repo-based-blog-0.0.1: Blogging module using blaze html for markup

Safe HaskellNone







The blog configuration is essentially done by setting the fields of the BlogConfig data type. A basic configuration can be created with the function createDefaultBlogConfig that only takes the absolutely necessary parameters.

data BlogConfig m Source

Basic configuration of the blog. The m type variable is just a context in which the functions can operate on. It can be as simple as the Identity functor but also more complex to play nice with libraries such as boomerang (which provides type-safe URLs). These functions are usually called in an IO context and hence the context can be some IO type as well.




baseURL :: m Text

The base URL of the website such as

entryRenderer :: BlogConfig m -> [(Entry, Html)] -> m Html

This field describes how the content of a blog entry is being rendered. The Html content is the blog content rendered with the pandoc library. You can take a look at the implementation of the the module RBB.Templates.Default on how to define this function.

timeFormatter :: UTCTime -> Text

Function that converts time entries to printable Text.

entryPath :: FilePath

Path to the repository that contains the blog entries.

The path may as well point to a directory within a repository.

updateInterval :: Integer

Interval in minutes at which the entry repository should be queried for new content. Will default to 10 for entries smaller than 1.

createDefaultBlogConfig :: Monad m => FilePath -> BlogConfig mSource

Given the path to the blog entries, create a BlogConfig value that can be used as an overrideable template with most fields using default values.



To use the blog in an web application, you have to create an abstact Blog value via the withBlog function and pass it to functions that need access to it because they call blog related functions.


 myBlogConfig = createDefaultBlogConfig

 main = withBlog myBlogConfig $ \blog -> do
     putStrLn "Replace this with your web application code."

data Blog m Source

A value of this type contains all the data needed for the blog module to operate.

getBlogConfig :: (Functor io, MonadIO io) => Blog m -> io (Maybe (BlogConfig m))Source

Retrieve the BlogConfig from the Blog value. Due to the resuorce managmeent that the Blog data type encapsulates, this function only works inside an IO monad.

withBlog :: BlogConfig m -> (Blog m -> IO ()) -> IO ()Source

Create a Blog object by providing a BlogConfig value. This function also starts threads which will handle the resource management with some configurable settings that can be defined in the BlogConfig.



:: (Functor io, MonadIO io, Monad m) 
=> Blog m

Blog configuration

-> EntryQuery

Sorting order of the entries

-> Maybe (IxSet Entry -> IxSet Entry)

Query function

-> io (m Html) 

Retrieve an IxSet of blog Entry values. If

XMonad style usage

You can also define an xmonad-like configuration for your blog. If the few functions from this module do not give you a basic idea on how to use this library, a trivial example will not suffice. The following example will contain two modules and for the sake of this example, I will assume that the configuration is in ~/.config/repo-based-blog.

The first file is repo-based-blog.hs. It will containt the markup and a minimal happstack server example. The blog will be present at

 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 import Web.RBB

 import Query

 import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), optional)
 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
 import Data.Text                   (Text, unpack)
 import Happstack.Server
 import Data.Maybe
 import qualified Data.IxSet as IxSet
 import System.Directory
 import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A hiding (dir, start, id)
 import Happstack.Server (Conf (port), notFound, nullConf, toResponse, simpleHTTP)

 siteTemplate :: (Monad m, Functor m)
              => [Html] -- ^ Additional Headers
              -> [Html] -- ^ Body content
              -> m Html
 siteTemplate hs bodyContent = return $ do
         html $ do
             H.head $ do
                 meta ! httpEquiv "Content-Type"
                      ! content "text/html;charset=utf-8"
                 meta ! content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"
                      ! name "viewport"
                 link ! rel "stylesheet" ! type_ "text/css"
                      ! href "resources/default.css"
                 sequence_ hs
             H.body $ do
                 topNavigationBar [ ("Blog", Just "?")
                                  , ("Github", Just "")
                 sequence_ bodyContent

 topNavigationBar :: [(Html, Maybe String)] -> Html
 topNavigationBar [] = return ()
 topNavigationBar xs =
     H.div ! class_ "horiz-nav" $
         H.nav ! A.class_ "horiz-nav" $
             ul ! class_ "horiz-nav" $
                 forM_ xs $ \(t, ml) ->
                     case ml of
                         Just l -> li $ a ! href (toValue l) $ t
                         _ -> li t

 serveBlog :: Blog (ServerPartT IO)
           -> ServerPartT IO Response
 serveBlog blog = do
     qd <- parseQueryRqData
     mId <- join . fmap readMaybe <$> optional (look "id")
     let qfun = fmap (IxSet.getEQ . Index) mId
     entries <- join $ blogEntries blog qd qfun
     blogMarkup <- siteTemplate hs [entries]
     ok . toResponse $ blogMarkup -- happstack specific
     hs = [ H.title "Saeptain's log" ]

 myBlogConfig :: BlogConfig (ServerPartT IO)
 myBlogConfig =
     let cfg = createDefaultBlogConfig "/home/saep/git/myblog"
     in cfg { baseURL = return "" }

 main :: IO ()
 main = rbb $ withBlog myBlogConfig $ \b -> do
     liftIO $ simpleHTTP (nullConf { port = 8000 }) $ msum
         [ dir "resources" $ serveDirectory DisableBrowsing [] "/home/saep/git/blog/resources"
         , serveBlog b
         , notFound $ toResponse ()

The Query module, which you will be missing apart from the obvious missing libraries is located in lib/Query.hs

 module Query where

 import Happstack.Server (look, HasRqData, ServerPartT)
 import Web.RBB.Blog.Query
 import Control.Applicative
 import Data.Maybe

 readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
 readMaybe x = case reads x of
     [(v,_)] -> Just v
     _ -> Nothing

 -- | 'look' at the request data of the given name and try to parse it via
 -- 'readMaybe'. If the parse failed or the request data did not exist, return
 -- the provided default.
 maybeLookAndRead :: (Monad m, Read a, Alternative m, HasRqData m)
                  => a -> String -> m a
 maybeLookAndRead a qry = do
     l <- optional $ look qry
     return $ fromMaybe a (maybe (Just a) readMaybe l)

 -- | Parse the supported request data and present it in a data type.
 parseQueryRqData :: ServerPartT IO EntryQuery
 parseQueryRqData = EntryQuery
     <$> (sortMethodToComparator
         <$> maybeLookAndRead Update "sortBy"
         <*> maybeLookAndRead Descending "sortOrder")

rbb :: IO () -> IO ()Source

This function wrapping is needed to let the dyre library detect changes to the configuration and recompile everything. Simply define your main in ~/.config/repo-based-blog/rbb.hs as follows:


 main = rbb $ do
     putStrLn "Hello, World!"

Entry querying


data Entry Source

Metadata for a blog entry.

Unique Entry identifier. It you do not mess with the repositories history, this should be the same across restarts.

Title of the Entry.

Author of the Entry.

These newtype wrappers are used by the IxSet of Entry values and needed for search queries.

 queryEntryForIdentifier :: Ixset Entry -> Maybe Entry
 queryEntryForIdentifier set = getOne $ set @= Index 42

newtype Title Source

Newtype for Text




getTitle :: Text

newtype Tags Source

Newtype for Set Text




getTags :: Set Text

newtype Index Source

Newtype for Integer




getIndex :: Integer


data FileType Source

Enumeration that contains all supported file type extensions for blog entries.

def :: Default a => a

The default value for this type.