{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
module Numeric.Decimal.Internal
  ( Decimal(..)
  , Round(..)
  , wrapDecimal
  , unwrapDecimal
  , splitDecimal
  , decimalNumerator
  , decimalDenominator
  , getScale
  , scaleUp
  , scaleUpBounded
  , castRounding
  , parseDecimalBounded
  -- * Decimal Arithmetic
  -- ** Integer
  , absDecimal
  , signumDecimal
  , plusDecimal
  , minusDecimal
  , timesDecimal
  , timesDecimalWithoutLoss
  , timesDecimalWithRounding
  , divideDecimalWithoutLoss
  , divideDecimalWithRounding

  , fromIntegerDecimal
  , fromRationalDecimalWithoutLoss
  , fromRationalDecimalWithRounding
  , toRationalDecimal
  -- ** Bounded Integral
  , absDecimalBounded
  , signumDecimalBounded
  , plusDecimalBounded
  , minusDecimalBounded
  , timesDecimalBounded
  , timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  , timesDecimalBoundedWithRounding

  , divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  , divideDecimalBoundedWithRounding

  , fromIntegralDecimalBounded
  , integralDecimalToDecimalBounded
  , quotRemDecimalBounded
  , fromIntegerDecimalBounded
  , fromIntegerDecimalBoundedIntegral
  , fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  , fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithRounding
  , bindM2Decimal
  , bindM2
  -- ** Evaluation failure
  , MonadThrow(..)
  , ArithException(..)
  , SomeException
  , arithD
  , arithMD
  , arithMaybeD
  , arithEitherD
  , arithRoundD
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Char
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Int
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Word
import Numeric.Decimal.BoundedArithmetic
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Text.Printf

-- | Decimal number with custom precision (@p@) and type level scaling (@s@) parameter (i.e. number
-- of digits after the decimal point). As well as the rounding (@r@) strategy to use.
newtype Decimal r (s :: Nat) p = Decimal p
  deriving (Ord, Eq, NFData, Functor, Generic)

instance Applicative (Decimal r s) where
  pure = Decimal
  {-# INLINABLE pure #-}
  (<*>) (Decimal f) (Decimal x) = Decimal (f x)
  {-# INLINABLE (<*>) #-}

-- | A way to type restrict a polymorphic computation.
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> arithRoundD @1 @RoundDown @2 @Word (123.05 + 1.1)
-- Arith 124.1
-- @since 0.2.0
arithRoundD ::
     forall s' r s p k. (Round r p, KnownNat k, s ~ (s' + k))
  => Arith (Decimal r s p)
  -> Arith (Decimal r s' p)
arithRoundD = fmap roundDecimal

-- | A way to type restrict a polymorphic computation.
-- `arithD` provide an easy way to use @TypeApplications@ to supply a type of Decimal:
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
-- >>> arithMD @RoundDown @3 @Word (1.1 + 123)
-- 124.100
-- >>> arithMD @RoundDown @3 @Word (1.1 - 123)
-- *** Exception: arithmetic underflow
-- @since 0.2.0
arithMD :: forall r s p m . MonadThrow m => Arith (Decimal r s p) -> m (Decimal r s p)
arithMD = arithM

-- | A way to type restrict a polymorphic computation.
-- `arithD` provide an easy way to use @TypeApplications@ to supply a type of Decimal:
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> arithM $ arithD @RoundDown @3 @Word (1.1 + 123)
-- 124.100
-- >>> arithM $ arithD @RoundDown @3 @Word (1.1 - 123)
-- *** Exception: arithmetic underflow
-- @since 0.2.0
arithD :: forall r s p . Arith (Decimal r s p) -> Arith (Decimal r s p)
arithD = id

-- | A version of `arithD` that converts to `Maybe`
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> arithMaybeD @RoundDown @3 @Word (1.1 + 123)
-- Just 124.100
-- >>> arithMaybeD @RoundDown @3 @Word (1.1 - 123)
-- Nothing
-- @since 0.2.0
arithMaybeD :: forall r s p . Arith (Decimal r s p) -> Maybe (Decimal r s p)
arithMaybeD = arithM

-- | A version of `arithD` that converts to `Either`
-- @since 0.2.0
arithEitherD :: forall r s p . Arith (Decimal r s p) -> Either SomeException (Decimal r s p)
arithEitherD = arithM

