rsagl- The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library




rgb :: ImportColorCoordinates c => RSdouble -> RSdouble -> RSdouble -> cSource

Construct a color from an RGB triple in the range [0.0..1.0].

rgb256 :: (ImportColorCoordinates c, Integral i) => i -> i -> i -> cSource

Construct a color from an RGB triple in the range [0..255].

grayscale :: ImportColorCoordinates c => RSdouble -> cSource

Construct a gray color from a value in the range [0.0..1.0].

grayscale256 :: (Integral i, ImportColorCoordinates c) => i -> cSource

Construct a gray color from a value in the range [0..255].

zipRGB3 :: (RSdouble -> RSdouble -> RSdouble -> RSdouble) -> RGB -> RGB -> RGB -> RGBSource

A combining function on three RGB values.