: Context)
       (context :: Context) x.
GSerialize _Serialize _Columns exprs rep =>
(forall expr a (proxy :: Context).
 Eval (_Serialize expr a) =>
 proxy expr -> a -> Eval (_Columns expr) context)
-> rep x -> GColumns _Columns exprs context
    @(GRep t Expr)
    @(GRep t Result)
    (\(proxy expr
_ :: proxy x) -> forall (transposition :: Bool) expr a.
Serialize transposition expr a =>
a -> Columns expr Result
serialize @_ @x) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall a x. Generic a => a -> Rep a x
from forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  forall a. a -> Record a