-- | Rounding strategy to be used with decimal numbers.
-- @since 0.1.0
class Integral p => Round r p where

  -- | Reduce the scale of a number by @k@ decimal places using rounding strategy @r@
  -- @since 0.1.0
  roundDecimal :: KnownNat k => Decimal r (n + k) p -> Decimal r n p

-- | Change the rounding strategy of a `Decimal`
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
-- >>> d <- arithMD @RoundHalfUp @3 @Int 123.45
-- >>> roundDecimal d :: Decimal RoundHalfUp 1 Int
-- 123.5
-- >>> :t castRounding @RoundDown d
-- castRounding @RoundDown d :: Decimal RoundDown 3 Int
-- >>> roundDecimal (castRounding d) :: Decimal RoundDown 1 Int
-- 123.4
-- @since 0.2.0
castRounding :: forall r' r s p . Decimal r s p -> Decimal r' s p
castRounding = coerce

-- | Exception thrown whenever operation cannot be performed withou loosing information
-- @since 0.2.0
data PrecisionLoss = PrecisionLoss !Rational !Integer
  deriving Eq

instance Show PrecisionLoss where
  show (PrecisionLoss r s) = "PrecisionLoss (" ++ show r ++ ") to " ++ show s ++ " decimal spaces"

instance Exception PrecisionLoss

-- | Get the scale of a `Decimal`. Argument is not evaluated.
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> d <- arithM (36 :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 5 Int))
-- >>> d
-- 36.00000
-- >>> getScale d
-- 5
-- @since 0.1.0
getScale :: forall r s p . KnownNat s => Decimal r s p -> Integer
getScale _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)

-- | Increase the precision of a `Decimal`, use `roundDecimal` if inverse is desired.
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> d2 <- arithM (1.65 :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Integer))
-- >>> d2
-- 1.65
-- >>> scaleUp d2 :: Decimal RoundHalfUp 50 Integer
-- 1.65000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-- @since 0.2.0
scaleUp ::
     forall k r n. KnownNat k
  => Decimal r n Integer
  -> Decimal r (n + k) Integer
scaleUp (Decimal d) = Decimal (d * (10 ^ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy k)))

-- | Increase the precision of a `Decimal` backed by a bounded type, use `roundDecimal` if
-- inverse is desired.
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> d2 <- arithM (1.65 :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int16))
-- >>> scaleUpBounded d2 :: IO (Decimal RoundHalfUp 3 Int16)
-- 1.650
-- >>> scaleUpBounded d2 :: IO (Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Int16)
-- 1.6500
-- >>> scaleUpBounded d2 :: IO (Decimal RoundHalfUp 5 Int16)
-- *** Exception: arithmetic overflow
-- @since 0.1.1
scaleUpBounded ::
     forall k r n p m. (MonadThrow m, Integral p, Bounded p, KnownNat k)
  => Decimal r n p
  -> m (Decimal r (n + k) p)
scaleUpBounded (Decimal d) = do
  i <- fromIntegerBounded (10 ^ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy k))
  Decimal <$> timesBounded d i

-- | Split the number at the decimal point, i.e. whole number and the fraction
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> splitDecimal <$> (12.34 :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int))
-- Arith (12,34)
-- @since 0.1.0
splitDecimal :: (Integral p, KnownNat s) => Decimal r s p -> (p, p)
splitDecimal d@(Decimal v) = v `quotRem` (10 ^ getScale d)

-- | Get the numerator. Same as @`toInteger` . `unwrapDecimal`@
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
-- >>> decimalNumerator <$> arithD @RoundHalfEven @3 @Int 123.45
-- Arith 123450
-- @since 0.2.0
decimalNumerator :: Integral p => Decimal r s p -> Integer
decimalNumerator (Decimal i) = toInteger i

-- | Get the decimal denominator. Always will be a multiple of @10@. Does not evaluate the
-- argument.
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
-- >>> decimalDenominator <$> arithD @RoundHalfEven @3 @Int 123.45
-- Arith 1000
-- @since 0.2.0
decimalDenominator :: KnownNat s => Decimal r s p -> Integer
decimalDenominator d = 10 ^ getScale d

