{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Rib.Document
  ( -- * Document type

    -- * Document properties

import Control.Monad.Except hiding (fail)
import Data.Aeson
import Development.Shake.FilePath ((-<.>))
import Lucid (Html)
import Named
import Path hiding ((-<.>))
import Rib.Markup
import qualified Text.Show

-- | A document written in a lightweight markup language (LML)
-- The type variable `repr` indicates the representation type of the Markup
-- parser to be used.
data Document repr meta
  = Document
      { -- | Path to the document; relative to the source directory.
        _document_path :: Path Rel File,
        -- | Parsed representation of the document.
        _document_val :: repr,
        -- | HTML rendering of the parsed representation.
        _document_html :: Html (),
        -- | The parsed metadata.
        _document_meta :: meta
  deriving (Generic, Show)

documentPath :: Document repr meta -> Path Rel File
documentPath = _document_path

documentVal :: Document repr meta -> repr
documentVal = _document_val

documentHtml :: Document repr meta -> Html ()
documentHtml = _document_html

documentMeta :: Document repr meta -> meta
documentMeta = _document_meta

-- | Return the URL for the given @.html@ file under serve directory
-- File path must be relative to the serve directory.
-- You may also pass source paths as long as they map directly to destination
-- path except for file extension.
documentUrl :: Document repr meta -> Text
documentUrl doc = toText $ toFilePath ([absdir|/|] </> (documentPath doc)) -<.> ".html"

data DocumentError
  = DocumentError_MarkupError Text
  | DocumentError_MetadataMissing
  | DocumentError_MetadataMalformed Text

instance Show DocumentError where
  show = \case
    DocumentError_MarkupError e -> toString e
    DocumentError_MetadataMissing -> "Metadata missing"
    DocumentError_MetadataMalformed msg -> "Bad metadata JSON: " <> toString msg

-- | Parse, render to HTML and extract metadata from the given file.
-- Return the Document type containing converted values.
mkDocumentFrom ::
  forall m b repr meta.
  (MonadError DocumentError m, MonadIO m, Markup repr, FromJSON meta) =>
  -- | File path, used only to identify (not access) the document
  "relpath" :! Path Rel File ->
  -- | Actual file path, for access and reading
  "path" :! Path b File ->
  m (Document repr meta)
mkDocumentFrom k@(arg #relpath -> k') f = do
  v <-
    liftEither . first DocumentError_MarkupError
      =<< readDoc k f
  html <-
    liftEither . first DocumentError_MarkupError $
      renderDoc v
  metaValue <-
    liftEither . (first DocumentError_MetadataMalformed)
      =<< maybeToEither DocumentError_MetadataMissing (extractMeta v)
  meta <-
    liftEither . first (DocumentError_MetadataMalformed . toText) $
      resultToEither (fromJSON metaValue)
  pure $ Document k' v html meta
    maybeToEither e = liftEither . maybeToRight e
    resultToEither = \case
      Error e -> Left e
      Success v -> Right v