module Export.Generic where

import Ast
import Text.PrettyPrint

isIntegral :: Double -> Bool
isIntegral x = x == fromInteger (round x)

pointsDoc :: Double -> Doc
pointsDoc v | isInfinite v = empty
pointsDoc v | isNaN v = empty
pointsDoc v | isIntegral v = integer (round v)
pointsDoc v = double v

lookupProperty :: String -> Judgement -> Maybe Doc
lookupProperty name (Judgement (_, properties, _, _)) =
  case (lookup name (map (\(Property (n,v)) -> (n,v)) properties)) of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just(value) -> pure $ formatPropertyExp value
lookupProperty _ _ = Nothing -- Bonus does not have properties

formatPropertyExp :: PropertyExp -> Doc
formatPropertyExp (Lookup (index, name)) =
  brackets $ int index <> text "." <> text name
formatPropertyExp (Value value) = text value
formatPropertyExp (Num value) = pointsDoc value

unify :: Judgement -> Judgement -> Maybe Judgement
  (Judgement (lh, _, lcs, []))
  (Judgement (rh, rps, rcs, _))
        | lh == rh && lcs == rcs = do
    pure $ Judgement (lh, rps, lcs, [])
  (Judgement (lh, _, lcs, ljs))
  (Judgement (rh, rps, rcs, rjs))
        | lh == rh && lcs == rcs = do
    newJs <- mapM (uncurry unify) (zip ljs rjs)
    pure $ Judgement (lh, rps, lcs, newJs)
unify (Bonus l) (Bonus r) | l == r =
    pure $ (Bonus l)
unify _ _ = Nothing

summary :: Word -> Judgement -> Judgement
summary _ (Bonus (p, _)) =
  (Bonus (p, []))
summary 0 (Judgement (h, _, _, _)) =
  Judgement (h, [], [], [])
summary depth (Judgement (h, _, _, js)) =
  Judgement (h, [], [], map (summary $ depth - 1) js)