-- | Wrap an `Integral` as a `Decimal`. No scaling will be done.
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> wrapDecimal 1234 :: Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Int
-- 0.1234
-- >>> wrapDecimal 1234 :: Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int
-- 12.34
-- @since 0.1.0
wrapDecimal :: Integral p => p -> Decimal r s p
wrapDecimal = Decimal

-- | Get out the underlying representation for the decimal number. No scaling will be done.
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> unwrapDecimal (wrapDecimal 1234 :: Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Int)
-- 1234
-- @since 0.1.0
unwrapDecimal :: Decimal r s p -> p
unwrapDecimal (Decimal p) = p

-- | Convert an `Integer` while performing the necessary scaling
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> fromIntegerDecimal 1234 :: Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Integer
-- 1234.0000
-- @since 0.2.0
fromIntegerDecimal :: forall r s . KnownNat s => Integer -> Decimal r s Integer
fromIntegerDecimal x = Decimal (x * (10 ^ s))
    s = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)
{-# INLINABLE fromIntegerDecimal #-}

-- | Convert a bounded integeral into a decimal, while performing the necessary scaling
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> fromIntegralDecimalBounded 1234 :: IO (Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Int)
-- 1234.0000
-- >>> fromIntegralDecimalBounded 1234 :: IO (Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Int16)
-- *** Exception: arithmetic overflow
-- @since 0.2.0
fromIntegralDecimalBounded ::
     (Integral p, Bounded p, KnownNat s, MonadThrow m) => p -> m (Decimal r s p)
fromIntegralDecimalBounded = fromIntegerDecimalBounded . fromIntegerDecimal . toInteger
{-# INLINABLE fromIntegralDecimalBounded #-}

-- | Convert a decimal backed by an integral to another decimal backed by a bounded
-- integeral, while checking for `Overflow`/`Underflow`
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> fromIntegralDecimalBounded 1234 :: IO (Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Int)
-- 1234.0000
-- >>> fromIntegralDecimalBounded 1234 :: IO (Decimal RoundHalfUp 4 Int16)
-- *** Exception: arithmetic overflow
-- @since 0.2.0
integralDecimalToDecimalBounded ::
     (Integral p', Integral p, Bounded p, KnownNat s, MonadThrow m)
  => Decimal r s p'
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
integralDecimalToDecimalBounded = fromIntegerDecimalBounded . fmap toInteger
{-# INLINABLE integralDecimalToDecimalBounded #-}

bindM2Decimal ::
     Monad m
  => (p1 -> p2 -> m p)
  -> m (Decimal r1 s1 p1)
  -> m (Decimal r2 s2 p2)
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
bindM2Decimal f dx dy = do
  Decimal x <- dx
  Decimal y <- dy
  Decimal <$> f x y
{-# INLINABLE bindM2Decimal #-}

bindM2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
bindM2 f mx my = do
  x <- mx
  y <- my
  f x y
{-# INLINABLE bindM2 #-}

instance Bounded p => Bounded (Decimal r s p) where
  minBound = Decimal minBound
  maxBound = Decimal maxBound

-- Integer instances --------------

instance (Round r Integer, KnownNat s) => Num (Decimal r s Integer) where
  (+) = plusDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = minusDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = timesDecimalWithRounding
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = signumDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = absDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fromIntegerDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Integer)) where
  (+) = liftA2 plusDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = liftA2 minusDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = fmap signumDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = fmap absDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = pure . fromIntegerDecimal
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Integer)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

-- Bounded Integral instances -----

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Int)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = (>>= absDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Int8)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = (>>= absDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Int16)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = (>>= absDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Int32)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = (>>= absDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Int64)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = (>>= absDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Word)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = id
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Word8)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = id
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Word16)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = id
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Word32)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = id
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Num (Arith (Decimal r s Word64)) where
  (+) = bindM2 plusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
  (-) = bindM2 minusDecimalBounded
  {-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
  (*) = bindM2 timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  signum = (>>= signumDecimalBounded)
  {-# INLINABLE signum #-}
  abs = id
  {-# INLINABLE abs #-}
  fromInteger = fmap Decimal . fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s)
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Int)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Int8)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Int16)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Int32)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational  =fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Int64)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Word)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Word8)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Word16)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Word32)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

instance (KnownNat s) => Fractional (Arith (Decimal r s Word64)) where
  (/) = bindM2 divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  fromRational = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss
  {-# INLINABLE fromRational #-}

