{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- | RON model types
module RON.Types
  ( Atom (..),
    ClosedOp (..),
    ObjectRef (..),
    ObjectFrame (..),
    Op (..),
    OpTerm (..),
    StateChunk (..),
    UUID (..),
    WireChunk (..),
    WireReducedChunk (..),
    WireStateChunk (..),

    -- * Op patterns
    OpPattern (..),
    pattern AckP,
    pattern AnnotationDerivedP,
    pattern AnnotationP,
    pattern CreateP,
    pattern DeleteP,
    pattern RegularP,
    pattern UndeleteP,

import Data.Typeable (typeRep)
import RON.Prelude
import RON.UUID (UUID (UUID), uuidVersion)
import qualified RON.UUID as UUID
import RON.Util.Word (Word2, pattern B00, pattern B10, pattern B11)
import Text.Show (showParen, showString, showsPrec)
import qualified Text.Show

-- | Atom — a payload element
data Atom = AFloat Double | AInteger Int64 | AString Text | AUuid UUID
  deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Show)

-- | Closed op
data ClosedOp
  = ClosedOp
      { -- | type
        reducerId :: UUID,
        -- | object id
        objectId :: UUID,
        -- | other keys and payload, that are common with reduced op
        op :: Op
  deriving (Data, Eq, Generic)

type Payload = [Atom]

-- | Open op (operation)
data Op
  = Op
      { -- | event id (usually timestamp)
        opId :: UUID,
        -- | reference to other op; actual semantics depends on the type
        refId :: UUID,
        -- | payload
        payload :: Payload
  deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Hashable, Show)

instance Show ClosedOp where
  show ClosedOp {reducerId, objectId, op = Op {opId, refId, payload}} =
      [ "ClosedOp",
        insert '*' $ show reducerId,
        insert '#' $ show objectId,
        insert '@' $ show opId,
        insert ':' $ show refId,
        show payload
      insert k = \case
        [] -> [k]
        c : cs -> c : k : cs

-- | Common reduced chunk
data WireReducedChunk
  = WireReducedChunk
      { wrcHeader :: ClosedOp,
        wrcBody :: [Op]
  deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show)

-- | Common chunk
data WireChunk
  = Closed ClosedOp
  | Value WireReducedChunk
  | Query WireReducedChunk
  deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show)

-- | Common frame
type WireFrame = [WireChunk]

-- | Op terminator
data OpTerm = TClosed | TReduced | THeader | TQuery
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Reduced chunk representing an object state (i. e. high-level value)
data WireStateChunk
  = WireStateChunk
      { stateType :: UUID,
        stateBody :: [Op]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Type-tagged version of 'WireStateChunk'
newtype StateChunk a = StateChunk [Op]

-- | Frame containing only state chunks.
-- Must contain one main object and any number of other objects that are part of
-- the main one.
type StateFrame = Map UUID WireStateChunk

-- | Reference to an object
newtype ObjectRef a = ObjectRef UUID
  deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable)
  deriving stock (Generic)

instance Typeable a => Show (ObjectRef a) where
  showsPrec a (ObjectRef b) =
    showParen (a >= 11) $
      showString "ObjectRef @"
        . showsPrec 11 (typeRep $ Proxy @a)
        . showString " "
        . showsPrec 11 b

-- | Object reference accompanied with a frame
data ObjectFrame a = ObjectFrame {uuid :: UUID, frame :: StateFrame}
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data OpPattern
  = Regular
  | Delete
  | Undelete
  | Create
  | Ack
  | Annotation
  | AnnotationDerived

pattern AnnotationP :: (Word2, Word2)
pattern AnnotationP = (B00, B10)

pattern AnnotationDerivedP :: (Word2, Word2)
pattern AnnotationDerivedP = (B00, B11)

pattern CreateP :: (Word2, Word2)
pattern CreateP = (B10, B00)

pattern RegularP :: (Word2, Word2)
pattern RegularP = (B10, B10)

pattern AckP :: (Word2, Word2)
pattern AckP = (B10, B11)

pattern DeleteP :: (Word2, Word2)
pattern DeleteP = (B11, B10)

pattern UndeleteP :: (Word2, Word2)
pattern UndeleteP = (B11, B11)

opPattern :: Op -> Maybe OpPattern
opPattern Op {opId, refId} =
  case mapBoth (uuidVersion . UUID.split) (opId, refId) of
    AnnotationP -> Just Annotation
    AnnotationDerivedP -> Just AnnotationDerived
    CreateP -> Just Create
    RegularP -> Just Regular
    AckP -> Just Ack
    DeleteP -> Just Delete
    UndeleteP -> Just Undelete
    _ -> Nothing

mapBoth :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
mapBoth f (x, y) = (f x, f y)