-- | Add two decimal numbers backed by `Integer`.
-- @since 0.1.0
plusDecimal :: Decimal r s Integer -> Decimal r s Integer -> Decimal r s Integer
plusDecimal = liftA2 (+)
{-# INLINABLE plusDecimal #-}

-- | Subtract two decimal numbers backed by `Integer`.
-- @since 0.1.0
minusDecimal ::
     Decimal r s Integer -> Decimal r s Integer -> Decimal r s Integer
minusDecimal = liftA2 (-)
{-# INLINABLE minusDecimal #-}

-- divideDecimalWithoutLoss ::
--      (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s)
--   => Decimal r s Integer
--   -> Decimal r s Integer
--   -> m (Decimal r s Integer)
-- divideDecimalWithoutLoss (Decimal x) (Decimal y)
--   | y == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
--   | otherwise = fromRationalDecimalWithoutLoss (toInteger x % toInteger y)
-- {-# INLINABLE divideDecimalWithoutLoss #-}

-- divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss ::
--      (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s, Bounded p, Integral p)
--   => Decimal r s p
--   -> Decimal r s p
--   -> m (Decimal r s p)
-- divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss (Decimal x) (Decimal y)
--   | y == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
--   | otherwise = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss (toInteger x % toInteger y)
-- {-# INLINABLE divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss #-}

divideDecimalWithRounding ::
     (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s, Round r Integer)
  => Decimal r s Integer
  -> Decimal r s Integer
  -> m (Decimal r s Integer)
divideDecimalWithRounding (Decimal x) (Decimal y)
  | y == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
  | otherwise = fromRationalDecimalWithRounding (toInteger x % toInteger y)
{-# INLINABLE divideDecimalWithRounding #-}

divideDecimalBoundedWithRounding ::
     (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s, Round r Integer, Bounded p, Integral p)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
divideDecimalBoundedWithRounding (Decimal x) (Decimal y)
  | y == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
  | otherwise = fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithRounding (toInteger x % toInteger y)
{-# INLINABLE divideDecimalBoundedWithRounding #-}

quotRemDecimalBounded ::
     forall m r s p. (MonadThrow m, Integral p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> Integer
  -> m (Decimal r s p, Decimal r s p)
quotRemDecimalBounded (Decimal raw) i
  | i < toInteger (minBound :: p) = throwM Underflow
  | i > toInteger (maxBound :: p) = throwM Overflow
  | otherwise = do
      i' <- fromIntegerBounded i
      (q, r) <- quotRemBounded raw i'
      pure (Decimal q, Decimal r)
{-# INLINABLE quotRemDecimalBounded #-}

fromIntegerScaleBounded ::
     forall m a s. (MonadThrow m, Integral a, Bounded a, KnownNat s)
  => Proxy s
  -> Integer
  -> m a
fromIntegerScaleBounded px x = fromIntegerBounded xs
    xs = x * (10 ^ natVal px)
{-# INLINABLE fromIntegerScaleBounded #-}

fromIntegersScaleBounded ::
     forall m a s. (MonadThrow m, Integral a, Bounded a, KnownNat s)
  => Proxy s
  -> Integer
  -> Integer
  -> m a
fromIntegersScaleBounded ps x y = fromIntegerBounded xs
    xs = x * (10 ^ natVal ps) + y
{-# INLINABLE fromIntegersScaleBounded #-}

fromIntegerDecimalBoundedIntegral ::
     forall m r s p. (MonadThrow m, Integral p, Bounded p, KnownNat s)
  => Integer
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
fromIntegerDecimalBoundedIntegral x = Decimal <$> fromIntegerScaleBounded (Proxy :: Proxy s) x
{-# INLINABLE fromIntegerDecimalBoundedIntegral #-}

fromIntegerDecimalBounded ::
     forall m r s p. (MonadThrow m, Integral p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s Integer
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
fromIntegerDecimalBounded (Decimal x) = Decimal <$> fromIntegerBounded x
{-# INLINABLE fromIntegerDecimalBounded #-}

-- | Add two decimal numbers.
-- @since 0.1.0
plusDecimalBounded ::
     (MonadThrow m, Eq p, Ord p, Num p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
plusDecimalBounded (Decimal x) (Decimal y) = Decimal <$> plusBounded x y
{-# INLINABLE plusDecimalBounded #-}

-- | Subtract two decimal numbers.
-- @since 0.1.0
minusDecimalBounded ::
     (MonadThrow m, Eq p, Ord p, Num p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
minusDecimalBounded (Decimal x) (Decimal y) = Decimal <$> minusBounded x y
{-# INLINABLE minusDecimalBounded #-}

-- | Multiply two bounded decimal numbers, adjusting their scale at the type level as well.
-- @since 0.1.0
timesDecimalBounded ::
     (MonadThrow m, Integral p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s1 p
  -> Decimal r s2 p
  -> m (Decimal r (s1 + s2) p)
timesDecimalBounded (Decimal x) (Decimal y) = Decimal <$> timesBounded x y
{-# INLINABLE timesDecimalBounded #-}

-- | Multiply two bounded decimal numbers, adjusting their scale at the type level as well.
-- @since 0.1.0
timesDecimal ::
     Decimal r s1 Integer
  -> Decimal r s2 Integer
  -> Decimal r (s1 + s2) Integer
timesDecimal (Decimal x) (Decimal y) = Decimal (x * y)
{-# INLINABLE timesDecimal #-}

-- | Multiply two decimal numbers backed by `Integer`, while rounding the result according
-- to the rounding strategy.
-- @since 0.2.0
timesDecimalWithRounding ::
     (KnownNat s, Round r Integer)
  => Decimal r s Integer
  -> Decimal r s Integer
  -> Decimal r s Integer
timesDecimalWithRounding dx dy = roundDecimal $ timesDecimal dx dy
{-# INLINABLE timesDecimalWithRounding #-}

-- | Multiply two decimal numbers, while rounding the result according to the rounding strategy.
-- @since 0.2.0
timesDecimalBoundedWithRounding ::
     (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s, Round r Integer, Integral p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
timesDecimalBoundedWithRounding dx dy =
  fromIntegerDecimalBounded $ timesDecimalWithRounding (fmap toInteger dx) (fmap toInteger dy)
{-# INLINABLE timesDecimalBoundedWithRounding #-}

-- | Multiply two decimal numbers that have the same scale, while throwing `PrecisionLoss`
-- whenever multiplication cannot be done without rounding. Also checks for bounds and can
-- throw `Overflow`/`Underflow`.
-- @since 0.2.0
timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss ::
     forall r s p m. (Integral p, Bounded p, KnownNat s, MonadThrow m)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
timesDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss d1 (Decimal i2)
  | q /= toRational i =
    throwM $ PrecisionLoss (q * (1 % decimalDenominator d1)) $ getScale d1
  | otherwise = fromIntegerDecimalBounded $ Decimal i
    q = toRationalDecimal d1 * (toInteger i2 % 1)
    i = truncate q

-- | Multiply two decimal numbers that have the same scale, while throwing `PrecisionLoss`
-- whenever multiplication cannot be done without rounding.
-- @since 0.2.0
timesDecimalWithoutLoss ::
     forall r s m. (KnownNat s, MonadThrow m)
  => Decimal r s Integer
  -> Decimal r s Integer
  -> m (Decimal r s Integer)
timesDecimalWithoutLoss d1 (Decimal i2)
  | q /= toRational i =
    throwM $ PrecisionLoss (q * (1 % decimalDenominator d1)) $ getScale d1
  | otherwise = pure $ Decimal i
    q = toRationalDecimal d1 * (toInteger i2 % 1)
    i = truncate q

-- | Divide two decimal numbers that have the same scale, while throwing `PrecisionLoss`
-- whenever division cannot be done without rounding.
-- @since 0.2.0
divideDecimalWithoutLoss ::
     forall r s m. (KnownNat s, MonadThrow m)
  => Decimal r s Integer
  -> Decimal r s Integer
  -> m (Decimal r s Integer)
divideDecimalWithoutLoss d1 (Decimal i2)
  | i2 == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
  | q /= toRational i = throwM $ PrecisionLoss (q * (1 % decimalDenominator d1)) $ getScale d1
  | otherwise = pure $ Decimal i
    q = (decimalNumerator d1 * decimalDenominator d1) % toInteger i2
    i = truncate q

-- | Divide two decimal numbers that have the same scale, while throwing `PrecisionLoss`
-- whenever division cannot be done without rounding.
-- @since 0.2.0
divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss ::
     forall r s p m. (Integral p, Bounded p, KnownNat s, MonadThrow m)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
divideDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss d1 (Decimal i2)
  | i2 == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
  | q /= toRational i = throwM $ PrecisionLoss (q * (1 % decimalDenominator d1)) $ getScale d1
  | otherwise = fromIntegerDecimalBounded $ Decimal i
    q = (decimalNumerator d1 * decimalDenominator d1) % toInteger i2
    i = truncate q

toRationalDecimalInteger :: forall r s . KnownNat s => Decimal r s Integer -> Rational
toRationalDecimalInteger (Decimal p) = p % (10 ^ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))
{-# INLINABLE toRationalDecimalInteger #-}

-- | Convert a decimal to a Rational
-- @since 0.2.0
toRationalDecimal ::
     (KnownNat s, Integral p) => Decimal r s p -> Rational
toRationalDecimal d = toRationalDecimalInteger (toInteger <$> d)
{-# INLINABLE toRationalDecimal #-}

-- | Convert from `Rational` to a `Decimal` backed by `Integer`. `PrecisionLoss` will be
-- thrown if conversion cannot be achieved without any loss of data. In case that rounding
-- is acceptable use `fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithRounding`
-- @since 0.2.0
fromRationalDecimalWithoutLoss ::
     forall m r s. (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s)
  => Rational
  -> m (Decimal r s Integer)
fromRationalDecimalWithoutLoss rational
  | denominator rational == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
  | fromIntegral t /= scaledRat = throwM (PrecisionLoss rational s)
  | otherwise = pure truncated
    truncated@(Decimal t) = Decimal (truncate scaledRat) :: Decimal r s Integer
    scaledRat = rational * (d % 1)
    s = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)
    d = 10 ^ s
{-# INLINABLE fromRationalDecimalWithoutLoss #-}

-- | Convert a `Rational` to a bounded `Decimal`, but only if there is no precision loss
-- or `Overflow`/`Undeflow`.
-- @since 0.2.0
fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss ::
     (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s, Integral p, Bounded p)
  => Rational
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss r =
  fromRationalDecimalWithoutLoss r >>= fromIntegerDecimalBounded
{-# INLINABLE fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithoutLoss #-}

fromRationalDecimalWithRounding ::
     forall m r s . (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s, Round r Integer)
  => Rational
  -> m (Decimal r s Integer)
fromRationalDecimalWithRounding rational
  | denominator rational == 0 = throwM DivideByZero
  | otherwise =
    pure $ roundDecimal (Decimal (truncate scaledRat) :: Decimal r (s + 1) Integer)
    scaledRat = rational * (d % 1)
    d = 10 ^ (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy s) + 1)
{-# INLINABLE fromRationalDecimalWithRounding #-}

fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithRounding ::
     forall m r s p. (MonadThrow m, KnownNat s, Round r Integer, Bounded p, Integral p)
  => Rational
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithRounding =
  fromRationalDecimalWithRounding >=> fromIntegerDecimalBounded
{-# INLINABLE fromRationalDecimalBoundedWithRounding #-}

-- | Compute absolute value of a decimal
-- @since 0.2.0
absDecimal :: KnownNat s => Decimal r s Integer -> Decimal r s Integer
absDecimal (Decimal d) = Decimal (abs d)
{-# INLINABLE absDecimal #-}

-- | Compute signum of a decimal, always one of 1, 0 or -1
-- @since 0.2.0
signumDecimal :: KnownNat s => Decimal r s Integer -> Decimal r s Integer
signumDecimal (Decimal d) = fromIntegerDecimal (signum d)
{-# INLINABLE signumDecimal #-}

-- | Compute signum of a decimal, always one of 1, 0 or -1
signumDecimalBounded ::
     (KnownNat s, MonadThrow m, Integral p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
signumDecimalBounded d = fromIntegerDecimalBounded $ signumDecimal (toInteger <$> d)
{-# INLINABLE signumDecimalBounded #-}

-- | Compute absolute value of a bounded decimal. Protects against overflows for negative
-- `minBound`.
-- >>> abs (minBound :: Int8)
-- -128
-- >>> import Numeric.Decimal
-- >>> d <- arithM (fromRational (-1.28) :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int8))
-- >>> d
-- -1.28
-- >>> absDecimalBounded d :: Either SomeException (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int8)
-- Left arithmetic overflow
-- /Note/ - Watch out for order of negation
-- >>> -1.28 :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int8)
-- ArithError arithmetic overflow
-- >>> negate (1.28 :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int8))
-- ArithError arithmetic overflow
-- >>> :set -XNegativeLiterals
-- >>> -1.28 :: Arith (Decimal RoundHalfUp 2 Int8)
-- Arith -1.28
-- @since 0.2.0
absDecimalBounded ::
     (KnownNat s, MonadThrow m, Integral p, Bounded p)
  => Decimal r s p
  -> m (Decimal r s p)
absDecimalBounded = fmap Decimal . absBounded . coerce
{-# INLINABLE absDecimalBounded #-}

-- Showing ------------------------

instance (Integral p, KnownNat s) => Show (Decimal r s p) where
  show d@(Decimal a)
    | s == 0 = show $ toInteger a
    | r == 0 = printf ("%d." ++ replicate s '0') q
    | signum r < 0 && q == 0 = "-" ++ formatted
    | otherwise = formatted
      formatted = printf fmt q (abs r)
      s = fromInteger $ getScale d
      fmt = "%d.%0" ++ show s ++ "u"
      (q, r) = quotRem (toInteger a) (10 ^ s)

-- Parsing ------------------------

maxBoundCharsCount :: forall a . (Integral a, Bounded a) => Proxy a -> Int
maxBoundCharsCount _ = length (show (toInteger (maxBound :: a)))

minBoundCharsCount :: forall a . (Integral a, Bounded a) => Proxy a -> Int
minBoundCharsCount _ = length (show (toInteger (minBound :: a)))

parseDecimalBounded ::
     forall r s p. (KnownNat s, Bounded p, Integral p)
  => Bool
  -> String
  -> Either String (Decimal r s p)
parseDecimalBounded checkForPlusSign rawInput
  | not (null tooMuch) = Left "Input is too big for parsing as a bounded Decimal value"
  | otherwise = do
    (sign, signLeftOver) <- getSign input
    -- by now we conditionally extracted the sign (+/-)
    (num, leftOver) <- digits signLeftOver
    let s = fromIntegral (natVal spx) :: Int
    case uncons leftOver of
      Nothing -> toStringError (fromIntegerScaleBounded spx (sign * num))
      Just ('.', digitsTxt)
        | length digitsTxt > s -> Left $ "Too much text after the decimal: " ++ digitsTxt
      Just ('.', digitsTxt)
        | not (null digitsTxt) -> do
          (decimalDigits, extraTxt) <- digits (digitsTxt ++ replicate (s - length digitsTxt) '0')
          unless (null extraTxt) $ Left $ "Unrecognized digits: " ++ digitsTxt
          toStringError (fromIntegersScaleBounded spx (sign * num) (sign * decimalDigits))
      _ -> Left $ "Unrecognized left over text: " ++ leftOver
    spx = Proxy :: Proxy s
    toStringError =
        Left exc
          | Just Underflow <- fromException exc ->
            Left $ "Number is too small to be represented as decimal: " ++ input
        Left exc
          | Just Overflow <- fromException exc ->
            Left $ "Number is too big to be represented as decimal: " ++ input
        Left err -> Left $ "Unexpected error: " ++ displayException err
        Right val -> Right (Decimal val)
    maxChars =
      2 + max (maxBoundCharsCount (Proxy :: Proxy p)) (minBoundCharsCount (Proxy :: Proxy p))
    {-- ^ account for possible dot in the decimal and an extra preceding 0 -}
    (input, tooMuch) = splitAt maxChars rawInput
    getSign str =
      if (minBound :: p) >= 0
        then Right (1, str)
        else case uncons str of
               Nothing -> Left "Input String is empty"
               Just ('-', strLeftOver) -> Right (-1, strLeftOver)
               Just ('+', strLeftOver)
                 | checkForPlusSign -> Right (1, strLeftOver)
               _ -> Right (1, str)

digits :: Num a => String -> Either String (a, String)
digits str
  | null h = Left "Input does not start with a digit"
  | otherwise = Right (F.foldl' go 0 h, t)
    (h, t) = span isDigit str
    go n d = n * 10 + fromIntegral (digitToInt d)